Former NFL Lineman Uche Nwaneri Demanded People Take the Jab- Died of Heart Attack Days Ago

I'm sure the minions of the Tater administration are sitting down with the NFL as we speak to make sure the player's vaccine status is covered-up or at least for the NFL to play-down any mention of "the jab".

In turn marching orders will be given by the NFL to all teams and sports media outlets to do the same.
I'm sure the minions of the Tater administration are sitting down with the NFL as we speak to make sure the player's vaccine status is covered-up or at least for the NFL to play-down any mention of "the jab".

In turn marching orders will be given by the NFL to all teams and sports media outlets to do the same.

We know a couple who has a 12 year old daughter. Picture of perfect health, gymnast and full of life. Got the jab and a few months later had a blood clot in her leg. Had surgery and another clot formed later. Her mother told me she'll probably be on blood thinners forever

I doubt it's a coincidence
So Biden told you if you got jabbed you wouldn't get Covid and you still support him?

I haven't gotten it since I took the shots.

Jesus had nothing to do with it.

But getting back to the point. You think the blob produced a poison. Why on earth would you still support someone who did that?
I haven't gotten it since I took the shots.

Jesus had nothing to do with it.

But getting back to the point. You think the blob produced a poison. Why on earth would you still support someone who did that?

Dealing with you is dealing with a petulant child

Did Biden tell people if they got jabbed they wouldn't get Covid. Yes or no?

Save your TDS... I'm no Trump fan
Dont mention that around Moonglow or Golfing Gator

They want to ignore any possible link between the government mandated vaccine that the public was forced to take and sudden deaths of younger healthy men

All I want is for someone to provide actual data that the number of them dying is up from 2019.
Dont mention that around Moonglow or Golfing Gator

They want to ignore any possible link between the government mandated vaccine that the public was forced to take and sudden deaths of younger healthy men
Like asking Mountain Men to discuss finer points of Quantum Theory .
They are utterly clueless in terms of subject knowledge and probably are wind- up merchants .

Fine at times in in less horrible and worrying topic areas imho .
All I want is for someone to provide actual data that the number of them dying is up from 2019.

The data is all over the place, if you wanted that, you'd actually look for it.

Now don't demand that I do your homework for you, then say that I couldn't come up with any proof. I'm not the one who fucked myself, you are. So unfuck yourself if you can find the time to research how to do it.
I'm no Trump fan
Yeah, thanks for the chuckle...

I'm a conservative and will support Trump

I support Trump

I voted for Trump due to SCOTUS

Did your blob develop something you think is a poison? Yes or No.

I know you're too much of a little pussy to answer a direct question. But I do like hitting you again and again. It truly pisses you off to be shown to be such a coward.
Yeah, thanks for the chuckle...

Did your blob develop something you think is a poison? Yes or No.

I know you're too much of a little pussy to answer a direct question. But I do like hitting you again and again. It truly pisses you off to be shown to be such a coward.

I grew tired of his nonsense. You see I don't walk lockstep like you do. Now go find my posts (and link them,) where I posted it. It's there go look Deputy Asshat.

You're fcking annoying, lesbo
Of course you'd say that. Stories like these are hard for you to hear, but they're the truth. Many of you don’t want to talk about the vaccine being the cause of so many people collapsing and having heart attacks, simply because you also took the jabs and can’t cope with the reality of what they're causing.

This is called "Whistling past the graveyard."
We are here talking about it. Just asking you to show something of substance to back up your claim. Did a doctor say that this players condition was caused by a vaccine? If not then why are you implying that it was?
I grew tired of his nonsense. You see I don't walk lockstep like you do. Now go find my posts (and link them,) where I posted it. It's there go look Deputy Asshat.

You're fcking annoying, lesbo rubbing your nose in your own bullshit is probably very annoying. Too bad it's going to continue.

Nobody is forcing you to be a congenital liar. You're making that decision on your own bitch.

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