Fox settles admitting they provided fake news about Dominion

The reality is there is no legal purpose to voting machines.
All they can do is facilitate cheating.
While I do not think there was significant cheating in 2020, it should be illegal to ever use voting machines.
First of all, there is never any way to verify if there are built in software backdoors, and second is they are easily hacked.
Thanks for proving Dominion case....

You have been lied too, Fox admitted these were lies and you keep on telling them...

This why Fox lost..
Hey, if there's going to be defamation lawsuits based on false statements made about election tampering, how about some lawsuits against Jimmy Carter, Hillary Clinton, John Lewis, Jerry Nadler, and dozens of Democrats who shot their mouths off alleging Russian collusion, in the 2016 election ?

The DNC even went so far as to file a 66 page lawsuit against the Trump campaign, Russia, WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, and several relatives and associates of Donald Trump.

Democrats wanna play hardball. IT'S LAWSUIT TIME!

I'll see if I can dig up the montage video of all of them committing slander, that Mike Gallagher played on his radio show this morning, but really, the 2018 lawsuit is all the proof that's needed. Slam dunk, and a HUGE one.
Get busy!
Strange how entire countries can get paper ballots done and counted in one night and declare a winner, yet leftist “leaders” claim there will be long waits for results even before Election Day arrives. While using this “up to date, modern technology to make things easier”.
I find it more strange that you can’t wrap your head around anything other than paper ballots.

Will you ever recognize your own futility?
I find it more strange that you can’t wrap your head around anything other than paper ballots.

Will you ever recognize your own futility?
That was the first mention of paper ballots from me you loon. There should be no electronic machines involved. Already proven they are hooked to the internet (including Dominion’s) and can be hacked into. Putting the results into serious question.
You quiz is based on some of the biggest liars in Politics and QAnon. The only thing you are proving is that Foxnews will continue to operate. Well until the others standing in line to sue Foxnews get through with them.
My quiz!!!! So you claim to be knowledgable about my quiz, do you ? Actually, my quiz is based on the evidences that I posted, which was so extensive that the number of characters exceeded the maximum allowable by USMB, and to fit it all in, I had to stretch it out over 5 extremely lengthy posts.

And HOW DO YOU KNOW ?....if the people in my quiz (based on my evidence postings) are "liars", when you don't even know who they are, let alone what they said ?

You know who 1. Nathan Pease, 2. Gregory Stenstrom, and 3. Jesse Morgan are, and what their connection is to this thread ?
How about
4. Alexandra Seely
5. Zachary Larsen
6. Jesse Jacob
7. Robert Cushman
8. Steven Miller
9. Phill Kline
10. Russell Ramsland ??????????

Where and from whom did this quote (in a sworn affidavit) come from ?
""Beyond the legal requirements for maintaining ballot secrecy, both of us were concerned that the violations of the secrecy of the ballot that we witnessed could be or were being used to manipulate which ballots were placed in the 'problem ballots' box," In what state was this ?

What former assistant attorney general testified that he saw election fraud ?
In what city & state was this (sworn affadavit) ? >> "large swaths of ballots being counted the day after the election for voters who were not in the authorized list of names. In some cases, fake birth dates were being used to fill in birth dates."

What County Clerk's office in what city, gave instruction for this to be allowed ? >>
"Every ballot was being fraudulently and manually entered into the Electronic Poll Book (QVF), as having been born on January 1, 1900, This 'last' batch of ballots was processed in the 8:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. time frame. When I asked about this impossibility of each ballot having the same birthday occurring in 1900, I was told that was the instruction that came down from the _____________ County Clerk's office."

What judge, ? in what state ? said >> "“None of these allegations claim that the Trump campaign’s watchers were treated differently than the Biden campaign’s watchers,” without stopping to realize that ANY poll watchers being stopped from doing their job instantly INVALIDATES the entire election process for that entire day and everything would need to be done all over. Although the allegations DID claim that Republican poll watchers were who was restricted.

What did Phil Kline say ? David Shestokas - who's he ? Did he question something ?

In what 2 states were Fake Votes Reported in Multiples of 4,800 Votes in ,
6,000 in Identical Fashion ?

Who, holding what government office, in what state, unilaterally (ILLEGALLY) extended the existing deadline by three days, thus giving voters until November 12 to provide proof of their identity ? What judge presided over the Trump challenge ?
What was the ruling in that challenge ? What was the result of that ruling ?
Who, with what credentials, in what state, testified that 48,522 Republican ballots were received, but not counted ? EDS provided the analysis. what do the initials EDS stand for ?

In what state legislature hearing was it testified about "numerous military ballots that looked like “Xerox copies” and were all marked for Democrat Joe Biden. She said election workers manually entered fake birthdates on the records of non registered voters to override the system and allow their votes."
That was the first mention of paper ballots from me you loon. There should be no electronic machines involved. Already proven they are hooked to the internet (including Dominion’s) and can be hacked into. Putting the results into serious question.
You base that on nothing more than your own ignorance.
...or...their lawyers were afraid a jury of liberals would award even more money than was in the settlement.
Which of course is only possible if there’s sufficient evidence for them to do so.

Y’all are so cucked by anything “democrat”.
Have you seen the depositions for the case...

Fox pretty much said they knowingly lied and did it because it was a commercial advantage for them to not tell the truth.

Fox was hoping to hide behind the 1st amendment but there own texts and emails showed that they didn't believe what they were saying on air and were just to make money...

Fox lied to you so they could make money... They did such a good job that you are now angry with Democrats (who had nothing to do with the case) instead of the people who lied to you..
Fox lied to you so that you would keep watching, why aren't you angry about being lied too...

I know you admitting that being lied to and believing them makes you loo like a fool, it doesn't really, unless you keep going back for more after they admitted to it and then continue lying... Then that makes you the fool, not Fox.
:puhleeze: Maybe the reason I (and everyone else here), is not seeing the depositions for the case, is because you haven't presented a shred of (link) substance pertaining to it, and all you have presented is your unsubstantited notions of what happened, which is about as relevant as a rock in the bottom of a pond. :slap:

Ho hum. yawn**** :rolleyes:
Which of course is only possible if there’s sufficient evidence for them to do so.

Y’all are so cucked by anything “democrat”.
Oh yeah :right: Like a jury full of liberals could/would only rule against Fox, if there was sufficient evidence. Uh huh. You must think this forum is populated by idiots. Give us a break!
Hey dope, it’s Dominion getting less than half their demand. If they were so confident, why settle? Reject it and go to trial if you’re so sure of victory.
Fox is the one that chose to voluntarily lose, dope.
Dominion just got paid almost 10x the value of their company to drop it.

Are you really going to continue to characterize that as some sort of a win for Fox?

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