For Trumpsters, re: The sacking of the Capitol

This is what an actual sacking of the capitol would look like:
anything less is inconsequential.
Sorry that's a lame and dishonest claim.

You MAGArats attacked the Capitol. People died. Democracy almost died that day,

That WAS an attempted coup...a failed one thank God
For Trumpsters, re: The sacking of the Capitol
You people set a very low bar for what constitutes a sacking of a public building.
These fucking pussies have not seen ANYTHING yet.

We know shit, like chemistry, etc. We know how to make things out of household items.

If we want to destroy a public building, there will be no question about whether or not said building has been destroyed.

I can't wait for the weeping and gnashing of teeth when the REAL violence starts.
For Trumpsters, re: The sacking of the Capitol
You people set a very low bar for what constitutes a sacking of a public building.
These fucking pussies have not seen ANYTHING yet.

We know shit, like chemistry, etc. We know how to make things out of household items.

If we want to destroy a public building, there will be no question about whether or not said building has been destroyed.

I can't wait for the weeping and gnashing of teeth when the REAL violence starts.
You know shit about fuck. You people already tried to bomb buildings in DC on January 6th. You failed. You people tried to mail pipe bombs to people. You failed.

As we all know, the standard Trumpster response to anything that happened at our nation's Capitol is "whataboutism". What about the summer riots? Deflect, change the subject, attack. So, Trump supporters, since you're so interested in comparisons, here's your challenge. Here's what happened after the attack on the Capitol:
  • 5 Americans dead or dying
  • 140 American police injured, some permanently
  • America's Capitol has been sacked
  • "We Love You"
  • "You're Special"
  • "This is What Happens".
So this thread is your chance to put all your whataboutisms in one place. Show us some solid comparisons. Maybe words by DEMOCRATIC Presidents after riots. Show us why this is no big deal. Show us how the Democrats have done the same thing many times.

Let's collect them here. Go ahead.

Trump is a profane lunatic.

As we all know, the standard Trumpster response to anything that happened at our nation's Capitol is "whataboutism". What about the summer riots? Deflect, change the subject, attack. So, Trump supporters, since you're so interested in comparisons, here's your challenge. Here's what happened after the attack on the Capitol:
  • 5 Americans dead or dying
  • 140 American police injured, some permanently
  • America's Capitol has been sacked
  • "We Love You"
  • "You're Special"
  • "This is What Happens".
So this thread is your chance to put all your whataboutisms in one place. Show us some solid comparisons. Maybe words by DEMOCRATIC Presidents after riots. Show us why this is no big deal. Show us how the Democrats have done the same thing many times.

Let's collect them here. Go ahead.

After supporting violence all year, suddenly a new standard appeared to the Nazi Democrat party. What was not a new standard was you made up quotes from Trump supporting it. Making up Trump quotes to justify violence to implement leftist policies is a longstanding tradition for you.

This time you did it to also cover up that Trump was right, you did cheat to win the election and get control of the Senate. But it's OK, you dehumanized us all (anyone not a leftist) first, so it was justified, Adolph
Why didn't Trump show up to defend him self? Would very much like to hear or see him defend his words. Quote( over the last several weeks we have amassed overwhelming evidence about fake election) PLEASE bring this Evidence forward, so we can put this mess behind us.
trump would love to have another chance at unleashing his mob on the Capitol....if he has another chance, it could be the end or our Democratic Republic.
Why didn't Trump show up to defend him self? Would very much like to hear or see him defend his words. Quote( over the last several weeks we have amassed overwhelming evidence about fake election) PLEASE bring this Evidence forward, so we can put this mess behind us.
There is no evidence. It is part of the Big Lie.
But it's OK, you dehumanized us all (anyone not a leftist) first, so it was justified, Adolph

Obviously you did see it coming Adolph because dehumanizing people to justify cancelling and violence against them is your standard Democrat Nazi practice. Four years of your making up quotes Trump didn't say and calling everyone racists and other subhuman names is how you roll. You're a product of Germany in the thirties. So far, you've given no indication you would stop short of that. As you get less tolerant and more violent, you do nothing but get stronger in implementing your hate

As we all know, the standard Trumpster response to anything that happened at our nation's Capitol is "whataboutism". What about the summer riots? Deflect, change the subject, attack. So, Trump supporters, since you're so interested in comparisons, here's your challenge. Here's what happened after the attack on the Capitol:
  • 5 Americans dead or dying
  • 140 American police injured, some permanently
  • America's Capitol has been sacked
  • "We Love You"
  • "You're Special"
  • "This is What Happens".
So this thread is your chance to put all your whataboutisms in one place. Show us some solid comparisons. Maybe words by DEMOCRATIC Presidents after riots. Show us why this is no big deal. Show us how the Democrats have done the same thing many times.

Let's collect them here. Go ahead.
You're a fucking idiot. It was your ilk who sacked the Capital.

You burned the Reichstag and blamed it on the opposition.

But, you're probably too stupid to get the reference, because you know cocksucking shit about history.

Stupid motherfucker.
So these weren't Trump supporters. It was all the other guys. Okay, got it.

What do you think of Trump saying, "we love you", "you're special" and "this is what happens"?

Look it up, Herr Mac.
Was that an answer to my question?

I'll try again.

What do you think of Trump saying, "we love you", "you're special" and "this is what happens"?
Why don't you ask him? I am not going to speculate.

But, who rioted for MONTHS and you said nothing?


Suddenly, your outrage is insatiable.

You don't fool anyone.
Yeah, I didn't think so.

And there was ZERO incitement by your Dem ilk for 7 fucking months.

Your selective fake outrage is well noted you partisan hack..
We were for legal protests against police brutality....we also spoke out against illegal rioting and looting. On the other hand, how many Qultists spoke out against the insurrection on Jan. 6th?
Nope. You claimed you poke out against illegal rioting and looting. You didn't actually do it.

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