Fred Phelps, of the Westbro "GOD HATES FAGS" church, dying

Someone asked if Fred was dead yet. You have to understand that the man lives in Topeka. It is very difficult to tell the difference between the living and the dead in Topeka.
I'm always surprised at the difference between right wing Christians like Fred and Paul Ryan and Michelle Bachmann and left wing Christians.

the difference is only one of them protest at military funerals....

I know.


Right wingers with those signs at soldiers funerals. It's terrible.


Westboro Baptist Church to Defend Military Funeral Protests Before High Court | Fox News

It's bad enough when right wingers go after children's lunches and food stamps for the disabled. But they certainly know how to sink to new lows.
The old coot is 85 years old=maybe half senile===omly god is his judge!!!

He is going to rot in hell.

who made you judge???????????????? only God knows a man's heart!!!

A man who prays for dead soldiers, pickets their funerals, insults the family members of soldiers, and who hates gay people so much he wishes they would die is not going anywhere but straight to hell.
He is going to rot in hell.

who made you judge???????????????? only God knows a man's heart!!!

A man who prays for dead soldiers, pickets their funerals, insults the family members of soldiers, and who hates gay people so much he wishes they would die is not going anywhere but straight to hell.

BEWARE JESUS SAYS=judge not lest you be judged!!!
I hope the morphine drip is turned off soon, this man was evil for what he has done to his family and to hero vets that died to protect his freedom of speech. God does not hate fags, he pities them.

Oh, look who knows what god thinks.


Duddie, that was called a taunt, I am glad you jumped, I am not a believer, but you are, in the church of the poisoned liberal mind.
who made you judge???????????????? only God knows a man's heart!!!

A man who prays for dead soldiers, pickets their funerals, insults the family members of soldiers, and who hates gay people so much he wishes they would die is not going anywhere but straight to hell.

BEWARE JESUS SAYS=judge not lest you be judged!!!

You judge others every time you make a post.
Lk. 6.3738, 4142
1 Judge not, that ye be not judged.

2 For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again. Mk. 4.24

3 And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye?

4 Or how wilt thou say to thy brother, Let me pull out the mote out of thine eye; and, behold, a beam is in thine own eye?

5 Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother's eye
I knew the gays would say that the reason phelps was anti gay was because he was gay. What does that say about gays.
I'm always surprised at the difference between right wing Christians like Fred and Paul Ryan and Michelle Bachmann and left wing Christians.

Fred, right wing? The man who backed Al Gore and collected donations for Gore? The man who ran as a democrat three times?

Phelps and his group are disgusting, to blame left or right is just like my blaming the left for the Jonestown Massacre, since democrats helped and supported Jones.

President Carter and his wife personally met with Jim Jones in private on many occasions, AND spoke with him about Cuban foreign policy! Jones attended and spoke at the grand opening of the San Francisco Democratic Party Headquarters. SF Mayor Moscone appointed Jones as the chairman of the San Francisco Housing Authority Commission.

Walter Mondale publically praised Jones and his People's Temple. Harvey Milk supported Jones and his crazy ass temple. California assemblyman Willie Brown served as master of ceremonies at a large testimonial dinner for Jones attended by Governor Jerry Brown and Lieutenant Governor Mervyn Dymally!

Harvey Milk wrote a letter to President Jimmy Carter defending Jones "as a man of the highest character," and claimed that Temple defectors were trying to "damage Rev. Jones' reputation" with "apparent bold-faced lies" Mayor Moscone's office issued a press release saying that Jones had broken no laws! He was a GREAT MAN.

Is the death and murder of some 900 plus people the fault of those democrats who loved, supported and pushed Jones temple onto everyone their fault?

WBC is a sick organization and trying to pin this on anyone but them is BS.
who made you judge???????????????? only God knows a man's heart!!!

A man who prays for dead soldiers, pickets their funerals, insults the family members of soldiers, and who hates gay people so much he wishes they would die is not going anywhere but straight to hell.

BEWARE JESUS SAYS=judge not lest you be judged!!!

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