For those who do not believe in science, do they believe in history

You took one for the team. Something you are not used to. Any vaccine can have negative effects. You are piling your bullshit on truthful science.
You are one big, loud mouth, bullshitter that makes stuff up to meet your narrative or your fear or both.
It is war against the virus. In other wars, many have taken bullets for us. The least we can do is take a couple shots and experience some discomfort and maybe more to win the war and not have multiple millions of lives lost that natural herd immunity would result in.
Grow a couple, bullshitter..

Herd immunity would have saved or prevented over half a million deaths,
Fauci estimated 2.4 million deaths based on the false assumption of a 2% death rate on 270 million people needing to become immune.
He was wrong because that death rate was based on the average of very elderly dying, and the fact the asymptomatic were not being counted as infected.
Those under 40 have 400 times less change of dying then those over 70, so you divid Fauci's 2.4 millon by 400, and you only get 6,000 deaths.
That would have ended it last March,
You simply do not know the science.
Herd imunity is what ends all epidemics, and none have killed anywhere near what we have already killed.
The high death rate is entirely from deliberately preventing herd immunity instead, and making the epidemic last longer.
There is no comparison between the 2.

The COVID vaccine is no more dangerous than the flu shot which has been around for more than 50 years

Flu does not initiate a deadly autoimmune attack, the cytokine storm,
Covid-19 does.
So the vaccine could as well.
In fact, since the vaccine only contains spike proteins instead of a real virus, it could easily cause an autoimmune response that would attack the spike proteins our own body makes, like exosomes.
These mRNA shots are NOTHING at all like a flu shot, in any way!
YEah that's great for the people who will die isn't it?

You do realize that you might be one of those, or your wife, kids, mother, grandmother etc don't you?

Of course if people volunteer for deliberate variolation, some are going to die.
But if we had done this last March, then the total of the dead would only have been about 6,000, instead of the 660,000 we killed.
Flu does not initiate a deadly autoimmune attack, the cytokine storm,
Covid-19 does.
So the vaccine could as well.
In fact, since the vaccine only contains spike proteins instead of a real virus, it could easily cause an autoimmune response that would attack the spike proteins our own body makes, like exosomes.
These mRNA shots are NOTHING at all like a flu shot, in any way!
How many of the over 2 billion vaccinated people in the world have died as a direct result of hte COVID vaccine?
Of course if people volunteer for deliberate variolation, some are going to die.
But if we had done this last March, then the total of the dead would only have been about 6,000, instead of the 660,000 we killed.
You have no way of knowing that.
Polio and Smallpox didn't mutate, they were static. Oppps

Polio: Mutated virus breaches vaccine protection​

Date:August 21, 2014Source:Universität BonnSummary:Thanks to effective vaccination, polio is considered nearly eradicated. Each year only a few hundred people are stricken worldwide. However, scientists are reporting alarming findings: a mutated virus that was able to resist the vaccine protection to a considerable extent was found in victims of an outbreak in the Congo in 2010. The pathogen could also potentially have infected many people in Germany.


Polio: Mutated virus breaches vaccine protection​

Date:August 21, 2014Source:Universität BonnSummary:Thanks to effective vaccination, polio is considered nearly eradicated. Each year only a few hundred people are stricken worldwide. However, scientists are reporting alarming findings: a mutated virus that was able to resist the vaccine protection to a considerable extent was found in victims of an outbreak in the Congo in 2010. The pathogen could also potentially have infected many people in Germany.

60 years later?
Herd immunity would have saved or prevented over half a million deaths,
Fauci estimated 2.4 million deaths based on the false assumption of a 2% death rate on 270 million people needing to become immune.
He was wrong because that death rate was based on the average of very elderly dying, and the fact the asymptomatic were not being counted as infected.
Those under 40 have 400 times less change of dying then those over 70, so you divid Fauci's 2.4 millon by 400, and you only get 6,000 deaths.
That would have ended it last March,
You simply do not know the science.
Herd imunity is what ends all epidemics, and none have killed anywhere near what we have already killed.
The high death rate is entirely from deliberately preventing herd immunity instead, and making the epidemic last longer.
You make things up. You are not living in the real world. You are a joke but a bad and dangerous joke.

How many of the over 2 billion vaccinated people in the world have died as a direct result of hte COVID vaccine?
The guy makes things up. He is nuts. But there are people out there who believe his bullshit and pass it on. He passes on lies that end up with people dying.
Flu does not initiate a deadly autoimmune attack, the cytokine storm,
Covid-19 does.
So the vaccine could as well.
In fact, since the vaccine only contains spike proteins instead of a real virus, it could easily cause an autoimmune response that would attack the spike proteins our own body makes, like exosomes.
These mRNA shots are NOTHING at all like a flu shot, in any way!
A person spreading lies like this nut case should be banned from social media. The virus of lying crazy people is as dangerous as COVID 19. These liars are killers. There lies result in many unneccessary deaths. COVID 19 and these lying crazy people are a threat to our country. Hopefully we can get rid of both.
How many of the over 2 billion vaccinated people in the world have died as a direct result of hte COVID vaccine?

Maybe all of them, eventually.

First of all, recognize the fact autoimmune diseases are now the biggest threat.
For example, the covid-19 coronavirus never killed anyone.
All the deaths are from an immune system over reaction, the cytokine storm, that macerates the lungs, essentially drowning the victim in their own immune system fluids.

Second is that if you remember how the corona spike works, it is mimicking the spike exosomes used to gain cell entry, with ACE2 receptors, then you will have to wonder what happens if these vaccines that only contain spike proteins, cause our own immune system to start attacking our own spike proteins?

We are over doing vaccines, and they are starting to kill us.
Its not just autism, but Lupus, arthritis, diabetes, HIV, and lots of other autoimmune diseases.

There was no reason to vaccinate for covid. It is not that deadly and if we had not kept it around so long, it would never have become endemic.
Now we do not know?
We may have allowed it to adapt to humans permanently now.

What we should have done instead, is end the epidemic as quickly as possible, with variolation, in the first month.
You have no way of knowing that.

YES we DO!
We know that the high covid death rate is almost all people over 70.
We do know that the death rate for those under 40 is 400 times lower than for those over 70.
We also know Fauci goofed with his 2% mortality rate because most of those infected did not even know it, were asymptomatic, so were not counted.
That cuts the mortality rate by at least half.
You make things up. You are not living in the real world. You are a joke but a bad and dangerous joke.

Nope, you are just plain wrong.
And if we let people do this again every time a little virus breaks out, that will be another half a million people you will have murdered in the US, for nothing.
There is nothing wrong with vaccines normally, good vaccines that have actual virus.
But you can't wait a year and a half for one to be developed. It won't be any good rushed like that anyway.
And you can save half a million lives through variolation instead.
The guy makes things up. He is nuts. But there are people out there who believe his bullshit and pass it on. He passes on lies that end up with people dying.

That is stupid.
How do you think all epidemic end?
It is not vaccine because they take over 6 years to develop normally, and only 200 years ago, there were no vaccines at all.
So did the human race go extinct before vaccines were invented, or is herd immunity a reasonable way to end most epidemics?
If only the vulnerable would die, then all you have to do is ensure the other who are not vulnerable, all deliberately get infected.
That can end an epidemic in 14 days.
A person spreading lies like this nut case should be banned from social media. The virus of lying crazy people is as dangerous as COVID 19. These liars are killers. There lies result in many unneccessary deaths. COVID 19 and these lying crazy people are a threat to our country. Hopefully we can get rid of both.

I notice you could not contradict one single thing.
History shows us vaccines are not the only answer.
Maybe all of them, eventually.

First of all, recognize the fact autoimmune diseases are now the biggest threat.
For example, the covid-19 coronavirus never killed anyone.
All the deaths are from an immune system over reaction, the cytokine storm, that macerates the lungs, essentially drowning the victim in their own immune system fluids.

Second is that if you remember how the corona spike works, it is mimicking the spike exosomes used to gain cell entry, with ACE2 receptors, then you will have to wonder what happens if these vaccines that only contain spike proteins, cause our own immune system to start attacking our own spike proteins?

We are over doing vaccines, and they are starting to kill us.
Its not just autism, but Lupus, arthritis, diabetes, HIV, and lots of other autoimmune diseases.

There was no reason to vaccinate for covid. It is not that deadly and if we had not kept it around so long, it would never have become endemic.
Now we do not know?
We may have allowed it to adapt to humans permanently now.

What we should have done instead, is end the epidemic as quickly as possible, with variolation, in the first month.
It's deadly enough.
YES we DO!
We know that the high covid death rate is almost all people over 70.
We do know that the death rate for those under 40 is 400 times lower than for those over 70.
We also know Fauci goofed with his 2% mortality rate because most of those infected did not even know it, were asymptomatic, so were not counted.
That cuts the mortality rate by at least half.
And yet people are stimuli dying from it and Delta is killing young people
It's deadly enough.

But the least deaths would have been if we had not "flattened the curve" and prevented herd immunity from ending it.
Instead if we had accelerated the initial spike a little, it would have been ended the first month.
We then could have had just 60,000 deaths and ended it, instead of making it stay 18 months and killing 660,000 people.
It is NOT very deadly at all on a monthly basis.
It is ONLY very deadly because we are preventing it from ending, allowing all the monthly deaths to keep adding up.
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And yet people are stimuli dying from it and Delta is killing young people

That is the point.
When you "flatten the curve", essentially you conserve easy hosts, which prevents it from ever ending.
If we had helped use up the easy hosts the first month, it would have quickly died out and been over with.

There are always 2 main strategies for any epidemic.
If it is very deadly, then you do full quarantine, masks, social distancing, end travel, etc. And it quickly ends.
If it is not very deadly, then you want to use variolation to accelerate the spread, and use up all the easy hosts. And it quickly ends.

What you do not want to do is mix and match, with masks to "flatten the curve", but not a full quarantine.
That just makes it last forever, killing the maximum number of people over time.
Variants are a product of giving the epidemic too much time.
If you are not doing full quarantine, then do NOT flatten the curve.
That is stupid.
How do you think all epidemic end?
It is not vaccine because they take over 6 years to develop normally, and only 200 years ago, there were no vaccines at all.
So did the human race go extinct before vaccines were invented, or is herd immunity a reasonable way to end most epidemics?
If only the vulnerable would die, then all you have to do is ensure the other who are not vulnerable, all deliberately get infected.
That can end an epidemic in 14 days.

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