FOX: No Soldiers Died Hunting for Bergdahl

I'm not sure if that's the case. I heard the family of a dead soldier make claim that their son did in fact die searching for Bergdahl.
You heard something from somewhere that supports what you want to believe, so it must be fact and everyone else on Earth is a low-information Dimocrap, right?

PS Your Gif is disgusting and you have no respect for the other board posters who don't want to see that shit. I reported you (first time I ever reported anyone) but they haven't done anything yet.
You're offended by that picture? Two guys who aren't kissing upsets you?

As an artist, I never thought that I would say these words to anyone, but "You should use your imagination less."

No one wants to see two faggots together, except homos. But, that's the way queers are, they have to announce to everyone about their perversion, as if anyone cares.

It would be nice if this website was "work safe" without such stupid sexually explicit gifs.
And it had not gone forward for a reason-
Sen. Dianne Feinstein, the chairwoman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, said conversations with appropriate congressional members about a potential swap were held 18 months ago, but, she told the*New York Times, “there were very strong views, and they were virtually unanimous against the trade.”Read more at Sorting through murky issues on the POW swap

So how does this make it OK to trade 5 senior Taliban for a guy who walked away from his post of his own choice?

BTW, g5000's going to be pissed you started a Bergdahl thread, it's sick of them. He's not sick of telling us that though.

No one in the government seems to have had a problem with that in the couple of years....that's right....COUPLE OF YEARS that they KNEW this trade was in the works....for those exact same 5 guys.
Well then we obviously know that's not true because Fox is just propaganda.

The first two deaths the critics link to Bergdahl involved a major assault by insurgents on a combat outpost called Zerok on July 4, 2009. Their view is that the Taliban knew the Americans were stretched thin by the search mission and took advantage of that opportunity to try to overrun it. Soldiers claim search for Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl caused deaths, but facts are murky | Dallas Morning News

The deaths were related to search efforts
And this has to do HOW with the fact that Obama went around the law, and negotiated with terrorists and let 5 top terrorists go??

As someone said yesterday.. it was as if during WWII, Germany had captured Bradley, Ike, Patton, Montgomery, and Clark.. and he did a prisoner exchange of those 5 for a Private being held by the allies
2 soldiers died while Bergdahl search underway, but not while on patrol, Pentagon finds | Fox News the heads explode now!

Pentagon officials probing claims that eight soldiers died while looking for Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl have confirmed two troops from his unit died while the search was underway, but not while they while they were on patrol, a senior defense official told Fox News Friday.

I'm not sure if that's the case. I heard the family of a dead soldier make claim that their son did in fact die searching for Bergdahl.

PS Your Gif is disgusting and you have no respect for the other board posters who don't want to see that shit. I reported you (first time I ever reported anyone) but they haven't done anything yet.

Yes for people like you that want to censor the world to your own taste, ain't it a bitch when you don't get your way???
So how does this make it OK to trade 5 senior Taliban for a guy who walked away from his post of his own choice?

I don't know. Ask the four other presidents who did the same thing. As far as him walking away of his own choice, you don't know that happened.

BTW, g5000's going to be pissed you started a Bergdahl thread, it's sick of them. He's not sick of telling us that though.

So report the thread, ****.
I'm not sure if that's the case. I heard the family of a dead soldier make claim that their son did in fact die searching for Bergdahl.
You heard something from somewhere that supports what you want to believe, so it must be fact and everyone else on Earth is a low-information Dimocrap, right?

PS Your Gif is disgusting and you have no respect for the other board posters who don't want to see that shit. I reported you (first time I ever reported anyone) but they haven't done anything yet.
You're offended by that picture? Two guys who aren't kissing upsets you?

As an artist, I never thought that I would say these words to anyone, but "You should use your imagination less."

No one wants to see two faggots together, except homos. But, that's the way queers are, they have to announce to everyone about their perversion, as if anyone cares.

It would be nice if this website was "work safe" without such stupid sexually explicit gifs.

No one!? Well Howey wants to see it, so you are not correct in your use of the English language.

Work safe? How much are you getting paid to whine???

So how does this make it OK to trade 5 senior Taliban for a guy who walked away from his post of his own choice?

BTW, g5000's going to be pissed you started a Bergdahl thread, it's sick of them. He's not sick of telling us that though.

No one in the government seems to have had a problem with that in the couple of years....that's right....COUPLE OF YEARS that they KNEW this trade was in the works....for those exact same 5 guys.

But we can't have a black president do that!
So how does this make it OK to trade 5 senior Taliban for a guy who walked away from his post of his own choice?

I don't know. Ask the four other presidents who did the same thing. As far as him walking away of his own choice, you don't know that happened.

Deflection and unsubstantiated. Your typical post.

BTW, g5000's going to be pissed you started a Bergdahl thread, it's sick of them. He's not sick of telling us that though.

So report the thread, ****.

Report him for what? I didn't say he broke any rules, I'm just mocking him, dick.
2 soldiers died while Bergdahl search underway, but not while on patrol, Pentagon finds | Fox News the heads explode now!

Pentagon officials probing claims that eight soldiers died while looking for Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl have confirmed two troops from his unit died while the search was underway, but not while they while they were on patrol, a senior defense official told Fox News Friday.

I am sure you think you proved something, so can I ask what it is? The reason I am asking is that most of the soldiers linked to the search for Bergdahl were not actually in his unit. So, unless you can prove that 2+2=9 all you actually managed to prove is that you are lying about Fox doing nothing but lies about the story.
So how does this make it OK to trade 5 senior Taliban for a guy who walked away from his post of his own choice?

I don't know. Ask the four other presidents who did the same thing. As far as him walking away of his own choice, you don't know that happened.

BTW, g5000's going to be pissed you started a Bergdahl thread, it's sick of them. He's not sick of telling us that though.

So report the thread, ****.

We do know what happened, genius, we just don't know what Bergdahl was thinking when he did it. The one thing anyone who was actually in the military knows is that, as far as Article 86 is concerned, why doesn't matter, all that matters is not being where you are supposed to be. In order to avoid an Article 86 conviction you actually have to be able to prove that some external force completely beyond your control interfered with your ability to be where you were supposed to be. Feel free to lay out the argument that Bergdahl was captured and dragged off the base, it should be fun to see.
You know that the Pentagon knew that Abdullah Bergdahl deserted and four men died in his search back in 2010 and it's in a Pentagon report? You have considered that in your assertions right?

So how does this make it OK to trade 5 senior Taliban for a guy who walked away from his post of his own choice?

BTW, g5000's going to be pissed you started a Bergdahl thread, it's sick of them. He's not sick of telling us that though.

No one in the government seems to have had a problem with that in the couple of years....that's right....COUPLE OF YEARS that they KNEW this trade was in the works....for those exact same 5 guys.

They did, you just choose to ignore that fact. Go ask your own Diane Feinstein. Head of the intelligence Committee, you know.
2 soldiers died while Bergdahl search underway, but not while on patrol, Pentagon finds | Fox News the heads explode now!

Pentagon officials probing claims that eight soldiers died while looking for Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl have confirmed two troops from his unit died while the search was underway, but not while they while they were on patrol, a senior defense official told Fox News Friday.

If they didn't lie, they'd have nothing at all to say.
2 soldiers died while Bergdahl search underway, but not while on patrol, Pentagon finds | Fox News the heads explode now!

Pentagon officials probing claims that eight soldiers died while looking for Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl have confirmed two troops from his unit died while the search was underway, but not while they while they were on patrol, a senior defense official told Fox News Friday.

If they didn't lie, they'd have nothing at all to say.

All we have to do is convince you the Democrats are wrong without violating the inherent truth of liberalism and you'll get it, simple!

So how does this make it OK to trade 5 senior Taliban for a guy who walked away from his post of his own choice?

BTW, g5000's going to be pissed you started a Bergdahl thread, it's sick of them. He's not sick of telling us that though.

No one in the government seems to have had a problem with that in the couple of years....that's right....COUPLE OF YEARS that they KNEW this trade was in the works....for those exact same 5 guys.

If you pretend that Congress isn't part of the government, you actually have a good point.
2 soldiers died while Bergdahl search underway, but not while on patrol, Pentagon finds | Fox News the heads explode now!

Pentagon officials probing claims that eight soldiers died while looking for Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl have confirmed two troops from his unit died while the search was underway, but not while they while they were on patrol, a senior defense official told Fox News Friday.

If they didn't lie, they'd have nothing at all to say.


You're calling us liars?

This Administration lies so much tour guides are now referring to the White House by a different name.



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