Franklin Graham to set up medical clinic in Central Park

You're actually claiming you think no gays dislike hetrosexuals?

Acting dumber, or not acting?
Hey!! Ya all remember this clown?? Maybe he would like to help out in Central Park

In a recent post for the Christian publication Charisma News, the Trump-loving former Arkansas Governor and former Republican presidential candidate wrote that the risk from the coronavirus was “remote” while the death rate from the “virus of sin” is 100%:

I take this pandemic seriously and you should as well. But statistically, your risk of getting the virus is still remote and the risk of dying from it is minimal.
But there is a virus that we hear almost nothing about these days, and it is absolutely going to touch you. In fact, the death rate from it is 100%.

I speak of the virus of sin, an infection that has been passed on since the beginning of human existence. It’s a virus that we all have and are born with.

This is some pretty irresponsible shit!
Huckabee is correct. There is no disease as evil as the evil that lives in the hearts of evil men and women.
They are discrimination in employment practices while accepting public funds
They are coercing employees and creating a hostile work invironment by doing to
And the damned sure can be trusted to serve all members of the public equally .

Volunteers for the new coronavirus field hospital in Central Park must agree to a “statement of faith” declaring that sinners go to Hell and gays can’t get married.

It would not surprise me if they made patients take the same oath
Yes it would.

You're lying because its your nature to hate Christians and America.

Get a grip! What I am I lying about. A statement that " it would not surprise me" can't be a lie because I didn't actually accuse them of anything.
But you're a liar because it would surprise you.

Your jealous because you know you're the bigot, not them, because they're better peopoe than you are, and the people you support are.

And you're too ashamed to admit it.
My experience is that people in gay bars and clubs are not bothered about your sexual preferences. You are obviously going to the wrong gay bars.

I think I'm safe in speaking for most of the participants here, in saying that we don't have out on gay bars, so really, we wouldn't know what people in those bars do or do not express being bothered by. We'll just have to defer to your obviously greater experience on that question.

But really, I don't want to hear about what you do in gay bars, and I don't think anyone else does either, except for a few of your fellow faggots.
If you don't mix with Gay folks how have you developed such an in depth knowledge of the gay lifestyle ?
You're actually claiming you think no gays dislike hetrosexuals?

Acting dumber, or not acting?
No I did not say that. I was speaking in general terms. You will always fine people in any group or demographic who are predjudice .

But I understand. Your ridged conservative brain- that only sees issues in a ridged, all or nothing, black and white perspective not allow you to understand such subtlies
They are discrimination in employment practices while accepting public funds
They are coercing employees and creating a hostile work invironment by doing to
And the damned sure can be trusted to serve all members of the public equally .

Volunteers for the new coronavirus field hospital in Central Park must agree to a “statement of faith” declaring that sinners go to Hell and gays can’t get married.

It would not surprise me if they made patients take the same oath
Yes it would.

You're lying because its your nature to hate Christians and America.

Get a grip! What I am I lying about. A statement that " it would not surprise me" can't be a lie because I didn't actually accuse them of anything.
But you're a liar because it would surprise you.

Your jealous because you know you're the bigot, not them, because they're better peopoe than you are, and the people you support are.

And you're too ashamed to admit it.

Oh shut the fuck up! You don't know me.
If anyone has evidence that Samaritan's Purse would refuse to treat someone on the basis of their sexuality, please present it. Otherwise, you're complaining about nothing.
Oh please! These people are smart enough to not engage in blatant, and obvious discrimination. It can be subtle and take the form of substandard care, or being rude to discourage certain people from seeking care. These people can't be trusted.

Graham’s hate speech is also often aimed at LGBTQ people. He has called same-sex marriages “detestable” and has drummed up fear toward gays and lesbians—whom he believes should burn in hell—by claiming they want to “drag an immoral agenda into our communities.” In an article that has mysteriously disappeared from the Decision Magazine website, Graham wrote that the architect of the LGBTQ rights movement was “none other than Satan himself.” And when Vladimir Putin initiated a violent crackdown on LGBTQ rights in Russia, it sparked a wave of beatings, abduction, public humiliation and other forms of violence against sexual minorities there. Graham responded by praising Putin’s policy, lauding the authoritarian leader for “[protecting] his nation’s children from the damaging effects of any gay and lesbian agenda.”

Does that sound like someone who is likely to be receptive to helping gays equally. Ya think he might set a certain tone- a toxic tone- for the group?
So no evidence then, just feelz. Got it.

You don't seem to much of a grasp of the issue
The issue is this. You WANT to believe Graham's group discriminates in treating homosexuals but there's no evidence that they do. Then, instead of acknowledging that your bias is unsubstantiated by fact, you double down and insist that they do because their leader disapproves of gay "marriage". Now, unless you can produce evidence that they do in fact discriminate in treating homosexuals, you appear to be grasping at the wrong issue.
If anyone has evidence that Samaritan's Purse would refuse to treat someone on the basis of their sexuality, please present it. Otherwise, you're complaining about nothing.
Oh please! These people are smart enough to not engage in blatant, and obvious discrimination. It can be subtle and take the form of substandard care, or being rude to discourage certain people from seeking care. These people can't be trusted.

Graham’s hate speech is also often aimed at LGBTQ people. He has called same-sex marriages “detestable” and has drummed up fear toward gays and lesbians—whom he believes should burn in hell—by claiming they want to “drag an immoral agenda into our communities.” In an article that has mysteriously disappeared from the Decision Magazine website, Graham wrote that the architect of the LGBTQ rights movement was “none other than Satan himself.” And when Vladimir Putin initiated a violent crackdown on LGBTQ rights in Russia, it sparked a wave of beatings, abduction, public humiliation and other forms of violence against sexual minorities there. Graham responded by praising Putin’s policy, lauding the authoritarian leader for “[protecting] his nation’s children from the damaging effects of any gay and lesbian agenda.”

Does that sound like someone who is likely to be receptive to helping gays equally. Ya think he might set a certain tone- a toxic tone- for the group?
So no evidence then, just feelz. Got it.

You don't seem to much of a grasp of the issue
The issue is this. You WANT to believe Graham's group discriminates in treating homosexuals but there's no evidence that they do. Then, instead of acknowledging that your bias is unsubstantiated by fact, you double down and insist that they do because their leader disapproves of gay "marriage". Now, unless you can produce evidence that they do in fact discriminate in treating homosexuals, you appear to be grasping at the wrong issue.

Try this on for size

If they won't let a gay guy volunteer and work for free, why the fuck do you think that they won't discriminate against patients ? It's just logic and common sense!
If anyone has evidence that Samaritan's Purse would refuse to treat someone on the basis of their sexuality, please present it. Otherwise, you're complaining about nothing.
Oh please! These people are smart enough to not engage in blatant, and obvious discrimination. It can be subtle and take the form of substandard care, or being rude to discourage certain people from seeking care. These people can't be trusted.

Graham’s hate speech is also often aimed at LGBTQ people. He has called same-sex marriages “detestable” and has drummed up fear toward gays and lesbians—whom he believes should burn in hell—by claiming they want to “drag an immoral agenda into our communities.” In an article that has mysteriously disappeared from the Decision Magazine website, Graham wrote that the architect of the LGBTQ rights movement was “none other than Satan himself.” And when Vladimir Putin initiated a violent crackdown on LGBTQ rights in Russia, it sparked a wave of beatings, abduction, public humiliation and other forms of violence against sexual minorities there. Graham responded by praising Putin’s policy, lauding the authoritarian leader for “[protecting] his nation’s children from the damaging effects of any gay and lesbian agenda.”

Does that sound like someone who is likely to be receptive to helping gays equally. Ya think he might set a certain tone- a toxic tone- for the group?
So no evidence then, just feelz. Got it.

You don't seem to much of a grasp of the issue
The issue is this. You WANT to believe Graham's group discriminates in treating homosexuals but there's no evidence that they do. Then, instead of acknowledging that your bias is unsubstantiated by fact, you double down and insist that they do because their leader disapproves of gay "marriage". Now, unless you can produce evidence that they do in fact discriminate in treating homosexuals, you appear to be grasping at the wrong issue.

Try this on for size

If they won't let a gay guy volunteer and work for free, why the fuck do you think that they won't discriminate against patients ? It's just logic and common sense!
One, how do they know a patient is gay? They're not going to ask, and before you insist that they do, if they did we would have heard about it from gay patients who were denied care.
Two, they're serving the public. They don't care if a patient is gay or not. Again, if you think they do, present evidence.

Let's face reality here. You DON'T know that they discriminate against homosexual patients, you're just insisting that they do based on your feelz. Admit it.
My experience is that people in gay bars and clubs are not bothered about your sexual preferences. You are obviously going to the wrong gay bars.
We defer to your greater experience in gay bars. This explains your knee jerk reflexive hate for Franklin

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