Fred Phelps, of the Westbro "GOD HATES FAGS" church, dying


You should go back and listen to sermons that man gave.

Sermons, Parodies, Hymns And Other Audio From Westboro Baptist Church

Like two hours of railing on about how men stick their penises inside each other and semen and fecal material and you name it.... and he did this shit for HOURS on end. And that was supposed to be a sermon. It is just plain old gross. Really gross.

And how many of the excommunicated family members are gay today? Well, gee, let me guess why...

But I have not heard that he was dying of AIDS. That one is a new one. I suppose it could be, but who in a world would want to stick anything into that man, fer chrissakes.

Brother, I heard it somewhere yesterday on the TV when somebody reported it.

I didn't follow-up to see how true or not it was, and I have no desire to.

However, I'm going to take it as face value until proven otherwise.

They reported on NPR yesterday that he is dying of colon cancer, he was excommunicated from the church because they did not want to pay for his cancer treatment, now the taxpayer is footing the bill.

Thank you. Wow.
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Leftists trying to defeat hate with hate.


And they wonder why hypocrisy is the default position. Or do they?
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I think that members of the church are scared to death that Phelps is going to pass - they believed that because they were doing "the lords work" that they would not die, but instead be taken.

Westboro Baptist Church founder Rev. Fred Phelps Sr. is in hospice care and near death, according to family and church members say. His estranged son says the longtime pastor's passing would put his followers in a crisis, because the church's members "think that death is a judgment from God."

"So far, that illusion has held because none of them has passed," Nathan Phelps continues in an interview with The Topeka Capital-Journal.

The church's members are convinced they will be taken up by Jesus Christ, he tells the newspaper. "They're clear about that, that they're not going to feel the sting of death," he says.

Phelps says if that belief isn't borne out, the church's members will likely see it as a test of their faith. He predicted that some would find a "palatable justification" to continue on with Westboro Baptist.

News that the founder of the church known for using controversial funeral protests to carry out a campaign against gays and other groups was in hospice care came out over the weekend, along with a statement from Phelps that his 84-year-old father had been excommunicated last summer from the church he built.

Fred Phelps Sr. "is now on the edge of death at Midland Hospice house in Topeka, Kansas," Nathan Phelps wrote in a Facebook post. He also said church members were preventing him and others who have broken with the family over the church's teachings from seeing the ailing pastor.

The reason for Fred Phelps' excommunication isn't known. A church spokesman interviewed by the Capital-Journal didn't deny the action, but he refused to elaborate. Another of Phelps' sons contacted the newspaper to say its version of events was accurate.

Nathan Phelps told The Associated Press in a phone interview Sunday night that church members had voted Phelps out of the church "after some kind of falling out."

He added that Fred Phelps and his wife were moved out of the space they had long occupied above the church and into a nearby house. Afterward, the church founder stopped eating and drinking, the younger Phelps said.

The AP reports that Nathan Phelps "said he has no doubt some people would want to protest his father's funeral but added, 'I wish they wouldn't.' "

The possibility that Fred Phelps might die has led to questions over how Westboro Baptist might continue, and whether the church's followers would persist in their attempts to garner publicity for their views at funerals and other events.

A look at the church's website shows no break in its "Picket Schedule," which lists upcoming shows by the singer Lorde and comedian Kathy Griffin as targets. The site also features a video titled "Aye, God Hates St. Patrick's Day," featuring spokesman Steven Drain, who is mentioned by Nathan Phelps as a possible successor to his father.

On Sunday, Drain told the Capital-Journal that Westboro Baptist doesn't have a central leader. "The Lord Jesus Christ is our head," he told the newspaper.

Nathan Phelps says both his brother Tim and Drain have "shown the fire" that would be required of the church's pastor. But he also tells the Capital-Journal that several long-time church members "could get up and do the same job as the old man has done. They've heard [the preachings] a million times."
Okay. I can't stop laughing.

Fred: Treat the world like so much shit on your shoes, but I need you to be kinder to each other.

Church: Excommunication it is!!

Westboro Baptist Church founder Fred Phelps, who is reportedly on his death bed, was excommunicated after advocating for “a kinder approach between church members,” according to the Topeka-Capital Journal.

Problems at Westboro purportedly began last August when a power struggle unfolded following the creation of a male board of elders at the church. The board found itself in a struggle with Shirley Phelps-Roper, the long-time church spokeswoman who is also one of Phelps’ daughters, the outlet reported.

It was around that time that the 84-year-old pastor reportedly urged for a kinder approach between Westboro members, but was excommunicated.

Was Anti-Gay Westboro Founder Fred Phelps Excommunicated for Advocating Kindness |

Ist schon eine alte Geschichte, doch bleibt sie immer neu....

So, the monster you create today is likely to eat you later in life.

Imagine that....

Kinder, gentler Phelps.


Isn't that like the famous "Whores for Abstinence" program that always works so well?

Like fucking DIE ALREADY!
You want evil? He's it.
Another time and place and the scum in that (cough) church would have been maggot-meat long ago.
Who the fuck cares less what anyone does with their genitals? Not me, as long as everyone involved is not a victim in anyway.
Some one ought to have dragged that scum out on the street and shoved a bible up their asses.
I hope the LGBT community gives love and respectful and quiet tolerance and support at the funeral.

Riiiiight. Because so many gays and lesbians will want to attend.

I'll be surprised if his own family turns up.

I think every family who this sick family protested their funeral should be out in front of his funeral protesting and shouting that he is going to hell to burn
I hope the LGBT community gives love and respectful and quiet tolerance and support at the funeral.

Riiiiight. Because so many gays and lesbians will want to attend.

I'll be surprised if his own family turns up.

I think every family who this sick family protested their funeral should be out in front of his funeral protesting and shouting that he is going to hell to burn

I bet they don't though. Know why?

Because they are better people than he was.
Isn't it always the RWNJ whackadoodles (like you) who are saying that anal sex causes colon cancer? :eusa_whistle::eusa_whistle:

Never heard that one.

Sounds like something left wing demagogues (like you) would make up and attribute to the right. :eusa_whistle::eusa_whistle:

That could only be the case were I left-wing :eusa_whistle::eusa_whistle:

And a demagogue :eusa_whistle::eusa_whistle:

Bet yer lips look real purty when you whistle, all puckered up and all.
That could only be the case were I left-wing :eusa_whistle::eusa_whistle:

Yeah Statist, yer a fucking "moderate" to be sure.

And a demagogue :eusa_whistle::eusa_whistle:

If the Swastika fits, Herr Goebbels... :eusa_whistle::eusa_whistle:

Bet yer lips look real purty when you whistle, all puckered up and all.

Do you put marmalade in your jackboots before you put them on?

Well, now, you kind of redefine stupid, now don't you.

First, on many issues, I am actually more right of center that you realize. Only, you have blinders on.

Second, Goebbels is not my type. He helped to murder 6,000,000 of my people. But feel free to make a total ass out of yourself, you do it all the time, anyway!!!


You should go back and listen to sermons that man gave.

Sermons, Parodies, Hymns And Other Audio From Westboro Baptist Church

Like two hours of railing on about how men stick their penises inside each other and semen and fecal material and you name it.... and he did this shit for HOURS on end. And that was supposed to be a sermon. It is just plain old gross. Really gross.

And how many of the excommunicated family members are gay today? Well, gee, let me guess why...

But I have not heard that he was dying of AIDS. That one is a new one. I suppose it could be, but who in a world would want to stick anything into that man, fer chrissakes.

Brother, I heard it somewhere yesterday on the TV when somebody reported it.

I didn't follow-up to see how true or not it was, and I have no desire to.

However, I'm going to take it as face value until proven otherwise.

They reported on NPR yesterday that he is dying of colon cancer, he was excommunicated from the church because they did not want to pay for his cancer treatment, now the taxpayer is footing the bill.
OK, so it's colon cancer then, not AIDS.

AIDS would have been ironic to put it mildly.
Well, now, you kind of redefine stupid, now don't you.

Not to worry Statist, you remain the authoritative definition of stupid. No one can redefine you.

First, on many issues, I am actually more right of center that you realize. Only, you have blinders on.

Just like RDean and BlindBoo. It's amazing just how conservative the leftists here are, if you only ignore what they post and go by thier claims...

Second, Goebbels is not my type.

He was a demagogue - you know, like you.

He helped to murder 6,000,000 of my people. But feel free to make a total ass out of yourself, you do it all the time, anyway!!!

How does pointing out the fact that you're a demagogue make an ass out of me?

Are you sure you've thought this through, sploogy?
Well, now, you kind of redefine stupid, now don't you.

Not to worry Statist, you remain the authoritative definition of stupid. No one can redefine you.

First, on many issues, I am actually more right of center that you realize. Only, you have blinders on.

Just like RDean and BlindBoo. It's amazing just how conservative the leftists here are, if you only ignore what they post and go by thier claims...

Second, Goebbels is not my type.

He was a demagogue - you know, like you.

He helped to murder 6,000,000 of my people. But feel free to make a total ass out of yourself, you do it all the time, anyway!!!

How does pointing out the fact that you're a demagogue make an ass out of me?

Are you sure you've thought this through, sploogy?

Always nice to see you sinking to a new low, sport. :thup:

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