Fred Phelps, of the Westbro "GOD HATES FAGS" church, dying

Dear [MENTION=31057]JoeB131[/MENTION],

I have three gay friends, one from Ontario, Canada, one here in Athens, and another who lives in Germany. I'm no homophobe, since A) I game frequently with one, B) I worked my last job with the other, and C) I learned a lot of my advanced writing skills from the other, as well as debate skills.

I don't approve of gay marriage, but I'm willing to see past my own intolerance to be kind and understanding to them, and actually befriend a few of them. You really don't know me at all. To tell the truth, I'm more tolerant of homosexuals than you are of Christians. In fact, your hatred is just about as bad as those folks at Westboro. Don't you dare lecture me about homophobia, Joe. Now if you will excuse me, I'd much rather not continue this discussion.



(P.S. Phelps is an evil man, but even he can be redeemed, even if it takes until his dying breath to do so.)


Reminds me of racists who say they don't mind blacks but wouldn't want their sister to marry one and wouldn't want to live next door to one.

Get a clue.

No, you get a clue.

Actually, you know what's more disgusting Luddly? The fact that people of your stripe want nothing more than to be tolerated and for others to be tolerant, yet here you are being intolerant of another viewpoint of another faith. I've explained in more ways than one that I tolerate (key word there) but I don't condone homosexuality. I've also expressed my support for their equal standing in America. Your selective reading holds you hostage from a reality that wants to rescue you.

Also, it's vile to use a race of people as your token puppets. Black people have minds; but alas, you fill them with hatred and intolerance, despite your crusade against the intolerant. You have no standing to lecture me about tolerance and acceptance when you and BD are both unprepared to give it.
Not fair - Boop is my friend and I asked that she cool it and she did.


I had no way of knowing that. Now make sure she has me on her ignore list for real, lest I call her down for lying.

Knock it off and let it go! I've really taken up for you the last few weeks - do you not see that I was on YOUR side?

You can thank me by doing what you were doing earlier - ignoring the garbage.


I plan to. I appreciate your sticking up for me, though.
Joe just can't wrap himself around the fact that there are Christians who are kind and tolerant to homosexuals. His attempts to smear me and my faith speaks more to his hatred of the pious than it does to my supposed hatred of homosexuals.

there are. but the vile, disgusting, gay bashing "gays are going to hell types" are much louder and more visible.

just the way it is

And you're so naive as to judge Christians by one group of extremists? Do you think we tolerate such behavior? How can you sit there and stereotype us like that? Is that not what you liberals hound us about in regards to gays?

Spare me.
I had no way of knowing that. Now make sure she has me on her ignore list for real, lest I call her down for lying.

Knock it off and let it go! I've really taken up for you the last few weeks - do you not see that I was on YOUR side?

You can thank me by doing what you were doing earlier - ignoring the garbage.


I plan to. I appreciate your sticking up for me, though.

No, if you did you would have prevented me from crashing my Cab into a bridge.

Knock it off and let it go! I've really taken up for you the last few weeks - do you not see that I was on YOUR side?

You can thank me by doing what you were doing earlier - ignoring the garbage.


I plan to. I appreciate your sticking up for me, though.

No, if you did you would have prevented me from crashing my Cab into a bridge.


Well, no wonder, you got boozed up during a St Patties day party and decided to go for a drive. I would have been your designated driver and all, but I don't know how to drive!

I hope the morphine drip is turned off soon, this man was evil for what he has done to his family and to hero vets that died to protect his freedom of speech. God does not hate fags, he pities them.

Oh, look who knows what god thinks.

About Phelps ...

Is he still alive?

I just want to know when to send out the party invitations.

About Phelps ...

Is he still alive?

I just want to know when to send out the party invitations.


Join me at the funeral. If he has a public ceremony I'm gonna take a couple days off and head to Topeka to give him and those like him a dose of their own medicine.

Thanks but ain't no way I will ever set foot in Kansasss.

I've been there ... it truly is a god-awful hell hole full of phony christian assholes.

BUT - stop in at Joe's Eats for the pancakes. They'll give you a heart attack on the spot but they're almost worth it.

No, never mind. They're really not that good.

Stay home and have a TV dinner and a couple of Sam Adams beers.
Joe just can't wrap himself around the fact that there are Christians who are kind and tolerant to homosexuals. His attempts to smear me and my faith speaks more to his hatred of the pious than it does to my supposed hatred of homosexuals.

Tolerant doesn't involve long screeds about why you should be able to deny them marriage, and failing that, deny them services.

Tolerant is like, the opposite of that.
Joe just can't wrap himself around the fact that there are Christians who are kind and tolerant to homosexuals. His attempts to smear me and my faith speaks more to his hatred of the pious than it does to my supposed hatred of homosexuals.

Tolerant doesn't involve long screeds about why you should be able to deny them marriage, and failing that, deny them services.

Tolerant is like, the opposite of that.

I guess you aren't tolerant of men and women if you're against polygamy, then.

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