Fred Phelps, of the Westbro "GOD HATES FAGS" church, dying

founder of anti-gay hate group westboro baptist church is “on the edge of death”

by daniel politi

i don't wish anybody a long, enduring, painful death. But couldn't help smiling just a tiny bit at reading this headline and story @ fred phelps sr.: Founder of westboro baptist church is "on the edge of death." :eusa_angel:

no worries!!! Your turn could come anytime!!!!
G-d doesn't hate fags. Does seem to have a bug up his butt about figs though. They probably mistranslated it:

12 The next day as they were leaving Bethany, Jesus was hungry. 13 Seeing in the distance a fig tree in leaf, he went to find out if it had any fruit. When he reached it, he found nothing but leaves, because it was not the season for figs. 14 Then he said to the tree, “May no one ever eat fruit from you again.” And his disciples heard him say it...
20 In the morning, as they went along, they saw the fig tree withered from the roots. 21 Peter remembered and said to Jesus, “Rabbi, look! The fig tree you cursed has withered!”
- Mark 11


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If there is an organized protest at his funeral that is open to all I will be attending it. I don't believe in god but the idea that god would hate is own creation is absurd on its face. And if any of you decide to attend to "protest" or just watch the spectacle we should hook up. Left or right we should all be able to agree this man was despicable
Fred Phelps, Westboro Baptist Church Founder, Is 'On The Edge Of Death'

Fred Phelps, the founder of the highly controversial Westboro Baptist Church, which is known for protesting high-profile funerals with signs that read "God Hates Fags," is said to be dying at a hospice center in Kansas.

One of his sons, Nate Phelps, released the news on Saturday:

I've learned that my father, Fred Phelps, Sr., pastor of the "God Hates Fags" Westboro Baptist Church, was ex-communicated from the "church" back in August of 2013. He is now on the edge of death at Midland Hospice house in Topeka, Kansas.

I'm not sure how I feel about this. Terribly ironic that his devotion to his god ends this way. Destroyed by the monster he made.

I feel sad for all the hurt he's caused so many. I feel sad for those who will lose the grandfather and father they loved. And I'm bitterly angry that my family is blocking the family members who left from seeing him, and saying their good-byes.
Fred Phelps has been excommunicated from his own "church".


Now, most people have very, very strong feelings about the Phelps clan. Personally, based on what they did to families grieving over dead US soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan, I hate them with a passion and when Fred Phelps dies, I am going to go out and dance in the streets. Right now, I am lifting a glass of Brandy, hoping that when he does die, his journey to Stix will be swift.

Although I'm a Christian and am no fan of the homosexual agenda I do believe he stepped over the line when he and members of that church interrupted funerals in such an ungodly and inconsiderate way. Sad that we was excommunicated but perhaps it was the appropriate thing to do under the circumstances. Too bad he didn't realize that he was as much of a sinner as the sins he opposed.

Phuck Phelps - Throughout history mortal men have bastardized the words of their God to justify their personal bigotrys/demons.


If there is an organized protest at his funeral that is open to all I will be attending it. I don't believe in god but the idea that god would hate is own creation is absurd on its face. And if any of you decide to attend to "protest" or just watch the spectacle we should hook up. Left or right we should all be able to agree this man was despicable

G-d hates lots of people in the OT. No personal opinion or interpretation required.
Phelps’ legacy will be that of contributing to First Amendment jurisprudence, along with the likes of Clarence Brandenburg and Todd Mitchell.

The genius of American Constitutional case law is its ability to take the actions of reprehensible scum, subject it to judicial review, and create legal precedent beneficial to society as a whole.
GISMYS=GOD IS MY SOURCE=GISMYS!!!! PTL. There is no downside to living my life as a son of GOD!!!! AND YOU??

You really believe there is no downside to this man's hate and his vile actions toward innocent people who have done him nor others any harm?

I've asked you what cult you belong to.

Now I know.

You're on the side of the Westboro slime balls.
Soon, he and God will have a long talk about the aspect of loving your fellow man. Before he says those most damning words.

"I never knew you: depart from me, you that work iniquity."

now you know gods words......


one should never rejoice in death....but there will be no void in my life with the passing of this man....

I think it's kind of ironic that he was excommunicated from a Church made up of his largely inbred relatives. He spent his whole life building something on the basis of hate and it turned on him at the end.

I also find it amusing that TK is perfectly comfortable with his own homophobia, but upset that the Westboro freaks crossed a line.

Joe, NO ONE really likes WBC - not even people who hate gays.

They are repugnant vile bastards and they are going to reap what they have sown.

I, personally, believe that Fred Phelps was either -

1 Gay and very upset by it.

2 Abused sexually by a man.

3 Had personal vendetta against the military.

Maybe a combination of all three.

If you have ever seen Phelps field questions about being gay - he immediately clams up and refuses to talk. He once considered joining the military and then suddenly changed his mind. They knew something that we aren't privy to?

Too much animosity for this to not be personal.

You are right about the lawsuits, though - that's how this shin-dig got funded.

Why excommunicated, though? Did Fred have a change of heart and the family freaked?
No, there isn't really an issue to discuss about this. I just thought that people would want to know so that they can break out the champagne....:booze:

Ex-Westboro Baptist Church Leader Fred Phelps is Finally Dying

He's -- DYING?

Oh nozies.

Oh ... wait.

It's that fuckwit scumbag piece of shit who sends protestors to funerals and idiots to wave hate-message signs at gay people.

Fuck him.

Die, bitch.

Let us show Phelps all the respect he deserves as he clears the path for the beyond:

Dear [MENTION=31057]JoeB131[/MENTION],

I have three gay friends, one from Ontario, Canada, one here in Athens, and another who lives in Germany. I'm no homophobe, since A) I game frequently with one, B) I worked my last job with the other, and C) I learned a lot of my advanced writing skills from the other, as well as debate skills.

I don't approve of gay marriage, but I'm willing to see past my own intolerance to be kind and understanding to them, and actually befriend a few of them. You really don't know me at all. To tell the truth, I'm more tolerant of homosexuals than you are of Christians. In fact, your hatred is just about as bad as those folks at Westboro. Don't you dare lecture me about homophobia, Joe. Now if you will excuse me, I'd much rather not continue this discussion.



(P.S. Phelps is an evil man, but even he can be redeemed, even if it takes until his dying breath to do so.)
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Dear [MENTION=31057]JoeB131[/MENTION],

I have three gay friends, one from Ontario, Canada, one here in Athens, and another who lives in Germany. I'm no homophobe, since A) I game frequently with one, B) I worked my last job with the other, and C) I learned a lot of my advanced writing skills from the other, as well as debate skills.

I don't approve of gay marriage, but I'm willing to see past my own intolerance to be kind and understanding to them, and actually befriend a few of them. You really don't know me at all. To tell the truth, I'm more tolerant of homosexuals than you are of Christians. In fact, your hatred is just about as bad as those folks at Westboro. Don't you dare lecture me about homophobia, Joe. Now if you will excuse me, I'd much rather not continue this discussion.



(P.S. Phelps is an evil man, but even he can be redeemed, even if it takes until his dying breath to do so.)

Yeah, bullshit. If THAT were the case, you and I wouldn't have wound up on the outs because you were taking such an ugly, hateful stand towards gays.
No funeral to picket, according to Margie.

GodHatesYourStars @WBCMargie
Follow [MENTION=16548]NickP[/MENTION]wing
We don't worship the dead in this church, so there'd be no public memorial or funeral to picket if any member died.
Human life is eternal but where??? Heaven or hell??? you get to choose now!

Personally, I believe in purgatory, and I'm not even Catholic.

The closest thing I believe similar to that is life here on earth on a bad day. All that other crap is just scare tactics to keep the sheep in order and the offering plate full.

Perhaps I could call it Karma. Whatever you do, comes back to you, either in this life, or the next.

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