Fox settles admitting they provided fake news about Dominion

No, the question you people keep avoiding is why not go to trial if you’re so confident? Why take less than half of what you wanted? You same people cried that it was unfair when Sandmann beat CNN and the rest of the left to the tune of a lot of money. Dems said the same things about Dominion, yet you didn’t care then. Bolding your claims doesn’t make them true.

Because being 99% right doesn't mean that a jury will go in your favor. Juries are fickle. By that same token, a Jury could have awarded Dominion twice the asked amount for the same reason.
I posted tons of evidence about election fraud in Arizona, California, Georgia, Idaho, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Texas, & Wisconsin. Then I QUIZZED the fraud deniers on it. Not one of them was able to answer a single question. They were clueless.
FAIL. I asked for video proof of Fox lying and you come up with a ludicrous, vague quote about "certain claims" (which could mean anything), and I obliterated that dopey line a few posts ago, right here in this thread. Do you read the thread before posting ? Try it.

Fox would not allow cameras into the proceedings. And it would be suicidal as all hell for them to say it in front of a camera. Maybe, at that point, even fruitcake MAGAts like you might wake up.
Because being 99% right doesn't mean that a jury will go in your favor. Juries are fickle. By that same token, a Jury could have awarded Dominion twice the asked amount for the same reason.
Twice the amount? ^^ This is what posting on narcotics looks like. They wouldn’t have gotten near what they were demanding because they were never going to get that much business. Ever.
Because being 99% right doesn't mean that a jury will go in your favor. Juries are fickle. By that same token, a Jury could have awarded Dominion twice the asked amount for the same reason.
Courts have become a JOKE in this country whenever the issue is political.
I posted tons of evidence about election fraud in Arizona, California, Georgia, Idaho, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Texas, & Wisconsin. Then I QUIZZED the fraud deniers on it. Not one of them was able to answer a single question. They were clueless.

And you quoted Foxnews, OAN news, fruitcake MAGAt QAnons, and the small group of carrions like Powell and company. Rudy and Powell have already renigged on their statements inside of courts under oath. What one says in a public forum may be completely different in a court of law.
Strange how entire countries can get paper ballots done and counted in one night and declare a winner, yet leftist “leaders” claim there will be long waits for results even before Election Day arrives. While using this “up to date, modern technology to make things easier”.
What country does that at the half the size of US...

Seriously do you know how long hand counts actually take....

You can be talking about expecting a result the next day at about 3pmish if that was the only election and the teams of counters have been hired and trained properly... This election would also be FPTP, use preference voting and you could be 2-3 days

This is what it looks like:

Personally I prefer hand counting, more drama as things unfold...

Also in a side note, the is no mid counts or updates... In Ireland they have 'tallie men' who can give indications of a count but the result comes from the returning officer.
Fox would not allow cameras into the proceedings. And it would be suicidal as all hell for them to say it in front of a camera. Maybe, at that point, even fruitcake MAGAts like you might wake up.
Fruitcake fraud deniers like you might wake up, if you took one of my QUIZZES on the ton of 2020 election fraud that I posted. Let me know when you're ready. Ho hum.
And you quoted Foxnews, OAN news, fruitcake MAGAt QAnons, and the small group of carrions like Powell and company. Rudy and Powell have already renigged on their statements inside of courts under oath. What one says in a public forum may be completely different in a court of law.
Let me know when you're ready. So you can find out how clueless you are.
And you quoted Foxnews, OAN news, fruitcake MAGAt QAnons, and the small group of carrions like Powell and company. Rudy and Powell have already renigged on their statements inside of courts under oath. What one says in a public forum may be completely different in a court of law.
I really don't think they got what this court case was about....

A large right media company has been wilfully lying and there answer is to goto more wilful liars...
Rupert was seemly was right about one thing, you can lie and keep lying and they will come back for more..
Fruitcake fraud deniers like you might wake up, if you took one of my QUIZZES on the ton of 2020 election fraud that I posted. Let me know when you're ready. Ho hum.

You quiz is based on some of the biggest liars in Politics and QAnon. The only thing you are proving is that Foxnews will continue to operate. Well until the others standing in line to sue Foxnews get through with them.
Courts have become a JOKE in this country whenever the issue is political.
Have you seen the depositions for the case...

Fox pretty much said they knowingly lied and did it because it was a commercial advantage for them to not tell the truth.

Fox was hoping to hide behind the 1st amendment but there own texts and emails showed that they didn't believe what they were saying on air and were just to make money...

Fox lied to you so they could make money... They did such a good job that you are now angry with Democrats (who had nothing to do with the case) instead of the people who lied to you..
Fox lied to you so that you would keep watching, why aren't you angry about being lied too...

I know you admitting that being lied to and believing them makes you loo like a fool, it doesn't really, unless you keep going back for more after they admitted to it and then continue lying... Then that makes you the fool, not Fox.
Fox would not allow cameras into the proceedings. And it would be suicidal as all hell for them to say it in front of a camera. Maybe, at that point, even fruitcake MAGAts like you might wake up.
So let's see - what might these "certain claims" be, that you claim Fox talked about.

Well, since there's no specifics being mentioned, that leaves us all free to speculate.

They could be >>

1. That fish can swim (that wouldn't be a lie)
2. That Donald Trump was POTUS for 4 years (true)
3. That most trees are tall (true)
4. KC. Chiefs won the Super Bowl in 2023 (yup)
You quiz is based on some of the biggest liars in Politics and QAnon. The only thing you are proving is that Foxnews will continue to operate. Well until the others standing in line to sue Foxnews get through with them.
I would love a test case knowing that Fox admits that they lie to keep audience share and make money, could someone actually just Fox now and not have to prove malice.
Is there enough proof to say that when Fox spread misinformation they are doing it with malice (i.e. to make money)... Can Tucker considering his statements not be liable for false statements...
So let's see - what might these "certain claims" be, that you claim Fox talked about.

Well, since there's no specifics being mentioned, that leaves us all free to speculate.

They could be >>

1. That fish can swim (that wouldn't be a lie)
2. That Donald Trump was POTUS for 4 years (true)
3. That most trees are tall (true)
4. KC. Chiefs won the Super Bowl in 2023 (yup)
Fox statement states this...

I point it out already :"We acknowledge the Court’s rulings..."

The Court stated the lied...

Please stop using ignorance as a defence..
The reality is there is no legal purpose to voting machines.
All they can do is facilitate cheating.
While I do not think there was significant cheating in 2020, it should be illegal to ever use voting machines.
First of all, there is never any way to verify if there are built in software backdoors, and second is they are easily hacked.
They stated that they agreed with the Judge in the case and he stated all those things...

Again they paid this massive claim because they didn't want to goto trial and tell the truth...
Which of course would have all been public with Fox having no control over what comes out.
They maintained control over that damaging information by opting to pay instead.
If anything, if all the Fox people were smart, they would recognize as a strategic retreat from the truth in order to maintain what credibility they have left with their viewers.

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