For those who oppose the new North Carolina "anti-LGBT" law

It doesn't seem that "easy" to me - since the guy was caught, and kicked out. If he had tried anything, he'd have gone to prison.

He walked right in there. Seems easy enough to me. Easy as putting one foot on front of the other.

Short of posting armed guards at the doorway to every bathroom in the country, there's no way to prevent anyone from "walking right in there".
My point precisely.

You'll have to explain that one to me, since I can't possibly see how that makes your point for you.

If it's easy for someone to walk into the wrong bathroom on purpose, imagine how easy a law like the state of Washington would would make it. It enables them.

So how would you ensure that something like that never happens?

My point.

How does the law in Washington make it any easier for people to walk into the wrong bathroom on purpose? How does it "enable" them?

Or, a better way of putting it would be how does the lack of a law like Washington's make it any harder?

There is no way to "ensure that something like that never happens". Unfortunately, shit happens - and no Genitalia Police laws like the one in the OP will prevent it, either.
Quite frankly I'm tired, of both debating, and tired in general.

We'll just have to agree to disagree, alright?
Conservative legislators are just worried that their "wide stance" will bump against... a woman's foot!
He walked right in there. Seems easy enough to me. Easy as putting one foot on front of the other.

Short of posting armed guards at the doorway to every bathroom in the country, there's no way to prevent anyone from "walking right in there".
My point precisely.

You'll have to explain that one to me, since I can't possibly see how that makes your point for you.

If it's easy for someone to walk into the wrong bathroom on purpose, imagine how easy a law like the state of Washington would would make it. It enables them.

So how would you ensure that something like that never happens?

My point.

How does the law in Washington make it any easier for people to walk into the wrong bathroom on purpose? How does it "enable" them?

Or, a better way of putting it would be how does the lack of a law like Washington's make it any harder?

There is no way to "ensure that something like that never happens". Unfortunately, shit happens - and no Genitalia Police laws like the one in the OP will prevent it, either.
It does enable a pervert to walk into a girls locker room. In the past if a father or any other person waiting outside that locker room would have reacted when seeing a grown man walking into their daughters locker room. Now there's nothing he can do but wait to find out if something bad happens.

What amazes about this argument is that you have a male that doesn't feel comfortable being in a male locker room. So the law makes it possible for him to go in the girls locker room. The 14 year old girl that doesn't feel comfortable being in a locker room with a grown man? Tough. How dare she object.

I just said this in another thread, is there really a problem with little girls not seeing enough adult cock?
This is what you're fighting for.


Own it. I cannot honestly believe you would want something like this to happen.

Actually, from my perspective, that's what this law is fighting for. You're looking at this the wrong way.

This law says that this guy should be using the ladies room:


lol@doc doing porno....for those of you who dont know...this is buck....buck was born a woman....buck likes to fuck....buck became a man.....buck loves to fuck on camera....
it is so wrong to judge people so harshly....your body is simply a vehicle....and if you want to modify it why not?
His name is Buck Angel. He's a porn star, and he used to be Susan. He still has a vagina.

Which bathroom do you think he should use?

Did he/she have a sex change?

It's he - and he has not had genital reassignment surgery

Simple. If he's a he, then he should be in the men's bathroom. The fact we are acknowledging his gender as male means he should use the bathroom that matches his apparent gender. I see him as a man. He has no female characteristics other than what's between his legs.

Do you realize that you're contradicting yourself in this thread?


Since you jumped me with this Buck Angel guy, who's background I didn't know until you told me, I am bound to be thrown off.

You're proposing a quandary.

Was he born male or born female? You assumed I would know this person simply by you showing me his picture.
This guy isnt unique. Surely this has been considered by those who drafted this law ?
Actually, from my perspective, that's what this law is fighting for. You're looking at this the wrong way.

This law says that this guy should be using the ladies room:


I don't get it. Provided that looks are deceiving, this guy looks like a member of the Yakuza or something.

His name is Buck Angel. He's a porn star, and he used to be Susan. He still has a vagina.

Which bathroom do you think he should use?

Did he/she have a sex change?

It's he - and he has not had genital reassignment surgery

Simple. If he's a he, then he should be in the men's bathroom. The fact we are acknowledging his gender as male means he should use the bathroom that matches his apparent gender. I see him as a man. He has no female characteristics other than what's between his legs.

Wow. You've really come full circle in a matter of a few posts.
I don't get it. Provided that looks are deceiving, this guy looks like a member of the Yakuza or something.

His name is Buck Angel. He's a porn star, and he used to be Susan. He still has a vagina.

Which bathroom do you think he should use?

Did he/she have a sex change?

It's he - and he has not had genital reassignment surgery

Simple. If he's a he, then he should be in the men's bathroom. The fact we are acknowledging his gender as male means he should use the bathroom that matches his apparent gender. I see him as a man. He has no female characteristics other than what's between his legs.

Do you realize that you're contradicting yourself in this thread?

No. He doesn't. are a saint. The kindest person here.
We spent years going through this nonsense with gay Americans, and as a consequence of the ignorance, fear, and bigotry of the social right we’ll be forced to endure this idiocy with transgender Americans.

The right’s fear of change, diversity, dissent, and expressions of individual liberty is indeed the bane of the American Nation.

Thankfully the North Carolina AG has wisely and appropriately decided to not defend this reprehensible law in court.
I look forward to being with your 10 year old daughter alone in the bathroom.....

That figures.
Let's say a woman walks into the men's locker room of which I am in, for instance. When I look at her, hundreds of thousands of years of evolutionary instincts kick in, and based on those instincts, I identify her as a female member of my species. I won't identify her with the gender she identifies with. Not all of them will look like men, they will look in every way like a female.

Do you see what I'm getting at here?

Yesh, you're "getting at" the same ridiculous transphobic strawman that resulted in the staggeringly poorly thought out law in the first place.

Lol. Are you saying I hate transgender people? To answer this presumption, no. The only thing I hate is being labeled.

However, when you think it's okay for an anatomical male who identifies as a female to walk into a locker room full of females, you are disregarding their right to privacy, to not be invaded upon by some guy who thinks he's a chick. I'm sorry he has such a mental condition, but that doesn't give him the right to usurp the constitutional rights of all of those women in the locker room.

Not everyone feels as you do about this issue, nor must they. More often than not, there will be a negative reaction.

I don't think you "hate" transgender people. I think you're afraid of them because you don't understand them.

I think that if you actually met one, you'd have a better grasp of the situation.

This is where he tells you that he has transgendered friends....and they don't mind his POV on this. They aren't aggressive ones.
Statistically these little girls are more at risk from their own families than a random bogeyman in a public facility.

The toilet issue is a massive deflection strategy.
Here is the bottom line - liberals get off in a big way on two things:

1.) Sexually disturbing deviant behavior

2.) The reaction that normal people have from sexually disturbing deviant behavior

That by itself is tragic enough. But here is where it gets really sad. A person who believes they are something that they are not is by definition mentally disturbed. If a person were to go around truly believing they were Jesus Christ, liberals would be the first and the loudest to insist that society provide mental healthcare for that person. Yet....when a man says he is "really" a woman, or a woman says she is "really" a man, liberals are so busy getting turned on and frothy by it, that they refuse to acknowledge the very serious mental disorder which desperately requires serious treatment. And those people are all hurting in a big way. Many hurt themselves or commit suicide. And all of them are just as lost, depressed, and miserable after surgery as they were before it.

Rather than worrying about the mental health of the disturbed and confused person, the selfish liberal is too busy being aroused by #1 and #2 above to give a damn about the suffering individual who desperately needs immediate medical care.

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