For those who do not believe in science, do they believe in history

More relevant and recent history is Israel. That's being completely ignored by Covid policy makers. Lots of actual science is being ignored. The rabid fervor to get other people vaxxed is really strange.
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I actually belong to a community with a shitload of MDs and people who work for pharmaceutical companies.
They will not risk affecting am entire generation to prevent 1 death in 10,000.
That is an absolute lie. According to the AMA, 96% of doctors are vaccinated.
How can you create bold face lies and post them without having guilt that your lies could even end up with someone dying, unneccecarily.

“When the vaccinated have been proven to be the problem over and over in the NFL so far-especially within the bills- but the unvaccinated who don’t have covid are the ones getting punished?” Bush wrote on Twitter. “Somebody better fix this sh*t ASAP.” NFL Wife & Great American Rachel Bush Has Had It With NFL's Vaccination Rules
Forget what the doctors and scientisits say, let's listen to Rachel Bush, NFL wife and Great American.
Are you kidding me. You cannot be serious.
And more, plus a bonus of the information being ignored at the very same time.

During the first weeks of the vaccine rollout, West Virginia won gold stars from experts everywhere for its commendable vaccination rate which nearly doubled the national rate. Programs targeting the elderly and at-risk populations were going above and beyond the call of duty. And for younger populations in the state which suffers from poverty and rampant drug use, the vaccine incentives were particularly effective.

However, as vaccines became more readily available and the gentle nudges became all-out shoves, vaccine rates have leveled off. Currently, they stand at 46% of residents having received at least one dose and 39% being fully vaccinated.

Going back to Gov. Justice’s remarks in his briefing, he expressed extreme concern for the latest rates of infection and COVID related deaths stating,

“Also, over the last eight weeks, health officials have seen a 26% increase in cases among fully vaccinated residents, a 21% increase, among the vaccinated, in cases requiring hospitalizations and a 25% increase in deaths among those who have gotten their shots.”

Not missing a beat..

In the remainder of his briefing, Gov. Justice urged residents to take the vaccine and continue distancing and masking. 6,500 additional vaccinations have been administered since the FDA’s approval of the Pfizer vaccine, a positive trend in the eyes of jab proponents. However, the surprising data from the state’s latest infection and death rates is hard to ignore, especially when other countries are seeing similar trends.

On the contrary, seems extremely easy to ignore.

Forget what the doctors and scientisits say, let's listen to Rachel Bush, NFL wife and Great American.
Are you kidding me. You cannot be serious.
When what DRs say doesnt comport with reality ya might want to check your propo eh
There are perfect vaccines, like the polio, smallpox, and measles vaccines. These vaccines confer lifelong immunity with no need for boosters and no danger of infection or transmission. The COVID vaccines are leaky vaccines, like flu vaccines. They confer limited immunity, do not block infection or transmission, and need regular boosters.

Leaky vaccines set up a constant mutation in the viruses they protect against because viruses evolve to get around vaccines. A recent study showed that the vaccine against Marek's had caused the virus to mutate in directions that made it more dangerous, killing birds even faster and creating a situation where super-hot variants could emerge that could devastate the chicken industry.

That is an absolute lie. According to the AMA, 96% of doctors are vaccinated.
How can you create bold face lies and post them without having guilt that your lies could even end up with someone dying, unneccecarily.

Are you fucking retarded?
Did I say anything about MDs not being vaccinated?
I said they won't give their children until 15 the vaccine.
Try using more brain cells when you read.
Evidence indicates that the vaccine is killing some people. Does the end justify the means? What about all those people who are coming down with covid after being vaccinated? The lame argument is that you only come down with a light case unless you have underlying health issues and then you might die. Early forms of smallpox vaccinations might have killed people but Salk's vaccine didn't kill anyone. The hypocrites who claim that being vaccinated makes them mentally superior also try to tell us that hacking off a few body parts can turn a man into a woman despite DNA.
When what DRs say doesnt comport with reality ya might want to check your propo eh
You are right, do not listen to doctors. What the heck do they know.
Listen to a toothless Trump suppoorter who dropped out school in the third grade, lives in a single wide. That is who you listen to instead of a doctor.
Good thinking.
You are right, do not listen to doctors. What the heck do they know.
Listen to a toothless Trump suppoorter who dropped out school in the third grade, lives in a single wide. That is who you listen to instead of a doctor.
Good thinking.
Better watch the vid rube
Evidence indicates that the vaccine is killing some people. Does the end justify the means? What about all those people who are coming down with covid after being vaccinated? The lame argument is that you only come down with a light case unless you have underlying health issues and then you might die. Early forms of smallpox vaccinations might have killed people but Salk's vaccine didn't kill anyone. The hypocrites who claim that being vaccinated makes them mentally superior also try to tell us that hacking off a few body parts can turn a man into a woman despite DNA.
A few may die so many more can live. That is how war works. We are at war with an enemy that could destroy us.
You do not want to go into any war with a coward.
This message board is full of cowards. You are a coward.
Stupid also. If you do not get the vaccine you have a much greater chance of dying from COVID than dying from the vaccine.
That is hard for stupid people to comprehend.
Has anyone else noticed Elmer is extra angry and hysterical today?
You are reading me right.
I am aghast at the cowardice and stupidity of way too many on this message board. I need to get off this nutty site and join the real world and settle down. Going to a concert tonight with normal people. A little wine, music, goof friends and I will be much better.
I will never rid the world of stupid cowards. I need to accept that.

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