FOX: No Soldiers Died Hunting for Bergdahl

2 soldiers died while Bergdahl search underway, but not while on patrol, Pentagon finds | Fox News the heads explode now!

Pentagon officials probing claims that eight soldiers died while looking for Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl have confirmed two troops from his unit died while the search was underway, but not while they while they were on patrol, a senior defense official told Fox News Friday.

I'm not sure if that's the case. I heard the family of a dead soldier make claim that their son did in fact die searching for Bergdahl.

PS Your Gif is disgusting and you have no respect for the other board posters who don't want to see that shit. I reported you (first time I ever reported anyone) but they haven't done anything yet.

You heard that huh? It must be true.

And.....way to handle adversity regarding the gif. You rock.
The rightwing myth may already be too embedded to be dislodged by facts. You know how that goes.

Hey, uberdouche.

All FNC and the rest of us are saying is what the actual soldiers in the traitor's unit were saying.

I wasn't there, you weren't there and the Pentagon is under civilian, read; political, control.

Maybe the Pentagon is right, but I come down on the side of the Combat Infantrymen ON THE SCENE that said men died looking for the traitor.

One other thing....

And I can't stress this enough.....

I am sick and tired of the traitor being called 'captured' a hostage and especially a 'POW'

He was none of those.

If a soldier deserts, it's not into the arms of a hostile enemy. Think about that for a minute.

Maybe one of you Patriotic Americans can explain the concept to our resident dumb as fuck dimocrap scum.

Deserters don't desert from bad circumstances into even worse circumstances.

Deserters generally desert from the Military while in their home Country or at worst into a friendly Country that will treat them well..... Like Canada and the Viet Nam deserters.

NEVER into the arms of the enemy. Deserters are first and foremost cowards.

Hostages are taken against their will.

Bergdahl was not captured on the field of battle, he was not wounded and his unit was not overrun.

Bergdahl, of his own accord, walked OUT of a US Military installation in enemy territory and INTO the arms of the enemy.

THAT, is not desertion, THAT is defection. THAT is a crime punishable by death.

One other thing for stupider than fuck dimocrap scum....

I hear on the DISGUSTING FILTH of the LSM that the traitor tried to escape.

So what? He was passed around like a hippie chick at a Grateful Dead concert. One group of Taliban had him, another one took him for a while, I understand that one even 'bought' him.

God knows how many groups had him. Ten....? Twenty? Thirty?

He probably liked some and disliked others. In some, he was probably treated like a Brother and welcomed to the mooslum way of life while in other he was treated like an infidel dog regardless of whether he converted to islam or not.

The truth will never come out on all this. Never.

Not while the lyingest cocksucker, the most cowardly, dicksucking piece of fucking shit in the history of this Country still controls the White House.

(don't tell me the Lying Cocksucker in Chief isn't a faggot... Have you seen his workout video? :rofl:)

And not while the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM backs the piece of shit up.

In five years? Maybe. At the earliest.

The new Administration, whether it's Patriotic American or dimocrap scum, isn't going to be interested in bringing up this bad trade.

You people just need to think. But dimocrap scum won't.

dimocrap scum just obey like the mindless Nazis they are.
[ame=]President Obama Working Out In a Polish Gym - YouTube[/ame]



What a faggot!!
So how does this make it OK to trade 5 senior Taliban for a guy who walked away from his post of his own choice?

BTW, g5000's going to be pissed you started a Bergdahl thread, it's sick of them. He's not sick of telling us that though.

deflection noted

Fox has been lying since the get go, getting caught every time, creating Democratic voters as the stories get stupider

Sorry, JoeB, Fox reports stories they don't make them up

What? JoeB is accusing someone of making things up? That's too funny. C'mon, Joe, just because you make stuff up doesn't mean others are as slimey as you.
deflection noted

Fox has been lying since the get go, getting caught every time, creating Democratic voters as the stories get stupider

Sorry, JoeB, Fox reports stories they don't make them up

What? JoeB is accusing someone of making things up? That's too funny. C'mon, Joe, just because you make stuff up doesn't mean others are as slimey as you.

He can't help it.

Lying scum think everybody's a liar.

Just their predisposition, they can't help it

To illustrate let me first start with a quick example that some of you may have previously seen. Take a quick look at the image below of a young Parisian woman with black hair, a black necklace and a stylish feathery hat. This was shown to a group of MBA students at the University of Chicago. After seeing the image we were asked to describe what we thought a typical night for this young woman might be. This group talked about how she was probably out late at night in the city, dining late, dancing and drinking. She was a stylish and attractive woman about the town who was cosmopolitan, single and sophisticated.


The room erupted into a violent debate and people literally could not believe their ears that some people could be so stupid! ” ‘Cosmopolitan?’ ‘Woman about the town?’ ‘Attractive?’… Are you guys high? This woman is clearly a sad grandmother who is not very attractive at all.”

The other side, ” ‘Grandmother? On what planet is THAT woman a grandmother?”
You’d be surprised how long the debate went on before people realized we had been duped. See only half the room had been told she was a young, stylish woman. The other half had been told she was a sad, old woman. The “young” crowd saw a woman looking to the left with most of her face hidden. The center image is a chin and the her left ear is just below the hair line. The “old” crowd saw the “necklace” as a woman’s mouth. What others saw as a chin they saw as a hooked nose. And what the other crowd saw as a left ear they saw as the left eye.

dimocraps believe that the whole world is just one big lie. It's how they rationalize their loserdom. It allows them to live their lives in a little bit of peace. It's why they vote for dimocrap scum who are more than willing to tell them that the world is just one big scam.

OTOH, Republicans and other Patriots see America as the Land of Opportunity, a place to be cherished and protected, loved and admired.

dimocraps? They're so full of hate, so sick, twisted and diseased that they see dishonesty where there is none and truth where there is corruption.

They should not be allowed to have power. Ever.

You just don't hand over the reins of power to sick, twisted, diseased people.

Not without paying a heavy price.
You know that the Pentagon knew that Abdullah Bergdahl deserted and four men died in his search back in 2010 and it's in a Pentagon report? You have considered that in your assertions right?

That report is still CLASSIFIED. You have no idea what's in it.

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