Franklin Delano Roosevelt

Ignorant nonsense.

The only mistake that was made was not dropping 6 thousand more on them.

You're an idiot.

Perhaps we wouldn't be hearing mister krautman whine some more about how great he is, if we would have dropped them on Doucheland too.

Have you ever studied history at all?


And you don't know that after Nagasaki we had no more bombs, let alone 6 thousand, genius?
The only mistake that was made was not dropping 6 thousand more on them.

You're an idiot.

Perhaps we wouldn't be hearing mister krautman whine some more about how great he is, if we would have dropped them on Doucheland too.

Have you ever studied history at all?


And you don't know that after Nagasaki we had no more bombs, let alone 6 thousand, genius?

We didn't have the second one before we dropped the one on Hiroshima either.
They were being constructed and dropped once every two days.
The third was planned after Nagasaki, and it was going to be Tokyo.
FDR goaded the Japanese into an attack and they stupidly complied
The United States of America was attacked at pearl harbor December 7th 1941 by a far outmoded government Administering a far outmoded regime and set of beliefs and culture, that had recently been newly industrialized by the UK, and then trade with the USA...

If FDR had not taken a stand against Japan's fascistic aggression it would have been a matter of time until the entire Far East would be under Japanese control.

At that time, Hitler Germany, which was allied with Japan, was preparing to conquer and occupy England, which its forthcoming V-2 rocket program was certain to facilitate.

At the same time, Mussolini's fascist Italy was aligning with Hitler's intention to sweep across and occupy the entire European continent, which, without aid from an industrially powerful nation (the U.S.), was as certain as was Japan's inevitable conquest of the Far East and, eventually, Australia.

At the same time, Germany was making inroads onto oil-rich Northern Africa, which could easily have supplied the energy needs of an emerging unified fascist empire.

If the combined ambitions of Hirohito, Hitler and Mussolini had resulted in a fully accomplished, irresistibly powerful allied war machine, which would have taken no more than two or three years, there is no way the North-American continent could have withstood a unified attack and occupation.

FDR had to deal with that menacing prospect -- and he did.

So, instead he aided and abetted Stalin who just starved 6 million of his own people to death and Mao.

Great choices there
Oh FDR was a great war time POTUS but his handling of the GD merely extended it for years.

He was no saint and if he were running for POTUS today his affairs would have been front and center on the 24 hour a day news cycle.

Doubt either he or Kennedy would ever be elected as POTUS today.
Oh FDR was a great war time POTUS but his handling of the GD merely extended it for years.

He was no saint and if he were running for POTUS today his affairs would have been front and center on the 24 hour a day news cycle.

Doubt either he or Kennedy would ever be elected as POTUS today.
<<Oh FDR was a great war time POTUS but his handling of the GD merely extended it for years.>>Claudette, I have heard this for years. It has become a Republican Mantra lately. I would like to know how this conclusion of extending the depression was arrived at. Can you tell me how the Roosevelt attempts at recovery extended the dust bowl/depression disaster here in America?
Oh FDR was a great war time POTUS but his handling of the GD merely extended it for years.

He was no saint and if he were running for POTUS today his affairs would have been front and center on the 24 hour a day news cycle.

Doubt either he or Kennedy would ever be elected as POTUS today.
<<Oh FDR was a great war time POTUS but his handling of the GD merely extended it for years.>>Claudette, I have heard this for years. It has become a Republican Mantra lately. I would like to know how this conclusion of extending the depression was arrived at. Can you tell me how the Roosevelt attempts at recovery extended the dust bowl/depression disaster here in America?

Do a little research baby. Google is your friend.
Oh FDR was a great war time POTUS but his handling of the GD merely extended it for years.

He was no saint and if he were running for POTUS today his affairs would have been front and center on the 24 hour a day news cycle.

Doubt either he or Kennedy would ever be elected as POTUS today.
<<Oh FDR was a great war time POTUS but his handling of the GD merely extended it for years.>>Claudette, I have heard this for years. It has become a Republican Mantra lately. I would like to know how this conclusion of extending the depression was arrived at. Can you tell me how the Roosevelt attempts at recovery extended the dust bowl/depression disaster here in America?

Do a little research baby. Google is your friend.
Starting where? Read who? Are there any unbiased authors on the subject? I remember the days of yore, but I was a child and a mere reflection of my grandparents with whom I lived. So direct me to an unbiased report of the times. Because I DO remember the America First movement that obstructed any attempts to rebuild the military, and even the Charles Lindbergh and Henry Ford trips to Germany to support Hitler. So I know some of the opposition FDR faced of the times. I also remember some talk of people who hated FDR appreciating the CCC. Any work was appreciated, as I recall. So choosing any author that would coincide with my memories would not suit you anyway. That's why I ask your advice...if only to see where you are coming from, and under whose influence you recite history opposite what I vaguely remember.
The United States of America was attacked at pearl harbor December 7th 1941 by a far outmoded government Administering a far outmoded regime and set of beliefs and culture, that had recently been newly industrialized by the UK, and then trade with the USA...

A culture that knew nothing but far eastern warfare with their Chinese and Korean and later Russian neighbors, with the industrialization by Britain.

The USA was attacked primarily Because the USA wouldn't supply oil for their war effort against China... who was our friend at that time when it was a democratic, economically free and competitive regime and friends with contemporary western Europe and Britain.

And FDR did what he was supposed to do.

And if he was alive today and running for president, absolutely none of the comparative jokers that we have today.. not even the Clintons would get my vote.
My vote would be going to FDR.
Stalin's Stooge was a disaster. He caused more deaths and suffering than all other presidents combined.

Plus he purposely set up the Japanese, knew beforehand when and where they would attack, and refused to warn Pearl.

No, Unkotare, you are wrong, at least where I live. The Americans of Japanese ancestory were unjustly imprisoned. And much of their property was unjustly taken. Every President has made dumb mistakes. FDR made many. Yet he gave us hope during the Depression, and during the war against the Nazis and Imperial Japan. Overall, my Grandparents, who were Republicans prior to the Depression admired FDR. They lost everything due to the depression. Went from well to do landowners, ranchers and farmers, to wage earners, hoping for the next job. There was no one else offering hope at that time other than FDR.

As far as I'm concerned, that was no mistake.
That was policy, defending America against espionage, the exact same as we should be doing today with the arabs.

WTF are you talking about? They were American citizens and why wasn't the American krauts or Italians imprisoned then?
The United States of America was attacked at pearl harbor December 7th 1941 by a far outmoded government Administering a far outmoded regime and set of beliefs and culture, that had recently been newly industrialized by the UK, and then trade with the USA...

A culture that knew nothing but far eastern warfare with their Chinese and Korean and later Russian neighbors, with the industrialization by Britain.

The USA was attacked primarily Because the USA wouldn't supply oil for their war effort against China... who was our friend at that time when it was a democratic, economically free and competitive regime and friends with contemporary western Europe and Britain.

And FDR did what he was supposed to do.

And if he was alive today and running for president, absolutely none of the comparative jokers that we have today.. not even the Clintons would get my vote.
My vote would be going to FDR.

FDR - a great man who, like Lincoln, saved this country, saw us through dire times.
Oh FDR was a great war time POTUS but his handling of the GD merely extended it for years.

He was no saint and if he were running for POTUS today his affairs would have been front and center on the 24 hour a day news cycle.

Doubt either he or Kennedy would ever be elected as POTUS today.
<<Oh FDR was a great war time POTUS but his handling of the GD merely extended it for years.>>Claudette, I have heard this for years. It has become a Republican Mantra lately. I would like to know how this conclusion of extending the depression was arrived at. Can you tell me how the Roosevelt attempts at recovery extended the dust bowl/depression disaster here in America?

Do a little research baby. Google is your friend.
Starting where? Read who? Are there any unbiased authors on the subject? I remember the days of yore, but I was a child and a mere reflection of my grandparents with whom I lived. So direct me to an unbiased report of the times. Because I DO remember the America First movement that obstructed any attempts to rebuild the military, and even the Charles Lindbergh and Henry Ford trips to Germany to support Hitler. So I know some of the opposition FDR faced of the times. I also remember some talk of people who hated FDR appreciating the CCC. Any work was appreciated, as I recall. So choosing any author that would coincide with my memories would not suit you anyway. That's why I ask your advice...if only to see where you are coming from, and under whose influence you recite history opposite what I vaguely remember.

I've already done the research once. Its all in Google.

FDR provided jobs only problem was they were jobs that were paid for with tax dollars.

Hell. He's was taxing some companies and 99% no wonder they couldn't provide any jobs in the private sector. Its all there. Look it up. I did.
Stalin's Stooge was a disaster. He caused more deaths and suffering than all other presidents combined.

Plus he purposely set up the Japanese, knew beforehand when and where they would attack, and refused to warn Pearl.


See what our current education system does to kids. The child above is living in a dark fantasy world filled with paranoia and impotent rage.

Or were you home schooled?
FDR. One of the worst. Prolonged the depression, teamed up with a tyrant dictator who killed more than hitler to cede off eastern europe to communism. There was nothing great about this progressive retard.
Oh FDR was a great war time POTUS but his handling of the GD merely extended it for years.

He was no saint and if he were running for POTUS today his affairs would have been front and center on the 24 hour a day news cycle.

Doubt either he or Kennedy would ever be elected as POTUS today.
<<Oh FDR was a great war time POTUS but his handling of the GD merely extended it for years.>>Claudette, I have heard this for years. It has become a Republican Mantra lately. I would like to know how this conclusion of extending the depression was arrived at. Can you tell me how the Roosevelt attempts at recovery extended the dust bowl/depression disaster here in America?

Do a little research baby. Google is your friend.
Starting where? Read who? Are there any unbiased authors on the subject? I remember the days of yore, but I was a child and a mere reflection of my grandparents with whom I lived. So direct me to an unbiased report of the times. Because I DO remember the America First movement that obstructed any attempts to rebuild the military, and even the Charles Lindbergh and Henry Ford trips to Germany to support Hitler. So I know some of the opposition FDR faced of the times. I also remember some talk of people who hated FDR appreciating the CCC. Any work was appreciated, as I recall. So choosing any author that would coincide with my memories would not suit you anyway. That's why I ask your advice...if only to see where you are coming from, and under whose influence you recite history opposite what I vaguely remember.

I've already done the research once. Its all in Google.

FDR provided jobs only problem was they were jobs that were paid for with tax dollars.

Hell. He's was taxing some companies and 99% no wonder they couldn't provide any jobs in the private sector. Its all there. Look it up. I did.
Claudette, of course he used tax dollars to pay for his programs. That's what taxes are aid Americans, keep them afloat when disaster strikes. Who do you figure paid for Katrina or the Red River flooding, grudgingly of course? And those taxes had to come from Americans who had the ability to pay. And it was the private sector who screwed itself over with greed to the point of killing itself, sort of like in the first decade of this century with the speculations and bundling and Madoff schemes, that was instrumental in bringing our house down, although the depression was worldwide.
Oh FDR was a great war time POTUS but his handling of the GD merely extended it for years.

He was no saint and if he were running for POTUS today his affairs would have been front and center on the 24 hour a day news cycle.

Doubt either he or Kennedy would ever be elected as POTUS today.
<<Oh FDR was a great war time POTUS but his handling of the GD merely extended it for years.>>Claudette, I have heard this for years. It has become a Republican Mantra lately. I would like to know how this conclusion of extending the depression was arrived at. Can you tell me how the Roosevelt attempts at recovery extended the dust bowl/depression disaster here in America?

Do a little research baby. Google is your friend.
Starting where? Read who? Are there any unbiased authors on the subject? I remember the days of yore, but I was a child and a mere reflection of my grandparents with whom I lived. So direct me to an unbiased report of the times. Because I DO remember the America First movement that obstructed any attempts to rebuild the military, and even the Charles Lindbergh and Henry Ford trips to Germany to support Hitler. So I know some of the opposition FDR faced of the times. I also remember some talk of people who hated FDR appreciating the CCC. Any work was appreciated, as I recall. So choosing any author that would coincide with my memories would not suit you anyway. That's why I ask your advice...if only to see where you are coming from, and under whose influence you recite history opposite what I vaguely remember.

I've already done the research once. Its all in Google.

FDR provided jobs only problem was they were jobs that were paid for with tax dollars.

Hell. He's was taxing some companies and 99% no wonder they couldn't provide any jobs in the private sector. Its all there. Look it up. I did.
Claudette, of course he used tax dollars to pay for his programs. That's what taxes are aid Americans, keep them afloat when disaster strikes. Who do you figure paid for Katrina or the Red River flooding, grudgingly of course? And those taxes had to come from Americans who had the ability to pay. And it was the private sector who screwed itself over with greed to the point of killing itself, sort of like in the first decade of this century with the speculations and bundling and Madoff schemes, that was instrumental in bringing our house down, although the depression was worldwide.

The problem is everything he did prolonged the GD. He didn't have a clue as to how to get out of it.

That private sector was what was needed to provide jobs. If there had been jobs people would have gone back to work. Jobs that were paid for without tax dollars.

If FDR had done what Coolidge did then the GD would have been over and done with far sooner.

All FDR did was provide public jobs that used tax dollars to pay for all of it. The Govt. doesn't make money. It just spends it.

What finally brought us out of it was WWII.

Google is your friend. Use it.
<<Oh FDR was a great war time POTUS but his handling of the GD merely extended it for years.>>Claudette, I have heard this for years. It has become a Republican Mantra lately. I would like to know how this conclusion of extending the depression was arrived at. Can you tell me how the Roosevelt attempts at recovery extended the dust bowl/depression disaster here in America?

Do a little research baby. Google is your friend.
Starting where? Read who? Are there any unbiased authors on the subject? I remember the days of yore, but I was a child and a mere reflection of my grandparents with whom I lived. So direct me to an unbiased report of the times. Because I DO remember the America First movement that obstructed any attempts to rebuild the military, and even the Charles Lindbergh and Henry Ford trips to Germany to support Hitler. So I know some of the opposition FDR faced of the times. I also remember some talk of people who hated FDR appreciating the CCC. Any work was appreciated, as I recall. So choosing any author that would coincide with my memories would not suit you anyway. That's why I ask your advice...if only to see where you are coming from, and under whose influence you recite history opposite what I vaguely remember.

I've already done the research once. Its all in Google.

FDR provided jobs only problem was they were jobs that were paid for with tax dollars.

Hell. He's was taxing some companies and 99% no wonder they couldn't provide any jobs in the private sector. Its all there. Look it up. I did.
Claudette, of course he used tax dollars to pay for his programs. That's what taxes are aid Americans, keep them afloat when disaster strikes. Who do you figure paid for Katrina or the Red River flooding, grudgingly of course? And those taxes had to come from Americans who had the ability to pay. And it was the private sector who screwed itself over with greed to the point of killing itself, sort of like in the first decade of this century with the speculations and bundling and Madoff schemes, that was instrumental in bringing our house down, although the depression was worldwide.

The problem is everything he did prolonged the GD. He didn't have a clue as to how to get out of it.

That private sector was what was needed to provide jobs. If there had been jobs people would have gone back to work. Jobs that were paid for without tax dollars.

If FDR had done what Coolidge did then the GD would have been over and done with far sooner.

All FDR did was provide public jobs that used tax dollars to pay for all of it. The Govt. doesn't make money. It just spends it.

What finally brought us out of it was WWII.

Google is your friend. Use it.
There was no manual on how to tackle depressions and FDR said he would try various remedies. Hoover had almost a full term to try Coolidge's method, and Hoover's method was to loan business money so they could produce more of the products that weren't selling. The answer today, after Bush, seems to be elect a Democrat. In the end it took massive spending ala the war. By the way what did Coolidge do that Hoover should have done?
<<Oh FDR was a great war time POTUS but his handling of the GD merely extended it for years.>>Claudette, I have heard this for years. It has become a Republican Mantra lately. I would like to know how this conclusion of extending the depression was arrived at. Can you tell me how the Roosevelt attempts at recovery extended the dust bowl/depression disaster here in America?

Do a little research baby. Google is your friend.
Starting where? Read who? Are there any unbiased authors on the subject? I remember the days of yore, but I was a child and a mere reflection of my grandparents with whom I lived. So direct me to an unbiased report of the times. Because I DO remember the America First movement that obstructed any attempts to rebuild the military, and even the Charles Lindbergh and Henry Ford trips to Germany to support Hitler. So I know some of the opposition FDR faced of the times. I also remember some talk of people who hated FDR appreciating the CCC. Any work was appreciated, as I recall. So choosing any author that would coincide with my memories would not suit you anyway. That's why I ask your advice...if only to see where you are coming from, and under whose influence you recite history opposite what I vaguely remember.

I've already done the research once. Its all in Google.

FDR provided jobs only problem was they were jobs that were paid for with tax dollars.

Hell. He's was taxing some companies and 99% no wonder they couldn't provide any jobs in the private sector. Its all there. Look it up. I did.
Claudette, of course he used tax dollars to pay for his programs. That's what taxes are aid Americans, keep them afloat when disaster strikes. Who do you figure paid for Katrina or the Red River flooding, grudgingly of course? And those taxes had to come from Americans who had the ability to pay. And it was the private sector who screwed itself over with greed to the point of killing itself, sort of like in the first decade of this century with the speculations and bundling and Madoff schemes, that was instrumental in bringing our house down, although the depression was worldwide.

The problem is everything he did prolonged the GD. He didn't have a clue as to how to get out of it.

That private sector was what was needed to provide jobs. If there had been jobs people would have gone back to work. Jobs that were paid for without tax dollars.

If FDR had done what Coolidge did then the GD would have been over and done with far sooner.

All FDR did was provide public jobs that used tax dollars to pay for all of it. The Govt. doesn't make money. It just spends it.

What finally brought us out of it was WWII.

Google is your friend. Use it.
Claudette, you make a good argument, and I thank you for a serious challenge, as opposed to childish insults. But the factor you omit is time. I am not very articulate sometimes so I do not know if I can convey the sense of need is now, not a trickle down from a private sector which concentrated on self before others. The kids are hungry now, the bank forecloses now, utilities are cut off now. Also unmentioned is the sense of purpose provided (by government organization and it's tax dollars), a restoration of dignity to people who earned their whole lives but now could not. Obviously, my recollection is more emotional than your logical approach. And not only that, I wish we had something similar today, like a CCC for high school grads before college, a service to country they do not have the good fortune to participate in today.

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