Four Broward Deputies Waited Outside Of Stoneman Douglas During The Shooting

Our military do not send solders into combat with a pistol against a combat rifle. The AR-15 IS a combat weapon. No one should expect that deputies should charge them with peashooters. The problem remains the same as it always has been. People having access to combat weapons.
The cops have AR15's. They use them to come into your home and arrest you.

An you and the NRA will soon turn this country into another Mexico, where even traffic cops carry AR-15s, just to survive another day..
Our military do not send solders into combat with a pistol against a combat rifle. The AR-15 IS a combat weapon. No one should expect that deputies shout charge them with peashooters. The problem remains the same as it always has been. People having access to combat weapons.
regarding the cops charging in--that's exactly what they should have done
1. those are CHILDREN getting blown to away
2. the shooter is at a disadvantage and the cops have the adavantage
..a.the cops should know the proximity of the shooter--the shooter doesn't know where the cops are
..b. the shooter is concentrating on killing--not defense
..c. the shooter was an 18 year old punk kid with no training an enclosed area--a rifle can be harder to wield
using shock action they should've took him down ''easily''
..e. the shooter can't hear the cops if he is firing

are you SHITTING me??
have you ever read about Iwo Jima/Hamburger Hill/etc?? we've sent our troops/USMC on many suicide charges/attacks
Our military do not send solders into combat with a pistol against a combat rifle. The AR-15 IS a combat weapon. No one should expect that deputies should charge them with peashooters. The problem remains the same as it always has been. People having access to combat weapons.
The cops have AR15's. They use them to come into your home and arrest you.

An you and the NRA will soon turn this country into another Mexico, where even traffic cops carry AR-15s, just to survive another day..

Your side almost has us there. ANTIFA, BLM.....
Our military do not send solders into combat with a pistol against a combat rifle. The AR-15 IS a combat weapon. No one should expect that deputies shout charge them with peashooters. The problem remains the same as it always has been. People having access to combat weapons.
regarding the cops charging in--that's exactly what they should have done
1. those are CHILDREN getting blown to away
2. the shooter is at a disadvantage and the cops have the adavantage
..a.the cops should know the proximity of the shooter--the shooter doesn't know where the cops are
..b. the shooter is concentrating on killing--not defense
..c. the shooter was an 18 year old punk kid with no training an enclosed area--a rifle can be harder to wield
using shock action they should've took him down ''easily''
..e. the shooter can't hear the cops if he is firing

are you SHITTING me??
have you ever read about Iwo Jima/hamburger Hill/etc?? we sent our troops/USMC on many suicide charges

Oh, Jesus on a bicycle.......!
Because initially there was ONE... and if they start arming some teachers, often times it is going to be ONE in the situation.

The question that should be asked here is, why did the responding cops not have their own AR-15's with them. A lot of police departments carry a side arm, and a shot gun and AR-15 in their car.

Oh, STFU. Why didn't they do what the public hired them to do?

Why don't you ask them? And you talking about how you would take on an active shooter with a hand gun and give them a head shot is... fucking retarded. Quit trying to be a keyboard warrior. This isn't a video game.

You little piss-ant shit. I did not say anything about a head shot, or any shot for that matter. You want to save your sorry ass while many others lose theirs, great, you stay in your mothers basement.

Good Lord you are dumb... look back and see who I was replying to. :abgg2q.jpg:

Well, leftist shill boy. I am accustomed to taking head shots as that's what shuts them down immediately, and makes the meat less gamey.

Been doing it over 30 years, too, so there's that. :dunno:

Ain't much room for error with a gator.

Is this in hunting animals you refer? Well yes if you are hunting animals you can do a head shot, I mean not that many deers or whatever are armed with AR-15s are they?

If though you are hunting for example squirrels, then go for a Centre Mass shot because those squirrels are armed Marion :omg:


Some of the POS are also snipers, so be careful :omg:

You little piss-ant shit. I did not say anything about a head shot, or any shot for that matter. You want to save your sorry ass while many others lose theirs, great, you stay in your mothers basement.

Good Lord you are dumb... look back and see who I was replying to. :abgg2q.jpg:

Well, leftist shill boy. I am accustomed to taking head shots as that's what shuts them down immediately, and makes the meat less gamey.

Been doing it over 30 years, too, so there's that. :dunno:

Head shots at the shooting range aren't the same as head shots when the target are shooting back at you with a semi-automatic rifle and students are running in between you.

True, but you've never been shot at.

...and you know this how?

By what you type child.
Yet, he could get one off the street without even a waiting period. How asinine.
The left seems to be saying if there is a shooting in progress and there is a chance they are using a semi-automatic, then wait until the stop shooting before going in, no matter how many lives will be lost. How sadly ridiculous you sound.

No, the left is saying that the SOB should not have had access to an AR-15 at all.
Our military do not send solders into combat with a pistol against a combat rifle. The AR-15 IS a combat weapon. No one should expect that deputies should charge them with peashooters. The problem remains the same as it always has been. People having access to combat weapons.
The cops have AR15's. They use them to come into your home and arrest you.

Yet not to put down people killing kids with AR-15s, amirite?
Well that would be police brutality.
Bulls#it. They have been calling for tougher nics since 2012!
Our military do not send solders into combat with a pistol against a combat rifle. The AR-15 IS a combat weapon. No one should expect that deputies should charge them with peashooters. The problem remains the same as it always has been. People having access to combat weapons.
The cops have AR15's. They use them to come into your home and arrest you.

An you and the NRA will soon turn this country into another Mexico, where even traffic cops carry AR-15s, just to survive another day..
Good Lord you are dumb... look back and see who I was replying to. :abgg2q.jpg:

Well, leftist shill boy. I am accustomed to taking head shots as that's what shuts them down immediately, and makes the meat less gamey.

Been doing it over 30 years, too, so there's that. :dunno:

Head shots at the shooting range aren't the same as head shots when the target are shooting back at you with a semi-automatic rifle and students are running in between you.

True, but you've never been shot at.

...and you know this how?

By what you type child.

Whatever Mr. Keyboard Warrior. Should we put you in the same category as Tom Horn?

You brag so much about what you'd do, but you don't even know basic military strategy.
Our military do not send solders into combat with a pistol against a combat rifle. The AR-15 IS a combat weapon. No one should expect that deputies should charge them with peashooters. The problem remains the same as it always has been. People having access to combat weapons.
this off duty cop with a revolver attacked a heavy armed sniper and came out alive
University of Texas tower shooting - Wikipedia
Being shot at is terrifying especially when you don't know where the shooter or shooters are...I've seen grown men over 6.5 300 lbs of muscle run away like 12 year old girls from gunfire...
I can't go to the coward word without knowing more...I know what I would have done...right or wrong I would have charged into the building but the whole time I'd be praying that I don't set off some booby trap blowing myself and the entire building up or running into multiple shooters and being outgunned...
Crime scene assessment is important for not only the police but for the potential victims as well...
But I wouldn't have cared I would have charged into the building....all those kids being shot...just horrific...
Yet, he could get one off the street without even a waiting period. How asinine.
The left seems to be saying if there is a shooting in progress and there is a chance they are using a semi-automatic, then wait until the stop shooting before going in, no matter how many lives will be lost. How sadly ridiculous you sound.

No, the left is saying that the SOB should not have had access to an AR-15 at all.
Waiting for what...? The same inept government beuracracy that was explicitly warned of his intentions, yet did nothing...; to approve him? Are you being serious?
Oh, STFU. Why didn't they do what the public hired them to do?

Why don't you ask them? And you talking about how you would take on an active shooter with a hand gun and give them a head shot is... fucking retarded. Quit trying to be a keyboard warrior. This isn't a video game.

You little piss-ant shit. I did not say anything about a head shot, or any shot for that matter. You want to save your sorry ass while many others lose theirs, great, you stay in your mothers basement.

Good Lord you are dumb... look back and see who I was replying to. :abgg2q.jpg:

Well, leftist shill boy. I am accustomed to taking head shots as that's what shuts them down immediately, and makes the meat less gamey.

Been doing it over 30 years, too, so there's that. :dunno:

Ain't much room for error with a gator.

Is this in hunting animals you refer? Well yes if you are hunting animals you can do a head shot, I mean not that many deers or whatever are armed with AR-15s are they?

If though you are hunting for example squirrels, then go for a Centre Mass shot because those squirrels are armed Marion :omg:


Some of the POS are also snipers, so be careful :omg:


I maintain that headshots are better.
Being shot at is terrifying especially when you don't know where the shooter or shooters are...I've seen grown men over 6.5 300 lbs of muscle run away like 12 year old girls from gunfire...
I can't go to the coward word without knowing more...I know what I would have done...right or wrong I would have charged into the building but the whole time I'd be praying that I don't set off some booby trap blowing myself and the entire building up or running into multiple shooters and being outgunned...
Crime scene assessment is important for not only the police but for the potential victims as well...
But I wouldn't have cared I would have charged to building....all those kids being shot...just horrific...
if they are hearing the gunfire, they should know the proximity of the shooter
1. those are CHILDREN getting blown away
2. the shooter is at a disadvantage and the cops have the adavantage
..a.the cops should know the proximity of the shooter--the shooter doesn't know where the cops are
..b. the shooter is concentrating on killing--not defense
..c. the shooter was an 18 year old punk kid with no training an enclosed area--a rifle can be harder to wield
using shock action they should've took him down ''easily''
..e. the shooter can't hear the cops if he is firing
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Our military do not send solders into combat with a pistol against a combat rifle. The AR-15 IS a combat weapon. No one should expect that deputies should charge them with peashooters. The problem remains the same as it always has been. People having access to combat weapons.
The cops have AR15's. They use them to come into your home and arrest you.

An you and the NRA will soon turn this country into another Mexico, where even traffic cops carry AR-15s, just to survive another day..
The left is turning this country into Mexico by importing Mexico here.
Was that meant for Vandal? Because I agree with you wholeheartedly.
Yet, he could get one off the street without even a waiting period. How asinine.
The left seems to be saying if there is a shooting in progress and there is a chance they are using a semi-automatic, then wait until the stop shooting before going in, no matter how many lives will be lost. How sadly ridiculous you sound.

No, the left is saying that the SOB should not have had access to an AR-15 at all.
Waiting for what...? The same inept government beuracracy that was explicitly warned of his intentions, yet did nothing...; to approve him? Are you being serious?
Being shot at is terrifying especially when you don't know where the shooter or shooters are...I've seen grown men over 6.5 300 lbs of muscle run away like 12 year old girls from gunfire...
I can't go to the coward word without knowing more...I know what I would have done...right or wrong I would have charged into the building but the whole time I'd be praying that I don't set off some booby trap blowing myself and the entire building up or running into multiple shooters and being outgunned...
Crime scene assessment is important for not only the police but for the potential victims as well...
But I wouldn't have cared I would have charged to building....all those kids being shot...just horrific...
if they is hearing the gunfire, they should know the proximity of the shooter
1. those are CHILDREN getting blown to away
2. the shooter is at a disadvantage and the cops have the adavantage
..a.the cops should know the proximity of the shooter--the shooter doesn't know where the cops are
..b. the shooter is concentrating on killing--not defense
..c. the shooter was an 18 year old punk kid with no training an enclosed area--a rifle can be harder to wield
using shock action they should've took him down ''easily''
..e. the shooter can't hear the cops if he is firing
Yeah I don't really disagree with I said I would have run to the sound of the guns but I wasn't there and I'm guessing you weren't either...
That being said these kids were let down over and over again...why we are not seeing FBI and sheriff personnel being fired is outrageous if you ask me...
I heard they actually had cameras showing where he was in the building.
Being shot at is terrifying especially when you don't know where the shooter or shooters are...I've seen grown men over 6.5 300 lbs of muscle run away like 12 year old girls from gunfire...
I can't go to the coward word without knowing more...I know what I would have done...right or wrong I would have charged into the building but the whole time I'd be praying that I don't set off some booby trap blowing myself and the entire building up or running into multiple shooters and being outgunned...
Crime scene assessment is important for not only the police but for the potential victims as well...
But I wouldn't have cared I would have charged into the building....all those kids being shot...just horrific...

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