FOX TN NEWS RATED # 1 For Truth by Americans.

... a typical Textbook socio Fascist technique known as Jamming

The objective of jamming is to force opponents into silence by accusations of racism, latent homosexual tendencies and bigotry . The purpose being to create a social stigmatization of anyone, or anything [In this case Fox] whom opposes the Agenda. Jamming is to ridicule the opponent in the eyes of the world and to evoke the "pack mentality" .

Jamming is basically psychological terrorism intended to silence expression of or support for any dissenting opinion. Jamming employs the science of Direct Emotional Modeling and Associative Conditioning.

Interesting theory. And I love the way you can read fucking minds to decide what their rationale is, since you can't read posts. But nice cut-and-paste from this page without attribution (or apparently, comprehension).

So this "jamming" thing --
You mean like this?
that's what Liberals do - thats what is expected of them - twist, distort the truth and lie.

... You apparently understand nothing about Journalism - Real Journalism - Not the yellow journalism you were force fed most of your life.

Or do you mean like this?
You can't swing a dead cat in Tinseltown without hitting a left wing ideologue -and you'd be severely hard pressed to find a sitcom screen writer for any major studio who isn't a pervert or a leftist.

Or do you mean more like this...?

MSNBC Started in the cesspool and has been crawling throuigh the sewer pipes and up the anus of lefties like you ever since .

Or is it more like this?
It was a flop , a bucn of little rich brats trying to be quasi intellectual modern day hippies

Wait, I got it -- you mean more like this:
The Socio-FascistElite ,and their usefulidiots, folks such as yourself rabidly foam at the mouth and vomit out Pea soup whenever Fox is mentioned - and that's why I defend it and will continue to do so. It's time Big Brother got a boot up his ass instead of the ass kissing and bootlickering from useful idiots who run around calling themselves "Liberals"


How's it Feel being a useful Idiot ? You don't like it when the vomits aimed at you -do ya ?

Or could it be this?
The Fourth Link you provided is probably credible , although it is from a socio-fascist university

I hope you can find some more homophobe websites that can help you figure this out. :eusa_angel:
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Mark Furman's felony perjury conviction might make him ineligible to be a policeman again, but he is still very qualified to tell the "truth" at Fox.

Fuhrman serves as a forensic and crime scene expert - which he is
He is also a Racist - but your attempting to use himm to discredit Fox is a typical Textbook socio Fascist technique known as Jamming

The objective of jamming is to force opponents into silence by accusations of racism, latent homosexual tendencies and bigotry . The purpose being to create a social stigmatization of anyone, or anything [In this case Fox] whom opposes the Agenda. Jamming is to ridicule the opponent in the eyes of the world and to evoke the "pack mentality" .

Jamming is basically psychological terrorism intended to silence expression of or support for any dissenting opinion. Jamming employs the science of Direct Emotional Modeling and Associative Conditioning. In the context which you are using it it is Associative Conditioning - Associate FOX with a known racist and thereby via default label FOX as Racist .

Now what network is Sharpton on ? LMAO
Now I know my mother was jamming me when she told me "I would be known by the company I kept."

I didn't accuse Furman of racism, latent homosexual tendencies, or bigotry (though I could.)

But I do reserve those accusations for other Fox contributors that we might discuss in the future.

Black Santa Claus?

He's a forensic and crime scene expert, and very good at it, which is why he was called to testify at the OJ trial, and that is his only capacity at FOX. OJs team couldn't refute much of his forensic expertise, but they certainly blew his sorry ass up when they exposed his Racism.

By the way - you didn't answer the question - what network is Sharpton On? :D

POGO: Interesting theory. And I love the way you can read fucking minds to decide what their rationale is, since you can't read posts. But nice cut-and-paste from this page without attribution (or apparently, comprehension).

I used to quote from the site you linked to very often, in fact I quoted it so frequently that I was accused of spamming - so I stopped putting the link in some of the posts from which I used their material -now I find myself accused of Plagiarism -How Ironic !

Here's the Link- Gay* Brainwashing Techniques


POGO: So this "jamming" thing -- You mean like this?

GreenBean: that's what Liberals do - thats what is expected of them - twist, distort the truth and lie.... You apparently understand nothing about Journalism - Real Journalism - Not the yellow journalism you were force fed most of your life.

Perhaps you should read the article you accuse me of plagiarizing and Educate yourself - your arguments here have been shredded - which is what you dreaded, you no longer shall roam the board unfetterred . You've been destroyed - of this your annoyed - so you retreat with insults to your ignorant void .

Glad I could help educate you POGO - I'll be checking back frequently to monitor your progress , so make sure the lesson lingers. Regards :fu:
Fuhrman serves as a forensic and crime scene expert - which he is
He is also a Racist - but your attempting to use himm to discredit Fox is a typical Textbook socio Fascist technique known as Jamming

The objective of jamming is to force opponents into silence by accusations of racism, latent homosexual tendencies and bigotry . The purpose being to create a social stigmatization of anyone, or anything [In this case Fox] whom opposes the Agenda. Jamming is to ridicule the opponent in the eyes of the world and to evoke the "pack mentality" .

Jamming is basically psychological terrorism intended to silence expression of or support for any dissenting opinion. Jamming employs the science of Direct Emotional Modeling and Associative Conditioning. In the context which you are using it it is Associative Conditioning - Associate FOX with a known racist and thereby via default label FOX as Racist .

Now what network is Sharpton on ? LMAO
Now I know my mother was jamming me when she told me "I would be known by the company I kept."

I didn't accuse Furman of racism, latent homosexual tendencies, or bigotry (though I could.)

But I do reserve those accusations for other Fox contributors that we might discuss in the future.

Black Santa Claus?

He's a forensic and crime scene expert, and very good at it, which is why he was called to testify at the OJ trial, and that is his only capacity at FOX. OJs team couldn't refute much of his forensic expertise, but they certainly blew his sorry ass up when they exposed his Racism.

By the way - you didn't answer the question - what network is Sharpton On? :D
Sharpton is on MSNBC, but the choice network for felons would have to be Fox, with Ollie North, G. Gordon Liddy, Furman, and Dinesh d'Souza.

Guess you could call them, The "A" team!
Popular opinion does not determine how "true" a certain media outlet is. Ultimately they share the same goals: spread the news they want you to hear, when they want you to hear it, and when it fits their agenda.

Point well taken. We see that error made constantly here, somebody will post the soaring ratings of their favored "news" channel or the sinking ratings of their unfavored, and pretend it's got something to do with the content therein. I keep telling them ratings measure attention, not assent. People slow down and gawk at traffic accidents too, doesn't mean they agree with the idea of traffic accidents.

Welcome to the site, Ich. :)

I see you've launched another Sock Puppet POGO, but why would you name it IchKampfe Which is the title of a book from the National Socialist German Worker Party - Nazis

Now I know my mother was jamming me when she told me "I would be known by the company I kept."

I didn't accuse Furman of racism, latent homosexual tendencies, or bigotry (though I could.)

But I do reserve those accusations for other Fox contributors that we might discuss in the future.

Black Santa Claus?

He's a forensic and crime scene expert, and very good at it, which is why he was called to testify at the OJ trial, and that is his only capacity at FOX. OJs team couldn't refute much of his forensic expertise, but they certainly blew his sorry ass up when they exposed his Racism.

By the way - you didn't answer the question - what network is Sharpton On? :D
Sharpton is on MSNBC, but the choice network for felons would have to be Fox, with Ollie North, G. Gordon Liddy, Furman, and Dinesh d'Souza.

Guess you could call them, The "A" team!

Yup - National Heroes North, Liddy and d'Souza - combatants in the War against Socio-Facism. So whats your Point ?
Popular opinion does not determine how "true" a certain media outlet is. Ultimately they share the same goals: spread the news they want you to hear, when they want you to hear it, and when it fits their agenda.

Point well taken. We see that error made constantly here, somebody will post the soaring ratings of their favored "news" channel or the sinking ratings of their unfavored, and pretend it's got something to do with the content therein. I keep telling them ratings measure attention, not assent. People slow down and gawk at traffic accidents too, doesn't mean they agree with the idea of traffic accidents.

Welcome to the site, Ich. :)

I see you've launched another Sock Puppet POGO, but why would you name it IchKampfe Which is the title of a book from the National Socialist German Worker Party - Nazis


"Ich" is his name. When I say "welcome Ich" I'm not talking to myself :rolleyes: And by the way Kampfe is not Kämpfe.

But accusing socks, that's another site violation.

Go for it, loser.
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He's a forensic and crime scene expert, and very good at it, which is why he was called to testify at the OJ trial, and that is his only capacity at FOX. OJs team couldn't refute much of his forensic expertise, but they certainly blew his sorry ass up when they exposed his Racism.

By the way - you didn't answer the question - what network is Sharpton On? :D
Sharpton is on MSNBC, but the choice network for felons would have to be Fox, with Ollie North, G. Gordon Liddy, Furman, and Dinesh d'Souza.

Guess you could call them, The "A" team!

Yup - National Heroes North, Liddy and d'Souza - combatants in the War against Socio-Facism. So whats your Point ?
Point well taken. We see that error made constantly here, somebody will post the soaring ratings of their favored "news" channel or the sinking ratings of their unfavored, and pretend it's got something to do with the content therein. I keep telling them ratings measure attention, not assent. People slow down and gawk at traffic accidents too, doesn't mean they agree with the idea of traffic accidents.

Welcome to the site, Ich. :)

I see you've launched another Sock Puppet POGO, but why would you name it IchKampfe Which is the title of a book from the National Socialist German Worker Party - Nazis


"Ich" is his name. When I say "welcome Ich" I'm not talking to myself :rolleyes: And by the way Kampfe is not Kämpfe.

But accusing socks, that's another site violation.

Go for it, loser.

So why call it Ichkampfe ?

Sprechen Sie deutsch?
Sie ficken Arschloch :lol:
I see you've launched another Sock Puppet POGO, but why would you name it IchKampfe Which is the title of a book from the National Socialist German Worker Party - Nazis


"Ich" is his name. When I say "welcome Ich" I'm not talking to myself :rolleyes: And by the way Kampfe is not Kämpfe.

But accusing socks, that's another site violation.

Go for it, loser.

So why call it Ichkampfe ?

Sprechen Sie deutsch?
Sie ficken Arschloch :lol:

You'd have to ask him. I'd guess he was going for "Ich Kämpfe" -- "I fight".

Sometimes I'll sign a post with the words "La luta continua". Doesn't make me a sock for Che Fucking Guevara. Sometimes I'll sign with "Aloha". Doesn't make me a Don Fucking Ho sock. Sometimes I'll go "plus ça change...". Doesn't make me Robesfuckingpierre.

Grow the fuck up.

And yes I know exactly what site you're copying from. I can easily see when the words are beyond your writing capability. Google takes a tenth of a second.

So why call it Ichkampfe ?

Sprechen Sie deutsch?
Sie ficken Arschloch :lol:[/QUOTE]

You'd have to ask him. I'd guess he was going for "Ich Kämpfe" -- "I fight".

I did ask him - his puppet master answered , so you have socks for both hands now ? What is the other sock "Mein Kampfe".

Sometimes I'll sign a post with the words "La luta continua". Doesn't make me a sock for Che Fucking Guevara. Sometimes I'll sign with "Aloha". Doesn't make me a Don Fucking Ho sock. Sometimes I'll go "plus ça change...". Doesn't make me Robesfuckingpierre.

Now it doesn't make you "Robesfuckingpierre." it simply makes you look like Pogofuckingpuppeteer -when socks arise out of nowhere tocome to your rescue - when you are getting your ass tanned.
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So why call it Ichkampfe ?

Sprechen Sie deutsch?
Sie ficken Arschloch :lol:

You'd have to ask him. I'd guess he was going for "Ich Kämpfe" -- "I fight".

I did ask him - his puppet master answered , so you have socks for both hands now ? What is the other sock "Mein Kampfe".

Sometimes I'll sign a post with the words "La luta continua". Doesn't make me a sock for Che Fucking Guevara. Sometimes I'll sign with "Aloha". Doesn't make me a Don Fucking Ho sock. Sometimes I'll go "plus ça change...". Doesn't make me Robesfuckingpierre.

Now it doesn't make you "Robesfuckingpierre." it simply makes you look like Pogofuckingpuppeteer -when socks arise out of nowhere tocome to your rescue - when you are getting your ass tanned.[/QUOTE]

Oh, C'Mon now. Don't be too hard on Pogo. He/she/it is a pseudo-academic who spends his time correcting spelling errors (damn that spell check) when they are made.

Why, just look at his statement in red in my sig. Ponder it for 30 seconds and it will speak volumes about this fool. Matter of fact, I probably need to make his statement a tad larger - so all can see. :D
So why call it Ichkampfe ?

Sprechen Sie deutsch?
Sie ficken Arschloch :lol:

You'd have to ask him. I'd guess he was going for "Ich Kämpfe" -- "I fight".

I did ask him - his puppet master answered , so you have socks for both hands now ? What is the other sock "Mein Kampfe".

Sometimes I'll sign a post with the words "La luta continua". Doesn't make me a sock for Che Fucking Guevara. Sometimes I'll sign with "Aloha". Doesn't make me a Don Fucking Ho sock. Sometimes I'll go "plus ça change...". Doesn't make me Robesfuckingpierre.

Now it doesn't make you "Robesfuckingpierre." it simply makes you look like Pogofuckingpuppeteer -when socks arise out of nowhere tocome to your rescue - when you are getting your ass tanned.

Oh, C'Mon now. Don't be too hard on Pogo. He/she/it is a pseudo-academic who spends his time correcting spelling errors (damn that spell check) when they are made.

Why, just look at his statement in red in my sig. Ponder it for 30 seconds and it will speak volumes about this fool. Matter of fact, I probably need to make his statement a tad larger - so all can see. :D

You still to this day don't get that quote, do you? :badgrin:
I'm not sure what it is you think it means but -- it doesn't, so by all means fly my flag. When you gonna give me a nice black font or at least a boldface? It is after all the only saving grace in your entire sig area.

Usually I ignore spelling and grammar ---- until some asshat comes in blustering that he's fluent in German and then proceeds to prove the contrary. :rofl:

Oh I fixed your quote fuckups for ya. You're welcome.
So why call it Ichkampfe ?

Sprechen Sie deutsch?
Sie ficken Arschloch :lol:

I did ask him - his puppet master answered , so you have socks for both hands now ? What is the other sock "Mein Kampfe".

Now it doesn't make you "Robesfuckingpierre." it simply makes you look like Pogofuckingpuppeteer -when socks arise out of nowhere tocome to your rescue - when you are getting your ass tanned.

Oh, C'Mon now. Don't be too hard on Pogo. He/she/it is a pseudo-academic who spends his time correcting spelling errors (damn that spell check) when they are made.

Why, just look at his statement in red in my sig. Ponder it for 30 seconds and it will speak volumes about this fool. Matter of fact, I probably need to make his statement a tad larger - so all can see. :D

You still to this day don't get that quote, do you? :badgrin:
I'm not sure what it is you think it means but -- it doesn't, so by all means fly my flag. When you gonna give me a nice black font or at least a boldface? It is after all the only saving grace in your entire sig area.

Usually I ignore spelling and grammar ---- until some asshat comes in blustering that he's fluent in German and then proceeds to prove the contrary. :rofl:

Oh I fixed your quote fuckups for ya. You're welcome.

You know, come to think of it - You're going on ignore. Why? Still a Nazi fuck that I have no interest in reading. I KNOW what your quote is, fool. Bye!
Oh, C'Mon now. Don't be too hard on Pogo. He/she/it is a pseudo-academic who spends his time correcting spelling errors (damn that spell check) when they are made.

Why, just look at his statement in red in my sig. Ponder it for 30 seconds and it will speak volumes about this fool. Matter of fact, I probably need to make his statement a tad larger - so all can see. :D

You still to this day don't get that quote, do you? :badgrin:
I'm not sure what it is you think it means but -- it doesn't, so by all means fly my flag. When you gonna give me a nice black font or at least a boldface? It is after all the only saving grace in your entire sig area.

Usually I ignore spelling and grammar ---- until some asshat comes in blustering that he's fluent in German and then proceeds to prove the contrary. :rofl:

Oh I fixed your quote fuckups for ya. You're welcome.

You know, come to think of it - You're going on ignore. Why? Still a Nazi fuck that I have no interest in reading. I KNOW what your quote is, fool. Bye!

If that's true then you don't understand the rest of your sig, because the two parts contradict each other (duuuuhhh...)

Thanks for the bigger font Oblivious-man. :thup:
You still to this day don't get that quote, do you? :badgrin:
I'm not sure what it is you think it means but -- it doesn't, so by all means fly my flag. When you gonna give me a nice black font or at least a boldface? It is after all the only saving grace in your entire sig area.

Usually I ignore spelling and grammar ---- until some asshat comes in blustering that he's fluent in German and then proceeds to prove the contrary. :rofl:

Oh I fixed your quote fuckups for ya. You're welcome.

You know, come to think of it - You're going on ignore. Why? Still a Nazi fuck that I have no interest in reading. I KNOW what your quote is, fool. Bye!

If that's true then you don't understand the rest of your sig, because the two parts contradict each other (duuuuhhh...)

Thanks for the bigger font Oblivious-man. :thup:

Ok - so I see you have some knowledge of German - I don't claim to be fluent in German, but I do enough to realize that in any language you sir are a "Dumm Mutter Scheiß drauf!" you don't need to know German for the first 2 words - they sound very similar in English.

At first I thought it was my fault, that I wasn't making myself clear when addressing you - after reading your exchange with Randall - I can see it wasn't my communication skills - it apparently was your comprehension skills . Is English a second language for you - perhaps German would be better - this way your Nazi friend IchKampfe could join in as well .

Sind Sie ein arisches ? Haben Sie ein Bild von der Fuhrere Dass sie Choke Ihr Huhn mit ?

"The data comes from a Brookings Institute paper dealing with the nature of opposition to immigration reform and a sub-section from E. J. Dionne and William Galston on political polarization and the media, all of which is interesting — but not quite as interesting as the results of this survey. The most-trusted name in news for all Americans is, unsurprisingly, Fox News, which also has the highest ratings by far in the industry.

Broadcast news — the three networks — come in a close second, with CNN a more distant third place. However, the “honor” of being the least-trusted name in news, in practically every demographic, is MSNBC, a subsidiary of NBC News — which ranks below Jon Stewart among all but Democrats.

Here’s the chart that lays out the bad news for Comcast, in answer to the polling question: “Which of the following television news sources do you trust the most to provide accurate information about politics and current events?”

Almost as many liberals and Democrats identify Fox as their most trusted news source as MSNBC; with liberals, it’s presumably in the margin of error.
...MSNBC is a fringe choice in all demographics, and comes in next to last even among its target demos of Democrats and liberals.
The least-trusted name in news is ? « Hot Air

In the interests of clarity, I suggest you change your name to Hiroo Onoda.

"Hiroo Onoda (小野田 寛郎 Onoda Hirō?, March 19, 1922 – January 16, 2014) was an Imperial Japanese Army intelligence officer who fought in World War II and did not surrender in 1945. .... Onoda had spent almost 30 years holding out in the Philippines.[1]"
Hiroo Onoda - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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