Former Johns Hopkins Chief of Psychiatry Says Trans Movement...

Former John Hopkins Chief of Psychiatry Drops Another TRUTH BOMB About Transgenderism...

Former Chief of Psychiatry at Johns Hopkins Hospital and Distinguished Service Professor of Psychiatry at Johns Hopkins University Dr. Paul R. McHugh blasted the Left’s transgender movement, saying that those who enable the metal illness of transgenderism are “collaborating with madness.” McHugh warns against sex-reassignment surgery in particular.

The esteemed PHD has studied transgenderism and sex-reassignment surgery for 40 years, notes CNS News.

In the doctor’s book, The Mind Has Mountains: Reflections on Society and Psychiatry, McHugh says that he’s “witnessed a great deal of damage from sex reassignment.”

“We psychiatrists, I thought, would do better to concentrate on trying to fix their minds and not their genitalia,” said McHugh.

The doctor explained that trans people, those who don’t identify as their biological sex, exude behaviors of “sexual misdirection,” called “autogynephilia.” Such behaviors do not cease post-op:

For the post-surgery transgender men, data collected by one of McHugh’s colleagues showed that most of the patients did not regret the genitalia change “ut in every other respect, they were little changed in their psychological condition,” said Dr. McHugh. “They had the same problems with relationships, work, and emotions as before.”

So if it's not helping them, and the surgeons know or should know, why is this allowed?

If someone is cutting themselves you do everything to get them help, but is someone wants someone else to cut them....

This has nothing to do with marriage or bathrooms, this has everything to do with doctors victimizing the mentally - emotionally ill.
That's what it seems like to me.

It is called plastic surgery.
One professor against the surgery every other psychiatrists and doctor.
It is long process before surgery will be preformed.

These are people that fell inside like a female and that they are wearing the wrong skin. Like peas in a can marked spinach

Children at age 5 or 6 can identify as transgender, even in homes that know thing about transgender.
Parent have to learn what to do to help their children, to be sure.

Transgender I not a whim and it is not just a matter of cross dressing, they are not transvestites.

It is called plastic surgery.
So you wouldn't approve of a parent seeking a breast implant surgery for their 10 year old daughter, but you'd approve of them wanting to have their genitals removed?

One professor against the surgery every other psychiatrists and doctor.
It is long process before surgery will be preformed.

These are people that fell inside like a female and that they are wearing the wrong skin. Like peas in a can marked spinach
Michael Jackson "felt like" he was a white man, doesn't make it true.

Children at age 5 or 6 can identify as transgender, even in homes that know thing about transgender.
Over 80% of children who show 'transgender symptoms' at a young age grow out of it on their own.

When some perverted parents or quack therapist is reinforcing the delusion by having the kid go to school in a dress or pumping them full of artificial hormones, I'm sure that doesn't help them much.

Parent have to learn what to do to help their children, to be sure.
Helping them by not cutting off their genitals, yeah.
Former John Hopkins Chief of Psychiatry Drops Another TRUTH BOMB About Transgenderism...

Former Chief of Psychiatry at Johns Hopkins Hospital and Distinguished Service Professor of Psychiatry at Johns Hopkins University Dr. Paul R. McHugh blasted the Left’s transgender movement, saying that those who enable the metal illness of transgenderism are “collaborating with madness.” McHugh warns against sex-reassignment surgery in particular.

The esteemed PHD has studied transgenderism and sex-reassignment surgery for 40 years, notes CNS News.

In the doctor’s book, The Mind Has Mountains: Reflections on Society and Psychiatry, McHugh says that he’s “witnessed a great deal of damage from sex reassignment.”

“We psychiatrists, I thought, would do better to concentrate on trying to fix their minds and not their genitalia,” said McHugh.

The doctor explained that trans people, those who don’t identify as their biological sex, exude behaviors of “sexual misdirection,” called “autogynephilia.” Such behaviors do not cease post-op:

For the post-surgery transgender men, data collected by one of McHugh’s colleagues showed that most of the patients did not regret the genitalia change “ut in every other respect, they were little changed in their psychological condition,” said Dr. McHugh. “They had the same problems with relationships, work, and emotions as before.”

So if it's not helping them, and the surgeons know or should know, why is this allowed?

If someone is cutting themselves you do everything to get them help, but is someone wants someone else to cut them....

This has nothing to do with marriage or bathrooms, this has everything to do with doctors victimizing the mentally - emotionally ill.
That's what it seems like to me.

It is called plastic surgery.
One professor against the surgery every other psychiatrists and doctor.
It is long process before surgery will be preformed.

These are people that fell inside like a female and that they are wearing the wrong skin. Like peas in a can marked spinach

Children at age 5 or 6 can identify as transgender, even in homes that know thing about transgender.
Parent have to learn what to do to help their children, to be sure.

Transgender I not a whim and it is not just a matter of cross dressing, they are not transvestites.
you're talking about hermaphrodites.

that's something completely different.

I asked for links to research done to support surgery that actually helps the person long run, so I'll ask you for some.
Everyone knows transgenders are a failure of the family. The parents should be slapped

Everyone knows transgenders are a failure of the family. The parents should be slapped

Just because transgender people are happier than you are? Maybe it's YOUR parents who need to be slapped for raising such a bigoted fool.
Everyone knows transgenders are a failure of the family. The parents should be slapped

Just because transgender people are happier than you are? Maybe it's YOUR parents who need to be slapped for raising such a bigoted fool.

Trannies are not happier. If they were, bathrooms would not be an issue

Everyone knows transgenders are a failure of the family. The parents should be slapped

Just because transgender people are happier than you are? Maybe it's YOUR parents who need to be slapped for raising such a bigoted fool.

Trannies are not happier. If they were, bathrooms would not be an issue

Bathrooms are only an issue for trannyphobes like you.
Everyone knows transgenders are a failure of the family. The parents should be slapped

Just because transgender people are happier than you are? Maybe it's YOUR parents who need to be slapped for raising such a bigoted fool.
happy people don't cut themselves.

true story.

Seems to me they need actual help the requires actual effort
I asked for links to research done to support surgery that actually helps the person long run, so I'll ask you for some

Here is a start. References 9: Sex reassignment surgery helps - Cakeworld
thanks, that link is a blog that lead to a single paragraph he c-p from something in Finland that has no credentials or doctors names on it.

Here is one of the papers cited in the blog. Long-Term Follow-Up of Adults with Gender Identity Disorder - Springer

Here are their credentials. Kontakt- Psychosomatische Medizin und Psychotherapie - Universitätsklinikum Ulm

It is called plastic surgery.
So you wouldn't approve of a parent seeking a breast implant surgery for their 10 year old daughter, but you'd approve of them wanting to have their genitals removed?

One professor against the surgery every other psychiatrists and doctor.
It is long process before surgery will be preformed.

These are people that fell inside like a female and that they are wearing the wrong skin. Like peas in a can marked spinach
Michael Jackson "felt like" he was a white man, doesn't make it true.

Children at age 5 or 6 can identify as transgender, even in homes that know thing about transgender.
Over 80% of children who show 'transgender symptoms' at a young age grow out of it on their own.

When some perverted parents or quack therapist is reinforcing the delusion by having the kid go to school in a dress or pumping them full of artificial hormones, I'm sure that doesn't help them much.

Parent have to learn what to do to help their children, to be sure.
Helping them by not cutting off their genitals, yeah.

Neither surgery can be done before the age of 18, treatments can begin around 8-10 yrs old, after doctors and psychiatrists have approved the need. There might be a few states that permit breast saline implants. Silicone cannot be done till age 22. Not unusual for transgender to show signs as young and 3-5 yrs. At the beginning of puberty, blockers can be give, but hormones will be given later on.

Crazy hypothesis shows you have no idea what you are talking about.

As far as age, it should depend on the patient. I don't particularly think the average female should get breast implant too early.
Everyone knows transgenders are a failure of the family. The parents should be slapped

Just because transgender people are happier than you are? Maybe it's YOUR parents who need to be slapped for raising such a bigoted fool.
happy people don't cut themselves.

true story.

Seems to me they need actual help the requires actual effort
People "cut" themselves all the time with plastic surgery. Again, most people are happier after the procedure. True story. :D
Former John Hopkins Chief of Psychiatry Drops Another TRUTH BOMB About Transgenderism...

Former Chief of Psychiatry at Johns Hopkins Hospital and Distinguished Service Professor of Psychiatry at Johns Hopkins University Dr. Paul R. McHugh blasted the Left’s transgender movement, saying that those who enable the metal illness of transgenderism are “collaborating with madness.” McHugh warns against sex-reassignment surgery in particular.

The esteemed PHD has studied transgenderism and sex-reassignment surgery for 40 years, notes CNS News.

In the doctor’s book, The Mind Has Mountains: Reflections on Society and Psychiatry, McHugh says that he’s “witnessed a great deal of damage from sex reassignment.”

“We psychiatrists, I thought, would do better to concentrate on trying to fix their minds and not their genitalia,” said McHugh.

The doctor explained that trans people, those who don’t identify as their biological sex, exude behaviors of “sexual misdirection,” called “autogynephilia.” Such behaviors do not cease post-op:

For the post-surgery transgender men, data collected by one of McHugh’s colleagues showed that most of the patients did not regret the genitalia change “ut in every other respect, they were little changed in their psychological condition,” said Dr. McHugh. “They had the same problems with relationships, work, and emotions as before.”

So if it's not helping them, and the surgeons know or should know, why is this allowed?

If someone is cutting themselves you do everything to get them help, but is someone wants someone else to cut them....

This has nothing to do with marriage or bathrooms, this has everything to do with doctors victimizing the mentally - emotionally ill.
That's what it seems like to me.

It is called plastic surgery.
One professor against the surgery every other psychiatrists and doctor.
It is long process before surgery will be preformed.

These are people that fell inside like a female and that they are wearing the wrong skin. Like peas in a can marked spinach

Children at age 5 or 6 can identify as transgender, even in homes that know thing about transgender.
Parent have to learn what to do to help their children, to be sure.

Transgender I not a whim and it is not just a matter of cross dressing, they are not transvestites.
you're talking about hermaphrodites.

that's something completely different.

I asked for links to research done to support surgery that actually helps the person long run, so I'll ask you for some.

>>Aetna considers gender reassignment surgery medically necessary when all of the following criteria are met:

  1. Requirements for mastectomy for female-to-male patients:
    1. Single letter of referral from a qualified mental health professional (see Appendix); and
    2. Persistent, well-documented gender dysphoria (see Appendix); and
    3. Capacity to make a fully informed decision and to consent for treatment; and
    4. Age of majority (18 years of age or older); and
    5. If significant medical or mental health concerns are present, they must be reasonably well controlled.
    Note that a trial of hormone therapy is not a pre-requisite to qualifying for a mastectomy.

  2. Requirements for gonadectomy (hysterectomy and oophorectomy in female-to-male and orchiectomy in male-to-female):
    1. Two referral letters from qualified mental health professionals, one in a purely evaluative role (see appendix); and
    2. Persistent, well-documented gender dysphoria (see Appendix); and
    3. Capacity to make a fully informed decision and to consent for treatment; and
    4. Age of majority (18 years or older); and
    5. If significant medical or mental health concerns are present, they must be reasonably well controlled; and
    6. Twelve months of continuous hormone therapy as appropriate to the member's gender goals (unless the member has a medical contraindication or is otherwise unable or unwilling to take hormones)
  3. Requirements for genital reconstructive surgery (i.e., vaginectomy, urethroplasty, metoidioplasty, phalloplasty, scrotoplasty, and placement of a testicular prosthesis and erectile prosthesis in female to male; penectomy, vaginoplasty, labiaplasty, and clitoroplasty in male to female)
    1. Two referral letters from qualified mental health professionals, one in a purely evaluative role (see appendix); and
    2. Persistent, well-documented gender dysphoria (see Appendix); and
    3. Capacity to make a fully informed decision and to consent for treatment; and
    4. Age of majority (age 18 years and older); and
    5. If significant medical or mental health concerns are present, they must be reasonably well controlled; and
    6. Twelve months of continuous hormone therapy as appropriate to the member’s gender goals (unless the member has a medical contraindication or is otherwise unable or unwilling to take hormones); and
    7. Twelve months of living in a gender role that is congruent with their gender identity (real life experience).<<

SRS after the age of 40, seems to have more difficulties with the adjustment. Treatment and therapy does not end after surgery.
Psychiatry is vital to determine if surgery is necessary or not, so is it necessary after surgery

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