Former Trump aide Rick Gates to plead guilty; agrees to testify against Manafort, sources say

Obama ethics czar: Gates guilty plea shows Mueller’s flipping Trump allies ‘like a short order cook’
Where is Trump collusion with Russia? Do you people have anything or do you just get shits and giggles out of kicking Republicans?
President shit-fer-brains divides the country by blaming Democrats for investigating Russia's ploy to divide the country.
How many threads do we have to have on this. AND Gates had jack shit to do with the campaign and is charged on ancient supposed crimes that the Podesta Group committed but of course are not indicted on.
agree this is about what gates knows about manafort not related to the campaign but related to the Russians and fraud/money laundering...

however disagree that gates had nothing to do with the campaign....

gates was most certainly a big part of the campaign and stayed with the campaign after Manafort resigned, and Gates was part of the transition team after the election, and also was part of the Trump Inaugural Fund, of which $27 million got slipped to a very close friend of Melania, for allegedly no real work done....which is being investigated.

The reason Gates agreeing to testify against Manafort and turn evidence against him is also important, is because this puts pressure on Manafort to GIVE UP what he knows about the Russians, for a better deal, for himself....
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“He has always been concerned about the legitimacy of his election,” said Rick Tyler, a former communications director for Ted Cruz’s 2016 presidential bid. “This is criminal activity that these indictments point to that helped Donald Trump get elected. … My guess is he will try to delegitimize it and dismiss it.”

Worries about Trump's legitimacy resurface with Russia indictment
The top members of the Trump campaign arranged to meet the Russian team in Trump Tower, where the Russians delivered a folder of documents relating the Clinton campaign. When questioned on this meeting, Trump Jr. originally claimed it was to talk about Russian "adoptions"; we now know that wildly misleading statement was in fact authored by Donald Trump himself, on Air Force One. That act is now under investigation by Robert Mueller's team.
“He has always been concerned about the legitimacy of his election,” said Rick Tyler, a former communications director for Ted Cruz’s 2016 presidential bid. “This is criminal activity that these indictments point to that helped Donald Trump get elected. … My guess is he will try to delegitimize it and dismiss it.”

Worries about Trump's legitimacy resurface with Russia indictment

The only reason this has lasted this long for the Great Douche.
Is ITS still got some GOP/DOP backers in the GOP. It's fine with most,
if Mueller takes out the Great Douche, as they appear to protect IT,
so to keep some of these Hardcore DOPer voters in the end. They can't vote for anythang else.
How many threads do we have to have on this. AND Gates had jack shit to do with the campaign and is charged on ancient supposed crimes that the Podesta Group committed but of course are not indicted on.

Only one that I know of. Are there more on Gates agreeing to plead guilty and testify against Manafort?
How many threads do we have to have on this. AND Gates had jack shit to do with the campaign and is charged on ancient supposed crimes that the Podesta Group committed but of course are not indicted on.
agree this is about what gates knows about manafort not related to the campaign but related to the Russians and fraud/money laundering...

however disagree that gates had nothing to do with the campaign....

gates was most certainly a big part of the campaign and stayed with the campaign after Manafort resigned, and Gates was part of the transition team after the election, and also was part of the Trump Inaugural Fund, of which $27 million got slipped to a very close friend of Melania, for no work done....which is being investigated.

The reason Gates agreeing to testify against Manafort and turn evidence against him is also important, is because this puts pressure on Manafort to GIVE UP what he knows about the Russians, for a better deal, for himself....

Three main Drumpf 2016 Managers/Team member are/have pleaded guilty,
1 Manager is still headed to a trial. Flynn Jr is still available as on the inside to daddy.
And I'm SURE MANY MORE ARE COMING, So these others are running out of deals to be had.

As, So many working are in the 2016 Drumpf SCAM here, are pleading, how interesting..

I hope the Douche Force is with them to save their ASSES!
But, the Great Douche is into so many more Crimes than others, some not wanting to go
down for the Douche. As there is nothang in it for them
How many threads do we have to have on this. AND Gates had jack shit to do with the campaign and is charged on ancient supposed crimes that the Podesta Group committed but of course are not indicted on.
agree this is about what gates knows about manafort not related to the campaign but related to the Russians and fraud/money laundering...

however disagree that gates had nothing to do with the campaign....

gates was most certainly a big part of the campaign and stayed with the campaign after Manafort resigned, and Gates was part of the transition team after the election, and also was part of the Trump Inaugural Fund, of which $27 million got slipped to a very close friend of Melania, for no work done....which is being investigated.

The reason Gates agreeing to testify against Manafort and turn evidence against him is also important, is because this puts pressure on Manafort to GIVE UP what he knows about the Russians, for a better deal, for himself....

Yabbut, other than that, Gates had "jack shit" to do with the campaign.

Yeah, it seems Manafort lied to the court about his assets, and is facing more charges.

Has nothing to do with Trump.

I'm sure the Money Laundering at the Golden Douche Shower Tower in NY, DOES!

All ownerships in Douche Towers around the world is Money Laundering for the most part.

Paul Manafort's Trump Tower condo becomes the latest sticking point for prosecutors

"In 1980, Manafort, Charles Black, and Roger Stone (all Ronald Reagan campaign officials) opened a lobbying shop in Washington, D.C. One of their very first clients: Donald Trump, who employed the lobbying firm of Black, Manafort & Stone through the early 1990s."

Plus, both men have mutual close friends, including Barrack and Stone, whom Manafort and Trump have been close with for decades. Both Manafort and Trump were active in the New Jersey political scene in the 1980s, and later, both men were involved in lobbying Capitol Hill on American Indian gaming issues.Since 2006, Manafort has owned a condo in Trump Tower in Manhattan, and around the same time, became involved in the Manhattan real estate scene.

...Read more.
The Not-So-Brief History Of Paul Manafort And His Relationship With Trump | HuffPost
Paul Manafort and Donald Trump Have Known Each Other for a Very, Very Long Time

Yep, and Jared Kushner in hock up to his eyeballs.
“He has always been concerned about the legitimacy of his election,” said Rick Tyler, a former communications director for Ted Cruz’s 2016 presidential bid. “This is criminal activity that these indictments point to that helped Donald Trump get elected. … My guess is he will try to delegitimize it and dismiss it.”

Worries about Trump's legitimacy resurface with Russia indictment
The top members of the Trump campaign arranged to meet the Russian team in Trump Tower, where the Russians delivered a folder of documents relating the Clinton campaign. When questioned on this meeting, Trump Jr. originally claimed it was to talk about Russian "adoptions"; we now know that wildly misleading statement was in fact authored by Donald Trump himself, on Air Force One. That act is now under investigation by Robert Mueller's team.

I think the best play for the Douche is to let this play out. Let Manafort be the fall guy. By giving him a Pardon already in the dark.
He's like 70, they can pay all his bills, buy all new homes for him, employ him in new ways, some stock ventures namelessly etc..
This can stop the investigation from this end, the problem is the other threads we don't see yet. So for now, Mueller using Manafort,
is great bait for other thangs.

And let the Great Douche.... Swing and...


A former top aide to Donald Trump's presidential campaign will plead guilty to fraud-related charges within days – and has made clear to prosecutors that he would testify against Paul J. Manafort Jr., the lawyer-lobbyist who once managed the campaign.

The change of heart by Trump's former deputy campaign manager, Richard W. Gates III, who had pleaded not guilty after being indicted in October on charges similar to Manafort's, was described in interviews by people familiar with the case.

"Rick Gates is going to change his plea to guilty,'' said a person with direct knowledge of the new developments, adding that the revised plea will be presented in federal court in Washington "within the next few days.''

That individual and others who discussed the matter spoke on condition of anonymity, citing a judge's gag order restricting comments about the case to the news media or public.

More: Former Trump aide Rick Gates to plead guilty; agrees to testify against Manafort, sources say - Los Angeles Times

I've heard various experts say over the past few weeks that Gates was in a position to know a lot of stuff. Trump should probably be a little more worried. We'll see...
Trump’s is truly a corrupt and incompetent ‘administration.’

A former top aide to Donald Trump's presidential campaign will plead guilty to fraud-related charges within days – and has made clear to prosecutors that he would testify against Paul J. Manafort Jr., the lawyer-lobbyist who once managed the campaign.

The change of heart by Trump's former deputy campaign manager, Richard W. Gates III, who had pleaded not guilty after being indicted in October on charges similar to Manafort's, was described in interviews by people familiar with the case.

"Rick Gates is going to change his plea to guilty,'' said a person with direct knowledge of the new developments, adding that the revised plea will be presented in federal court in Washington "within the next few days.''

That individual and others who discussed the matter spoke on condition of anonymity, citing a judge's gag order restricting comments about the case to the news media or public.

More: Former Trump aide Rick Gates to plead guilty; agrees to testify against Manafort, sources say - Los Angeles Times

I've heard various experts say over the past few weeks that Gates was in a position to know a lot of stuff. Trump should probably be a little more worried. We'll see...
Trump’s is truly a corrupt and incompetent ‘administration.’

THAT BE TRUE! That BE the old GOP Ways and still is,
with the New and Improved Douching DOPer ways, to running a nation. For the 1%. .

A former top aide to Donald Trump's presidential campaign will plead guilty to fraud-related charges within days – and has made clear to prosecutors that he would testify against Paul J. Manafort Jr., the lawyer-lobbyist who once managed the campaign.

The change of heart by Trump's former deputy campaign manager, Richard W. Gates III, who had pleaded not guilty after being indicted in October on charges similar to Manafort's, was described in interviews by people familiar with the case.

"Rick Gates is going to change his plea to guilty,'' said a person with direct knowledge of the new developments, adding that the revised plea will be presented in federal court in Washington "within the next few days.''

That individual and others who discussed the matter spoke on condition of anonymity, citing a judge's gag order restricting comments about the case to the news media or public.

More: Former Trump aide Rick Gates to plead guilty; agrees to testify against Manafort, sources say - Los Angeles Times

I've heard various experts say over the past few weeks that Gates was in a position to know a lot of stuff. Trump should probably be a little more worried. We'll see...

Apparently a lot of people didn't read the indictment from Mueller. He laid it out very specifically. This is no longer about collusion. It is now the crime of conspiracy against the United States, and anybody that gets touched by this indictment, for any reason, nomatter who that may be, is caught up in a conspiracy indictment, and that goes for everyone already that has been indicted, entered into a plea, is further cooperating with investigation, to the un named co conspirators listed in the indictment we don't even know yet, to everyone in the Trump campaign including Manafort, Jared Kushner, Donald Trump Jr., right up the to the top of the food chain.

And that's not even including the money laundering charges and who that may end up touching. All of the supporters of the orange ass clown on usmb, and elsewhere can keep their heads buried up his ass all they want, but their support can't help him, and this doesn't even take into consideration down the line what Mike Pence's exposure is, or Jeff Sessions, or any Congressional Republicans, or media sources that let their alligator mouths overload their canary assholes.
So someone we don't know who claims Gates is going to plead guilty to charges that have nothing to do with Trump or his campiagn and testify against Manafort about charges that have nothing to do with Trump or his campiagn. Good to know thanks for the update.

The most criminal administration in history. Now we find out what Manafort knows. I doubt he will take a bullet for Trump either.
So someone we don't know who claims Gates is going to plead guilty to charges that have nothing to do with Trump or his campiagn and testify against Manafort about charges that have nothing to do with Trump or his campiagn. Good to know thanks for the update.

Yeah, the whole Russia thing is just a hoax. Except for the 37 other people and counting that have left the administration in one year, and the steady flow of indictments from an investigation that picking them off like flies, I'm sure there is nothing to it.
Yeah sure you keep living that liberal wet dream you can even put Trump's going down anytime on a billboard or have someone skywrite if it helps you get through the day. In the meantime those not suffering from TDS will look at your post and threads and do this.
As you wished this was all over finding or not finding a long form birth certificate for the Great Douche, this time around.. LOL!
So someone we don't know who claims Gates is going to plead guilty to charges that have nothing to do with Trump or his campiagn and testify against Manafort about charges that have nothing to do with Trump or his campiagn. Good to know thanks for the update.

The most criminal administration in history. Now we find out what Manafort knows. I doubt he will take a bullet for Trump either.
So someone we don't know who claims Gates is going to plead guilty to charges that have nothing to do with Trump or his campiagn and testify against Manafort about charges that have nothing to do with Trump or his campiagn. Good to know thanks for the update.

Yeah, the whole Russia thing is just a hoax. Except for the 37 other people and counting that have left the administration in one year, and the steady flow of indictments from an investigation that picking them off like flies, I'm sure there is nothing to it.
Yeah sure you keep living that liberal wet dream you can even put Trump's going down anytime on a billboard or have someone skywrite if it helps you get through the day. In the meantime those not suffering from TDS will look at your post and threads and do this.
As you wished this was all over finding or not finding a long form birth certificate for the Great Douche, this time around.. LOL!
Sorry I have not updated my idiocy to English translation software to deal post like yours I'm sure you probably thought you were making some sort of intelligent statement but as usual you missed the mark again and by a wide margin keep trying though were all pulling for you.

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