Fox Poll shows Trump in free fall

Got love crazy. When polls were being brought up that had Trump out in front all the Biden backers were crying fake news, polls do not mean anything, polls are never right.
Now when the polls show Biden gained those same crazy people are all enamored with polls, they are such perfect predictors.
This poll was from Fox News, the ones that these same Biden backers keep claiming never publish anything but lies and fake news.
I actually feel sorry for these people. They show a complete lack of thought
Trumps free fall in the national polls dont mean he is going to lose the election but it’s better to be gaining than losing. The election will be close either way but since I thought the right wingers on here suddenly found religion on polling… i guess i was wrong.
Talk about fact deniers. If you watch the betting odds, Trump is going up and up and up. Hardly correlates to your BS. If you look at the current polls in the swing states with all candidates, Trump is either tied or ahead in every single one, with Trump only behind one in the blue state of Virginia. National polls mean nothing because the presidency is decided by the electoral college. But, I realize that you are forced to grasp at straws for anything you think can turn the tide.
Meh. I didn’t mean to trigger you. Trump losing a lot of ground nationally can be a precursor to what happens in swing states… I mean, that is why they are swing states. My preferences wont affect the election but Trumps losing appeal might.
imo the first debate will be possibly the defining moment of the campaign. And Trump is actually boning up on policy
Hilarious. You obviously dont know Trump. Instead of studying policy he is creating excuses for his bad performance and Biden’s strong performance:

Meh. I didn’t mean to trigger you. Trump losing a lot of ground nationally can be a precursor to what happens in swing states… I mean, that is why they are swing states. My preferences wont affect the election but Trumps losing appeal might.
LOL. You were already triggered way before I responded to you. Even democrats are sweating bullets about this election.
LOL. You were already triggered way before I responded to you. Even democrats are sweating bullets about this election.
Sweating bullets? lol. I either get a President Trump who thinks people like me in the 1% need more breaks (awesome) or i get a President Biden who i can respect (more awesome) and continues to move the country forward. I can’t lose.
Sweating bullets? lol. I either get a President Trump who thinks people like me in the 1% need more breaks (awesome) or i get a President Biden who i can respect (more awesome) and continues to move the country forward. I can’t lose.
It shows the size of the hole in your head when Biden has high disapproval numbers, 65% of Americans say the country is going in the wrong direction, and you want Biden to continue moving the country forward. The 99 percenters can't afford to live anymore.
It shows the size of the hole in your head when Biden has high disapproval numbers, 65% of Americans say the country is going in the wrong direction, and you want Biden to continue moving the country forward. The 99 percenters can't afford to live anymore.
Meh. All the surveys say “I am doing great but I know people who aren’t”. People are doing great. It’s the best economy in generations if you are in the working class, have investments, own a home, are looking for a job, own a company, are starting a company, etc. This economy isnt working for like 4 people.
Meh. All the surveys say “I am doing great but I know people who aren’t”. People are doing great. It’s the best economy in generations if you are in the working class, have investments, own a home, are looking for a job, own a company, are starting a company, etc. This economy isnt working for like 4 people.
You are a fact denier.

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President Biden is the frontrunner in a hypothetical matchup against former President Trump for the first time since October, as positive views of the economy inch up — hitting their highest level thus far in the Biden presidency, according to a new Fox News national survey.

So, how are the usual suspects on this site going to spin this? Fox news - Bad? or Polls are not important? LOL

:badgrin: :badgrin: :badgrin: :badgrin: :badgrin: :badgrin: :badgrin: :badgrin: :badgrin: :badgrin: :badgrin: :badgrin:
Oh, you idiots believe in the polls now?
Well, well, well. This is awkward. Biden polling over 50% on Fox’s own poll. Results have Trump in a free fall. Perhaps his shark speech nonsense gave peeps a lot to worry about?

Fox News poll finds Biden ahead of Trump by two points by Nick Robertson -

06/19/24 10:10 PM ET President Biden leads former President Trump by two points in a national poll of the presidential election published by Fox News on Wednesday, taking a lead for the first time since last October.

A bare majority, 50 percent, of respondents said they would vote for Biden in November, while 48 percent said they would back Trump. It’s a three-point improvement for Biden over last month’s Fox News poll, where Trump led by one point.

Wednesday’s poll marks the first time Biden has cracked 50 percent support this election cycle, and the first time he has led Trump in a Fox poll since October 2023.

For perspective Older Americans are flocking to Biden.

Older Americans — perhaps driven by old-school respect for institutions and distaste for Trump's unorthodox style — are flocking to Biden, according to a series of recent polls. (Another theory: The hippies got old.)

  • The most recent New York Times/Siena poll shows that Biden has a 9-point lead in a head-to-head matchup against Trump among likely voters aged 65 or older.
  • In a Quinnipiac University poll released last month, Biden is beating Trump by 12 points with the 65+ set.
  • Republicans have — with the exception of 1992, 1996 and 2000 — won the senior vote in every presidential race for the last half-century, according to exit polls.

Trumps free fall in the national polls dont mean he is going to lose the election but it’s better to be gaining than losing. The election will be close either way but since I thought the right wingers on here suddenly found religion on polling… i guess i was wrong.
Ha ha. Looks as though you somehow think I am right wing. Guess you are always wrong. I am and always have been an independent. But I could not help but point out that you constantly have said these things and now you are saying the opposite.
Selective quoting, eh? Why don't we see my complete post? Btw, thanks retard for making the effort to prove me right. Much obliged. :badgrin: :badgrin: :badgrin: :badgrin: :badgrin: :badgrin: :badgrin: :badgrin: :badgrin: :badgrin: :badgrin: :badgrin: back at ya, retard.

Oh, you idiots believe in the polls now? Let's wait as the polls change and Biden starts leading. I'll bet you retards will be back pooh-poohing the polls as a Lib run scheme to put your poor orange loser in the shade.

Never fails. :itsok:

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