Fox news defends CNN?

Do you think Donald spreading the lie about Ted Cruz s father being an assassin of JFK was ok....?

Telling everyone to go to the national enquirer for the story is ok?

How about telling the people that machado was a tramp and look for her sex tape....

How about every rumor and leak on Hillary's server, all the lies spread by FOX, Briebart, daily mail and Drudge?

Karma can be a real bitch, I hear.....

Do you think Obama Bin Lying calling for the assassination of Cops is ok?
He was responsible for the shootings in Dallas by his actions and words, and his support of racists groups who were urging minorities to kill cops.
Calling Police Racists?
Inciting Violence in Ferguson?
Inciting and encouraging violence at Trump Rallies?
Interfering in both The FBI and DOJ to keep Hillary out of hot water when she should have been indicted?
Continually Lying To The American Public?

It's one thing to be dramatic while running for office, but another thing entirely to be irresponsible and inflammatory while you sit in The White House.
Trump is reaping a harvest wiggly along with the lies that he had sown earlier.
Fox News’ Shepard Smith Defends CNN Against Donald Trump’s ‘Belittling’

Fox News anchor Shepard Smith, speaking for the network, took issue with President-elect Donald Trump’s attack on CNN reporter Jim Acosta during Wednesday’s press conference.

“CNN’s exclusive reporting on the Russian matter was separate and different from the document dump executed by an online news property,” Smith said on the air on Wednesday. “Though we at Fox News cannot confirm CNN’s report, it is our observation that its correspondents followed journalistic standards, and that neither they nor any other journalist should be subjected to belittling and delegitimizing by the president-elect of the United States.”

Trump refused to answer Acosta’s question and called CNN “fake news.” Later, Acosta said that Trump’s press secretary, Sean Spicer, threatened to have him removed from the press conference if he continued to ask Trump a question.

Trump’s anger was over allegations that Russian agents had gathered compromising information about him — claims that have not been verified. On Tuesday, CNN reported that intelligence officials had included a two-page summary of the claims in an intelligence briefing given to Trump and President Barack Obama. Soon after CNN’s story was published, BuzzFeed posted what it said was the 35-page, unverified dossier on which the two-page summary was based.

While Trump lashed out at CNN and BuzzFeed, CNN defended its reporting, issuing a statement in which it said that “CNN’s decision to publish carefully sourced reporting about the operations of our government is vastly different than Buzzfeed’s decision to publish unsubstantiated memos. The Trump team knows this. They are using Buzzfeed’s decision to deflect from CNN’s reporting, which has been matched by the other major news organizations.”

Meanwhile, some journalism watchdogs are calling out other members of the media for not coming to Acosta’s defense during the press conference.

Pete Vernon wrote in Columbia Journalism Review that journalism “is a competitive business, but it’s not a zero-sum game. We all campaign for scoops, access, and sources, but we are, effectively, on the same side. If Trump ignores or blacklists outlets he deems hostile, and others in the industry don’t defend them, the public loses out on the perspective those reporters bring, and we as an industry lose out in our efforts to hold power accountable.”
He has ALWAYS been a brown nosing sniveling little shit....I despise even looking at him.
Yep. I remember his over the top drama queen crap during Hurricaine Katrina. Where he would drone on and on with fake tears.

I expect it from him now no matter what he reports on.
Trump is not immune from media inspection.

He will deserve all that he gets from the media and more.

Even the biggest coach roach can't hide from the light of the media.
Not true. That cockroach Obama did.
Look up Godwin, millennial.
"Godwin, a Xylem brand, offers a broad product line of fully automatic self-priming pumps used in temporary and permanent applications. With a full range of diesel and electric pumps available to purchase or rent, Godwin pumps are used for dewatering and liquids transfer in mining, construction, municipal and industrial projects around the world."

got it
This statement by Smith just befuddles me.

“Though we at Fox News cannot confirm CNN’s report, it is our observation that its correspondents followed journalistic standards, and that neither they nor any other journalist should be subjected to belittling and delegitimizing by the president-elect of the United States.”

So it's OK for a news organization to spread stories that have not been confirmed?

CNN should not be belittled but they can defame the President of the US?

Trump should sue.

The Democrats at FOX have all been outed now. There are no secrets, and they seem less fair and balanced on the whole.

Seen Greta on MSNBC? Such a changeling child.
Greta hasn't changed. She is still the anchor that had Rush Limbaugh on her show very frequently, and she claims she is still "fair and balanced".

Greta Van Susteren promises that one thing won’t change on her new MSNBC show

Rachel Maddow and everyone on MSNBC is sucking her dick right now.

...and Democrats are flipping their shit about Greta AND Megyn changing liberal news, just as I said they would.

Last edited:
Fox News’ Shepard Smith Defends CNN Against Donald Trump’s ‘Belittling’

Fox News anchor Shepard Smith, speaking for the network, took issue with President-elect Donald Trump’s attack on CNN reporter Jim Acosta during Wednesday’s press conference.

“CNN’s exclusive reporting on the Russian matter was separate and different from the document dump executed by an online news property,” Smith said on the air on Wednesday. “Though we at Fox News cannot confirm CNN’s report, it is our observation that its correspondents followed journalistic standards, and that neither they nor any other journalist should be subjected to belittling and delegitimizing by the president-elect of the United States.”

Trump refused to answer Acosta’s question and called CNN “fake news.” Later, Acosta said that Trump’s press secretary, Sean Spicer, threatened to have him removed from the press conference if he continued to ask Trump a question.

Trump’s anger was over allegations that Russian agents had gathered compromising information about him — claims that have not been verified. On Tuesday, CNN reported that intelligence officials had included a two-page summary of the claims in an intelligence briefing given to Trump and President Barack Obama. Soon after CNN’s story was published, BuzzFeed posted what it said was the 35-page, unverified dossier on which the two-page summary was based.

While Trump lashed out at CNN and BuzzFeed, CNN defended its reporting, issuing a statement in which it said that “CNN’s decision to publish carefully sourced reporting about the operations of our government is vastly different than Buzzfeed’s decision to publish unsubstantiated memos. The Trump team knows this. They are using Buzzfeed’s decision to deflect from CNN’s reporting, which has been matched by the other major news organizations.”

Meanwhile, some journalism watchdogs are calling out other members of the media for not coming to Acosta’s defense during the press conference.

Pete Vernon wrote in Columbia Journalism Review that journalism “is a competitive business, but it’s not a zero-sum game. We all campaign for scoops, access, and sources, but we are, effectively, on the same side. If Trump ignores or blacklists outlets he deems hostile, and others in the industry don’t defend them, the public loses out on the perspective those reporters bring, and we as an industry lose out in our efforts to hold power accountable.”

see, even faux news knows that dumb Donald is a lying loon.
ROTFL!!! That's priceless. The inference there is that you took him off your ignore list once you discovered he was banned? Bless your heart....
I am still at a loss to understand how folks get banned? especially here...geez...I would suggest acting civilized but I don't think ya even have to that far...STYFE runs around this forum armed with only a four letter word vocabulary, so cursing can't be the the "banned" threaten folks lives or something?

You'd have to ask someone who's been banned. I don't know.
I asked STYFE but was treated to a tourettes like treatise on the mods
Fox defended CNN, rightly so.

Cuz their fair and balanced.
This statement by Smith just befuddles me.

“Though we at Fox News cannot confirm CNN’s report, it is our observation that its correspondents followed journalistic standards, and that neither they nor any other journalist should be subjected to belittling and delegitimizing by the president-elect of the United States.”

So it's OK for a news organization to spread stories that have not been confirmed?

CNN should not be belittled but they can defame the President of the US?

Trump should sue.

The Democrats at FOX have all been outed now. There are no secrets, and they seem less fair and balanced on the whole.

Seen Greta on MSNBC? Such a changeling child.
Smith is far worse than Greta will ever be.
This statement by Smith just befuddles me.

“Though we at Fox News cannot confirm CNN’s report, it is our observation that its correspondents followed journalistic standards, and that neither they nor any other journalist should be subjected to belittling and delegitimizing by the president-elect of the United States.”

So it's OK for a news organization to spread stories that have not been confirmed?

CNN should not be belittled but they can defame the President of the US?

Trump should sue.

CNN said the Intel agencies briefed Donald that Russia knew he likes Pee pee. The intel agencies did brief Donald that Russia knew he likes a piss mouth. Donald thinks its wrong to tell us what the Intel Agencies told him.

He's not mad a Russia tho
All I know is, this story has been around for about a year and cannot be verified.

In addition, there are untruths in it, such as Michael Cohen visiting Russia, he's never been there.

But there are Truths in it too that Trump denied. Such as claiming he didnt know who Carter Page is? Carter Page was his former advisor. We know that much. So are we to believe reality or Trump's denial he doesnt know the guy he fired?

So as long as there are elements of truth to a story it's OK to put on the air even though there are elements that are not true.

Got it.

Enjoy your fake news
see, even faux news knows that dumb Donald is a lying loon.
ROTFL!!! That's priceless. The inference there is that you took him off your ignore list once you discovered he was banned? Bless your heart....
I am still at a loss to understand how folks get banned? especially here...geez...I would suggest acting civilized but I don't think ya even have to that far...STYFE runs around this forum armed with only a four letter word vocabulary, so cursing can't be the the "banned" threaten folks lives or something?

You'd have to ask someone who's been banned. I don't know.
I asked STYFE but was treated to a tourettes like treatise on the mods
Fox defended CNN, rightly so.

Cuz their fair and balanced.
Because it was the right thing to do.
This statement by Smith just befuddles me.

“Though we at Fox News cannot confirm CNN’s report, it is our observation that its correspondents followed journalistic standards, and that neither they nor any other journalist should be subjected to belittling and delegitimizing by the president-elect of the United States.”

So it's OK for a news organization to spread stories that have not been confirmed?

CNN should not be belittled but they can defame the President of the US?

Trump should sue.

The Democrats at FOX have all been outed now. There are no secrets, and they seem less fair and balanced on the whole.

Seen Greta on MSNBC? Such a changeling child.
Greta hasn't changed. She is still the anchor that had Rush Limbaugh on her show very frequently, and she claims she is still "fair and balanced".

Greta Van Susteren promises that one thing won’t change on her new MSNBC show

Rachel Maddow and everyone on MSNBC is sucking her dick right now.

...and Democrats are flipping their shit about Greta AND Megyn changing liberal news, just as I said they would.

All this proves is that "Infotainment" is a business and in business, money talks and bullshit walks.
One cannot help but note that, when FOX was targeted by the Obama regime, CNN did not come to its defense.

When did Obama single out a reporter and justified not answering his questions because he was supposedly from fake news channel?

False equivalence is false.

Obama tried to embargo Fox News and his acolytes claimed they were not a real news channel.
One cannot help but note that, when FOX was targeted by the Obama regime, CNN did not come to its defense.

When did Obama single out a reporter and justified not answering his questions because he was supposedly from fake news channel?

False equivalence is false.
Do you remember this quote from Obama in 2009?

“What I think is fair to say about Fox — and certainly it's the way we view it — is that it really is more a wing of the Republican Party. They take their talking points, put them on the air; take their opposition research, put them on the air. And that's fine. But let's not pretend they're a news network the way CNN is.”

I don't recall CNN saying anything about that, do you?

What Obama said is correct - FOX is most definitely not a news network like CNN because big part of their programming is opinion talk shows.

However, Obama has never singled out FOX reporters or denied them press conference questions because they were from FOX.

A Volley Between Fox News and Obama Administration
It was the reporter who was lecturing President Trump, and making a mockery of The Press Conference.
And Shepherd is friends with Acosta and is entitled to defend his friend and make his opinion known.
But you do not YELL at The President, and Interrupt The President.
Trump may have actually spoke to the reporter had he conducted himself more civilly.
Finally a Conservative who will stand up to Media Bullies.
Have not seen that since Reagan.

Remember how Neil Munro was chastised by the other reporters for his behavior at Obama's Press Conference in 2012? Was the Acosta's behavior better than Monro's?
One cannot help but note that, when FOX was targeted by the Obama regime, CNN did not come to its defense.

When did Obama single out a reporter and justified not answering his questions because he was supposedly from fake news channel?

False equivalence is false.
Do you remember this quote from Obama in 2009?

“What I think is fair to say about Fox — and certainly it's the way we view it — is that it really is more a wing of the Republican Party. They take their talking points, put them on the air; take their opposition research, put them on the air. And that's fine. But let's not pretend they're a news network the way CNN is.”

I don't recall CNN saying anything about that, do you?

What Obama said is correct - FOX is most definitely not a news network like CNN because big part of their programming is opinion talk shows.

However, Obama has never singled out FOX reporters or denied them press conference questions because they were from FOX.

A Volley Between Fox News and Obama Administration

Yes, AND?
Trump is not immune from media inspection.

He will deserve all that he gets from the media and more.

Even the biggest coach roach can't hide from the light of the media.
Damn....weren't you banned....that was an enjoyable peaceful time....time to put this cuck back on ignore.

ROTFL!!! That's priceless. The inference there is that you took him off your ignore list once you discovered he was banned? Bless your heart....
I take everyone off ignore every few weeks/months to see if they are still as fucking retarded and annoying as before with no obvious reason to keep off ignore. Jake is the leader of the cuckold bitches brigade and I have no interest in listening to his WHINING.
Fox News’ Shepard Smith Defends CNN Against Donald Trump’s ‘Belittling’

Fox News anchor Shepard Smith, speaking for the network, took issue with President-elect Donald Trump’s attack on CNN reporter Jim Acosta during Wednesday’s press conference.

“CNN’s exclusive reporting on the Russian matter was separate and different from the document dump executed by an online news property,” Smith said on the air on Wednesday. “Though we at Fox News cannot confirm CNN’s report, it is our observation that its correspondents followed journalistic standards, and that neither they nor any other journalist should be subjected to belittling and delegitimizing by the president-elect of the United States.”

Trump refused to answer Acosta’s question and called CNN “fake news.” Later, Acosta said that Trump’s press secretary, Sean Spicer, threatened to have him removed from the press conference if he continued to ask Trump a question.

Trump’s anger was over allegations that Russian agents had gathered compromising information about him — claims that have not been verified. On Tuesday, CNN reported that intelligence officials had included a two-page summary of the claims in an intelligence briefing given to Trump and President Barack Obama. Soon after CNN’s story was published, BuzzFeed posted what it said was the 35-page, unverified dossier on which the two-page summary was based.

While Trump lashed out at CNN and BuzzFeed, CNN defended its reporting, issuing a statement in which it said that “CNN’s decision to publish carefully sourced reporting about the operations of our government is vastly different than Buzzfeed’s decision to publish unsubstantiated memos. The Trump team knows this. They are using Buzzfeed’s decision to deflect from CNN’s reporting, which has been matched by the other major news organizations.”

Meanwhile, some journalism watchdogs are calling out other members of the media for not coming to Acosta’s defense during the press conference.

Pete Vernon wrote in Columbia Journalism Review that journalism “is a competitive business, but it’s not a zero-sum game. We all campaign for scoops, access, and sources, but we are, effectively, on the same side. If Trump ignores or blacklists outlets he deems hostile, and others in the industry don’t defend them, the public loses out on the perspective those reporters bring, and we as an industry lose out in our efforts to hold power accountable.”

see, even faux news knows that dumb Donald is a lying loon.
ROTFL!!! That's priceless. The inference there is that you took him off your ignore list once you discovered he was banned? Bless your heart....
I am still at a loss to understand how folks get banned? especially here...geez...I would suggest acting civilized but I don't think ya even have to that far...STYFE runs around this forum armed with only a four letter word vocabulary, so cursing can't be the the "banned" threaten folks lives or something?
Yep. Piss off a snowflake moderator who THINKS its a threat with no obvious proof and you get banned...I been banned a few times temporarily but its worth it :D
Trump is not immune from media inspection.

He will deserve all that he gets from the media and more.

Even the biggest coach roach can't hide from the light of the media.
Damn....weren't you banned....that was an enjoyable peaceful time....time to put this cuck back on ignore.

ROTFL!!! That's priceless. The inference there is that you took him off your ignore list once you discovered he was banned? Bless your heart....
Odium is of the cockroach brigade here. He, like Trump, hates the spotlight of media. The media, as bad as it may be, is light years better than the press people of the two parties.
Oh I LOVE the spotlight it gives me a chance to express my ideology and views and spread it far and wide every chance I get. Jake is WIDELY despised around here because he is a FAKE republican much like McCain,Romney,Graham etc. He is a Cuckservative.
Trump is not immune from media inspection.

He will deserve all that he gets from the media and more.

Even the biggest coach roach can't hide from the light of the media.
Damn....weren't you banned....that was an enjoyable peaceful time....time to put this cuck back on ignore.

Dylann Roof is a Hero?

Fuck you.
One cannot help but note that, when FOX was targeted by the Obama regime, CNN did not come to its defense.

When did Obama single out a reporter and justified not answering his questions because he was supposedly from fake news channel?

False equivalence is false.
Do you remember this quote from Obama in 2009?

“What I think is fair to say about Fox — and certainly it's the way we view it — is that it really is more a wing of the Republican Party. They take their talking points, put them on the air; take their opposition research, put them on the air. And that's fine. But let's not pretend they're a news network the way CNN is.”

I don't recall CNN saying anything about that, do you?

What Obama said is correct - FOX is most definitely not a news network like CNN because big part of their programming is opinion talk shows.

However, Obama has never singled out FOX reporters or denied them press conference questions because they were from FOX.

A Volley Between Fox News and Obama Administration

Yes, AND?

AND, that proves you are the one posting things that are untrue. Obama's behavior toward Fox and its reporters was not different than Trump's toward CNN...except that with the bias that CNN revealed in its coverage of Trump during the campaign, he has more reason to take that stance.
This statement by Smith just befuddles me.

“Though we at Fox News cannot confirm CNN’s report, it is our observation that its correspondents followed journalistic standards, and that neither they nor any other journalist should be subjected to belittling and delegitimizing by the president-elect of the United States.”

So it's OK for a news organization to spread stories that have not been confirmed?

CNN should not be belittled but they can defame the President of the US?

Trump should sue.

The Democrats at FOX have all been outed now. There are no secrets, and they seem less fair and balanced on the whole.

Seen Greta on MSNBC? Such a changeling child.
Greta hasn't changed. She is still the anchor that had Rush Limbaugh on her show very frequently, and she claims she is still "fair and balanced".

Greta Van Susteren promises that one thing won’t change on her new MSNBC show

Rachel Maddow and everyone on MSNBC is sucking her dick right now.

...and Democrats are flipping their shit about Greta AND Megyn changing liberal news, just as I said they would.

All this proves is that "Infotainment" is a business and in business, money talks and bullshit walks.

Back when Fox Business was just starting, MSNBC would occasionally run ads in support of it, and in turn Fox News ran several ads for Ed's and Rachel's shows when they were getting started.

Obviously the feud is all fake, but the consequences of partisanship and biased reporting are very very real.

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