Fox news defends CNN?

Fox News’ Shepard Smith Defends CNN Against Donald Trump’s ‘Belittling’

Fox News anchor Shepard Smith, speaking for the network, took issue with President-elect Donald Trump’s attack on CNN reporter Jim Acosta during Wednesday’s press conference.

“CNN’s exclusive reporting on the Russian matter was separate and different from the document dump executed by an online news property,” Smith said on the air on Wednesday. “Though we at Fox News cannot confirm CNN’s report, it is our observation that its correspondents followed journalistic standards, and that neither they nor any other journalist should be subjected to belittling and delegitimizing by the president-elect of the United States.”

Trump refused to answer Acosta’s question and called CNN “fake news.” Later, Acosta said that Trump’s press secretary, Sean Spicer, threatened to have him removed from the press conference if he continued to ask Trump a question.

Trump’s anger was over allegations that Russian agents had gathered compromising information about him — claims that have not been verified. On Tuesday, CNN reported that intelligence officials had included a two-page summary of the claims in an intelligence briefing given to Trump and President Barack Obama. Soon after CNN’s story was published, BuzzFeed posted what it said was the 35-page, unverified dossier on which the two-page summary was based.

While Trump lashed out at CNN and BuzzFeed, CNN defended its reporting, issuing a statement in which it said that “CNN’s decision to publish carefully sourced reporting about the operations of our government is vastly different than Buzzfeed’s decision to publish unsubstantiated memos. The Trump team knows this. They are using Buzzfeed’s decision to deflect from CNN’s reporting, which has been matched by the other major news organizations.”

Meanwhile, some journalism watchdogs are calling out other members of the media for not coming to Acosta’s defense during the press conference.

Pete Vernon wrote in Columbia Journalism Review that journalism “is a competitive business, but it’s not a zero-sum game. We all campaign for scoops, access, and sources, but we are, effectively, on the same side. If Trump ignores or blacklists outlets he deems hostile, and others in the industry don’t defend them, the public loses out on the perspective those reporters bring, and we as an industry lose out in our efforts to hold power accountable.”
Not to mention, once he gets away with it once, they might be next.
Do you think Donald spreading the lie about Ted Cruz s father being an assassin of JFK was ok....?

Telling everyone to go to the national enquirer for the story is ok?

How about telling the people that machado was a tramp and look for her sex tape....

How about eveyr rumor and leak on Hillary's server, all the lies spread by FOX, Briebart, daily mail and Drudge?

Karma can be a real bitch, I hear.....

So, what you're saying is -- It's a lie. You know it's a lie. And you don't care.

How incredibly dimocrap of you

the DISGUSTING FILTH in the Lame Stream Media, in an unholy alliance with the dimocrap SCUM party, fought Trump and Middle America (the deplorables) tooth and nail throughout the entire Presidential Campaign.

And you still lost.

You cheated, you lied, you were corrupt and dishonest -- And you still lost.


You lost yesterday. And you're going to continue to lose. Until the day that your DISGUSTING party is no more.

This is not the end. But it is the beginning of the end.

You're done. Your disease, your sickness, your hatred of all things American -- Done.

And I can't wait to bury you
This just in:

Trump complains about fake news, spreads fake news about US Intelligence leaking the story, then spreads fake news about US Intelligence denying leaks.
This just in:

Trump complains about fake news, spreads fake news about US Intelligence leaking the story, then spreads fake news about US Intelligence denying leaks.
This statement by Smith just befuddles me.

“Though we at Fox News cannot confirm CNN’s report, it is our observation that its correspondents followed journalistic standards, and that neither they nor any other journalist should be subjected to belittling and delegitimizing by the president-elect of the United States.”

So it's OK for a news organization to spread stories that have not been confirmed?

CNN should not be belittled but they can defame the President of the US?

Trump should sue.
This is an example of journalists believing everyone should be held accountable for their actions except journalists. The list CNN reported was nothing but gossip, and it is astonishing that the intel agencies should include this piece of gossip in the President-Elect's briefing, more astonishing that the intel agencies should leak this gossip to the media and reprehensible that CNN should report it as if it were a legitimate news story; it is notable that only Buzzfeed and CNN thought this was a story worth reporting, so it is also astonishing that Smith should defend CNN's publication of this story after FOX dismissed it as gossip not worth reporting on.
This statement by Smith just befuddles me.

“Though we at Fox News cannot confirm CNN’s report, it is our observation that its correspondents followed journalistic standards, and that neither they nor any other journalist should be subjected to belittling and delegitimizing by the president-elect of the United States.”

So it's OK for a news organization to spread stories that have not been confirmed?

CNN should not be belittled but they can defame the President of the US?

Trump should sue.

The Democrats at FOX have all been outed now. There are no secrets, and they seem less fair and balanced on the whole.

Seen Greta on MSNBC? Such a changeling child.
Election is over, if anyone is still butt-hurt it's you buddy that keeps bringing it up.

We bring it up to rub dimocrap faces in it.

Ubercunt will never be president

I've got an actual clown YOU hitched your wagon to, working his ass-clown off, baking daily shit pies for me to rub your face in for the next four years .

I'm perfectly fine with that - America needs to learn this one, even if the hard way. Hillary would do nothing for Obama's legacy, Trump will make him look like Jesus Christ.
Last edited:
Election is over, if anyone is still butt-hurt it's you buddy that keeps bringing it up.

We bring it up to rub dimocrap faces in it.

Ubercunt will never be president

I got an actual clown YOU hitched your wagon to, doing daily assclowning for the next four years to rub your face in. I'm perfectly fine with that - America needs to learn this one, even if the hard way.
If they didn't learn from the last fucking clown in the White House and the one before him, they aren't likely to learn from this new one.

"Harsh reality is always better than false hope." -- Downtown Abbey
I've got an actual clown YOU hitched your wagon to, working his ass-clown off, baking daily shit pies for me to rub your face in for the next four years .

I'm perfectly fine with that - America needs to learn this one, even if the hard way. Hillary would do nothing for Obama's legacy, Trump will make him look like Jesus Christ.

Another dimocrap Pit Yorkie barking his fool ass off?
One cannot help but note that, when FOX was targeted by the Obama regime, CNN did not come to its defense.
Donald Trump is a big, effeminate baby
Do you think Donald spreading the lie about Ted Cruz s father being an assassin of JFK was ok....?

Telling everyone to go to the national enquirer for the story is ok?

How about telling the people that machado was a tramp and look for her sex tape....

How about eveyr rumor and leak on Hillary's server, all the lies spread by FOX, Briebart, daily mail and Drudge?

Karma can be a real bitch, I hear.....

So, what you're saying is -- It's a lie. You know it's a lie. And you don't care.

How incredibly dimocrap of you

the DISGUSTING FILTH in the Lame Stream Media, in an unholy alliance with the dimocrap SCUM party, fought Trump and Middle America (the deplorables) tooth and nail throughout the entire Presidential Campaign.

And you still lost.

You cheated, you lied, you were corrupt and dishonest -- And you still lost.


You lost yesterday. And you're going to continue to lose. Until the day that your DISGUSTING party is no more.

This is not the end. But it is the beginning of the end.

You're done. Your disease, your sickness, your hatred of all things American -- Done.

And I can't wait to bury you

So much vitriol and hatred and nastiness is inside you are not coping with the ups and downs life very well special snowflake, are you?

every time you post, you show the deep seeded evil soul of yours boiling over...

I know what CNN wrote, was not a lie... Director Clapper confirmed it last night.

What buzzfeed posted, was a whole nuther animal....but for trump to whine like a baby over an internet site, that no one has ever heard of ...and claim it was CNN is just more of the pathological liar's lies.
Election is over, if anyone is still butt-hurt it's you buddy that keeps bringing it up.

We bring it up to rub dimocrap faces in it.

Ubercunt will never be president

I got an actual clown YOU hitched your wagon to, doing daily assclowning for the next four years to rub your face in. I'm perfectly fine with that - America needs to learn this one, even if the hard way.
If they didn't learn from the last fucking clown in the White House and the one before him, they aren't likely to learn from this new one.

"Harsh reality is always better than false hope." -- Downtown Abbey

:rolleyes: You just watch.
The OP is wrong / misleading. Fox News did not defend CNN. Shepherd Smith defended Jim Acosta.

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