Framing Israel for the War


Gold Member
Mar 22, 2012
Is this surprising? There are many two-bit anti-Semites posting trying to put the blame on Israel. To them, Israel has no right to defend itself and whatever is happening should all be put on Israel's shoulders. Hamas is so, so innocent and are angels.

Framing Israel for the War

It was only a matter of time before the “blame Israel” brigades began to find their way to the mainstream press to assert that, all evidence to the contrary, it was Israel that started the current war in Gaza.

The first shot at framing Israel for the war was launched in the New York Times last week. Nathan Thrall from the International Crisis Group claimed that the “most immediate cause” of the war was being ignored.

According to Thrall, it was not the kidnapping of three Israeli teens or the daily barrages of rockets threatening millions of Israeli civilians that brought about this war. Rather, it was the fact that Israel refused to accept the Palestinian unity government that included Hamas.

Now, noted Israel critic Henry Siegman comes along to build on Thrall’s

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Framing Israel for the War | HonestReporting
There are anti-Semites posting trying to put the blame on Israel. To them, Israel has no right to defend itself and whatever is happening should all be put on Israel's shoulders. Hamas is so, so innocent and are angels.

I love it that if you disagree with a jew or Israel you're an anti semite. Got it.

No one said you have no right to defend yourselves. We point to your behavior leading up to them bombing you. We wonder, "why do they bomb Israel" and we see you are oppressors. So if we point that out we are anti semitic? Fuck you guys.

And what you are doing right now is deflecting. Because it is YOU guys who want to put ALL the blame on the Palestinians.

And all these old tricks of lies and changing the subject and playing the victim/martyrs when you are the oppressors is getting tired. The more we learn, the more we find out that you guys are not innocent in this at all. Not one bit. Sorry the truth is anti semitic. :badgrin:
Jews saying Palestinians are "free" is like saying a fish in a fish bowl is free because you are not occupying its water space. You control it's borders, who comes and goes, what gets shipped in or out, the ports. I don't think I could stand being under Israeli occupation. I'm starting to see the Palestinian's side of this. So be careful Jews. Our support isn't a guarantee.
There are anti-Semites posting trying to put the blame on Israel. To them, Israel has no right to defend itself and whatever is happening should all be put on Israel's shoulders. Hamas is so, so innocent and are angels.

I love it that if you disagree with a jew or Israel you're an anti semite. Got it.

No one said you have no right to defend yourselves. We point to your behavior leading up to them bombing you. We wonder, "why do they bomb Israel" and we see you are oppressors. So if we point that out we are anti semitic? Fuck you guys.

And what you are doing right now is deflecting. Because it is YOU guys who want to put ALL the blame on the Palestinians.

And all these old tricks of lies and changing the subject and playing the victim/martyrs when you are the oppressors is getting tired. The more we learn, the more we find out that you guys are not innocent in this at all. Not one bit. Sorry the truth is anti semitic. :badgrin:

Like many viewers and posters don't realize by now that Sealybooboo is the classic two-bit anti-Semite!!! Meanwhile, Sealybooboo, since you have slithered over to this board, have you anything to say about what is going on in the other Middle East countries? This is the Middle East forum after all; and when anti-Semites slither over here, they should at least be willing to give us some news about the other Middle East countries instead of just showing everyone what anti-Semites they are.
Try learning a bit of history BOOBOO-----historically the only reason for killing
jews that muslims have required is THEY ARE THERE

for that matter it was also the only reason muslims needed for killing hindus---

and in some cases ----Christians
According to Thrall, it was not the kidnapping of three Israeli teens or the daily barrages of rockets threatening millions of Israeli civilians that brought about this war. Rather, it was the fact that Israel refused to accept the Palestinian unity government that included Hamas.
Mr. Thrall is 100% correct .... :cool:
Sally drooled on the keyboard and tapped out furiously : >> Like many viewers and posters don't realize by now that Sealybooboo is the classic two-bit anti-Semite!!!

Why? Because he posted the truth, unlike you, who only post pro-jew crappola like some rabid rabbi on Mini Thins. :eusa_liar:

>>> This is the Middle East forum after all; and when anti-Semites slither over here, they should at least be willing to give us some news about the other Middle East countries instead of just showing everyone what anti-Semites they are.

Hey, stupid! WE don't HAVE to show the world what anti-Semitism is. They can see it themselves by the words, thoughts and actions of the filthy jews themselves! THEY make everyone who knows them an anti-Semite! It's a disease and you catch it from the jews!:lol:
Sally drooled on the keyboard and tapped out furiously : >> Like many viewers and posters don't realize by now that Sealybooboo is the classic two-bit anti-Semite!!!

Why? Because he posted the truth, unlike you, who only post pro-jew crappola like some rabid rabbi on Mini Thins. :eusa_liar:

>>> This is the Middle East forum after all; and when anti-Semites slither over here, they should at least be willing to give us some news about the other Middle East countries instead of just showing everyone what anti-Semites they are.

Hey, stupid! WE don't HAVE to show the world what anti-Semitism is. They can see it themselves by the words, thoughts and actions of the filthy jews themselves! THEY make everyone who knows them an anti-Semite! It's a disease and you catch it from the jews!:lol:

Ah, we have another two-bit anti-Semite chiming in -- the Skinhead with an 88 tattoo'd on his body in honor of Hitler. One would think when they slither over to this Middle East forum like a bunch of snakes, they would at least fake it that they are interested in what is also happening in the rest of the Middle East by giving a news item or two once in a while.
No, they only want to show us what Jew hating people they are. It makes you wonder how many times a week the local Bund meets.
Sally drooled on the keyboard and tapped out furiously : >> Like many viewers and posters don't realize by now that Sealybooboo is the classic two-bit anti-Semite!!!

Why? Because he posted the truth, unlike you, who only post pro-jew crappola like some rabid rabbi on Mini Thins. :eusa_liar:

>>> This is the Middle East forum after all; and when anti-Semites slither over here, they should at least be willing to give us some news about the other Middle East countries instead of just showing everyone what anti-Semites they are.

Hey, stupid! WE don't HAVE to show the world what anti-Semitism is. They can see it themselves by the words, thoughts and actions of the filthy jews themselves! THEY make everyone who knows them an anti-Semite! It's a disease and you catch it from the jews!:lol:

Ah, we have another two-bit anti-Semite chiming in -- the Skinhead with an 88 tattoo'd on his body in honor of Hitler. One would think when they slither over to this Middle East forum lik
e a bunch of snakes, they would at least fake it that they are interested in what is also happening in the rest of the Middle East by giving a news item or two once in a while.
No, they only want to show us what Jew hating people they are. It makes you wonder how many times a week the local Bund meets.

sally some things never change-------the islamo Nazis have been singing the SAME songs for the past 1700 years
Jehovah god is the one to blame some have given theories but the truth is we all want that family to be mine, and Ukraine is spoil for a holy city for them one day to never have a frontline again.
Jehovah god is the one to blame some have given theories but the truth is we all want that family to be mine, and Ukraine is spoil for a holy city for them one day to never have a frontline again.

And might I ask -- from what country did you crawl over and why not crawl back? What in the world does the Ukraine have to do on a Middle East forum unless, of courses it was your ancestors who were some of the ones committing pogroms against the helpless Jews in the Ukraine. Perhaps you wish those good old days were here once again so that you could take part.
There are anti-Semites posting trying to put the blame on Israel. To them, Israel has no right to defend itself and whatever is happening should all be put on Israel's shoulders. Hamas is so, so innocent and are angels.

I love it that if you disagree with a jew or Israel you're an anti semite. Got it.

No one said you have no right to defend yourselves. We point to your behavior leading up to them bombing you. We wonder, "why do they bomb Israel" and we see you are oppressors. So if we point that out we are anti semitic? Fuck you guys.

And what you are doing right now is deflecting. Because it is YOU guys who want to put ALL the blame on the Palestinians.

And all these old tricks of lies and changing the subject and playing the victim/martyrs when you are the oppressors is getting tired. The more we learn, the more we find out that you guys are not innocent in this at all. Not one bit. Sorry the truth is anti semitic. :badgrin:

So do explain why the Palestinians of gaza increased the rate of fire in August 2005 when Israel removed every Jewish person from gaza. No blockade, no occupation, no control of goods entering gaza. So what was the reason for the terrorist attacks on Israeli civilians. To help you along the Palestinians had to wait 9 months before they could make a claim of Israeli atrocities when a Palestinian was shot and fatally wounded in the west bank.

So to say that even when the evidence is stacked against the Palestinians that it is all Israel's fault because basically they are Jews and should not be allowed to live is being anti semitic. That is the top and bottom of it the like of you do not believe that the Jews have the right to live in peace on the land bequeathed to them by the legal owners against the wishes of the arab muslims who see the whole world as being their property because their "god" said so.
Jews saying Palestinians are "free" is like saying a fish in a fish bowl is free because you are not occupying its water space. You control it's borders, who comes and goes, what gets shipped in or out, the ports. I don't think I could stand being under Israeli occupation. I'm starting to see the Palestinian's side of this. So be careful Jews. Our support isn't a guarantee.

Just like the US then who also control its borders and can dictate as to whether a Palestinian can enter the USA. What is the difference apart from Israel is Jewish and America is not ?
Is this surprising? There are many two-bit anti-Semites posting trying to put the blame on Israel. To them, Israel has no right to defend itself and whatever is happening should all be put on Israel's shoulders. Hamas is so, so innocent and are angels.

Framing Israel for the War

It was only a matter of time before the “blame Israel” brigades began to find their way to the mainstream press to assert that, all evidence to the contrary, it was Israel that started the current war in Gaza.

The first shot at framing Israel for the war was launched in the New York Times last week. Nathan Thrall from the International Crisis Group claimed that the “most immediate cause” of the war was being ignored.

According to Thrall, it was not the kidnapping of three Israeli teens or the daily barrages of rockets threatening millions of Israeli civilians that brought about this war. Rather, it was the fact that Israel refused to accept the Palestinian unity government that included Hamas.

Now, noted Israel critic Henry Siegman comes along to build on Thrall’s

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Framing Israel for the War | HonestReporting

Well Sally I ain't no anti-Semite but you are....being as Palestinians are a Semitic people.

Yep the 3 young Jews killed in Israel was terrible but you forgot to mention the young PALESTINIAN BOY WHO WAS BURNT TO DEATH...WHILST STILL ALIVE BY JEWS a few days later........Which by definition was a worse and heinous CRIME AGAINST HUMANITY


The World saw and the World were are merely trying to defend the Barbaric ........ Both were crimes but you only mentioned one...........ZIONIST
booboo is right----while Israel should have complete control over its own borders----the ONLY people
who should control the Gazans is EGYPT Egypt is remiss------it ADBANDONED GAZA. Egypt
should be FORCED to take full responsibility for Gaza
Is this surprising? There are many two-bit anti-Semites posting trying to put the blame on Israel. To them, Israel has no right to defend itself and whatever is happening should all be put on Israel's shoulders. Hamas is so, so innocent and are angels.

Framing Israel for the War

It was only a matter of time before the “blame Israel” brigades began to find their way to the mainstream press to assert that, all evidence to the contrary, it was Israel that started the current war in Gaza.

The first shot at framing Israel for the war was launched in the New York Times last week. Nathan Thrall from the International Crisis Group claimed that the “most immediate cause” of the war was being ignored.

According to Thrall, it was not the kidnapping of three Israeli teens or the daily barrages of rockets threatening millions of Israeli civilians that brought about this war. Rather, it was the fact that Israel refused to accept the Palestinian unity government that included Hamas.

Now, noted Israel critic Henry Siegman comes along to build on Thrall’s

Continue reading at:

Framing Israel for the War | HonestReporting
Your link again, makes this claim...

Instead, three Israeli teens were brutally murdered by Palestinians associated with Hamas.
...with no evidence to back it up.

No evidence has ever been shown to back that up.
Jews saying Palestinians are "free" is like saying a fish in a fish bowl is free because you are not occupying its water space. You control it's borders, who comes and goes, what gets shipped in or out, the ports. I don't think I could stand being under Israeli occupation. I'm starting to see the Palestinian's side of this. So be careful Jews. Our support isn't a guarantee.

Just like the US then who also control its borders and can dictate as to whether a Palestinian can enter the USA. What is the difference apart from Israel is Jewish and America is not ?

Yep but only one stole the land
booboo is right----while Israel should have complete control over its own borders----the ONLY people
who should control the Gazans is EGYPT Egypt is remiss------it ADBANDONED GAZA. Egypt
should be FORCED to take full responsibility for Gaza

Wrong again ONLY PALESTINIANS should control GAZA....get it RIGHT:mad:....and to the 1967 Borders
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There are anti-Semites posting trying to put the blame on Israel. To them, Israel has no right to defend itself and whatever is happening should all be put on Israel's shoulders. Hamas is so, so innocent and are angels.

I love it that if you disagree with a jew or Israel you're an anti semite. Got it.

No one said you have no right to defend yourselves. We point to your behavior leading up to them bombing you. We wonder, "why do they bomb Israel" and we see you are oppressors. So if we point that out we are anti semitic? Fuck you guys.

And what you are doing right now is deflecting. Because it is YOU guys who want to put ALL the blame on the Palestinians.

And all these old tricks of lies and changing the subject and playing the victim/martyrs when you are the oppressors is getting tired. The more we learn, the more we find out that you guys are not innocent in this at all. Not one bit. Sorry the truth is anti semitic. :badgrin:

Like many viewers and posters don't realize by now that Sealybooboo is the classic two-bit anti-Semite!!! Meanwhile, Sealybooboo, since you have slithered over to this board, have you anything to say about what is going on in the other Middle East countries? This is the Middle East forum after all; and when anti-Semites slither over here, they should at least be willing to give us some news about the other Middle East countries instead of just showing everyone what anti-Semites they are.

Typical ZIONIST :mad:TERRORIST usual
Try learning a bit of history BOOBOO-----historically the only reason for killing
jews that muslims have required is THEY ARE THERE

for that matter it was also the only reason muslims needed for killing hindus---

and in some cases ----Christians


The ONLY REASON THEY NEEDED IS BECAUSE THEY WANTED THEIR LAND........DAVID EVEN RECRUITED THE PHILISTINES IN HIS WAR WITH KING SAUL.........and for their trouble he SLAUGHTERED ALL THE MALE PHILISTINES,the remnants of the women and children,being absorbed into the Tribes of Israel

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