Fort Hood shooter may never be executed even if found guilty

Good. Not a fan of the death penalty.

Life in prison works fine for me.
not me, if ever this is a case where in there is no question at all of guilt leaving just the mortality to argue, this is it.....mine says, hang him.
What I don't get is why this asshole is allowed to retain his beard.
He's an O-4 in the Army (for the time being).
That fucker should comply with military grooming standards.
What I don't get is why this asshole is allowed to retain his beard.
He's an O-4 in the Army (for the time being).
That fucker should comply with military grooming standards.

An appellate Judge ousted the last Judge that tried to have him shaved. The Appellate division of the Military is scared shitless they may make a mistake.
this What astounds me is that it took the JAG almost 4 years to bring incident to trial.

That's longer than even a civilian case. .. :doubt:
What I don't get is why this asshole is allowed to retain his beard.
He's an O-4 in the Army (for the time being).
That fucker should comply with military grooming standards.

Of all the things this shit stain is guilty of, this is what bothers you?

C. Everet koop disagree's with you sir.

this What astounds me is that it took the JAG almost 4 years to bring incident to trial.

That's longer than even a civilian case. .. :doubt:

as I said ion another thread, this was stage managed at the top from the very beginning, see: unlawful command influence (UCI).........they hum it and fake it if they have to.
Someone should tell him that the reason he's paralyzed and has to lift himself every 30 minutes is because allah hates him.
What I don't get is why this asshole is allowed to retain his beard.
He's an O-4 in the Army (for the time being).
That fucker should comply with military grooming standards.

Of all the things this shit stain is guilty of, this is what bothers you?

C. Everet koop disagree's with you sir.


yes and that prick got to keep his beard while the navy lost the right to wear theres....I remember that shit going down...( notice his uniform)
The moment he admitted to being a warrior for Al Queda, he should have been dragged out of the courtroom and summarily shot as a spy.

That has been SOP for enemies wearing a friendly uniform for centuries.
The moment he admitted to being a warrior for Al Queda, he should have been dragged out of the courtroom and summarily shot as a spy.

That has been SOP for enemies wearing a friendly uniform for centuries.

You mean like Anwar al-Awaki?

Fort Hood and the rarity of military executions

Seems the military does not know how to do it and then the appellate Courts for the military get nit picky.

Sounds ok to me. Isn't America supposed to operate on the rule of law?

Read the article. the military appellate does not accept things civilian courts do.

I read the article. It sounds like the military system works hard to do better. That is as it should be. I am not faulting you for looking at the issue emotionally, but the rule of law is more important than any one case. God knows "military justice" is so often an oxy moron, its nice to read that at least in capital cases the system honours traditional legal thinking. And let's face it, this defendant isn't going anywhere, ever. If you are looking for personal vengeance, keeping him alive in the Great Satan's military prison system is harsher than the death penalty.

BTW, what ever happened to PFC Green, the kid who was convicted of murder of an Iraqi family and rape of the children in Iraq? What was his sentence? .... Found it. Life in prison. says

Federal jurors who convicted Green of rape and murder on May 7 told the judge they couldn't agree on the appropriate sentence after deliberating for more than 10 hours over two days. Their choices were a death sentence or life in prison without parole. Since they could not unanimously agree on either sentence, life in prison had to be the verdict.

"It's the better of two bad choices," said his father, John Green, who sighed as the verdict was read.

His son will be sentenced Sept. 4 by U.S. District Judge Thomas B. Russell.

I must admit my emotional response is to think he should be executed. I don't think I'm right to think that, but that's why the death penalty is so controversial. I would feel quite differently if I was his dad.
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Fort Hood and the rarity of military executions

Seems the military does not know how to do it and then the appellate Courts for the military get nit picky.

The Army hasn't executed anyone since 1961.

Given that executions as a whole are declining in this country, with more states outlawing it or not pushing very hard to carry out death sentences, by the time Hasan runs out all his appeals, he'll probably be dead.

He's already a parapalegic. That's probably going to shorten his lifespan as it is.

The real tragedy is that this guy should have been casheired out long before he went on his shooting rampage.

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