Four Broward Deputies Waited Outside Of Stoneman Douglas During The Shooting

Guy is corrupt, enriching his friends with public money.
Two years ago, the Sun Sentinel reported that Israel was rewarding top political supporters by giving them and their family members cushy jobs doing public relations and community outreach for the Broward County Sheriff's Office. One such position, outreach manager, paid out a salary of $78,489. The person who got that job was the husband of Israel's campaign manager. When Broward County Sheriff Scott Israel Was Accused of Corruption, He Responded: 'Lions Don't Care About the Opinions of Sheep'
Guy is corrupt, enriching his friends with public money.
Two years ago, the Sun Sentinel reported that Israel was rewarding top political supporters by giving them and their family members cushy jobs doing public relations and community outreach for the Broward County Sheriff's Office. One such position, outreach manager, paid out a salary of $78,489. The person who got that job was the husband of Israel's campaign manager. When Broward County Sheriff Scott Israel Was Accused of Corruption, He Responded: 'Lions Don't Care About the Opinions of Sheep'
well that can't come back and karma his ass, no.
Being shot at is terrifying especially when you don't know where the shooter or shooters are...I've seen grown men over 6.5 300 lbs of muscle run away like 12 year old girls from gunfire...
I can't go to the coward word without knowing more...I know what I would have done...right or wrong I would have charged into the building but the whole time I'd be praying that I don't set off some booby trap blowing myself and the entire building up or running into multiple shooters and being outgunned...
Crime scene assessment is important for not only the police but for the potential victims as well...
But I wouldn't have cared I would have charged into the building....all those kids being shot...just horrific...

Scot Peterson is 54, has 32 years as a cop, he was school security since 2009. He was inside the building attending to another student when the shooting started. He ran outside and fucking stayed there, NOT doing his job that he was trained for, doing jack shit while 17 were slaughtered. He's a pos. All I'm reading are excuses for this bastard. His FUCKING JOB was to protect. He had 32 YEARS as a cop. His JOB is to ENGAGE. His boss agrees. Go in, find him, kill him. And now it's coming out that FOUR cops sat it out and let these people die? Gee, I wonder why so many are calling for arming the staff.

"Israel said that while the video footage of Scot doing nothing made him “sick” to his stomach, authorities do not plan to release the video footage showing Peterson standing outside of the school anytime soon, if at all. Scot, who had worked since 2009 as a school safety officer, was inside the school attending to a different student as Cruz began shooting. However, instead of engaging Cruz, Scot took a position outside of the school on the west side and did not go back inside."

Video Shows Armed Officer Scot Peterson Doing Nothing For Four Minutes As Nikolas Cruz Shot 17, Says Sheriff
And, I get it, too. Solve gun violence with more guns. Of course, if that were true, the USA would already be the safest country in the world. But, never mind. The Right wants to be able to own and use combat weapons, and then marginalize the police, who fail to act because they are outgunned.


Bad guy with gun vs advertised sitting ducks = ducks die

Bad guy with gun vs silently armed ducks = ducks have a fighting chance

Good to know you prefer dead ducks
And, I get it, too. Solve gun violence with more guns. Of course, if that were true, the USA would already be the safest country in the world. But, never mind. The Right wants to be able to own and use combat weapons, and then marginalize the police, who fail to act because they are outgunned.


Bad guy with gun vs advertised sitting ducks = ducks die

Bad guy with gun vs silently armed ducks = ducks have a fighting chance

Good to know you prefer dead ducks

Good guy with permission to bring gun into class turns out to be bad guy. All ducks dead.
then marginalize the police, who fail to act because they are outgunned.
One derange kid vs four trained police officers, and you claim the cops were out gunned?

Sorry, desperado, I am sure that you would have drawn down on the kid firing his AR-15 with his almost almost inexhaustible clips,with your 9 round 9 MM. But, unfortunately, you wern't there.
And, I get it, too. Solve gun violence with more guns. Of course, if that were true, the USA would already be the safest country in the world. But, never mind. The Right wants to be able to own and use combat weapons, and then marginalize the police, who fail to act because they are outgunned.


Bad guy with gun vs advertised sitting ducks = ducks die

Bad guy with gun vs silently armed ducks = ducks have a fighting chance

Good to know you prefer dead ducks

Good guy with permission to bring gun into class turns out to be bad guy. All ducks dead.

BAD guy with gun. Because the ducks weren't armed and the one hired and trained to protect them ran like chicken shit. Like duck shit.
Darn good chance all the coward cops were hardcore Republican Trump MAGA supporters..
Our military do not send solders into combat with a pistol against a combat rifle. The AR-15 IS a combat weapon. No one should expect that deputies should charge them with peashooters. The problem remains the same as it always has been. People having access to combat weapons.
this punk kid was not a battle hardened , suicidal Japanese soldier--he was a punk jackass
look at him now...

But, before he was arrested, for all anyone knew, he was the same level of psychopath and just as dangerous as the shooter in Vegas.
the usual shooters at schools are kids--not 50 year olds don't see too many 50 year olds shooting up schools

...I've had guys on other forums show me videos of ''trick'' shooting---it was like a disc that was ejected at the same speed every time--so a shooter was able to easily hit it
...or they showed me these looong shots with a pistol---this are ''trick'' shots....they had lot's of time to aim and/or practice it many times
--as I've linked before--it's hard to be accurate with a gun in a shootout
even with basic training, it's hard to hit a stationary target at 40 yards
..I've fired at many competitions in the USMC

--so what if he's a psycho?--that doesn't mean he will be any more accurate
Our military do not send solders into combat with a pistol against a combat rifle. The AR-15 IS a combat weapon. No one should expect that deputies should charge them with peashooters. The problem remains the same as it always has been. People having access to combat weapons.
this punk kid was not a battle hardened , suicidal Japanese soldier--he was a punk jackass
look at him now...

But, before he was arrested, for all anyone knew, he was the same level of psychopath and just as dangerous as the shooter in Vegas.
my mistake--I should have said we KNOW he was a psycho--anyone shooting up a school is a psycho---that doesn't mean he's accurate with a gun and a combat vet
As the title of the thread indicates, there were four, as the CNN story indicates there were 4...where is the disconnect?

Because initially there was ONE... and if they start arming some teachers, often times it is going to be ONE in the situation.

The question that should be asked here is, why did the responding cops not have their own AR-15's with them. A lot of police departments carry a side arm, and a shot gun and AR-15 in their car.

Oh, STFU. Why didn't they do what the public hired them to do?

Why don't you ask them? And you talking about how you would take on an active shooter with a hand gun and give them a head shot is... fucking retarded. Quit trying to be a keyboard warrior. This isn't a video game.

You little piss-ant shit. I did not say anything about a head shot, or any shot for that matter. You want to save your sorry ass while many others lose theirs, great, you stay in your mothers basement.

Good Lord you are dumb... look back and see who I was replying to. :abgg2q.jpg:

Then maybe you need to learn how to reply to that persons post...dumbass.
Exactly like Columbine: the chickenshit, incompetent cops wouldn't even enter the building until the shooting was over.
But they’d have no issue shooting an unarmed man in the back who’s complying with their orders
Because initially there was ONE... and if they start arming some teachers, often times it is going to be ONE in the situation.

The question that should be asked here is, why did the responding cops not have their own AR-15's with them. A lot of police departments carry a side arm, and a shot gun and AR-15 in their car.

Oh, STFU. Why didn't they do what the public hired them to do?

Why don't you ask them? And you talking about how you would take on an active shooter with a hand gun and give them a head shot is... fucking retarded. Quit trying to be a keyboard warrior. This isn't a video game.

You little piss-ant shit. I did not say anything about a head shot, or any shot for that matter. You want to save your sorry ass while many others lose theirs, great, you stay in your mothers basement.

Good Lord you are dumb... look back and see who I was replying to. :abgg2q.jpg:

Then maybe you need to learn how to reply to that persons post...dumbass.

Dumbass look again. I was replying to Marion's post. You've been a member here for almost a year and can't tell who someone is responding to?
There's a lesson here, which all you fantasy Rambos would understand, given the circumstances.
If you confront a maniac with an AR15, there's a very good chance you're gonna DIE.
The answer is to remove all these weapons from the public domain, and ban them completely.
It worked in Australia, where there's a similar minority of rabid gun nuts.

What part of Serve and Protect gives you the most trouble?
There's a lesson here, which all you fantasy Rambos would understand, given the circumstances.
If you confront a maniac with an AR15, there's a very good chance you're gonna DIE.
The answer is to remove all these weapons from the public domain, and ban them completely.
It worked in Australia, where there's a similar minority of rabid gun nuts.
regarding confronting a ''maniac with an AR 15'':
not this guy--read my posts
the cops have the advantage
he threw down his rifle and extra mags--he did not want a confrontation with the cops
look at his attitude/demeanor/words after he was caught
....he was a whimpy punk
..the cops probably wouldn't even have had to fire--he would've given up
Our military do not send solders into combat with a pistol against a combat rifle. The AR-15 IS a combat weapon. No one should expect that deputies should charge them with peashooters. The problem remains the same as it always has been. People having access to combat weapons.
this punk kid was not a battle hardened , suicidal Japanese soldier--he was a punk jackass
look at him now...

But, before he was arrested, for all anyone knew, he was the same level of psychopath and just as dangerous as the shooter in Vegas.
my mistake--I should have said we KNOW he was a psycho--anyone shooting up a school is a psycho---that doesn't mean he's accurate with a gun and a combat vet

You have to be accurate with an AR-15 with 15 ammo clips?
There's a lesson here, which all you fantasy Rambos would understand, given the circumstances.
If you confront a maniac with an AR15, there's a very good chance you're gonna DIE.
The answer is to remove all these weapons from the public domain, and ban them completely.
It worked in Australia, where there's a similar minority of rabid gun nuts.
regarding confronting a ''maniac with an AR 15'':
not this guy--read my posts
the cops have the advantage
he threw down his rifle and extra mags--he did not want a confrontation with the cops
look at his attitude/demeanor/words after he was caught
....he was a whimpy punk
..the cops probably wouldn't even have had to fire--he would've given up

If you had only been there to take care of business for us, Harmom....sigh.
There's a lesson here, which all you fantasy Rambos would understand, given the circumstances.
If you confront a maniac with an AR15, there's a very good chance you're gonna DIE.
The answer is to remove all these weapons from the public domain, and ban them completely.
It worked in Australia, where there's a similar minority of rabid gun nuts.
regarding confronting a ''maniac with an AR 15'':
not this guy--read my posts
the cops have the advantage
he threw down his rifle and extra mags--he did not want a confrontation with the cops
look at his attitude/demeanor/words after he was caught
....he was a whimpy punk
..the cops probably wouldn't even have had to fire--he would've given up

If you had only been there to take care of business for us, Harmom....sigh.

Pretty obvious you wouldn't have...
How many Coward County cops hid outside of the school while those kids were being murdered? Didn't this kind of thing happen for Columbine also?
How many Coward County cops hid outside of the school while those kids were being murdered? Didn't this kind of thing happen for Columbine also?

They expect a completely different result, once they give the Latin teacher a gun.

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