Former Pop Star Deeply Regrets Having Abortions

Is is nice to see that she finally came to her senses. I’m sure she was heavily influenced by leftist entertainment culture, and at a time when she was young and she susceptible to influence. Too bad her epiphany came too late for her children.

I attended this march many times when I lived in CA. These speeches are incredibly powerful and moving. Hearing first hand accounts of the lives ended and ruined by abortion hits hard.
Neither do most zygotes/fetuses.

2/3rd of fertilized eggs never attach to the Uterine wall.
of the ones that do, more than half end in miscarriages or abortions.
That is not even a relevant point. When they do develop, they develop into humans, you retard.
The fake conservative speaks...and wouldn't you know...he's bashing a plank of the Republican party.

I'm shocked... shocked I tell you.

Can you point to a single place where I claimed to be a conservative.

But yeah, I get it that abortion is the bedrock of the Repub, it is like the one ring, it is the one issue to control all issues.

This is why we are 33T in debt, because this is more important than spending or debt or anything else.
Can you point to a single place where I claimed to be a conservative.

But yeah, I get it that abortion is the bedrock of the Repub, it is like the one ring, it is the one issue to control all issues.

This is why we are 33T in debt, because this is more important than spending or debt or anything else.

The US is 33T in debt because both sides have absolutely no fiscal responsibility.

Nothing to do with abortion

Run the nation's finances like my husband and I run ours. Don't spend what you don't have

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