Franklin Graham SLAMS Obama’s Visit To Radical Mosque – GOING VIRAL!


Nov 1, 2011
There is nothing Christian about Obama, period, This Fraud has blatantly failed this Country intentionally, He hates what America stood for and damn if our senators and congress people just follow in line, The evil of Islam is well underway and Obama and those like him, are just bringing more and more muslims in by the thousands, a faith that is pure evil, GOD help us all.

Franklin Graham SLAMS Obama's Visit To Radical Mosque - GOING VIRAL!
Franklin Graham SLAMS Obama's Visit To Radical Mosque - GOING VIRAL!

There is nothing Christian about Obama, period, This Fraud has blatantly failed this Country intentionally, He hates America and what it stood for and damn if our senators and congress people just follow in line, The evil of Islam is well underway and Obama and those like him, are just bringing more and more muslims in by the thousands, a faith that is pure evil, GOD help us all.
This is the first mosque that Obama has visited as President.

Jr. not only said "Islam is a religion of peace" after 9/11, he also had a Ramadan dinner at the White House with Muslim leaders in 2004.
This is the first mosque that Obama has visited since he became President.

Jr. not only said "Islam is a religion of peace" after 9/11, he also held a Ramadan dinner for Muslim leaders in the White House.

Why didn't you bitch about Jr. embracing Muslims?
Franklin Graham SLAMS Obama's Visit To Radical Mosque - GOING VIRAL!

There is nothing Christian about Obama, period, This Fraud has blatantly failed this Country intentionally, He hates America and what it stood for and damn if our senators and congress people just follow in line, The evil of Islam is well underway and Obama and those like him, are just bringing more and more muslims in by the thousands, a faith that is pure evil, GOD help us all.

>>First you say you do
And then you don't
And then you say you will
And then you won't<<

PIPES: Obama: ‘My Muslim faith’
Franklin Graham SLAMS Obama's Visit To Radical Mosque - GOING VIRAL!

There is nothing Christian about Obama, period, This Fraud has blatantly failed this Country intentionally, He hates America and what it stood for and damn if our senators and congress people just follow in line, The evil of Islam is well underway and Obama and those like him, are just bringing more and more muslims in by the thousands, a faith that is pure evil, GOD help us all.
Relax! We are sufficiently armed.:blowup:
This is the first mosque that Obama has visited since he became President.

Jr. not only said "Islam is a religion of peace" after 9/11, he also held a Ramadan dinner for Muslim leaders in the White House.

Why didn't you bitch about Jr. embracing Muslims?
Because the Right are worthless lying hypocrites!

George W. Bush Visits Mosque To Condemn Islamophobia

Three threads in a row, all with the same lie. If the OP had any honesty or integrity, you would stop flooding the board with spam and ask the mods to combine these.

I saw Graham on MSNBC - froot loop thumper. Just send him a check. That's all these pnony christians care about.
This is the first mosque that Obama has visited since he became President.

Jr. not only said "Islam is a religion of peace" after 9/11, he also held a Ramadan dinner for Muslim leaders in the White House.

Why didn't you bitch about Jr. embracing Muslims?
Because the Right are worthless lying hypocrites!

George W. Bush Visits Mosque To Condemn Islamophobia

Yep, and the shrub put a koran in the Oval Office - which Obama removed.

Just like the kiar yesterday who posted a link saying that Obama removed the US flag from the WH and replaced it with "Muslim something or other". Fundie liars like Graham know that RWNJ traitors will believe whatever crap he feeds them.

There is nothing Christian about Obama, period, This Fraud has blatantly failed this Country intentionally, He hates what America stood for and damn if our senators and congress people just follow in line, The evil of Islam is well underway and Obama and those like him, are just bringing more and more muslims in by the thousands, a faith that is pure evil, GOD help us all.

Franklin Graham SLAMS Obama's Visit To Radical Mosque - GOING VIRAL!

You're an idiot and a liar.

And, that's YOU floating in that water. ^^

Why do you traitors stay in the US? You obviously hate it here. You hate freedom and liberty and free speech. All you do is lie.

Get out.

Go to Russia, where you can worship Pooting.
Obama is drawing the reaction from the right he expected

Show them for what they are....hateful bigots
There is nothing Christian about Obama, period, This Fraud has blatantly failed this Country intentionally, He hates what America stood for and damn if our senators and congress people just follow in line, The evil of Islam is well underway and Obama and those like him, are just bringing more and more muslims in by the thousands, a faith that is pure evil, GOD help us all.

Franklin Graham SLAMS Obama's Visit To Radical Mosque - GOING VIRAL!
Amazing! Obama visits a mosque and it becomes a radical mosque.

This effort to connect the Baltimore Islamic center to extremism — by citing an imam that hasn’t worked at the center for a decade — may seem like a stretch, but Maya Berry, executive director of the Arab American Institute, explained to Fox News that such accusations are a common tactic among anti-Islam activists. She said the campaign is commonplace, and part of what creates the exact kind of Islamophobic rhetoric that president Obama is visiting the center to speak out against.
The Smear Campaign Against The Mosque Obama Is Visiting Today[/FONT]

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