France is bombing defacto capital of Isis Raqqa

And when they set off their terrorist cells in America, will we continue to take refugees, continue to allow the terrorists to pick the battlefield, allow the terrorists to plot and pull off attacks like 9/11 and Paris?

Enough is enough, we cannot win this from the backseat, we've tried and it has failed. There is no reasoning, there is no "peace talks", there is war. I'm not keen on war, but I do believe it is /necessary/ now.
And yet again, ISIS gets just exactly what they wanted, right on queue.

Aww you read a stupid Op ed and now you're an expert
No, I've been watching this kind of thing since the Taliban were just overzealous students. You are playing their game, for them.
Unfortunately there's some truth to this, where the Paris attacks were also likely intended to provoke such a response from France and perhaps the West, thus 'justifying' additional acts of terror.

It's naïve to believe that the attacks in Paris were solely about killing civilians.
They did it in the furthest state to the West in Europe - in Paris - to demonstrate that they can reach anywhere in the continent.
Take the gloves off and end this evil murderous group.

after living a lifetime of it, I am not sure it stops there? Maybe all of Islam is the enemy? They constantly provoke any others they can get to.

Islam need major reformation from within. I was raised among muslims but there is not doubt that Islam is being used in the most corrupt way. All muslims should be standing up and excommunicating, takfir, all those involved in violence and hate. They deserve not gardens or rivers of wine.

Feed them to the swine, or put them alive in a pit with wild boar.

Chop them to pieces and scatter their remains in the sea to feed the sharks.
You'd make a good ISIS fighter. Same mentality.

I've see too much war and terrorism. Time we treat them as they deserve. If they don't act like humans, why should they have the protection of society?

Ether we accept terrorism as a fact of our normal life or we deal with them in the only way they

If they don't respect our laws they don't deserve the benefit of our legal system. We might as well all lay down and let them cut our throats or live in fear for the rest of our lives, jumping at every shadow and noise.
Kill ever goddamn one of these pieces of shit and let allah sort it out!!! I hope they bomb until everything is dead.

A little grape shot please!!!! Fuck you ISIS!!!!

But what about the poor infrastructure?

Well, once we have wiped out isis the syrian people can rebuild their infrastructure. Right now no infrastructure is being built as isis doesn't believe in modern civilization.
And yet again, ISIS gets just exactly what they wanted, right on queue.

Aww you read a stupid Op ed and now you're an expert
No, I've been watching this kind of thing since the Taliban were just overzealous students. You are playing their game, for them.
Unfortunately there's some truth to this, where the Paris attacks were also likely intended to provoke such a response from France and perhaps the West, thus 'justifying' additional acts of terror.

It's naïve to believe that the attacks in Paris were solely about killing civilians.
I think they just did it out of exitement at the current "refugee" influx.

They should have stayed quiet. Why rock the boat when you a cruising into the canal?
Good, hopefully the US will assist them as promised.
Why? France refused to help is during the Iraq War in late 2002-early 2003. and that is how the term "Freedom Fries" came about.

Because we have publically and globally stated that we would support them after the attacks on Paris. To not do so is unacceptable. I don't care about the past, I care about the promise that we as a nation have made to them on the world stage.
Support them does not mean flying bombing sorties with them.....
Let them get revenge for Paris. It will maken them feel better
They did it in the furthest state to the West in Europe - in Paris - to demonstrate that they can reach anywhere in the continent.

France is the home of 'liberty'. But more importantly, they did it there because 25% of Muslims in France are sympathetic to ISIS, which ultimately gives them a million supporters!
It's not about revenge. It's about proactively protecting innocents, not just ours, but those trapped in the ME as well.
Why did it take so many lives to target the ISIS capital? That should have been day one by all the forces.

Take the gloves off and end this evil murderous group.
Unmanned MIRVs. For those who don't think we need to nuke Islam into a glass museum I ask, how many more of our soldiers do you want to get killed? 5000?, 10,000? How many before it's obvious that MIRVs will save lives?

For me, I don't want to see one more drop of American blood spilled in foreign sands.
Kill ever goddamn one of these pieces of shit and let allah sort it out!!! I hope they bomb until everything is dead.

A little grape shot please!!!! Fuck you ISIS!!!!

But what about the poor infrastructure?
What about the innocents? Oh wait, you're unconcerned.

They chose to be around a Jihadi training camp...stupid is as stupid does
As I said, you don't care about innocents being killed.

That's because they are a bunch of phony keyboard Cowboys. They've never confronted anything like the people of Syria or Iraq have experienced. A bad day to them is when they get a fucking parking ticket. They are stupid right wing idiots who cheer from their chair in front of their television sets while eating chips beer and chili dogs and driving the healthcare bill for this country through the roof with their diabetes and drug problems
Kill ever goddamn one of these pieces of shit and let allah sort it out!!! I hope they bomb until everything is dead.

A little grape shot please!!!! Fuck you ISIS!!!!

But what about the poor infrastructure?
What about the innocents? Oh wait, you're unconcerned.

They chose to be around a Jihadi training camp...stupid is as stupid does
As I said, you don't care about innocents being killed.

That's because they are a bunch of phony keyboard Cowboys. They've never confronted anything like the people of Syria or Iraq have experienced. A bad day to them is when they get a fucking parking ticket. They are stupid right wing idiots who cheer from their chair in front of their television sets while eating there or not and driving the healthcare bill for this country through the roof with their diabetes and drug problems

Those savages killed my best friend....maybe you should sit down and stop running your pie hole?
Take the gloves off and end this evil murderous group.

after living a lifetime of it, I am not sure it stops there? Maybe all of Islam is the enemy? They constantly provoke any others they can get to.

Islam need major reformation from within. I was raised among muslims but there is not doubt that Islam is being used in the most corrupt way. All muslims should be standing up and excommunicating, takfir, all those involved in violence and hate. They deserve not gardens or rivers of wine.

Feed them to the swine, or put them alive in a pit with wild boar.

Chop them to pieces and scatter their remains in the sea to feed the sharks.
You'd make a good ISIS fighter. Same mentality.
Kill ever goddamn one of these pieces of shit and let allah sort it out!!! I hope they bomb until everything is dead.

A little grape shot please!!!! Fuck you ISIS!!!!

But what about the poor infrastructure?
What about the innocents? Oh wait, you're unconcerned.

They chose to be around a Jihadi training camp...stupid is as stupid does
As I said, you don't care about innocents being killed.

That's because they are a bunch of phony keyboard Cowboys. They've never confronted anything like the people of Syria or Iraq have experienced. A bad day to them is when they get a fucking parking ticket. They are stupid right wing idiots who cheer from their chair in front of their television sets while eating chips beer and chili dogs and driving the healthcare bill for this country through the roof with their diabetes and drug problems[/QUOTE]
So you believe all the headlines then?

Personally, if you read my sig, you'll note my despise for the media.
Why would any Americans be scared? Don't we have all those guns to protect us? Isn't there a hero in every Subway with a concealed carry ready and eager to die for his fellow man?

Its war, there are going to be moderate casualties on our side no matter what. Get used to it. France of all places and all people's understand that a war means death on both sides, that's what war is. They certainly understand it far better than any American does.

And they aren't afraid of it. When its time to act you act!
Take the gloves off and end this evil murderous group.

after living a lifetime of it, I am not sure it stops there? Maybe all of Islam is the enemy? They constantly provoke any others they can get to.

Islam need major reformation from within. I was raised among muslims but there is not doubt that Islam is being used in the most corrupt way. All muslims should be standing up and excommunicating, takfir, all those involved in violence and hate. They deserve not gardens or rivers of wine.

Feed them to the swine, or put them alive in a pit with wild boar.

Chop them to pieces and scatter their remains in the sea to feed the sharks.
You'd make a good ISIS fighter. Same mentality.

I've been raised and war and work for peace. This is not a normal war and the terrorist don't care about human rights or world courts. They need to be treated like a disease or cancer. If you don't end the cancer the patient is dead anyways. Cut it out, burn it out, attack it with every chemical know to man, what ever it takes. Cancer cell don't deserve a trial or rights, so why should terrorists.
Do we try to worry about blood on our hand if we can save thousands or millions of lives or do we worry only of our own souls and let the world burn?

These are not people that want to sit down and talk about friendship. Their happiness is killing and the belief when they die they will be reward by allah. Fanatics cannot be reasoned with. Either we kill them or lock their each one it his own padded cell for the rest of his life. The belief in reforming them is beyond ridiculous. If they get out they will go back to their mass attacks and indoctrinate more killers.

They believe in glory and death. Give them death and deny them glory by destroying them body and soul. They are already the most unclean things so they deserve to be treated as garbage. They might invoke allah and islam but they know nothing of peace or tolerance. Most seem to not even know the quran. They know and worship killing and death. Give it to them ad crush them under our feet.

Either we want to preserve the world or we let these monster destroy it. If we levee them in place they will kill the innocents. If we kill them and accept collateral damage, we can save millions. Sadly, left in the hands of ISIS many of those civilians are already dead.

Cut out the cancer and loose an arm, a leg, a breast, a lung........... but save the patient, or give the patient a quick and honorable death with minimal suffering and save civilization.

I might not believe in a god of religion but I believe in doing what is necessary so my grandchild and in time their grandchild have a chance at life.
We already know that many American's are ready and willing to fight and die to protect us.

They're usually called soldiers and we have a lot of them, but we also have another breed who will come forward to help, the police. No doubt in my mind that there are American's in every city of this country who are not afraid and will act if required.

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