Former Witch Speaks Out About Halloween

It’s an actual thing. There are plenty of ex-witches and ex-satanists out there, you can hear what they have to say. I know that some people simply don’t believe this, but the spiritual realm is a real thing, think of it as a different dimension. If I have time I’ll find and post a video later.

If they had the ability to actually do anything we'd have seen or heard about it by now.
If they had the ability to actually do anything we'd have seen or heard about it by now.

You can hear about it if you read the writings or hear the people who got out of satanism or witchcraft. But for those still involved with it, if they do something evil or illegal, they’re not going to advertise that. The very word “Occult“ comes from the Latin word occultus which means hidden, secret. And I think it goes without saying that hidden or secret things are typically not good things, good things can be out in the light.
You can hear about it if you read the writings or hear the people who got out of satanism or witchcraft. But for those still involved with it, if they do something evil or illegal, they’re not going to advertise that. The very word “Occult“ comes from the Latin word occultus which means hidden, secret. And I think it goes without saying that hidden or secret things are typically not good things, good things can be out in the light.

I understand that.
But where are the victims? I just dont believe in any of this kinda shit and I've never seen or heard anything that would change my mind.
To me it's right up there with BigFoot.
I'm sure there are a lot of those types out there but they still cant cast spells or summon demons.

I don't know,.. I must admit that it's rather difficult to tell what's true and what's not, I just wouldn't mess with it as I personally find the Bible to be a warning against it for our own good. Don't believe what Death Angel (no use in even tagging him anymore since he has me on ignore) I don't actually dabble in the occult just because I'm into Halloween and Harry Potter. He's right when he says this stuff is evil, but when he thinks that I'm a witch or something that's where the delusion comes in.
I don't know,.. I must admit that it's rather difficult to tell what's true and what's not, I just wouldn't mess with it as I personally find the Bible to be a warning against it for our own good. Don't believe what Death Angel (no use in even tagging him anymore since he has me on ignore) I don't actually dabble in the occult just because I'm into Halloween and Harry Potter. He's right when he says this stuff is evil, but when he thinks that I'm a witch or something that's where the delusion comes in.

Anyone who thinks Halloween is a demonic holiday is off their rocker.
It used to be one of my favorite holidays when I was younger.
The Wife and I used to throw elaborate parties,spending thousands of bucks on em. At 56 I'm done with that,way to much work.
Where we live now ,in a small gated community,the adults set up at the end of their driveways with candy for the kids and adult beverages for the adults.
By the time you've circled the block you're pretty much done for the evening.

You appear to have a huge misunderstanding. Christians aren’t celebrating death and darkness that you associate with the crucifixion. Christians celebrate that Jesus DEFEATED death and darkness, and that as the perfect “lamb of God” He willingly gave his life to be the atoning sacrifice for our sins, which made a way for all of us to be reconciled to God and have eternal life.

Halloween, on the other hand, glorifies and celebrates darkness, death, demonic things, etc. Yes of course it’s also a night for little kids to get candy, but it’s still a pagan holiday that glorifies things that Christians shouldn’t glorify or be into. Sorry if those words sting some people on this thread, but it’s the truth. :dunno:
I mean this in the nicest way possible,.. who made you our boss?

I’m not, it’s not me or my own words, it’s absolutely scriptural! Like I said yesterday, if I wanted to take the time, I could post tons of scriptures showing this. For now suffice it to say that throughout the Bible we are told to be set apart, different than the world, and to not participate or glorify things that the world glorifies. For me it’s not a matter of being legalistic… I just have no desire to celebrate death, darkness, witches, devils, etc. Why would I?
I’m not, it’s not me or my own words, it’s absolutely scriptural! Like I said yesterday, if I wanted to take the time, I could post tons of scriptures showing this. For now suffice it to say that throughout the Bible we are told to be set apart, different than the world, and to not participate or glorify things that the world glorifies. For me it’s not a matter of being legalistic… I just have no desire to celebrate death, darkness, witches, devils, etc. Why would I?

Okay, so then that's your opinion about it and NO it's not scriptural I don't care what you say but you're more than free to believe it. Just please stop trying to push it on the rest of us. That's all I'm asking. I've been able to agree to disagree with a few liberals on here, so I say that's what we do on this subject.
Okay, so then that's your opinion about it and NO it's not scriptural I don't care what you say but you're more than free to believe it. Just please stop trying to push it on the rest of us. That's all I'm asking. I've been able to agree to disagree with a few liberals on here, so I say that's what we do on this subject.

I’m sorry, but it IS scriptural. No doubt about that. I think you just view it in a very different way. I honestly think you look at this in an innocent and sincere way… but that doesn’t make your position true from a biblical perspective.

I am simply responding to the topic here and some of the posts, so that is not pushing things, it’s totally on topic. Now, if I would have posted on a regular Halloween thread and kept saying all these things, then THAT could be called pushing. But anyway, I don’t want to continue debating this if you don’t want to, and I have things I gotta do today, so I’m gonna make like a baby and head out.
Whatever, I must have missed the parts in the Bible where it condemns candy, costumes, and pumpkin carving. :rolleyes:
Yes you did as you claimed Halloween is evil and against the Bible and that's what Halloween is LOL

Nope, I said celebrating DARKNESS, death and demonic things goes against the scriptures. I never said anything about pumpkin carving or costumes. Come on now, don’t put words in my mouth when my posts are there in black-and-white for anyone to see.
I mean this in the nicest way possible,.. who made you our boss?
You DEFINATELY DO NOT have the Spirit of Christ.
Definition of a Christian: If anyone has not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of His.

Apparently you believe YOU ARE EVERYONE'S BOSS because you cannot accept that anyone would dare say anything that you disagree with.

The Scriptures are clear about worshipping demons and that is what this holy day of Satan is all about.

I really don't care if this thread offends you. You love dabbling in the occult. You need to find repentance
Nope, I said celebrating DARKNESS, death and demonic things goes against the scriptures. I never said anything about pumpkin carving or costumes. Come on now, don’t put words in my mouth when my posts are there in black-and-white for anyone to see.
But when they do it for THIS PAGAN, DEMON WORSHIPPING DAY, they shout to the world that THAT PARTICULAR DAY is special to them.
You DEFINATELY DO NOT have the Spirit of Christ.
Definition of a Christian: If anyone has not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of His.

Apparently you believe YOU ARE EVERYONE'S BOSS because you cannot accept that anyone would dare say anything that you disagree with.

The Scriptures are clear about worshipping demons and that is what this holy day of Satan is all about.

I really don't care if this thread offends you. You love dabbling in the occult. You need to find repentance

I thought you had me on ignore LMAO and btw, oh yeah that really hurts coming from somebody who believes he superior to all colored people. Your opinion means diddly to me. :rolleyes:

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