For those who oppose the new North Carolina "anti-LGBT" law

Seemingly, none of you people have ever spent much time in Europe and other parts of the world. For example, the other day I was in a neighborhood department store (not one in a big mall) and not in the States. There is one restroom with two stalls. The stalls are fully enclosed with doors and walls that go all the way from ceiling to floor. Each stall has a small sink for washing hands. This is a gender neutral lavatory. Both men and woman use it. I went in and waited because both stalls were occupied. When the first stall opened, a man walked out. Then I went in and used that stall. People in other parts of the world do not freak out about stuff like this. Get over it.
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This is what you're fighting for.


Own it. I cannot honestly believe you would want something like this to happen.

Actually, from my perspective, that's what this law is fighting for. You're looking at this the wrong way.

This law says that this guy should be using the ladies room:


I don't get it. Provided that looks are deceiving, this guy looks like a member of the Yakuza or something.

His name is Buck Angel. He's a porn star, and he used to be Susan. He still has a vagina.

Which bathroom do you think he should use?
This post is the biggest b.s. ever. If he was a "she" and "she" didn't have surgery (as you are on record stating) - where in the hell are her breasts?!? Epic fail.

Typical liberal propaganda. Post tatted up dude and try to scare people into believing that it's a "woman" and thus justifies society tolerating the repulsive deviant behavior of disturbed people wanting to use the locker rooms and restrooms of the opposite sex.
Seemingly, none of you people have ever spent much time in Europe.
You're right. Because this is America and you're on the U.S. Message Board. If you want Europe, go live in Europe.

If you want a collapsing shit hole of socialism where there are no jobs but plenty of violence and deviant behavior (I'm sure you haven't bothered to watch what has been going on in Greece for years now) - then go move to Europe. But we're the United States. We're better than Europe and we won't be lowering our standards to accomodate yours.
buck was born a woman so according to you.....buck is a woman...
i do not understand all this concern for who is using the bathroom next to you....i am not there long enough...and to parents with small kids who are sending them in any bathroom alone...that is just crazy in todays society with or without trans
Seemingly, none of you people have ever spent much time in Europe.
You're right. Because this is America and you're on the U.S. Message Board. If you want Europe, go live in Europe.

If you want a collapsing shit hole of socialism where there are no jobs but plenty of violence and deviant behavior (I'm sure you haven't bothered to watch what has been going on in Greece for years now) - then go move to Europe. But we're the United States. We're better than Europe and we won't be lowering our standards to accomodate yours.
Seemingly, none of you people have ever spent much time in Europe.
You're right. Because this is America and you're on the U.S. Message Board. If you want Europe, go live in Europe.

If you want a collapsing shit hole of socialism where there are no jobs but plenty of violence and deviant behavior (I'm sure you haven't bothered to watch what has been going on in Greece for years now) - then go move to Europe. But we're the United States. We're better than Europe and we won't be lowering our standards to accomodate yours.
So, what you are saying is "This is America and we have a right to be aggressively stupid, ignorant and narrow minded--as well as neurotically puritan."
i dont know of any man that would feel comfortable with Hillary Clinton standing next to him/next urinal. (ugghh,,,,a fate worse than death)
Seemingly, none of you people have ever spent much time in Europe.
You're right. Because this is America and you're on the U.S. Message Board. If you want Europe, go live in Europe.

If you want a collapsing shit hole of socialism where there are no jobs but plenty of violence and deviant behavior (I'm sure you haven't bothered to watch what has been going on in Greece for years now) - then go move to Europe. But we're the United States. We're better than Europe and we won't be lowering our standards to accomodate yours.
So, what you are saying is "This is America and we have a right to be aggressively stupid, ignorant and narrow minded--as well as neurotically puritan."
Typical liberal reply. When faced with facts, yell "racism" or "ignorant" and then add nothing to back up your outrageous claims.

You want "aggressively stupid, ignorant, and narrow minded"? Check the mirror. You'd rather get off on other people's pain and suffering than get them the medical care they desperately need.
Seemingly, none of you people have ever spent much time in Europe.
You're right. Because this is America and you're on the U.S. Message Board. If you want Europe, go live in Europe.

If you want a collapsing shit hole of socialism where there are no jobs but plenty of violence and deviant behavior (I'm sure you haven't bothered to watch what has been going on in Greece for years now) - then go move to Europe. But we're the United States. We're better than Europe and we won't be lowering our standards to accomodate yours.
So, what you are saying is "This is America and we have a right to be aggressively stupid, ignorant and narrow minded--as well as neurotically puritan."
Typical liberal reply. When faced with facts, yell "racism" or "ignorant" and then add nothing to back up your outrageous claims.

You want "aggressively stupid, ignorant, and narrow minded"? Check the mirror. You'd rather get off on other people's pain and suffering than get them the medical care they desperately need.
Transgenders only suffer because narrow minded and extremely mean and cruel folks like you do not accept them. That's why they suffer. Only an idiot would not see that.

What they 'desperately need' is acceptance and understanding, not censorship.
next month we will be discussing the right for all dogs to use our public restrooms
That's because liberals get off on disturbing sexually deviant behavior (like sex with animals) so all of society has to suffer in their fascist minds.
Seemingly, none of you people have ever spent much time in Europe.
You're right. Because this is America and you're on the U.S. Message Board. If you want Europe, go live in Europe.

If you want a collapsing shit hole of socialism where there are no jobs but plenty of violence and deviant behavior (I'm sure you haven't bothered to watch what has been going on in Greece for years now) - then go move to Europe. But we're the United States. We're better than Europe and we won't be lowering our standards to accomodate yours.
So, what you are saying is "This is America and we have a right to be aggressively stupid, ignorant and narrow minded--as well as neurotically puritan."
Typical liberal reply. When faced with facts, yell "racism" or "ignorant" and then add nothing to back up your outrageous claims.

You want "aggressively stupid, ignorant, and narrow minded"? Check the mirror. You'd rather get off on other people's pain and suffering than get them the medical care they desperately need.
Transgenders only suffer because narrow minded and extremely mean and cruel folks like you do not accept them. That's why they suffer. Only an idiot would not see that.

What they 'desperately need' is acceptance and understanding, not censorship.
So then logically you would agree that people who go around insisting they are Jesus Christ don't need mental healthcare, they just need narrow minded, hateful, insensitive people like you to accept that they are in fact Jesus Christ, right? Oops! Epic Fail yet again.

There is only one of us dear who actually cares about these people - and it sure as hell isn't you. I recognize their need for immediate healthcare professionals. You're too busy getting off on the deviance to concern yourself with their wellbeing.
So, what you are saying is "This is America and we have a right to be aggressively stupid, ignorant and narrow minded--as well as neurotically puritan."

YES, and our Constitution protects that Right.
Psst....(fascist liberals hate the U.S. Constitution because it prevents them from forcing their will on others. You can't mention that very important legal document to these people - it enrages them).
This is what you're fighting for.


Own it. I cannot honestly believe you would want something like this to happen.

Actually, from my perspective, that's what this law is fighting for. You're looking at this the wrong way.

This law says that this guy should be using the ladies room:


I don't get it. Provided that looks are deceiving, this guy looks like a member of the Yakuza or something.

His name is Buck Angel. He's a porn star, and he used to be Susan. He still has a vagina.

Which bathroom do you think he should use?
This post is the biggest b.s. ever. If he was a "she" and "she" didn't have surgery (as you are on record stating) - where in the hell are her breasts?!? Epic fail.

Typical liberal propaganda. Post tatted up dude and try to scare people into believing that it's a "woman" and thus justifies society tolerating the repulsive deviant behavior of disturbed people wanting to use the locker rooms and restrooms of the opposite sex.

He didn't have the surgery. As in, he still has a vagina - and according to the law in question, he's a woman.

He may have had breast reduction, I don't know. Hormone therapy does a lot.
This is what you're fighting for...

Own it. I cannot honestly believe you would want something like this to happen.

I can believe it because the average Democrat is a blithering idiot. They cannot imagine that anyone is not as perverted and sexually obsessed as they are.
I wouldn't give a shit about a woman coming into the bathroom I was using.

So therefore if anyone else is bothered by it and wont use public restrooms due to the likelihood of a pervert like you loitering in it, that must mean that their opinion and preferences are just complete bullshit.

Lol, spoken like a true PC Nazi.

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