Fox News' "boobs On The Ground" Remark

I wondered when the libs around here would be having a meltdown about this, it was from several days ago.

And by the way, the pilots Muslim family has disowned her over this. Guess they're the good Muslims that like American heads being cut off. Probably cheered when the Oklahoma story broke.
And can't park :rolleyes:

I wondered when the libs around here would be having a meltdown about this, it was from several days ago.

And by the way, the pilots Muslim family has disowned her over this. Guess they're the good Muslims that like American heads being cut off. Probably cheered when the Oklahoma story broke.
So was I, it was perfect for an outrage over faux news

A shame about her family
it didn't make sense. she was a pilot - which by definition would mean her role was not on the ground.

Thought it was a clever play on words myself.
It wouldn't have been so bad if just minutes before, the same people weren't chastising President Obama for his coffee cup salute.

I saw the video of that. As ex-Navy I didn't take offense. Well, not a lot of offense. Given the crappy nature of some Presidential salutes, at least he tried. Think he coulda paused a sec and switched the cup to his free hand after buttoning his coat though.
Dude shouldn't have apologized. People who make jokes like that and are asked to apologize should demand that those who ask for the apology apologize themselves for insinuating negativity when it wasn't intended.
Apologized --- for what?

Isn't it kind of customary to establish what the fuck your topic is in the OP and then go from there?

I saw the video of that. As ex-Navy I didn't take offense. Well, not a lot of offense. Given the crappy nature of some Presidential salutes, at least he tried. Think he coulda paused a sec and switched the cup to his free hand after buttoning his coat though.

You mean the crappy nature of Clinturd's salutes when he'd stab himself in the eye? Dubya was TANG and saluted correctly. The 43 doggy pic that's being used to counter Obozo's faggotry was cropped and enlarged to make it appear quite different than what it really was. Typical Rat tactics.....lie, deceive, deny.
Dude shouldn't have apologized. People who make jokes like that and are asked to apologize should demand that those who ask for the apology apologize themselves for insinuating negativity when it wasn't intended.

When your employer tells you to apologise, you apologise. Assuming that's what happened, he did ok, everyone knows he was forced to apologise. Absent such demands I'd agree never apologise, just means you were wrong.

It was a fine play on words perfectly executed. Coming on the heels (heh) of mention of the first female combat pilot in UAE's Air Force perfectly timed as well. People just have it in for anyone on tv. Would have happened if it were CNN or MSNBC as well.

It's our over-PC culture rearing its' ugly head once again. Like the pilot didn't catch all kinds of hell becomming a pilot in the first place she'd have taken offense.
We need to stop treating individuals joked about as attacks against the entire group. So someone joked about a woman, it wasn't directed at all women for goodness sakes. Keep hearing about not lumping all Muslims together when discussing terrorists, so why is a joke about a female individual take as a hit on all women? That's a pretty clear double-standard. Plus it was a military officer. If she DID take offense she sure as hell shouldn't be in the military. Military pilots are some of the most vicious individuals around, it's in their job description. Quit treating them like girl scouts. They not only can take it, they can give as good as they get.
We need to stop treating individuals joked about as attacks against the entire group. So someone joked about a woman, it wasn't directed at all women for goodness sakes. Keep hearing about not lumping all Muslims together when discussing terrorists, so why is a joke about a female individual take as a hit on all women? That's a pretty clear double-standard. Plus it was a military officer. If she DID take offense she sure as hell shouldn't be in the military. Military pilots are some of the most vicious individuals around, it's in their job description. Quit treating them like girl scouts. They not only can take it, they can give as good as they get.


Would you mind posting some kind of "link" or some vague clue as to what the fuck this thread is about?
Would it kill you, really?

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