Franklin Delano Roosevelt

I said a great war time POTUS he led America to victory in WWII.

As a non wartime POTUS he sucked.
He was a terrible war time POTUS. He forced unconditional surrender on Germany and Japan, causing the deaths of untold thousands. Then gave half of Europe to the most brutal dictator ever.
Reality check, the portions of eastern Europe allegedly given away were countries that had been allied with the Nazi's, even to the point of fighting beside them against the USSR. All those countries had been overrun by the Russians as the defeated the Germans on the Eastern Front. FDR was dead by the time a final decision was reached as to what to do with the nations that were occupied by Russian troops at the close of the war, although FDR had conceded to allow Russia to deal with them before he died. Hence, those areas were never in the US possessions and authority to "give away" without implementing a new war with Russia over lands they had defeated and conquered at great cost of Russian military losses.

FDR covertly undermined the Poles before the war, so as to get them to go to war with Germany. All Hitler wanted was a small area of Poland, which had long belonged to Germany. FDR told the Poles to tell Hitler to fuck off. Instead of trying to resolve the issue and prevent war, FDR actively provoked war. Why?

Then after the war, the allies who went to war over Poland, gave it all to the most heinous dictator in history.

Of course, what FDR sycophants often ignore or try to hide is Stalin's alignment with Hitler and partition of Poland and conquest of the Baltic states.

FDR did all he could to save Stalin's ass. Why?

Why did FDR save Stalins ass?

Because Stalin was willing to lose millions of soldiers in defeating Hitler so that we didn't have to
As usual, you don't know anything.

Stalin was brutal murderous sub-human and your boy loved him. Why?
See what our current education system does to kids. The child above is living in a dark fantasy world filled with paranoia and impotent rage.

Or were you home schooled?
I am long way from being a kid and probably like you I was brainwashed in the government schools to think FDR great. Then...I educated myself. You should try it.

I'm a long way from a kid as well and I always assumed FDR was a great POTUS.

He was great as a war time POTUS but his non war time? Not so great.

Anyone can find out what he did and what and how it affected the GD. All they have to do is look him up. That's what I did.

A great POTUS?

He abolished SCOTUS and the US Constitution (1787-1935)

He declared the first national bankruptcy

He installed fascism as our socioeconomic system

what's so great about that?

See what our current education system does to kids. The child above is living in a dark fantasy world filled with paranoia and impotent rage.

Or were you home schooled?
I am long way from being a kid and probably like you I was brainwashed in the government schools to think FDR great. Then...I educated myself. You should try it.

I'm a long way from a kid as well and I always assumed FDR was a great POTUS.

He was great as a war time POTUS but his non war time? Not so great.

Anyone can find out what he did and what and how it affected the GD. All they have to do is look him up. That's what I did.

A great POTUS?

He abolished SCOTUS and the US Constitution (1787-1935)

He declared the first national bankruptcy

He installed fascism as our socioeconomic system

what's so great about that?

See what our current education system does to kids. The child above is living in a dark fantasy world filled with paranoia and impotent rage.

Or were you home schooled?
I am long way from being a kid and probably like you I was brainwashed in the government schools to think FDR great. Then...I educated myself. You should try it.

I'm a long way from a kid as well and I always assumed FDR was a great POTUS.

He was great as a war time POTUS but his non war time? Not so great.

Anyone can find out what he did and what and how it affected the GD. All they have to do is look him up. That's what I did.

A great POTUS?

He abolished SCOTUS and the US Constitution (1787-1935)

He declared the first national bankruptcy

He installed fascism as our socioeconomic system

what's so great about that?

So if FDR abolished the Supreme Court is it now gone or what, and what of the Constitution is that now gone too?

What researched have you conducted to rebut/refute my allegations?

Supreme Court Justice James Clark McReynolds wrote a dissent in the Gold Clause Cases:

  • Norman v. Baltimore & Ohio Railroad Co.
  • United States v. Bankers Trust Co., 294 U.S. 240 (1935)
  • Nortz v. United States, 294 U.S. 317 (1935)
  • Perry v. United States, 294 U.S. 330 (1935)
Find his opinion, if you can not find his opinion WHY was it suppressed, censored?

After FDR threatened to abolish the SCOTUS then SCOTUS reversed itself and succumbed to his wishes to create a fascist welfare/warfare police state.

And the truth shall set you free.

OK now it is threatened to abolish, not abolish. The number of justices on the Court had been changed four times previously so that a president might or might not get a favorable Court. It started with Adams and the Federalists reducing the Court from six to five preventing the new president, Jefferson, from appointing a replacement when sick Cushing passed away.
I said a great war time POTUS he led America to victory in WWII.

As a non wartime POTUS he sucked.
He was a terrible war time POTUS. He forced unconditional surrender on Germany and Japan, causing the deaths of untold thousands. Then gave half of Europe to the most brutal dictator ever.
Reality check, the portions of eastern Europe allegedly given away were countries that had been allied with the Nazi's, even to the point of fighting beside them against the USSR. All those countries had been overrun by the Russians as the defeated the Germans on the Eastern Front. FDR was dead by the time a final decision was reached as to what to do with the nations that were occupied by Russian troops at the close of the war, although FDR had conceded to allow Russia to deal with them before he died. Hence, those areas were never in the US possessions and authority to "give away" without implementing a new war with Russia over lands they had defeated and conquered at great cost of Russian military losses.

FDR covertly undermined the Poles before the war, so as to get them to go to war with Germany. All Hitler wanted was a small area of Poland, which had long belonged to Germany. FDR told the Poles to tell Hitler to fuck off. Instead of trying to resolve the issue and prevent war, FDR actively provoked war. Why?

Then after the war, the allies who went to war over Poland, gave it all to the most heinous dictator in history.

Of course, what FDR sycophants often ignore or try to hide is Stalin's alignment with Hitler and partition of Poland and conquest of the Baltic states.

FDR did all he could to save Stalin's ass. Why?

Why did FDR save Stalins ass?

Because Stalin was willing to lose millions of soldiers in defeating Hitler so that we didn't have to
As usual, you don't know anything.

Stalin was brutal murderous sub-human and your boy loved him. Why?


And he also defeated Hitler for us
He was a terrible war time POTUS. He forced unconditional surrender on Germany and Japan, causing the deaths of untold thousands. Then gave half of Europe to the most brutal dictator ever.
Reality check, the portions of eastern Europe allegedly given away were countries that had been allied with the Nazi's, even to the point of fighting beside them against the USSR. All those countries had been overrun by the Russians as the defeated the Germans on the Eastern Front. FDR was dead by the time a final decision was reached as to what to do with the nations that were occupied by Russian troops at the close of the war, although FDR had conceded to allow Russia to deal with them before he died. Hence, those areas were never in the US possessions and authority to "give away" without implementing a new war with Russia over lands they had defeated and conquered at great cost of Russian military losses.

FDR covertly undermined the Poles before the war, so as to get them to go to war with Germany. All Hitler wanted was a small area of Poland, which had long belonged to Germany. FDR told the Poles to tell Hitler to fuck off. Instead of trying to resolve the issue and prevent war, FDR actively provoked war. Why?

Then after the war, the allies who went to war over Poland, gave it all to the most heinous dictator in history.

Of course, what FDR sycophants often ignore or try to hide is Stalin's alignment with Hitler and partition of Poland and conquest of the Baltic states.

FDR did all he could to save Stalin's ass. Why?

Why did FDR save Stalins ass?

Because Stalin was willing to lose millions of soldiers in defeating Hitler so that we didn't have to
As usual, you don't know anything.

Stalin was brutal murderous sub-human and your boy loved him. Why?


And he also defeated Hitler for us
He defeated one ruthless dictator and empowered another ruthless dictator leading to decades of cold war and suffering for millions of people.

Good job Stalin's Stooge.
Reality check, the portions of eastern Europe allegedly given away were countries that had been allied with the Nazi's, even to the point of fighting beside them against the USSR. All those countries had been overrun by the Russians as the defeated the Germans on the Eastern Front. FDR was dead by the time a final decision was reached as to what to do with the nations that were occupied by Russian troops at the close of the war, although FDR had conceded to allow Russia to deal with them before he died. Hence, those areas were never in the US possessions and authority to "give away" without implementing a new war with Russia over lands they had defeated and conquered at great cost of Russian military losses.

FDR covertly undermined the Poles before the war, so as to get them to go to war with Germany. All Hitler wanted was a small area of Poland, which had long belonged to Germany. FDR told the Poles to tell Hitler to fuck off. Instead of trying to resolve the issue and prevent war, FDR actively provoked war. Why?

Then after the war, the allies who went to war over Poland, gave it all to the most heinous dictator in history.

Of course, what FDR sycophants often ignore or try to hide is Stalin's alignment with Hitler and partition of Poland and conquest of the Baltic states.

FDR did all he could to save Stalin's ass. Why?

Why did FDR save Stalins ass?

Because Stalin was willing to lose millions of soldiers in defeating Hitler so that we didn't have to
As usual, you don't know anything.

Stalin was brutal murderous sub-human and your boy loved him. Why?


And he also defeated Hitler for us
He defeated one ruthless dictator and empowered another ruthless dictator leading to decades of cold war and suffering for millions of people.

Good job Stalin's Stooge.

That lasted about 45 years and the Soviets collapsed on their own

FDR saved hundreds of thousands of American lives by letting Stalin do most the fighting...then ended up with half of Europe

Was FDR a genius or what?
See what our current education system does to kids. The child above is living in a dark fantasy world filled with paranoia and impotent rage.

Or were you home schooled?
I am long way from being a kid and probably like you I was brainwashed in the government schools to think FDR great. Then...I educated myself. You should try it.

I'm a long way from a kid as well and I always assumed FDR was a great POTUS.

He was great as a war time POTUS but his non war time? Not so great.

Anyone can find out what he did and what and how it affected the GD. All they have to do is look him up. That's what I did.

A great POTUS?

He abolished SCOTUS and the US Constitution (1787-1935)

He declared the first national bankruptcy

He installed fascism as our socioeconomic system

what's so great about that?

See what our current education system does to kids. The child above is living in a dark fantasy world filled with paranoia and impotent rage.

Or were you home schooled?
I am long way from being a kid and probably like you I was brainwashed in the government schools to think FDR great. Then...I educated myself. You should try it.

I'm a long way from a kid as well and I always assumed FDR was a great POTUS.

He was great as a war time POTUS but his non war time? Not so great.

Anyone can find out what he did and what and how it affected the GD. All they have to do is look him up. That's what I did.

A great POTUS?

He abolished SCOTUS and the US Constitution (1787-1935)

He declared the first national bankruptcy

He installed fascism as our socioeconomic system

what's so great about that?

See what our current education system does to kids. The child above is living in a dark fantasy world filled with paranoia and impotent rage.

Or were you home schooled?
I am long way from being a kid and probably like you I was brainwashed in the government schools to think FDR great. Then...I educated myself. You should try it.

I'm a long way from a kid as well and I always assumed FDR was a great POTUS.

He was great as a war time POTUS but his non war time? Not so great.

Anyone can find out what he did and what and how it affected the GD. All they have to do is look him up. That's what I did.

A great POTUS?

He abolished SCOTUS and the US Constitution (1787-1935)

He declared the first national bankruptcy

He installed fascism as our socioeconomic system

what's so great about that?

So if FDR abolished the Supreme Court is it now gone or what, and what of the Constitution is that now gone too?

What researched have you conducted to rebut/refute my allegations?

Supreme Court Justice James Clark McReynolds wrote a dissent in the Gold Clause Cases:

  • Norman v. Baltimore & Ohio Railroad Co.
  • United States v. Bankers Trust Co., 294 U.S. 240 (1935)
  • Nortz v. United States, 294 U.S. 317 (1935)
  • Perry v. United States, 294 U.S. 330 (1935)
Find his opinion, if you can not find his opinion WHY was it suppressed, censored?

After FDR threatened to abolish the SCOTUS then SCOTUS reversed itself and succumbed to his wishes to create a fascist welfare/warfare police state.

And the truth shall set you free.

One dissenting justice does not make an action constitutional or not constitutional, hence, Justice McReynolds was only support by two other justices, Justice Southerland and Justice Butler. The majority found the case constitutional.
I am long way from being a kid and probably like you I was brainwashed in the government schools to think FDR great. Then...I educated myself. You should try it.

I'm a long way from a kid as well and I always assumed FDR was a great POTUS.

He was great as a war time POTUS but his non war time? Not so great.

Anyone can find out what he did and what and how it affected the GD. All they have to do is look him up. That's what I did.

A great POTUS?

He abolished SCOTUS and the US Constitution (1787-1935)

He declared the first national bankruptcy

He installed fascism as our socioeconomic system

what's so great about that?

I am long way from being a kid and probably like you I was brainwashed in the government schools to think FDR great. Then...I educated myself. You should try it.

I'm a long way from a kid as well and I always assumed FDR was a great POTUS.

He was great as a war time POTUS but his non war time? Not so great.

Anyone can find out what he did and what and how it affected the GD. All they have to do is look him up. That's what I did.

A great POTUS?

He abolished SCOTUS and the US Constitution (1787-1935)

He declared the first national bankruptcy

He installed fascism as our socioeconomic system

what's so great about that?

I am long way from being a kid and probably like you I was brainwashed in the government schools to think FDR great. Then...I educated myself. You should try it.

I'm a long way from a kid as well and I always assumed FDR was a great POTUS.

He was great as a war time POTUS but his non war time? Not so great.

Anyone can find out what he did and what and how it affected the GD. All they have to do is look him up. That's what I did.

A great POTUS?

He abolished SCOTUS and the US Constitution (1787-1935)

He declared the first national bankruptcy

He installed fascism as our socioeconomic system

what's so great about that?

So if FDR abolished the Supreme Court is it now gone or what, and what of the Constitution is that now gone too?

What researched have you conducted to rebut/refute my allegations?

Supreme Court Justice James Clark McReynolds wrote a dissent in the Gold Clause Cases:

  • Norman v. Baltimore & Ohio Railroad Co.
  • United States v. Bankers Trust Co., 294 U.S. 240 (1935)
  • Nortz v. United States, 294 U.S. 317 (1935)
  • Perry v. United States, 294 U.S. 330 (1935)
Find his opinion, if you can not find his opinion WHY was it suppressed, censored?

After FDR threatened to abolish the SCOTUS then SCOTUS reversed itself and succumbed to his wishes to create a fascist welfare/warfare police state.

And the truth shall set you free.

OK now it is threatened to abolish, not abolish. The number of justices on the Court had been changed four times previously so that a president might or might not get a favorable Court. It started with Adams and the Federalists reducing the Court from six to five preventing the new president, Jefferson, from appointing a replacement when sick Cushing passed away.


That is NOT what FDR proposed

Roosevelt announces “court-packing” plan

On February 5, 1937, President Franklin Roosevelt announces a controversial plan to expand the Supreme Court to as many as 15 judges, allegedly to make it more efficient. Critics immediately charged that Roosevelt was trying to “pack” the court and thus neutralize Supreme Court justices hostile to his New Deal.

During the previous two years, the high court had struck down several key pieces of New Deal legislation on the grounds that the laws delegated an unconstitutional amount of authority to the executive branch and the federal government. Flushed with his landslide reelection in 1936, President Roosevelt issued a proposal in February 1937 to provide retirement at full pay for all members of the court over 70. If a justice refused to retire, an “assistant” with full voting rights was to be appointed, thus ensuring Roosevelt a liberal majority. Most Republicans and many Democrats in Congress opposed the so-called “court-packing” plan.

In April, however, before the bill came to a vote in Congress, two Supreme Court justices came over to the liberal side and by a narrow majority upheld as constitutional the National Labor Relations Act and the Social Security Ac
t. The majority opinion acknowledged that the national economy had grown to such a degree that federal regulation and control was now warranted. Roosevelt’s reorganization plan was thus unnecessary, and in July the Senate struck it down by a vote of 70 to 22. Soon after, Roosevelt had the opportunity to nominate his first Supreme Court justice, and by 1942 all but two of the justices were his appointees
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I am long way from being a kid and probably like you I was brainwashed in the government schools to think FDR great. Then...I educated myself. You should try it.

I'm a long way from a kid as well and I always assumed FDR was a great POTUS.

He was great as a war time POTUS but his non war time? Not so great.

Anyone can find out what he did and what and how it affected the GD. All they have to do is look him up. That's what I did.

A great POTUS?

He abolished SCOTUS and the US Constitution (1787-1935)

He declared the first national bankruptcy

He installed fascism as our socioeconomic system

what's so great about that?

I am long way from being a kid and probably like you I was brainwashed in the government schools to think FDR great. Then...I educated myself. You should try it.

I'm a long way from a kid as well and I always assumed FDR was a great POTUS.

He was great as a war time POTUS but his non war time? Not so great.

Anyone can find out what he did and what and how it affected the GD. All they have to do is look him up. That's what I did.

A great POTUS?

He abolished SCOTUS and the US Constitution (1787-1935)

He declared the first national bankruptcy

He installed fascism as our socioeconomic system

what's so great about that?

I am long way from being a kid and probably like you I was brainwashed in the government schools to think FDR great. Then...I educated myself. You should try it.

I'm a long way from a kid as well and I always assumed FDR was a great POTUS.

He was great as a war time POTUS but his non war time? Not so great.

Anyone can find out what he did and what and how it affected the GD. All they have to do is look him up. That's what I did.

A great POTUS?

He abolished SCOTUS and the US Constitution (1787-1935)

He declared the first national bankruptcy

He installed fascism as our socioeconomic system

what's so great about that?

So if FDR abolished the Supreme Court is it now gone or what, and what of the Constitution is that now gone too?

What researched have you conducted to rebut/refute my allegations?

Supreme Court Justice James Clark McReynolds wrote a dissent in the Gold Clause Cases:

  • Norman v. Baltimore & Ohio Railroad Co.
  • United States v. Bankers Trust Co., 294 U.S. 240 (1935)
  • Nortz v. United States, 294 U.S. 317 (1935)
  • Perry v. United States, 294 U.S. 330 (1935)
Find his opinion, if you can not find his opinion WHY was it suppressed, censored?

After FDR threatened to abolish the SCOTUS then SCOTUS reversed itself and succumbed to his wishes to create a fascist welfare/warfare police state.

And the truth shall set you free.

One dissenting justice does not make an action constitutional or not constitutional, hence, Justice McReynolds was only support by two other justices, Justice Southerland and Justice Butler. The majority found the case constitutional.

Excuse me , don't lecture me on what the Law is.

The point is that a sitting Justice warned Americans that their Constitution, the document that was protecting our Liberties would no longer apply.

If the president and SCOTUS can ignore provisos or amend the Constitution that document is no longer valid.

Quit parroting and THINK about the consequences assuming that you think like a FREEMAN and no one who is enslaved.

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The success and benefits of FDR's New Deal programs can be seen today. They employed citizens to collect "relief" by working and earning assistance as they built infrastructure, much of which is still used today. The investments made during the FDR era with his New Deal initiatives are incalculable. One research group has pinpointed over 10,000 New Deal sites. Many of these projects are still being used today. They include a vast array of tangible projects like dams, bridges, roads, hospitals, schools, etc. Other projects would last for decades before having to be replaced.
When my family was on the verge of homelessness during the Great Depression FDR's WPA program put my late father to work and rescued us, which is why the name Franklin Delano Roosevelt was honored in our household as far back as I can remember. That little bit of desperately needed assistance helped our family to return to the mainstream by enabling my father to pull himself up by the bootstraps and eventually start his successful locksmith business. Without FDR's help he probably could not have done it.

What we are seeing in this thread is an effort by a few brainwashed water carriers who eagerly parrot right-wing propaganda by exaggerating and emphasizing FDR's mistakes, as if no other President ever made mistakes, and ignoring his brilliant, critically important successes. They refuse to acknowledge the many benefits and advantages they along with their families and friends enjoy as the direct result of FDR's many radical, politically courageous, forward-thinking actions and policies.

Were it not for FDR it is very likely the U.S. would eventually have been invaded and occupied and our parents or grandparents enslaved or murdered by the insidious Japanese/German alliance.

Were it not for FDR it is very likely the U.S. would eventually have been invaded and occupied and our parents or grandparents enslaved or murdered by the insidious Japanese/German alliance.

That's just stupid. We most certainly would not have been. And throwing loyal, innocent AMERICAN CITIZENS into fucking concentration camps is not some 'little' mistake that you can try and brush off as commonplace. Only two American presidents have been scummy and anti-American enough to do so, and the worst by far was that fucking scumbag fdr.
The success and benefits of FDR's New Deal programs can be seen today. They employed citizens to collect "relief" by working and earning assistance as they built infrastructure, much of which is still used today. The investments made during the FDR era with his New Deal initiatives are incalculable. One research group has pinpointed over 10,000 New Deal sites. Many of these projects are still being used today. They include a vast array of tangible projects like dams, bridges, roads, hospitals, schools, etc. Other projects would last for decades before having to be replaced.
When my family was on the verge of homelessness during the Great Depression FDR's WPA program put my late father to work and rescued us, which is why the name Franklin Delano Roosevelt was honored in our household as far back as I can remember. That little bit of desperately needed assistance helped our family to return to the mainstream by enabling my father to pull himself up by the bootstraps and eventually start his successful locksmith business. Without FDR's help he probably could not have done it.

What we are seeing in this thread is an effort by a few brainwashed water carriers who eagerly parrot right-wing propaganda by exaggerating and emphasizing FDR's mistakes, as if no other President ever made mistakes, and ignoring his brilliant, critically important successes. They refuse to acknowledge the many benefits and advantages they along with their families and friends enjoy as the direct result of FDR's many radical, politically courageous, forward-thinking actions and policies.

Were it not for FDR it is very likely the U.S. would eventually have been invaded and occupied and our parents or grandparents enslaved or murdered by the insidious Japanese/German alliance.
Thanks to FDR my father ate very little during most of his youth. Often eating one apple a day or dipping moldy bread in sugar water. All the while FDR was destroying food products across the nation in an ignorant effort to rise prices...while millions were starving.
The success and benefits of FDR's New Deal programs can be seen today. They employed citizens to collect "relief" by working and earning assistance as they built infrastructure, much of which is still used today. The investments made during the FDR era with his New Deal initiatives are incalculable. One research group has pinpointed over 10,000 New Deal sites. Many of these projects are still being used today. They include a vast array of tangible projects like dams, bridges, roads, hospitals, schools, etc. Other projects would last for decades before having to be replaced.
When my family was on the verge of homelessness during the Great Depression FDR's WPA program put my late father to work and rescued us, which is why the name Franklin Delano Roosevelt was honored in our household as far back as I can remember. That little bit of desperately needed assistance helped our family to return to the mainstream by enabling my father to pull himself up by the bootstraps and eventually start his successful locksmith business. Without FDR's help he probably could not have done it.

What we are seeing in this thread is an effort by a few brainwashed water carriers who eagerly parrot right-wing propaganda by exaggerating and emphasizing FDR's mistakes, as if no other President ever made mistakes, and ignoring his brilliant, critically important successes. They refuse to acknowledge the many benefits and advantages they along with their families and friends enjoy as the direct result of FDR's many radical, politically courageous, forward-thinking actions and policies.

Were it not for FDR it is very likely the U.S. would eventually have been invaded and occupied and our parents or grandparents enslaved or murdered by the insidious Japanese/German alliance.

So do that means that crimes pays when you or yours are the beneficiary?

If Al Capone or the Italian mafia had thrown some aid your grandpa's way would you be here singing their praises?

The success and benefits of FDR's New Deal programs can be seen today. They employed citizens to collect "relief" by working and earning assistance as they built infrastructure, much of which is still used today. The investments made during the FDR era with his New Deal initiatives are incalculable. One research group has pinpointed over 10,000 New Deal sites. Many of these projects are still being used today. They include a vast array of tangible projects like dams, bridges, roads, hospitals, schools, etc. Other projects would last for decades before having to be replaced.
When my family was on the verge of homelessness during the Great Depression FDR's WPA program put my late father to work and rescued us, which is why the name Franklin Delano Roosevelt was honored in our household as far back as I can remember. That little bit of desperately needed assistance helped our family to return to the mainstream by enabling my father to pull himself up by the bootstraps and eventually start his successful locksmith business. Without FDR's help he probably could not have done it.

What we are seeing in this thread is an effort by a few brainwashed water carriers who eagerly parrot right-wing propaganda by exaggerating and emphasizing FDR's mistakes, as if no other President ever made mistakes, and ignoring his brilliant, critically important successes. They refuse to acknowledge the many benefits and advantages they along with their families and friends enjoy as the direct result of FDR's many radical, politically courageous, forward-thinking actions and policies.

Were it not for FDR it is very likely the U.S. would eventually have been invaded and occupied and our parents or grandparents enslaved or murdered by the insidious Japanese/German alliance.

What the flying fuck, little mistakes? Parroting? Got to he'll Fuck head, FDR gave away half of FUCKING Europe bitch.

And you have to be kidding me

if not for FDR the USA would have been invaded and occupied...

Yes you are a supreme douche bag full of bull shit.
The success and benefits of FDR's New Deal programs can be seen today. They employed citizens to collect "relief" by working and earning assistance as they built infrastructure, much of which is still used today. The investments made during the FDR era with his New Deal initiatives are incalculable. One research group has pinpointed over 10,000 New Deal sites. Many of these projects are still being used today. They include a vast array of tangible projects like dams, bridges, roads, hospitals, schools, etc. Other projects would last for decades before having to be replaced.
When my family was on the verge of homelessness during the Great Depression FDR's WPA program put my late father to work and rescued us, which is why the name Franklin Delano Roosevelt was honored in our household as far back as I can remember. That little bit of desperately needed assistance helped our family to return to the mainstream by enabling my father to pull himself up by the bootstraps and eventually start his successful locksmith business. Without FDR's help he probably could not have done it.

What we are seeing in this thread is an effort by a few brainwashed water carriers who eagerly parrot right-wing propaganda by exaggerating and emphasizing FDR's mistakes, as if no other President ever made mistakes, and ignoring his brilliant, critically important successes. They refuse to acknowledge the many benefits and advantages they along with their families and friends enjoy as the direct result of FDR's many radical, politically courageous, forward-thinking actions and policies.

Were it not for FDR it is very likely the U.S. would eventually have been invaded and occupied and our parents or grandparents enslaved or murdered by the insidious Japanese/German alliance.
Thanks to FDR my father ate very little during most of his youth. Often eating one apple a day or dipping moldy bread in sugar water. All the while FDR was destroying food products across the nation in an ignorant effort to rise prices...while millions were starving.

Don't forget we would have had single payer health care 50 years (which the liberals so love) if FDR didn't freeze wages and employees s used health care as a perk ...
So why have the historians both liberal and conservative voted FDR one of our three greatest presidents? Why did the people of that period vote for FDR four times.
Which hurts conservatives the most, the historian's vote, or the people's vote?
So why have the historians both liberal and conservative voted FDR one of our three greatest presidents? Why did the people of that period vote for FDR four times.
Which hurts conservatives the most, the historian's vote, or the people's vote?

Don't forget we would have had single payer health care 50 years (which the liberals so love) if FDR didn't freeze wages and employees s used health care as a perk ...
No we wouldn't.

You're talking about the Wage Stabilization Act which was conceived by the Congress in 1942 for the singular and express purpose of balancing the war-time economy. Roosevelt signed it into law because he thought it was necessary, which it was. Inflation and other economic maladies tend to run rampant in war-time, as they did during the (George W.) Bush Presidency, which was a time of undeclared but de facto war.

The Wage Stabilization Act of 1942 was just one of several temporary but necessary measures. It was a positive which you (and others here) have allowed the right-wing propagandists to sell to you as a negative.

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