For those who do not believe in science, do they believe in history

For those who do not believe in science, do they believe in history. What do the uneducated need to hear before they do what is required to defeat a virus that is ravaging our country?
It is one thing when stupid people do stupid things that hurt them but now stupid peoples refusal to get vaccinated is resulting in hurting all including very innocent children. Too bad we do not have a vaccine that cures stupidity.

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A coronavirus isn’t Polio or a pox. There has never been a successful vaccine for a coronavirus. That’s why Influenza is still around despite “seasonal flu shots” every year.

These so-called COVID Vaccines are really just going to be “seasonal COVID shots” just like the flu, except the current ones have dangerous side effects. So until they become as safe as seasonal flu shots, I wouldn’t even consider them.
Vaccinations of enough people will beat the virus. There still may be small breakouts but they can be controlled.
Liars like you, who argue the science, are a big part of the problem.
When your so called freedom tramples others right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, something has to be done.
You may have been vaccinated but your lying words are causing damage. POS
I exercised my freedom to take the vaccine, I am also and strong enough to let others come to their own decisions based on what they have read and learned. I gave you the CDC link and that you are a coward and don’t want history to interfere with your goal is on you. The biggest liar and coward is you. I respect other’s rights to make decisions. Science seems right but just like with thalidomide, big mistakes can happen and can have bad results. It’s called science and history you emotional midget and coward.
A few may die so many more can live. That is how war works. We are at war with an enemy that could destroy us.
You do not want to go into any war with a coward.
This message board is full of cowards. You are a coward.
Stupid also. If you do not get the vaccine you have a much greater chance of dying from COVID than dying from the vaccine.
That is hard for stupid people to comprehend.
There it is. A few lab rats die so the rest of us can pontificate about vaccinations while having zero experience in epidemiology.
There it is. A few lab rats die so the rest of us can pontificate about vaccinations while having zero experience in epidemiology.
A warning for all the ant-vaxers who get their medical advice from right wing media
Vaccinations of enough people will beat the virus. There still may be small breakouts but they can be controlled.
Liars like you, who argue the science, are a big part of the problem.
When your so called freedom tramples others right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, something has to be done.
You may have been vaccinated but your lying words are causing damage. POS
no one listens to assholes elmer.....stop acting like aint helping.....
"Science" can be bought with research funds and history can be distorted.

The thing about Liberals is that they are always ignorant in Economics, History, Climate Science, Biology, Ethics and the Constitution.
History tells us that a smallpox vaccine was invented in the late 1700's and it took until the 1940's and 50's to insure that the vaccine was safe. A scientist named Brodie developed a vaccine for polio in the 30's but it didn't work. It took Jonas Salk about a decade to perfect a polio vaccine that worked. My point is that we might be in the Brodie era of rushed massed factory productions of Covid vaccinations that kill people and don't even promise absolute immunization. You can count on hypocrites on the left who survived vaccination (so far) to take on the position of being smarter than the riff-raff who might have a natural immunity. Sadly it boils down to politics.
For those who do not believe in science, do they believe in history. What do the uneducated need to hear before they do what is required to defeat a virus that is ravaging our country?
It is one thing when stupid people do stupid things that hurt them but now stupid peoples refusal to get vaccinated is resulting in hurting all including very innocent children. Too bad we do not have a vaccine that cures stupidity.

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How many years were they tested until they came into widespread use?

The smallpox vaccine was being used in the early 19th century. A breakthrough for the polio vaccine came in 1948.

So once again, how do they compare with the COVID-19 vaccine which was developed n about 9 months? A great accomplishment but not one without risk. As you know, many vaccines have been found to have serious side effects years after they were developed and were in widespread use.
those who do not believe in science
Who doesnt believe in "science" and what does that even mean?

Science is a PROCESS of discovery.

Was it science when Fauci declared masks dont work?

Or is it science when Fauci declares "wear 30 masks"???

Is it science to recognize that this vaccine has killed people? Or do we just ignore the FACTS when they dont support our POLITICS.

Why cant you busybodies on the left just leave people alone

The words of a coward. A stupid coward. The most vulnerable are the children 12 and under who cannot get vaccinated..
A coward like this asshole will not take any risk to help the children. DISGUSTING
Children seem to be most vulnerable to the VACCINE and not covid.
Absolute lie. The vaccinated who are getting sick are not getting nearly as sick and are getting COVID at a hugely lower rate than the unvaccinated.
I can provide many more articles.

They're dyin' CLUELESS...and i'm sure you can provide many articles..full of lies cause the left wing media DOES NOT WANT YOU TO KNOW THE TRUTH> LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL

For those who do not believe in science, do they believe in history. What do the uneducated need to hear before they do what is required to defeat a virus that is ravaging our country?
It is one thing when stupid people do stupid things that hurt them but now stupid peoples refusal to get vaccinated is resulting in hurting all including very innocent children. Too bad we do not have a vaccine that cures stupidity.

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Did we eradicate the flu?

Did we eradicate aids?

Did we eradicate herpes?

How about any of the other viruses that plauge us still?

I'll tell you why. Because polio is not a evolving virus like covid, the flu, herpes and so on is. Covid mutates everytime it is in a body, exposed to a anti viral (either vaccine or immune system) and escapes the body into another person where it thrives and is immune to what almost killed it before.

Polio does not do that. And if you knew anything of disease epidemiology you would understand that instead of taking the low hanging fruit of "uh it sounds good to me so it must be true.".

And no polio is not erradicated, it's part of an immunization for children.

Oh and it's on the rise.
Add the UK to the list -
“To the vaccine fanatics who are saying, Israel, who cares, Israel’s tiny, muah…” he tweeted. “The UK – population 65 million, ~80% of adults fully vaccinated – is very much heading the wrong way. Deaths are up 10x – yes, tenfold – compared to this time last year. Cases are rising again.”

Berenson continued, “More than 70% of the deaths are in the vaccinated, and the percentage continues to rise. And of course overall all-cause mortality is soaring too.”

Who doesnt believe in "science" and what does that even mean?

Science is a PROCESS of discovery.

Was it science when Fauci declared masks dont work?

Or is it science when Fauci declares "wear 30 masks"???

Is it science to recognize that this vaccine has killed people? Or do we just ignore the FACTS when they dont support our POLITICS.

Why cant you busybodies on the left just leave people alone

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Polio, anyone? Well I remember being made to take getting a sugar cube and the magic air pneumatic inoculation, like something out of Star Trek. Dr. McCoy and his hypo. Entirety something out of the sixties. Accept Polio was real, the inoculation worked . Flash forward: COVID is NOT anywhere near as bad as POLIO. Not even.
The words of a coward. A stupid coward. The most vulnerable are the children 12 and under who cannot get vaccinated..
A coward like this asshole will not take any risk to help the children. DISGUSTING
a true coward will believe every lie the scum demonRATS say
our immune system will take care of us...just like the generation b4, and the one b4 that, etc....duh
So what. If you think what Biden did was stupid why do you answer by doing something that is not only stupid but cowardice.

Cowards search for false reasons why they do or do not do something.

It is because they are pathetic cowards living in a fake world driven by fear.
no, It is because they are pathetic cowards living in a fake world driven by the lies of the scum demonRATS, and putting all the eggs in 1 basket...didn't your mother teach you any better....
For those who do not believe in science, do they believe in history. What do the uneducated need to hear before they do what is required to defeat a virus that is ravaging our country?
It is one thing when stupid people do stupid things that hurt them but now stupid peoples refusal to get vaccinated is resulting in hurting all including very innocent children. Too bad we do not have a vaccine that cures stupidity.

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The FauxiFlu is nowhere on the same plane with smallpox and polio.....A virus with a 99.7% recovery rate, vs. a couple of diseases that will kill or cripple nearly everyone who get. them.

This is fucking retarded, even for a total retard like you.....Fuck you and the retarded horse you rode in on.


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