Fox Poll shows Trump in free fall

President Biden is the frontrunner in a hypothetical matchup against former President Trump for the first time since October, as positive views of the economy inch up — hitting their highest level thus far in the Biden presidency, according to a new Fox News national survey.

So, how are the usual suspects on this site going to spin this? Fox news - Bad? or Polls are not important? LOL
Trump is ahead in every single swing state plus Minnesota and only one point behind in Virginia.
President Biden is the frontrunner in a hypothetical matchup against former President Trump for the first time since October, as positive views of the economy inch up — hitting their highest level thus far in the Biden presidency, according to a new Fox News national survey.

So, how are the usual suspects on this site going to spin this? Fox news - Bad? or Polls are not important? LOL
If this demented creep wins, despite all of the evidence that he is ruining the country, then we deserve what we are going to get.
You are a fact denier.

It's nauseating and funny to watch right wingers pretend to care about Ameticans needing more money to get by.

You guys must think everyone has amnesia.
I expect many independent voters don't like sexual assaulters, fraudster and convicted felons.

Combine all three and you have trump.

Not a good look.

Odd that he's up by 18 points over Biden in Iowa

Should they poll Trump vs Michelle Obama?
Meh. I didn’t mean to trigger you. Trump losing a lot of ground nationally can be a precursor to what happens in swing states… I mean, that is why they are swing states. My preferences wont affect the election but Trumps losing appeal might.

President Trump is leading by 18 in Iowa
Ahead in every swing state, it close in Minnesota, and California and NY may be competitive.

Numbers like that could mean a Reagan like victory for President Trump.
Ha ha. Looks as though you somehow think I am right wing. Guess you are always wrong. I am and always have been an independent. But I could not help but point out that you constantly have said these things and now you are saying the opposite.
I didn’t accuse you of anything. I was specifically pointing out lots of right wingers have been believing the polls for months. Suddenly they don’t again.
President Trump is leading by 18 in Iowa
Ahead in every swing state, it close in Minnesota, and California and NY may be competitive.

Numbers like that could mean a Reagan like victory for President Trump.
Bookmarked. See you in November.
Not really. Outliers happen. Trump.won Iowa by over 8 points in 2020.

That's why you sore losers didn't claim fraud in Iowa.
The democrat Party does not have a Tammany Hall in Iowa

Hopefully, now that Lara Trump had the RNC sue in all the swing States, those will be be history as well. The RNC should sue in ALL 50 States to get accurate, up to date Voter roles; CA and NY would be hotly contested
Well, well, well. This is awkward. Biden polling over 50% on Fox’s own poll. Results have Trump in a free fall. Perhaps his shark speech nonsense gave peeps a lot to worry about?

Fox News poll finds Biden ahead of Trump by two points by Nick Robertson -

06/19/24 10:10 PM ET President Biden leads former President Trump by two points in a national poll of the presidential election published by Fox News on Wednesday, taking a lead for the first time since last October.

A bare majority, 50 percent, of respondents said they would vote for Biden in November, while 48 percent said they would back Trump. It’s a three-point improvement for Biden over last month’s Fox News poll, where Trump led by one point.

Wednesday’s poll marks the first time Biden has cracked 50 percent support this election cycle, and the first time he has led Trump in a Fox poll since October 2023.
"Free fall" Rachel Maddow must be happy with that. LOL
You are a fact denier.

The YAHOO link is to a USA Today opinion piece. Hardly an esteemed or respected financial paper. USA Today is best described as light reading for commuters, with all of the depth of a kid's wading pool. Just the news is a Questionable Source.

Wait until the American people get a load of the unhinged reality of Donald J. Trump at the debate next week.

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