Fox News Sunday Anchors Upset About Obama's Job Growth:

Libturds can't make up their minds whether Reagan cut taxes or raised taxes. The fact is he cut marginal rates to the lowest they had been since the 1920s. He also cut regulations and Carter's price controls on the production of domestic oil. As a result, the price of oil declined from $35/bbl to under $10/bbl.

Virtually everything libturds say about Reagan is a lie.

He did both.

He cut taxes on the wealthy, then raised them for the middle and lower classes.

He put brand new taxes on TIPS, Unemployment and put a cut off on SSI Death benefits.

He was also one of the biggest liars in the history of the United States Presidency. And? Admitted it.

such a good little DNC servent/tool
Libturds can't make up their minds whether Reagan cut taxes or raised taxes. The fact is he cut marginal rates to the lowest they had been since the 1920s. He also cut regulations and Carter's price controls on the production of domestic oil. As a result, the price of oil declined from $35/bbl to under $10/bbl.

Virtually everything libturds say about Reagan is a lie.

He did both.

He cut taxes on the wealthy, then raised them for the middle and lower classes.

He put brand new taxes on TIPS, Unemployment and put a cut off on SSI Death benefits.

He was also one of the biggest liars in the history of the United States Presidency. And? Admitted it.

Oh puhleeeze! Obama lies every time he opens his mouth. Every speech he gives is packed full of lies. the same goes for Clinton.

Every president since Truman has raised SS Taxes and cut benefits.

Reagan took a large percentage of people off the income tax rolls altogether. Why you think people who make the bulk of their income from TIPs shouldn't have to pay taxes on them is beyond what any rational person can comprehend.
Worst recovery on record. SLowest job growth post recession ever. Lowest workforce participation rate since hte 1970s.
Yeah Obama's economic policies are failrues.

Can you be specific on perhaps 10 of these policies?
Wall Street is doing great.
All of the retires in my Town are far wealthier than they were under GW before the crash.
Construction, both residential and commercial is booming.
All of these disasters in a Blue State.

Time for you to post an ad hominem.
Worst recovery on record. SLowest job growth post recession ever. Lowest workforce participation rate since hte 1970s.
Yeah Obama's economic policies are failrues.

Can you be specific on perhaps 10 of these policies?
Wall Street is doing great.
All of the retires in my Town are far wealthier than they were under GW before the crash.
Construction, both residential and commercial is booming.
All of these disasters in a Blue State.

Time for you to post an ad hominem.

They don't like to talk numbers.....they get their facts and figures from Fox News.
Worst recovery on record. SLowest job growth post recession ever. Lowest workforce participation rate since hte 1970s.
Yeah Obama's economic policies are failrues.

Can you be specific on perhaps 10 of these policies?
Wall Street is doing great.
All of the retires in my Town are far wealthier than they were under GW before the crash.
Construction, both residential and commercial is booming.
All of these disasters in a Blue State.

Time for you to post an ad hominem.
EPA regulations
Higher taxes
Dodd Frank
Zero interest rates
Do you understand any of that? do you grok that burdening companies with additional taxes and regulations makes them not produce more profits, leading to more hiring? Or are you a one dimensional cess pool of liberal talking points?
Worst recovery on record. SLowest job growth post recession ever. Lowest workforce participation rate since hte 1970s.
Yeah Obama's economic policies are failrues.

Can you be specific on perhaps 10 of these policies?
Wall Street is doing great.
All of the retires in my Town are far wealthier than they were under GW before the crash.
Construction, both residential and commercial is booming.
All of these disasters in a Blue State.

Time for you to post an ad hominem.
EPA regulations
Higher taxes
Dodd Frank
Zero interest rates
Do you understand any of that? do you grok that burdening companies with additional taxes and regulations makes them not produce more profits, leading to more hiring? Or are you a one dimensional cess pool of liberal talking points?

Just curious....does killing Osama Bin Laden and ending two wars count for anything?

That's what it is.....all the Republicans are up tight and unhappy unless they've got a couple of wars going to feed their Military/Industrial complex. You know....the one president Eisenhower warned everybody about:

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Worst recovery on record. SLowest job growth post recession ever. Lowest workforce participation rate since hte 1970s.
Yeah Obama's economic policies are failrues.

Can you be specific on perhaps 10 of these policies?
Wall Street is doing great.
All of the retires in my Town are far wealthier than they were under GW before the crash.
Construction, both residential and commercial is booming.
All of these disasters in a Blue State.

Time for you to post an ad hominem.
EPA regulations
Higher taxes
Dodd Frank
Zero interest rates
Do you understand any of that? do you grok that burdening companies with additional taxes and regulations makes them not produce more profits, leading to more hiring? Or are you a one dimensional cess pool of liberal talking points?

Just curious....does killing Osama Bin Laden and ending two wars count for anything?

That's what it is.....all the Republicans are up tight and unhappy unless they've got a couple of wars going to feed their Military/Industrial complex. You know....the one president Eisenhower warned everybody about:

I did, asshole. Every piece of legislation passed by Dems in the first 2 years was accompanied by thousands of pages of new regulations.
No, killing OBL, which was a program initiated by Bush, and ending one war (We are still in Afghanistan) on Bush's timetable but without precautions, counts for exactly nothing in a discussion on Obama's failed economic policies.
It's great. It's so great that we have 100 million not working and highest recorded numbers on welfare.

How many mothers, children and old people do you demand in the workforce?

And not course we all know this is a heart tug. Hundreds of millions are out of work and the majority arent retired. Children? Oh...I get it. "What about the children". Sobbing uncontrollably.
Worst recovery on record. SLowest job growth post recession ever. Lowest workforce participation rate since hte 1970s.
Yeah Obama's economic policies are failrues.

Can you be specific on perhaps 10 of these policies?
Wall Street is doing great.
All of the retires in my Town are far wealthier than they were under GW before the crash.
Construction, both residential and commercial is booming.
All of these disasters in a Blue State.

Time for you to post an ad hominem.
EPA regulations
Higher taxes
Dodd Frank
Zero interest rates
Do you understand any of that? do you grok that burdening companies with additional taxes and regulations makes them not produce more profits, leading to more hiring? Or are you a one dimensional cess pool of liberal talking points?

Just curious....does killing Osama Bin Laden and ending two wars count for anything?

That's what it is.....all the Republicans are up tight and unhappy unless they've got a couple of wars going to feed their Military/Industrial complex. You know....the one president Eisenhower warned everybody about:

I did, asshole. Every piece of legislation passed by Dems in the first 2 years was accompanied by thousands of pages of new regulations.
No, killing OBL, which was a program initiated by Bush, and ending one war (We are still in Afghanistan) on Bush's timetable but without precautions, counts for exactly nothing in a discussion on Obama's failed economic policies.

Running away is not the same thing as "ending a war."
It's great. It's so great that we have 100 million not working and highest recorded numbers on welfare.

How many mothers, children and old people do you demand in the workforce?

And not course we all know this is a heart tug. Hundreds of millions are out of work and the majority arent retired. Children? Oh...I get it. "What about the children". Sobbing uncontrollably.
Democrats hate working people.
Yes nutbags. The economy has absolutely tanked under the Obama administration. That's why all 15 of the remaining GOP candidates are furiously attacking the Obama economy. Ooooops!

It has got to be a sad existence to root for your country to fail and for your fellow Americans to suffer. You fuckers simply will not acknowledge that the nation's economy is much improved.....and the economic indicators are all pointing to even further improvement moving forward. It would fucking kill you to admit that YOU WERE ALL WRONG about how an Obama presidency would be a disaster.

Try harder, assholes.
Worst recovery on record. SLowest job growth post recession ever. Lowest workforce participation rate since hte 1970s.
Yeah Obama's economic policies are failrues.

Can you be specific on perhaps 10 of these policies?
Wall Street is doing great.
All of the retires in my Town are far wealthier than they were under GW before the crash.
Construction, both residential and commercial is booming.
All of these disasters in a Blue State.

Time for you to post an ad hominem.
EPA regulations
Higher taxes
Dodd Frank
Zero interest rates
Do you understand any of that? do you grok that burdening companies with additional taxes and regulations makes them not produce more profits, leading to more hiring? Or are you a one dimensional cess pool of liberal talking points?

I asked for Obama Administration specific policies.
Do you grok that the wealthy have gotten wealthier practically by sitting on their asses, firing Americans and leaving the US?
That's called cost cutting, not innovation.
LMAO..the graph comes from something called the "Maddow Blog"..well, THAT'S a reliable "source"...

Perhaps you would believe the same chart from the Bureau of Labor Statistics

Or very similar information from the Los Angeles County Economic Development Corporation
It's not a reliable source, neither are.

Think of it like this, if you believe the UR is at 5.5 (or whatever bullshit number they said this month) you are on par with people that believe the world and all life on it was created in 6 days.
For instance, if you didn't like Bush's economy lets look at the average UE rate under him.... I believe it was somewhere in the 4.5 to 5%.
But those numbers are from the exact same source you just said was "not a reliable source."

Were you lying then or are you lying now?
The GDP is the only indication of economic growth. Under Obama the GDP has grown an average of 1.2 per year. George W. Bush had 1.6 and Ronald Reagan had 3.5

LOL, CONservative "math"

DEC 2007

The Economic Consequences of Mr. Bush

The next president will have to deal with yet another crippling legacy of George W. Bush: the economy. A Nobel laureate, Joseph E. Stiglitz, sees a generation-long struggle to recoup.

The Economic Consequences of Mr. Bush

The Economic Blue Screen of Death

October 17, 2008

...Let's look at a graph I used two years ago, from work done by James Kennedy and Alan Greenspan, on the effect of mortgage equity withdrawals (MEWs) on the growth of the US economy.


Notice that in both 2001 and 2002, the US economy continued to grow on an annual basis (the "technical" recession was just a few quarters). Their work suggests that this growth was entirely due to MEWs. In fact, MEWs contributed over 3% to GDP growth in 2004 and 2005, and 2% in 2006. Without US homeowners using their homes as an ATM, the economy would have been very sluggish indeed, averaging much less than 1% for the six years of the Bush presidency.

The Economic Blue Screen of Death


What does that look like? you call A MEASLY 147, 000 a JOB GROWTH. If this had been under Bush you all would spewing with heads spinning

That was a 147,000 gain

Bush was losing 700,000 jobs a month
Libturds can't make up their minds whether Reagan cut taxes or raised taxes. The fact is he cut marginal rates to the lowest they had been since the 1920s. He also cut regulations and Carter's price controls on the production of domestic oil. As a result, the price of oil declined from $35/bbl to under $10/bbl.

Virtually everything libturds say about Reagan is a lie.

He did both.

He cut taxes on the wealthy, then raised them for the middle and lower classes.

He put brand new taxes on TIPS, Unemployment and put a cut off on SSI Death benefits.

He was also one of the biggest liars in the history of the United States Presidency. And? Admitted it.

Oh puhleeeze! Obama lies every time he opens his mouth. Every speech he gives is packed full of lies. the same goes for Clinton.

Every president since Truman has raised SS Taxes and cut benefits.

Reagan took a large percentage of people off the income tax rolls altogether. Why you think people who make the bulk of their income from TIPs shouldn't have to pay taxes on them is beyond what any rational person can comprehend.

Tax Cuts. One of the few areas where Reaganomists claim success without embarrassment is taxation. Didn't the Reagan administration, after all, slash income taxes in 1981, and provide both tax cuts and "fairness" in its highly touted tax reform law of 1986? Hasn't Ronald Reagan, in the teeth of opposition, heroically held the line against all tax increases?

The answer, unfortunately, is no. In the first place, the famous "tax cut" of 1981 did not cut taxes at all. It's true that tax rates for higher-income brackets were cut; but for the average person, taxes rose, rather than declined.

The Myths of Reaganomics


Worst recovery on record. SLowest job growth post recession ever. Lowest workforce participation rate since hte 1970s.
Yeah Obama's economic policies are failrues.

Can you be specific on perhaps 10 of these policies?
Wall Street is doing great.
All of the retires in my Town are far wealthier than they were under GW before the crash.
Construction, both residential and commercial is booming.
All of these disasters in a Blue State.

Time for you to post an ad hominem.
EPA regulations
Higher taxes
Dodd Frank
Zero interest rates
Do you understand any of that? do you grok that burdening companies with additional taxes and regulations makes them not produce more profits, leading to more hiring? Or are you a one dimensional cess pool of liberal talking points?

Just curious....does killing Osama Bin Laden and ending two wars count for anything?

That's what it is.....all the Republicans are up tight and unhappy unless they've got a couple of wars going to feed their Military/Industrial complex. You know....the one president Eisenhower warned everybody about:

I did, asshole. Every piece of legislation passed by Dems in the first 2 years was accompanied by thousands of pages of new regulations.
No, killing OBL, which was a program initiated by Bush, and ending one war (We are still in Afghanistan) on Bush's timetable but without precautions, counts for exactly nothing in a discussion on Obama's failed economic policies.


Job killing regulations.


Worst recovery on record. SLowest job growth post recession ever. Lowest workforce participation rate since hte 1970s.
Yeah Obama's economic policies are failrues.

Can you be specific on perhaps 10 of these policies?
Wall Street is doing great.
All of the retires in my Town are far wealthier than they were under GW before the crash.
Construction, both residential and commercial is booming.
All of these disasters in a Blue State.

Time for you to post an ad hominem.
EPA regulations
Higher taxes
Dodd Frank
Zero interest rates
Do you understand any of that? do you grok that burdening companies with additional taxes and regulations makes them not produce more profits, leading to more hiring? Or are you a one dimensional cess pool of liberal talking points?

Just curious....does killing Osama Bin Laden and ending two wars count for anything?

That's what it is.....all the Republicans are up tight and unhappy unless they've got a couple of wars going to feed their Military/Industrial complex. You know....the one president Eisenhower warned everybody about:

I did, asshole. Every piece of legislation passed by Dems in the first 2 years was accompanied by thousands of pages of new regulations.
No, killing OBL, which was a program initiated by Bush, and ending one war (We are still in Afghanistan) on Bush's timetable but without precautions, counts for exactly nothing in a discussion on Obama's failed economic policies.


Job killing regulations.



look!..cartoons and funny captions...less trouble than actually forming your own opinions and expressing them, huh?
Can you be specific on perhaps 10 of these policies?
Wall Street is doing great.
All of the retires in my Town are far wealthier than they were under GW before the crash.
Construction, both residential and commercial is booming.
All of these disasters in a Blue State.

Time for you to post an ad hominem.
EPA regulations
Higher taxes
Dodd Frank
Zero interest rates
Do you understand any of that? do you grok that burdening companies with additional taxes and regulations makes them not produce more profits, leading to more hiring? Or are you a one dimensional cess pool of liberal talking points?

Just curious....does killing Osama Bin Laden and ending two wars count for anything?

That's what it is.....all the Republicans are up tight and unhappy unless they've got a couple of wars going to feed their Military/Industrial complex. You know....the one president Eisenhower warned everybody about:

I did, asshole. Every piece of legislation passed by Dems in the first 2 years was accompanied by thousands of pages of new regulations.
No, killing OBL, which was a program initiated by Bush, and ending one war (We are still in Afghanistan) on Bush's timetable but without precautions, counts for exactly nothing in a discussion on Obama's failed economic policies.


Job killing regulations.



look!..cartoons and funny captions...less trouble than actually forming your own opinions and expressing them, huh?

GOING TO REFUTE ANYTHING I POST, EVEN THE TOONS? Didn't think so low informed one!


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