Fox News Is Toast....They've Pulled Away The Mask....And Showed Their True Colors.....

Libs have 99% of the media outside of Fox
But thats not enough for you?
Fox is turning more and more Liberal by the day.

Another record night for

: For the first time, one of its shows topped the 1 million viewer mark, according to Nielsen TV ratings.
"Greg Kelly Reports" averaged 1.06 million viewers at 7pm last night.
Fox News averaged 2.06 million at the same hour.

If Fox wants to defect to the lib news media basket of bias they will lose much while gaining very little

liberals will never forgive them for their earlier favorable coverage of republicans and 74 million trump voters will abandon them also

then the greedy bastard children of rupert murdock will have to subsidize Fox with profits earned in other markets
If Fox wants to defect to the lib news media basket of bias they will lose much while gaining very little

liberals will never forgive them for their earlier favorable coverage of republicans and 74 million trump voters will abandon them also

then the greedy bastard children of rupert murdock will have to subsidize Fox with profits earned in other markets
That is one of the biggest weaknesses for those who side with the Wokesters; Wokesters dont give a flying fuck if they stay in business.

To them it is all about virtue signaling, damn the torpedoes.
If yer not a Trumpster, yer a commie!

Get in line and shut up, dammit!
No dick....Cavuto wouldn't even stand by and allow the statement to be heard....because the press secretary was trashing Democrats by giving voice to the evidence they have gathered.
We could expect this of CNN and MSNBC, but not Fox News.

No....Fox is about to have their asses handed to them.....and many of the conservatives that are left on the shit show should be preparing their resumes....because they won't be there for much longer.

They're going the way of the drudge report at light speed.
Drudge lost over 40% of their subscribers.
Cant wait to see FUX news numbers in a few months. You can bet they'll no longer enjoy the top cable news channel in the country.

Welp...that didnt take long.
I’m surprised they had that many. I hope they tank further.
Congrats Fox. You found a line you wouldn’t cross.. lying about American Democracy.

In other news: Every Trump voter is a prostitute. Everyone. No exception. They should all be put in jail for solicitation. My proof is my accusation.
I'm sure you loved Fox when GW was President.
I'm also sure you never watched Fox for even one second when GW was President.
I'm sure you're mentally ill and I don't state that fact easily.
I'm sure you loved Fox when GW was President.
I'm also sure you never watched Fox for even one second when GW was President.
I'm sure you're mentally ill and I don't state that fact easily.
I’m sure you’re babbling nonsense.
Fox News radicalized their viewers.. now the baby is eating the momma. “Fox News Sucks!” Chants the MAGA crowd.

From your posts, I'm sure you know nothing but the "D".
I literally can’t understand you. MAGA-speak isn’t a universally spoken language among the educated.
You are either an idiot or are making believe you don't simply vote (D)emocrat.
My voting record:
4 Dems to 5 Pubs in Presidential elections. 3 out of last 4 to Dems though. Republican Party left centered people and is now a nut job collection of uneducated bigots.
From your posts, I'm sure you know nothing but the "D".
I literally can’t understand you. MAGA-speak isn’t a universally spoken language among the educated.
You are either an idiot or are making believe you don't simply vote (D)emocrat.
My voting record:
4 Dems to 5 Pubs in Presidential elections. 3 out of last 4 to Dems though. Republican Party left centered people and is now a nut job collection of uneducated bigots.
Then why do you believe all the bullshit about Trump?
I voted for Clinton and for Obama both times.
After GW, I will never vote for another establishment Republican.
Trump is the best President since Schumck Reagan sold us out to the whole world.

I would say at least 95% of voters know zero about any candidates stated platform even though the actual platform is determined by Big Business.
From your posts, I'm sure you know nothing but the "D".
I literally can’t understand you. MAGA-speak isn’t a universally spoken language among the educated.
You are either an idiot or are making believe you don't simply vote (D)emocrat.
My voting record:
4 Dems to 5 Pubs in Presidential elections. 3 out of last 4 to Dems though. Republican Party left centered people and is now a nut job collection of uneducated bigots.
Then why do you believe all the bullshit about Trump?
I voted for Clinton and for Obama both times.
After GW, I will never vote for another establishment Republican.
Trump is the best President since Schumck Reagan sold us out to the whole world.

I would say at least 95% of voters know zero about any candidates stated platform even though the actual platform is determined by Big Business.
Biden’s platform is online and solid. Trumps platform is big fat lies. If you worship Trump you are disgraceful. Sorry to be so blunt but you need to hear it even though you know it. Don’t fall for the bullshit conspiracy crap he preaches. The dude has lost every argument on voting security. He’s a liar. A big fat liar.
From your posts, I'm sure you know nothing but the "D".
I literally can’t understand you. MAGA-speak isn’t a universally spoken language among the educated.
You are either an idiot or are making believe you don't simply vote (D)emocrat.
My voting record:
4 Dems to 5 Pubs in Presidential elections. 3 out of last 4 to Dems though. Republican Party left centered people and is now a nut job collection of uneducated bigots.
Then why do you believe all the bullshit about Trump?
I voted for Clinton and for Obama both times.
After GW, I will never vote for another establishment Republican.
Trump is the best President since Schumck Reagan sold us out to the whole world.

I would say at least 95% of voters know zero about any candidates stated platform even though the actual platform is determined by Big Business.
Biden’s platform is online and solid. Trumps platform is big fat lies. If you worship Trump you are disgraceful. Sorry to be so blunt but you need to hear it even though you know it. Don’t fall for the bullshit conspiracy crap he preaches. The dude has lost every argument on voting security. He’s a liar. A big fat liar.
I presume you watched the debates...
Biden's post-COVID platform is identical to Trump's except that Biden is full of shit.
Trump's conspiracies have zero to do with how he caused the US to expand.
Thank God for Newsmax, who seem to be the soul of propriety


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