For those who do not believe in science, do they believe in history

Your guy had four years to accomplish something within his term of office instead of postponing it until later.
CrusaderFrank- are you saying you will not get vaccinated and/or others should not get vaccinated because the Taliban are not vaccinated. That makes a lot of sense (if you are a fricking idiot)
For those who do not believe in science, do they believe in history. What do the uneducated need to hear before they do what is required to defeat a virus that is ravaging our country?
It is one thing when stupid people do stupid things that hurt them but now stupid peoples refusal to get vaccinated is resulting in hurting all including very innocent children. Too bad we do not have a vaccine that cures stupidity.

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That is the stupidest, most ignorant, propaganda I have even seen.
These epidemics popped up every 20 years or so, for hundreds of millions of years, and any vaccines are less than 200 years old.
With the Salk, it actually did not become available until 1957.
So according to this obvious lie, the human race died out and went extinct hundreds of millions of years ago because for hundreds of millions of year, humanoid primates did not have vaccines.

Obviously this is totally false, and smallpox and polio were routinely ended by herd immunity.
That is well known science as well as history.
Anyone who does not know that ALL epidemics have always only been ended by herd immunity, is just an idiot.
Sure vaccines are nice, but since good vaccines have never been made in less than 6 years, they have not once stopped an epidemic in progress.
What vaccines do instead is prevent the next epidemic from starting.
And even vaccines depend on herd immunity, since you can never vaccinate everyone.
The words of a coward. A stupid coward. The most vulnerable are the children 12 and under who cannot get vaccinated..
A coward like this asshole will not take any risk to help the children. DISGUSTING

That is ignorant.
Children under 12 most certainly CAN be given the mRNA vaccines for covid.
The CDC is NOT saying they can't be vaccinated.
What the CDC is saying instead, is that since those under 12 have such a strong natural resistance to covid-19, that the vaccine would not be helpful to them.
The mRNA vaccines would do more harm than good, to those under 12.
No, it didn't. It lasted around three years.

And WHY did Spanish flu last so long?
It is because we masked up and social distanced, the stupidest possible strategy, that prevents herd immunity and makes any epidemic last potentially forever.
Anyone who think "flattening the curve" does any possible good, has to be a total idiot.
And WHY did Spanish flu last so long?
It is because we masked up and social distanced, the stupidest possible strategy, that prevents herd immunity and makes any epidemic last potentially forever.
Anyone who think "flattening the curve" does any possible good, has to be a total idiot.
You are extremely stupid and a liar. Heroes die while cowards lie.


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Vaccines are great. Too bad they did not have time to come up with one for covid-19.
These mRNA fakes are really dangerous.

There is no vaccine cure or herd immunity cure for absolute dumbass stupidity. In fact dumbass stupidity can be contagious.
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Good point in how the Salk vaccine is real and works, unlike these fake mRNA vaccines that only contain a synthetic spike protein instead of a real virus.
You are extremely stupid and a liar. Heroes die while cowards lie.

Your post makes no sense, because the Mayo Clinic agrees with me.
It says herd immunity is what ends all epidemics.
There are 3 factors towards herd immunity.
They are inherent immunity, acquired or recovery immunity, and vaccine immunity.
Since these rushed mRNA vaccines are to bad and still took so long, we should have concentrated on the other 2 immunities to end it last March, and saved over half a million lives.
There is no vaccine cure or herd immunity cure for absolute dumbass stupidity. In fact dumbass stupidity can be contagious.

Why are you posting a link that says I am right and you are wrong?
Is that your way of apologizing?

And by the way, your source is very badly written.
It said:
Both mRNA and viral vector vaccines contain instructions that teach our cells how to create "spike proteins", which is the protein found on the surface of the virus that causes COVID-19. Once your cells produces COVID-19 spike proteins, your immune system recognizes that those proteins don’t belong in your body and creates antibodies to stop the virus from spreading and causing damage when you are exposed to it. Neither vaccine contains the virus that causes COVID-19.

The instructions in the mRNA vaccines are messenger RNA (mRNA), the genetic material that tells your cells how to make proteins. The mRNA is surrounded by tiny lipids (fatty molecules) which help mRNA enter directly into your cells. Once your cells create the spike proteins, your body breaks down the mRNA.

In viral vector vaccines, spike protein DNA is placed inside a modified version of a different virus that doesn’t cause illness. This non-harmful virus delivers the DNA instructions to your cells – this virus is called the vector.

And that is not at all how they work. It should be obvious to everyone, because there is absolutely no way for the vaccine mRNA to get into a cell, in order make spike proteins in your body. Nor would anyone ever want to risk doing that.
How it REALLY happens is that huge stem cells are injected with the mRNA instructions in a factory, with a micro syringe, and then the spike proteins they produce are harvested later. You would never put mRNA into a patient, as the results would be far too unpredictable. You could produce nothing or you could produce 1000 times an overdose.
They just want to avoid talking about the factory and stem cells because they come from abortions.
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Everybody knows vaccine enhanced herd immunity is better than natural immunity for this pathogen.

That is ridiculously backwards.
First of all, there is no way that any vaccine could ever produce immunity better than naturally acquired immunity from recover.
But in particular, the mRNA vaccines appear to be pretty much a washout, rapidly losing effectiveness to the point they will be useless in about a year.

All you need to do is look at the states with the highest and lowest percentages of fully vaccinated people then look at their 7 day positive COVID test results

Look at Alabama vs VT

VT 68% of the population fully vaccinated 7 day positivity rate 3-4.9%

AL 38% fully vaccinated 7 day positivity rate 20- 24.9 %

Yeah vaccines don't work.
not the 1 for the chinese flu---moron.....because it is NOT a 'vaccine'.....duh
Outspoken vaccine skeptic Phil Valentine died Saturday, a month after his COVID-19 diagnosis captured national attention.
It is sad that many anti-vaxers learn the truth the hard way. What is sadder is that their stupidity will result in other's dying.

you forgot to mention the deaths from the 'vaxxers'....or, are you just trying to comfort yourself?
you forgot to mention the deaths from the 'vaxxers'....or, are you just trying to comfort yourself?
What percentage of the 2 billion or so people that have received the vaccine have died from it?

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