Former Republican Senator Hagel Says Reagan Would Not Identify With Modern GOP

The Left Hates Reagan for calling their Home team an "Evil Empire", making their defeat one of the goals of his Presidency and then, by God, actually defeating Soviet Communism

Wait a sec....Reagan "defeated the Soviets" is okay when repubs talk about Regan's accomplisments, but when Obama says he got Bin Laden, he is spiking the football and arrogant.:cuckoo: BTW Reagan did not defeat the Soviet Union, it was in decline for many years and many presidents contributed to that decline.
Quoted For Truth!!
Hagel is all yours, chump.

G'head...Welcome him, McLoser, Hatch, Graham, Collins, Snowe, and all the rest of the go-along-to-get-along chump fuck brigade into the Democrat Party....It would be about time the GOP got shed of the statist neocon losers, that have been dragging it into the Stalinist gutter for decades.

Of course, you'll also be saddled with the BOOOOOOOOOSHbots...But that's your funeral.

Right, because Hagel supported the Bush Quagmire....oh, wait - he didn't!

Dumbass. :lol:
Yeah, and how many Senate DEMOCRATCS supported the quagmire?

I can dig up the roll call vote, if you really need to be slapped upside the head with reality.
Hagel didn't goose-step to the far right's drum beat,,,,,,being as he didn't put America second and party first,,,he must be evil.
The Left Hates Reagan for calling their Home team an "Evil Empire", making their defeat one of the goals of his Presidency and then, by God, actually defeating Soviet Communism

Wait a sec....Reagan "defeated the Soviets" is okay when repubs talk about Regan's accomplisments, but when Obama says he got Bin Laden, he is spiking the football and arrogant.:cuckoo: BTW Reagan did not defeat the Soviet Union, it was in decline for many years and many presidents contributed to that decline.

Reagan had very simple, but very big, goals for his Presidency:

1. Turn the US economy back over to entrepreneurs
2. Challenge and defeat Soviet Expansion

Unlike Obama, who merely stepped in to the very Big Shoes of the Bush Doctrine, Reagan called the Soviet Union an "Evil Empire" and put into place a plan that would confront the Soviets every place on the planet and defeat them.

The pro-Communist Democrats confronted Reagan at every turn, challenging him, questioning him, calling him a war monger for correctly identifying the USSR as an Evil Empire.

None of the Presidents that preceded Reagan ever identified the USSR as Evil and set as a goal to consign them to the ash heap of history; that was all Ronnie.

And now the USSR is on the ash heap and the American Left can never forgive Ronnie for that
Hagel is all yours, chump.

G'head...Welcome him, McLoser, Hatch, Graham, Collins, Snowe, and all the rest of the go-along-to-get-along chump fuck brigade into the Democrat Party....It would be about time the GOP got shed of the statist neocon losers, that have been dragging it into the Stalinist gutter for decades.

Of course, you'll also be saddled with the BOOOOOOOOOSHbots...But that's your funeral.

Right, because Hagel supported the Bush Quagmire....oh, wait - he didn't!

Dumbass. :lol:
Yeah, and how many Senate DEMOCRATCS supported the quagmire?

I can dig up the roll call vote, if you really need to be slapped upside the head with reality.
What does that have to do with whether Hagel is a Neo-Con, dope?
The Left Hates Reagan for calling their Home team an "Evil Empire", making their defeat one of the goals of his Presidency and then, by God, actually defeating Soviet Communism

Wait a sec....Reagan "defeated the Soviets" is okay when repubs talk about Regan's accomplisments, but when Obama says he got Bin Laden, he is spiking the football and arrogant.:cuckoo: BTW Reagan did not defeat the Soviet Union, it was in decline for many years and many presidents contributed to that decline.

Reagan had very simple, but very big, goals for his Presidency:

1. Turn the US economy back over to entrepreneurs
2. Challenge and defeat Soviet Expansion

Unlike Obama, who merely stepped in to the very Big Shoes of the Bush Doctrine, Reagan called the Soviet Union an "Evil Empire" and put into place a plan that would confront the Soviets every place on the planet and defeat them.

The pro-Communist Democrats confronted Reagan at every turn, challenging him, questioning him, calling him a war monger for correctly identifying the USSR as an Evil Empire.

None of the Presidents that preceded Reagan ever identified the USSR as Evil and set as a goal to consign them to the ash heap of history; that was all Ronnie.

And now the USSR is on the ash heap and the American Left can never forgive Ronnie for that

So according to you Reagan started theKorean vietnam war and funded capitlist armies in greece and the rest of the world
Former Republican Senator Hagel Says Reagan Would Not Identify With Modern GOP

Last week, former Sen. John Danforth (R-MO) told ThinkProgress that his party was becoming “increasingly inconsequential” and “intolerant” following the defeat of veteran Sen. Dick Lugar (R-IN). Now, former Sen. Chuck Hagel (R-NE) has also taken aim at his party for its ideological extremism.

Hagel — who served two terms in the Senate, between 1997 and 2009 — told Foreign Policy magazine on Friday that the Republican Party “is in the hands of the right, I would say the extreme right, more than ever before.” He observed:

Reagan wouldn’t identify with this party. There’s a streak of intolerance in the Republican Party today that scares people. Intolerance is a very dangerous thing in a society because it always leads to a tragic ending. Ronald Reagan was never driven by ideology. He was a conservative but he was a practical conservative. He wanted limited government but he used government and he used it many times. And he would work with the other party. …

Now the Republican Party is in the hands of the right, I would say the extreme right, more than ever before. You’ve got a Republican Party that is having difficulty facing up to the fact that if you look at what happened during the first 8 years of the century, it was under Republican direction. …
The Republican Party is dealing with this schizophrenia. It was the Republican leadership that got us into this mess. If Nixon or Eisenhower were alive today, they would be run out of the party.

The kicker, to me at least, is that the Tea Party elects the so-called extremists, and yet many of them have since closed ranks around Romney.

So I'm not entirely sure Hagel's correct on this one.
They have no values other than "I hate Obama"..

People who believe Reagan brought down the USSR should not be outdoors without a Guardian. Of course the extreme right has values, all of what they believe in is the against America.
Wait a sec....Reagan "defeated the Soviets" is okay when repubs talk about Regan's accomplisments, but when Obama says he got Bin Laden, he is spiking the football and arrogant.:cuckoo: BTW Reagan did not defeat the Soviet Union, it was in decline for many years and many presidents contributed to that decline.

Reagan had very simple, but very big, goals for his Presidency:

1. Turn the US economy back over to entrepreneurs
2. Challenge and defeat Soviet Expansion

Unlike Obama, who merely stepped in to the very Big Shoes of the Bush Doctrine, Reagan called the Soviet Union an "Evil Empire" and put into place a plan that would confront the Soviets every place on the planet and defeat them.

The pro-Communist Democrats confronted Reagan at every turn, challenging him, questioning him, calling him a war monger for correctly identifying the USSR as an Evil Empire.

None of the Presidents that preceded Reagan ever identified the USSR as Evil and set as a goal to consign them to the ash heap of history; that was all Ronnie.

And now the USSR is on the ash heap and the American Left can never forgive Ronnie for that

So according to you Reagan started theKorean vietnam war and funded capitlist armies in greece and the rest of the world

Is English not your first language?
The Left Hates Reagan for calling their Home team an "Evil Empire", making their defeat one of the goals of his Presidency and then, by God, actually defeating Soviet Communism

Wait a sec....Reagan "defeated the Soviets" is okay when repubs talk about Regan's accomplisments, but when Obama says he got Bin Laden, he is spiking the football and arrogant.:cuckoo: BTW Reagan did not defeat the Soviet Union, it was in decline for many years and many presidents contributed to that decline.

Reagan had very simple, but very big, goals for his Presidency:

1. Turn the US economy back over to entrepreneurs
2. Challenge and defeat Soviet Expansion

Unlike Obama, who merely stepped in to the very Big Shoes of the Bush Doctrine, Reagan called the Soviet Union an "Evil Empire" and put into place a plan that would confront the Soviets every place on the planet and defeat them.

The pro-Communist Democrats confronted Reagan at every turn, challenging him, questioning him, calling him a war monger for correctly identifying the USSR as an Evil Empire.

None of the Presidents that preceded Reagan ever identified the USSR as Evil and set as a goal to consign them to the ash heap of history; that was all Ronnie.

And now the USSR is on the ash heap and the American Left can never forgive Ronnie for that

Quite a revisionist view of history you have there. Was Reagan wearing a cape and tights when he saved the world from General Zod too?

all the Democrats were communists huh? Even Charlie Wilson?
These GOP people are amazing, they never take responsibility for their own messes..

80% of our national deficit is because of Reagan, GHWBush, and GWBush... Reagan tripled the deficit, GWBush gave away the Clinton surplus, then a huge tax cut to the rich, passed a 7 trillion dollar unfunded prescription drug bill for seniors, borrowed the money to fight two unfunded wars, and the largest government buildup since WWII...And the current GOP block any fair taxes to pay down the deficit...

And by the way Reagan, and Teddy Roosevelt, both thought Capital Gains, and Dividends, should be taxed at the same rate as a working man's paycheck..They thought being able to make money without actually working, was benefit enough...
Reagan had very simple, but very big, goals for his Presidency:

1. Turn the US economy back over to entrepreneurs
2. Challenge and defeat Soviet Expansion

Unlike Obama, who merely stepped in to the very Big Shoes of the Bush Doctrine, Reagan called the Soviet Union an "Evil Empire" and put into place a plan that would confront the Soviets every place on the planet and defeat them.

The pro-Communist Democrats confronted Reagan at every turn, challenging him, questioning him, calling him a war monger for correctly identifying the USSR as an Evil Empire.

None of the Presidents that preceded Reagan ever identified the USSR as Evil and set as a goal to consign them to the ash heap of history; that was all Ronnie.

And now the USSR is on the ash heap and the American Left can never forgive Ronnie for that

So according to you Reagan started theKorean vietnam war and funded capitlist armies in greece and the rest of the world

Is English not your first language?

It is amazing that you tell us that Reagan who became president in 1981 is responsible for the Korean war which started in the 50's
So according to you Reagan started theKorean vietnam war and funded capitlist armies in greece and the rest of the world

Is English not your first language?

It is amazing that you tell us that Reagan who became president in 1981 is responsible for the Korean war which started in the 50's

Whats amazing is his ability to ignore the facts.

Truman Doctrine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

and the fact that it was the Truman doctrine that led to American involvement in Korea and Vietnam.

His statement however IS half true. Prior to Reagan, containment was the policy. With Reagan that policy changed to actively seeking to bring down the Soviets.
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Is English not your first language?

It is amazing that you tell us that Reagan who became president in 1981 is responsible for the Korean war which started in the 50's

Whats amazing is his ability to ignore the facts.

Truman Doctrine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

and the fact that it was the Truman doctrine that led to American involvement in Korea and Vietnam.

His statement however IS half true. Prior to Reagan, containment was the policy. With Reagan that policy changed to actively seeking to bring down the Soviets.
He has no need for facts - he's got FOXNEWS and Rush.
It is amazing that you tell us that Reagan who became president in 1981 is responsible for the Korean war which started in the 50's

Whats amazing is his ability to ignore the facts.

Truman Doctrine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

and the fact that it was the Truman doctrine that led to American involvement in Korea and Vietnam.

His statement however IS half true. Prior to Reagan, containment was the policy. With Reagan that policy changed to actively seeking to bring down the Soviets.
He has no need for facts - he's got FOXNEWS and Rush.

true, they do it for him.
Wait a sec....Reagan "defeated the Soviets" is okay when repubs talk about Regan's accomplisments, but when Obama says he got Bin Laden, he is spiking the football and arrogant.:cuckoo: BTW Reagan did not defeat the Soviet Union, it was in decline for many years and many presidents contributed to that decline.

Reagan had very simple, but very big, goals for his Presidency:

1. Turn the US economy back over to entrepreneurs
2. Challenge and defeat Soviet Expansion

Unlike Obama, who merely stepped in to the very Big Shoes of the Bush Doctrine, Reagan called the Soviet Union an "Evil Empire" and put into place a plan that would confront the Soviets every place on the planet and defeat them.

The pro-Communist Democrats confronted Reagan at every turn, challenging him, questioning him, calling him a war monger for correctly identifying the USSR as an Evil Empire.

None of the Presidents that preceded Reagan ever identified the USSR as Evil and set as a goal to consign them to the ash heap of history; that was all Ronnie.

And now the USSR is on the ash heap and the American Left can never forgive Ronnie for that

Quite a revisionist view of history you have there. Was Reagan wearing a cape and tights when he saved the world from General Zod too?

all the Democrats were communists huh? Even Charlie Wilson?

See how it burns you whenever I say that Reagan called the USSR an Evil Empire and then tossed them on the ash heap of history like he said he would?

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