Frank Luntz Predicts That Trump Refusing Future Debates Changes Will Seal Biden’s Fate as Future President

You see, most of the Republicans who frequent this site, are firmly up Trump's rectum, so all they can see, and smell, is the odors coming out of Trump's ass, which they seem to can't get enough of. But what they fail to realize is, there's a whole real America out there, one in the middle, and they're not please w/Mr. Trump, not pleased at all.

From the article...

Noted pollster Frank Luntz revealed on Morning Joe that, in his esteem, President Donald Trump’s refusal to participate in future debates over moderation changes would seal Joe Biden’s fate as the next President.

In the minutes that immediately followed what has been called a “trainwreck” of the first presidential debate, the well-known focus group leader (and long time conservative wordsmith) hosted a Zoom-based focus group for the Los Angeles Times. The panel of undecided voters shared harsh words to describe Trump’s behavior, which included “bully,” “un-American,” “horrid,” and even “crackhead.”

All Biden has to do is stay the course, steady as she goes, don't let Donnie rattle you, and don't respond in kind. Let there be just ONE buffoon on the stage, at all times, and let that buffoon be Trump and Trump alone. He sticks to that formula and he'll win in a landslide come November.

So far so good I say.

Any true centrists in here wanna weigh in?
This is a sad chapter in our history for sure, and it does appear that President Trump does not have the self-discipline to avoid going off the rails. Too bad for him, as Biden was gaffe prone in his prime.
If Trump would just let him answer he would say things that make it tough for center-right folks to vote for him.
What is really frightening is that if we thought the leftist‘s heads exploded when Trump won, what is going to happen to some of the right wingers here if he looses. I fear some well meaning folks are going to get talked into putting their bodies in the line of fire. I fear that one 17 year old who thinks he’s needed to “save” the country is going to look quaint and minor.
Biden has been in politics in Washington for 50 years. We already are quite aware of what a jackass he is. And what crap he spews every time he is interviewed or let out in public.

You must be able to see the start of trump's colon from your view.
Any true centrists in here wanna weigh in?
Your definition of centrists or mine? They seem to differ.
Exactly. There are no “ centrists” on the left.

Centrists were purged from the Dem party in the historic 2010 loss, biggest Dem loss in nearly 100 years.

Stop living in the past...

I will bask in the glory of our defeat of Hillary Clinton for decades to come!!! :04:
You see, most of the Republicans who frequent this site, are firmly up Trump's rectum, so all they can see, and smell, is the odors coming out of Trump's ass, which they seem to can't get enough of. But what they fail to realize is, there's a whole real America out there, one in the middle, and they're not please w/Mr. Trump, not pleased at all.

From the article...

Noted pollster Frank Luntz revealed on Morning Joe that, in his esteem, President Donald Trump’s refusal to participate in future debates over moderation changes would seal Joe Biden’s fate as the next President.

In the minutes that immediately followed what has been called a “trainwreck” of the first presidential debate, the well-known focus group leader (and long time conservative wordsmith) hosted a Zoom-based focus group for the Los Angeles Times. The panel of undecided voters shared harsh words to describe Trump’s behavior, which included “bully,” “un-American,” “horrid,” and even “crackhead.”

All Biden has to do is stay the course, steady as she goes, don't let Donnie rattle you, and don't respond in kind. Let there be just ONE buffoon on the stage, at all times, and let that buffoon be Trump and Trump alone. He sticks to that formula and he'll win in a landslide come November.

So far so good I say.

Any true centrists in here wanna weigh in?

So, pollster are predicting that, once again, President Trump has "no path to the White House" and surely, President Hillary will glide to reelection?

Any true centrists in here wanna weigh in?
Your definition of centrists or mine? They seem to differ.
Exactly. There are no “ centrists” on the left.

Centrists were purged from the Dem party in the historic 2010 loss, biggest Dem loss in nearly 100 years.

Stop living in the past...

I will bask in the glory of our defeat of Hillary Clinton for decades to come!!! :04:

Good for you.

I'm going to bask in a huge Biden win next month... by dancing on trump's loser status.
You see, most of the Republicans who frequent this site, are firmly up Trump's rectum, so all they can see, and smell, is the odors coming out of Trump's ass, which they seem to can't get enough of. But what they fail to realize is, there's a whole real America out there, one in the middle, and they're not please w/Mr. Trump, not pleased at all.

From the article...

Noted pollster Frank Luntz revealed on Morning Joe that, in his esteem, President Donald Trump’s refusal to participate in future debates over moderation changes would seal Joe Biden’s fate as the next President.

In the minutes that immediately followed what has been called a “trainwreck” of the first presidential debate, the well-known focus group leader (and long time conservative wordsmith) hosted a Zoom-based focus group for the Los Angeles Times. The panel of undecided voters shared harsh words to describe Trump’s behavior, which included “bully,” “un-American,” “horrid,” and even “crackhead.”

All Biden has to do is stay the course, steady as she goes, don't let Donnie rattle you, and don't respond in kind. Let there be just ONE buffoon on the stage, at all times, and let that buffoon be Trump and Trump alone. He sticks to that formula and he'll win in a landslide come November.

So far so good I say.

Any true centrists in here wanna weigh in?

So, pollster are predicting that, once again, President Trump has "no path to the White House" and surely, President Hillary will glide to reelection?


The stuck up prissy Washington establishment still cannot fathom that Trump beat them. Never in their worst nightmare was that possible. They appear to have PTSD over it.
Any true centrists in here wanna weigh in?
Your definition of centrists or mine? They seem to differ.
Exactly. There are no “ centrists” on the left.

Centrists were purged from the Dem party in the historic 2010 loss, biggest Dem loss in nearly 100 years.

Stop living in the past...

I will bask in the glory of our defeat of Hillary Clinton for decades to come!!! :04:

Good for you.

I'm going to bask in a huge Biden win next month... by dancing on trump's loser status.

Bask away, we'll flip Biden and your side the bird for 4 years. There's really no down side for us, we will win or we'll make Dems suffer for 4 years. :auiqs.jpg:
Any true centrists in here wanna weigh in?
Your definition of centrists or mine? They seem to differ.
Exactly. There are no “ centrists” on the left.

Centrists were purged from the Dem party in the historic 2010 loss, biggest Dem loss in nearly 100 years.

Stop living in the past...

I will bask in the glory of our defeat of Hillary Clinton for decades to come!!! :04:

Good for you.

I'm going to bask in a huge Biden win next month... by dancing on trump's loser status.

Bask away, we'll flip Biden and your side the bird for 4 years. There's really no down side for us, we will win or we'll make Dems suffer for 4 years. :auiqs.jpg:

Also on the basking for November is flipping the Senate and watching the further imploding of an increasingly old, white, rural and racist party.
Any true centrists in here wanna weigh in?
Your definition of centrists or mine? They seem to differ.
Exactly. There are no “ centrists” on the left.

Centrists were purged from the Dem party in the historic 2010 loss, biggest Dem loss in nearly 100 years.

Stop living in the past...

I will bask in the glory of our defeat of Hillary Clinton for decades to come!!! :04:

Good for you.

I'm going to bask in a huge Biden win next month... by dancing on trump's loser status.

Bask away, we'll flip Biden and your side the bird for 4 years. There's really no down side for us, we will win or we'll make Dems suffer for 4 years. :auiqs.jpg:

Also on the basking for November is flipping the Senate and watching the further imploding of an increasingly old, white, rural and racist party.

Said the party running a 77 year old white guy. :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:, have these undecided voters decided to vote for Biden

Probably. Undecideds usually break against the incumbent party candidate. They broke for Trump in 2016, it's lkely they'll break for Biden in 2020. Undecideds tend to want a change.

Plus, there are a fewer them, about 2/3 as many as 2016. That means there really aren't enough undecideds to help Trump to claw himself out of his deep hole, even if they did break for Trump.
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So, out of the goodness of their heart, they offered some changes to the format.

Er, no. No, the goodness of our hearts has nothing to do with it. We want it primarily because it's the right thing to do, being that screaming tantrums aren't acceptible in debates. Whether that benefits us is immaterial.

We are not like you. We base our decisions on doing what's right, not on what benefits TheParty. That way of thinking is so totally alien to Trump cultists, they can't understand it.

If Biden felt he won the debate and the format made Trump look terrible, he wouldn't dream of changing a thing. No one wants the rules changed mid game if they are winning easy! Come on Man!

Even if Democrats were being selfish, the decision would still consistent with a big BIden win, because we'll win even bigger if Biden is allowed to talk uninterrupted.
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Does anyone have an example of a high stakes competition where the person/team with a big lead decides to change the the rules need to be changed mid game. Is this really believable?

But Biden isn't changing the rules. Biden and everyone decent is trying to force Trump to obey the rules that Trump agreed to obey. I imagine you're not smart enough to see the difference. After all, you're a Trump cultist.

And why aren't you criticizing Trump for breaking his word by breaking the rules so flagrantly?
Well the next format is Town Hall. Trump will do great and I think Biden will be floundering.

Trump faceplanted hilariously at his last town hall.

Biden was awesome at his last town hall.

We support your delusions. They will make our big win even bigger.

I sure hope they search Biden and don't find another wire on him. You can bet your ass someone was telling him what to say in the last debate.

Winners don't feel a need to make excuses for winning. Losers do feel a need to make excuses for losing. All the Trump cultists are still making excuses for losing.
So, out of the goodness of their heart, they offered some changes to the format.

Er, no. No, the goodness of our hearts has nothing to do with it. We want it primarily because it's the right thing to do, being that screaming tantrums aren't acceptible in debates. Whether that benefits us is immaterial.

We are not like you. We base our decisions on doing what's right, not on what benefits TheParty. That way of thinking is so totally alien to Trump cultists, they can't understand it.

If Biden felt he won the debate and the format made Trump look terrible, he wouldn't dream of changing a thing. No one wants the rules changed mid game if they are winning easy! Come on Man!

Even if Democrats were being selfish, the decision would still consistent with a big BIden win, because we'll win even bigger if Biden is allowed to talk uninterrupted.

Would the Kavanaugh hearings be a good example of the Democrats fair minded approach?
Yeah, I will comment:

1. As posters reveal polls that support their view one must remember the key fact that many Trump voters do not participate in the polls or they troll the pollsters and if you need evidence ask the Trump voting base on this site if they would or would not troll a pollster just to skew the numbers into Biden favor so it give Biden base a false reading...

2. Trump not debating anymore might actually help him and not hurt him...


Look at the last debate and no other explanation is needed but if you need one just understand saying less is more helpful for Trump at this point...

So as you promote Frank Luntz opinion let remember that there are voters out there that are silent and those are the ones you should be worried about more than the vocal ones you come across on here daily...

Oh, before you lecture me let me be clear I have no love for Donald John Trump but I am not foolish to underestimate his base like I did in 2016 and believe he could win the Electoral College which for me is something I am not enjoying at all...
You see, most of the Republicans who frequent this site, are firmly up Trump's rectum, so all they can see, and smell, is the odors coming out of Trump's ass, which they seem to can't get enough of. But what they fail to realize is, there's a whole real America out there, one in the middle, and they're not please w/Mr. Trump, not pleased at all.

From the article...

Noted pollster Frank Luntz revealed on Morning Joe that, in his esteem, President Donald Trump’s refusal to participate in future debates over moderation changes would seal Joe Biden’s fate as the next President.

In the minutes that immediately followed what has been called a “trainwreck” of the first presidential debate, the well-known focus group leader (and long time conservative wordsmith) hosted a Zoom-based focus group for the Los Angeles Times. The panel of undecided voters shared harsh words to describe Trump’s behavior, which included “bully,” “un-American,” “horrid,” and even “crackhead.”

All Biden has to do is stay the course, steady as she goes, don't let Donnie rattle you, and don't respond in kind. Let there be just ONE buffoon on the stage, at all times, and let that buffoon be Trump and Trump alone. He sticks to that formula and he'll win in a landslide come November.

So far so good I say.

Any true centrists in here wanna weigh in?
I didnt know trump has trump to attend the second debate

where did luntz get that crazy idea?
You see, most of the Republicans who frequent this site, are firmly up Trump rectum, so all they can see, and smell, is the odors coming out of Trump's ass, which they seem to can't get enough of. But what they fail to realize is, there's a whole real America out there, one in the middle, and they're not please w/Mr. Trump, not pleased at all.

From the article...

Noted pollster Frank Luntz revealed on Morning Joe that, in his esteem, President Donald Trump’s refusal to participate in future debates over moderation changes would seal Joe Biden’s fate as the next President.

In the minutes that immediately followed what has been called a “trainwreck” of the first presidential debate, the well-known focus group leader (and long time conservative wordsmith) hosted a Zoom-based focus group for the Los Angeles Times. The panel of undecided voters shared harsh words to describe Trump’s behavior, which included “bully,” “un-American,” “horrid,” and even “crackhead.”

All Biden has to do is stay the course, steady as she goes, don't let Donnie rattle you, and don't respond in kind. Let there be just ONE buffoon on the stage, at all times, and let that buffoon be Trump and Trump alone. He sticks to that formula and he'll win in a landslide come November.

So far so good I say.

Any true centrists in here wanna weigh in?
The next democrat president isn’t born yet, you all are screwed
The next Democrat president is currently the president of the Senate.

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