Franklin Delano Roosevelt

Well perhaps Reagan just liked FDR, of course Reagan voted for him, and used may of FDR's political gestures, but worship, be hard to prove, still?
The success and benefits of FDR's New Deal programs can be seen today. They employed citizens to collect "relief" by working and earning assistance as they built infrastructure, much of which is still used today. The investments made during the FDR era with his New Deal initiatives are incalculable. One research group has pinpointed over 10,000 New Deal sites. Many of these projects are still being used today. They include a vast array of tangible projects like dams, bridges, roads, hospitals, schools, etc. Other projects would last for decades before having to be replaced.
When my family was on the verge of homelessness during the Great Depression FDR's WPA program put my late father to work and rescued us, which is why the name Franklin Delano Roosevelt was honored in our household as far back as I can remember. That little bit of desperately needed assistance helped our family to return to the mainstream by enabling my father to pull himself up by the bootstraps and eventually start his successful locksmith business. Without FDR's help he probably could not have done it.

What we are seeing in this thread is an effort by a few brainwashed water carriers who eagerly parrot right-wing propaganda by exaggerating and emphasizing FDR's mistakes, as if no other President ever made mistakes, and ignoring his brilliant, critically important successes. They refuse to acknowledge the many benefits and advantages they along with their families and friends enjoy as the direct result of FDR's many radical, politically courageous, forward-thinking actions and policies.

Were it not for FDR it is very likely the U.S. would eventually have been invaded and occupied and our parents or grandparents enslaved or murdered by the insidious Japanese/German alliance.

The key to FDR was his basic understanding of


His goal during the depression was not how fast he could return money to the wealthy, but how he could ease the suffering of the poor
What the flying fuck, little mistakes? Parroting? Got to he'll Fuck head, FDR gave away half of FUCKING Europe bitch.

And you have to be kidding me

if not for FDR the USA would have been invaded and occupied...

Yes you are a supreme douche bag full of bull shit.
Keepers at NYC's Bronx Zoo have installed plexiglas barriers beyond the bars of some cages in the primate exhibit because the monkeys there are known to defecate into their hands and throw it when something upsets them. The monkeys do this when they are frustrated because all that a monkey in a cage can do when he doesn't like something is throw shit.

Ignorance and stupidity are metaphorical cages. Personal insults and empty ad hominem comments are analogous to handfuls of shit to be tossed out in place of intelligent, reasoned, logical arguments.
He defeated one ruthless dictator and empowered another ruthless dictator leading to decades of cold war and suffering for millions of people.

Good job Stalin's Stooge.
In case you've forgotten, or simple didn't know, the U.S. was involved in a rather significant war back then and Stalin was a critically important ally. In fact, were it not for Stalin's troops there is no question that many thousands more Americans would have died in bringing about the surrender of Germany -- IF in fact we managed to achieve that. The Germans were no pushover and without our alliances with Stalin it is entirely possible Hitler might have prevailed.

Re: the subsequent "decades of cold war," would you prefer we had jumped right back into another hot war? Did you live through the WW-II era? Did you have a parent or grand-parent who fought in that war? While it's true that Stalin was a brutal butcher who brought about the suffering of millions under his dominance there always will be such circumstances in the world. Iraq was one such example and look what our interference there has brought about.

What FDR did was the right thing and the best thing. It's too bad you are among those who don't understand how well he served the interests of this Nation. FDR truly was one of our greatest Presidents.
He defeated one ruthless dictator and empowered another ruthless dictator leading to decades of cold war and suffering for millions of people.

Good job Stalin's Stooge.
In case you've forgotten, or simple didn't know, the U.S. was involved in a rather significant war back then and Stalin was a critically important ally. In fact, were it not for Stalin's troops there is no question that many thousands more Americans would have died in bringing about the surrender of Germany -- IF in fact we managed to achieve that. The Germans were no pushover and without our alliances with Stalin it is entirely possible Hitler might have prevailed.

Re: the subsequent "decades of cold war," would you prefer we had jumped right back into another hot war? Did you live through the WW-II era? Did you have a parent or grand-parent who fought in that war? While it's true that Stalin was a brutal butcher who brought about the suffering of millions under his dominance there always will be such circumstances in the world. Iraq was one such example and look what our interference there has brought about.

What FDR did was the right thing and the best thing. It's too bad you are among those who don't understand how well he served the interests of this Nation. FDR truly was one of our greatest Presidents.
FDR was a lying corrupt scumbag... Like most pols...just worse.
The success and benefits of FDR's New Deal programs can be seen today. They employed citizens to collect "relief" by working and earning assistance as they built infrastructure, much of which is still used today. The investments made during the FDR era with his New Deal initiatives are incalculable. One research group has pinpointed over 10,000 New Deal sites. Many of these projects are still being used today. They include a vast array of tangible projects like dams, bridges, roads, hospitals, schools, etc. Other projects would last for decades before having to be replaced.
When my family was on the verge of homelessness during the Great Depression FDR's WPA program put my late father to work and rescued us, which is why the name Franklin Delano Roosevelt was honored in our household as far back as I can remember. That little bit of desperately needed assistance helped our family to return to the mainstream by enabling my father to pull himself up by the bootstraps and eventually start his successful locksmith business. Without FDR's help he probably could not have done it.

What we are seeing in this thread is an effort by a few brainwashed water carriers who eagerly parrot right-wing propaganda by exaggerating and emphasizing FDR's mistakes, as if no other President ever made mistakes, and ignoring his brilliant, critically important successes. They refuse to acknowledge the many benefits and advantages they along with their families and friends enjoy as the direct result of FDR's many radical, politically courageous, forward-thinking actions and policies.

Were it not for FDR it is very likely the U.S. would eventually have been invaded and occupied and our parents or grandparents enslaved or murdered by the insidious Japanese/German alliance.

The key to FDR was his basic understanding of


His goal during the depression was not how fast he could return money to the wealthy, but how he could ease the suffering of the poor

IF he wanted to merely ease the suffering of the poor he would have abolished the Federal Reserve Board and removed all government regulations on businesses.

What researched have you conducted to rebut/refute my allegations?

Supreme Court Justice James Clark McReynolds wrote a dissent in the Gold Clause Cases:

  • Norman v. Baltimore & Ohio Railroad Co.
  • United States v. Bankers Trust Co., 294 U.S. 240 (1935)
  • Nortz v. United States, 294 U.S. 317 (1935)
  • Perry v. United States, 294 U.S. 330 (1935)
Find his opinion, if you can not find his opinion WHY was it suppressed, censored?

After FDR threatened to abolish the SCOTUS then SCOTUS reversed itself and succumbed to his wishes to create a fascist welfare/warfare police state.

And the truth shall set you free..
The best definition of stupidity is unwillingness to see and to understand that which is right before one's eyes.

When FDR assumed Office the U.S. was in the grip of a ruinous economic depression and was confronted by two massively powerful, increasingly militaristic countries whose combined objective was world domination. As the direct result of FDR's political actions and controversial economic policies we overcame the imposing menace of advancing fascism and then gave rise to the Great American Middle Class.

We did these two incredibly difficult things by following the policies and practices laid out by President Franklin Delano Roosevelt. The results of his efforts are right before your eyes.

But there are none so blind as they who will not see.
What researched have you conducted to rebut/refute my allegations?

Supreme Court Justice James Clark McReynolds wrote a dissent in the Gold Clause Cases:

  • Norman v. Baltimore & Ohio Railroad Co.
  • United States v. Bankers Trust Co., 294 U.S. 240 (1935)
  • Nortz v. United States, 294 U.S. 317 (1935)
  • Perry v. United States, 294 U.S. 330 (1935)
Find his opinion, if you can not find his opinion WHY was it suppressed, censored?

After FDR threatened to abolish the SCOTUS then SCOTUS reversed itself and succumbed to his wishes to create a fascist welfare/warfare police state.

And the truth shall set you free..
The best definition of stupidity is unwillingness to see and to understand that which is right before one's eyes.

When FDR assumed Office the U.S. was in the grip of a ruinous economic depression and was confronted by two massively powerful, increasingly militaristic countries whose combined objective was world domination. As the direct result of FDR's political actions and controversial economic policies we overcame the imposing menace of advancing fascism and then gave rise to the Great American Middle Class.

We did these two incredibly difficult things by following the policies and practices laid out by President Franklin Delano Roosevelt. The results of his efforts are right before your eyes.

But there are none so blind as they who will not see.
Yep.. Good old FDR came to office during the Great Depression and through ignorant and childish policies, prolonged it for ten years.

Only statists fools and ignorant dupes think FDR great.
I'm a long way from a kid as well and I always assumed FDR was a great POTUS.

He was great as a war time POTUS but his non war time? Not so great.

Anyone can find out what he did and what and how it affected the GD. All they have to do is look him up. That's what I did.
Our victory in WW-II under the leadership of FDR was followed by the most productive and prosperous decades in our history, which was the result of adherence to policies laid out by FDR. The progress of that era came to an end with Ronald Reagan's adoption of Milton Friedman's "trickle-down" theory, the real effect of which has clearly been a siphon-up economic reality.

We need to restore the economic regulations put in place by FDR and subsequently de-regulated by the likes of Ronald Reagan, Bill Clinton and George W. Bush.
FDR was a strong advocate for socialism for the rich and capitalism for everyone else... You know...just like BO and W and most presidents....just much worse.
WTF are you talking about? They were American citizens and why wasn't the American krauts or Italians imprisoned then?
If Hitler had hit us with a sneak attack while the German ambassador was engaged in peaceful debates with our State Department the sense of outrage and suspicion might very well have resulted in internment of all German/Americans. As it is, my paternal grandparents were interviewed twice by the FBI during the War -- as were all naturalized German citizens. And while it is not commonly known a substantial number of German/Americans were indeed interned because of determined affiliation or relationship with certain members of the Nazi Party. One of those internment facilities was Camp Shanks, near Nyack, NY.

The comparatively common awareness of the Japanese internment is the result of the racial factor. But don't ignore the fact that we're talking about an era when Jim Crow discrimination was still active and racial distinction was very much alive in the national consciousness. That fact, combined with outrage and suspicion because of the sneak attack, accounts for that very unfortunate event in our history.

I'm sure there are many contemporary Americans, including some who participate here, who would approve of interning every Muslim in America each time there is another terrorist attack. Can you honestly say you are not among them?
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What researched have you conducted to rebut/refute my allegations?

Supreme Court Justice James Clark McReynolds wrote a dissent in the Gold Clause Cases:

  • Norman v. Baltimore & Ohio Railroad Co.
  • United States v. Bankers Trust Co., 294 U.S. 240 (1935)
  • Nortz v. United States, 294 U.S. 317 (1935)
  • Perry v. United States, 294 U.S. 330 (1935)
Find his opinion, if you can not find his opinion WHY was it suppressed, censored?

After FDR threatened to abolish the SCOTUS then SCOTUS reversed itself and succumbed to his wishes to create a fascist welfare/warfare police state.

And the truth shall set you free..
The best definition of stupidity is unwillingness to see and to understand that which is right before one's eyes.

When FDR assumed Office the U.S. was in the grip of a ruinous economic depression and was confronted by two massively powerful, increasingly militaristic countries whose combined objective was world domination. As the direct result of FDR's political actions and controversial economic policies we overcame the imposing menace of advancing fascism and then gave rise to the Great American Middle Class.

We did these two incredibly difficult things by following the policies and practices laid out by President Franklin Delano Roosevelt. The results of his efforts are right before your eyes.

But there are none so blind as they who will not see.


There was a "ruinous economic depression " because of the federal government meddling with the economy . Firstly, through the Federal Reserve Board and secondly through massive regiulation of businesses. His job was merely to abolish that institution and all economic impediments.

There is NO evidence that the Axis sought world domination or that they threatened the US.

FDR wanted to enter WWII to assist the UK. He provoked Hirohito into attacking the US.

FDR saved the country and most of the free world

God bless his memory
What researched have you conducted to rebut/refute my allegations?

Supreme Court Justice James Clark McReynolds wrote a dissent in the Gold Clause Cases:

  • Norman v. Baltimore & Ohio Railroad Co.
  • United States v. Bankers Trust Co., 294 U.S. 240 (1935)
  • Nortz v. United States, 294 U.S. 317 (1935)
  • Perry v. United States, 294 U.S. 330 (1935)
Find his opinion, if you can not find his opinion WHY was it suppressed, censored?

After FDR threatened to abolish the SCOTUS then SCOTUS reversed itself and succumbed to his wishes to create a fascist welfare/warfare police state.

And the truth shall set you free..
The best definition of stupidity is unwillingness to see and to understand that which is right before one's eyes.

When FDR assumed Office the U.S. was in the grip of a ruinous economic depression and was confronted by two massively powerful, increasingly militaristic countries whose combined objective was world domination. As the direct result of FDR's political actions and controversial economic policies we overcame the imposing menace of advancing fascism and then gave rise to the Great American Middle Class.

We did these two incredibly difficult things by following the policies and practices laid out by President Franklin Delano Roosevelt. The results of his efforts are right before your eyes.

But there are none so blind as they who will not see.


There was a "ruinous economic depression " because of the federal government meddling with the economy . Firstly, through the Federal Reserve Board and secondly through massive regiulation of businesses. His job was merely to abolish that institution and all economic impediments.

There is NO evidence that the Axis sought world domination or that they threatened the US.

FDR wanted to enter WWII to assist the UK. He provoked Hirohito into attacking the US.
So who meddled with the economy? The Republicans were in office 12 years before FDR was elected, and the depression was already three years old when FDR took office. So who meddled with the economy?
As for regulating business, FDR tried to allow some business to regulate their own business and it was a disaster.
FDR entered the war because the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor and Germany declared war on the United States. True, Germany only wanted Europe and Japan only wanted Asia, and maybe it was wrong for America to not supply the oil so Japan could be successful.

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