Fred Phelps, of the Westbro "GOD HATES FAGS" church, dying

I hope the morphine drip is turned off soon, this man was evil for what he has done to his family and to hero vets that died to protect his freedom of speech. God does not hate fags, he pities them.
Dear [MENTION=31057]JoeB131[/MENTION],

I have three gay friends, one from Ontario, Canada, one here in Athens, and another who lives in Germany. I'm no homophobe, since A) I game frequently with one, B) I worked my last job with the other, and C) I learned a lot of my advanced writing skills from the other, as well as debate skills.

I don't approve of gay marriage, but I'm willing to see past my own intolerance to be kind and understanding to them, and actually befriend a few of them. You really don't know me at all. To tell the truth, I'm more tolerant of homosexuals than you are of Christians. In fact, your hatred is just about as bad as those folks at Westboro. Don't you dare lecture me about homophobia, Joe. Now if you will excuse me, I'd much rather not continue this discussion.



(P.S. Phelps is an evil man, but even he can be redeemed, even if it takes until his dying breath to do so.)


Reminds me of racists who say they don't mind blacks but wouldn't want their sister to marry one and wouldn't want to live next door to one.

Get a clue.
Alas, what better way for her to prove my point than by storming out of this thread? I rest my case.

'cept, as usual, you stormed out first.

But, as usual, you'll be back.

Yes, you can have any opinion you want but don't expet people to continue to ignore your constant, unrelenting hypocrisy.
I hope the morphine drip is turned off soon, this man was evil for what he has done to his family and to hero vets that died to protect his freedom of speech. God does not hate fags, he pities them.

Remember though, our country pretty much gives lip service to "thanking our vets" but when they actually need us, we disappear.

Doesn't matter how our first and second ladies have fought for jobs and housing for our vets and their families. Too many rw's fight against those efforts with their hate so the Westboro slime actually get more support and our vets lose.
Alas, what better way for her to prove my point than by storming out of this thread? I rest my case.

'cept, as usual, you stormed out first.

But, as usual, you'll be back.

Yes, you can have any opinion you want but don't expet people to continue to ignore your constant, unrelenting hypocrisy.

Damn straight.

And putting his sorry ass on ignore does not equal leaving the thread. Christ on crutches if the boy isn't a full-fledged drama llama.
Phelps’ legacy will be that of contributing to First Amendment jurisprudence, along with the likes of Clarence Brandenburg and Todd Mitchell.

The genius of American Constitutional case law is its ability to take the actions of reprehensible scum, subject it to judicial review, and create legal precedent beneficial to society as a whole.


Out of evil can come good. Not always, but fairly often, I would say.
Dear [MENTION=31057]JoeB131[/MENTION],

I have three gay friends, one from Ontario, Canada, one here in Athens, and another who lives in Germany. I'm no homophobe, since A) I game frequently with one, B) I worked my last job with the other, and C) I learned a lot of my advanced writing skills from the other, as well as debate skills.

I don't approve of gay marriage, but I'm willing to see past my own intolerance to be kind and understanding to them, and actually befriend a few of them. You really don't know me at all. To tell the truth, I'm more tolerant of homosexuals than you are of Christians. In fact, your hatred is just about as bad as those folks at Westboro. Don't you dare lecture me about homophobia, Joe. Now if you will excuse me, I'd much rather not continue this discussion.



(P.S. Phelps is an evil man, but even he can be redeemed, even if it takes until his dying breath to do so.)


Reminds me of racists who say they don't mind blacks but wouldn't want their sister to marry one and wouldn't want to live next door to one.

Get a clue.

How is it disgusting? Not everyone is on board with the gay - It's a fact.

Christians don't tolerate my religion and it sucks, but I don't get to change their minds - they have to change them.
Joe just can't wrap himself around the fact that there are Christians who are kind and tolerant to homosexuals. His attempts to smear me and my faith speaks more to his hatred of the pious than it does to my supposed hatred of homosexuals.

there are. but the vile, disgusting, gay bashing "gays are going to hell types" are much louder and more visible.

just the way it is
Alas, what better way for her to prove my point than by storming out of this thread? I rest my case.

Not fair - Boop is my friend and I asked that she cool it and she did.


I had no way of knowing that. Now make sure she has me on her ignore list for real, lest I call her down for lying.

So, are you leaving or are you staying on this thread?

Jesus, I know divas who prance on and off the stage less than you.
Alas, what better way for her to prove my point than by storming out of this thread? I rest my case.

Not fair - Boop is my friend and I asked that she cool it and she did.


I had no way of knowing that. Now make sure she has me on her ignore list for real, lest I call her down for lying.

Knock it off and let it go! I've really taken up for you the last few weeks - do you not see that I was on YOUR side?

You can thank me by doing what you were doing earlier - ignoring the garbage.

You Libs trip me out! NO ONE can have any opinion about gays, blacks or guns that don't meet your HIGH standards of "sucking up" to the voter base!

There, I said it!!!!

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