Fred Phelps, of the Westbro "GOD HATES FAGS" church, dying

Dear [MENTION=31057]JoeB131[/MENTION],

I have three gay friends, one from Ontario, Canada, one here in Athens, and another who lives in Germany. I'm no homophobe, since A) I game with one, B) I worked my last job with the other, and C) I learned a lot of my advanced writing skills from the other, as well as debate skills.

I don't approve of gay marriage, but I'm willing to see past my own intolerance to be kind and understanding to them, and actually befriend a few of them. You really don't know me at all. To tell the truth, I'm more tolerant of homosexuals than you are of Christians. In fact, your hatred is just about as bad as those folks at Westboro. Don't you dare lecture me about homophobia, Joe.

Too bad one of your gay friends couldn't teach you how to get a job.

"I'm not bigoted, I have ##### friends." where have I heard that one before? Usually before a stream of bigotry about 'those people'.

Guy, the problem isn't that you aren't being "understanding", the problem is your thinking that what they are doing is wrong because your Magic Sky Fairy says it is. So they don't like having the same kind of sex you do. Get over it.

NOw, for myself, I have good reasons for despising religion.

  • Crusades
  • Witch-BUrnings
  • HOmophobia
  • Suppression of Science
  • Collaboration with the Nazis
  • Sexual Abuse of Children
  • Holy Wars
  • Inquistions

Religion actually did bad stuff that I don't like them for.
Don't you dare lecture me about homophobia, Joe. Now if you will excuse me, I'd much rather not continue this discussion.



(P.S. Phelps is an evil man, but even he can be redeemed, even if it takes until his dying breath to do so.)

Yeah, you usually get your backside whooped when I talk to I can kind of see why you don't want to go there.

Phelps was a scam artist who found a neat scam. unfortunately, some of his marks took it to seriously and excommunicated him.
Personally, I believe in purgatory, and I'm not even Catholic.

The closest thing I believe similar to that is life here on earth on a bad day. All that other crap is just scare tactics to keep the sheep in order and the offering plate full.

Perhaps I could call it Karma. Whatever you do, comes back to you, either in this life, or the next.

I'm in for a world of hurt then. Not enough years left to balance the wrongs I've done.

Anyhow, fuck Fred
Don't you dare lecture me about homophobia, Joe. Now if you will excuse me, I'd much rather not continue this discussion.



(P.S. Phelps is an evil man, but even he can be redeemed, even if it takes until his dying breath to do so.)

Yeah, you usually get your backside whooped when I talk to I can kind of see why you don't want to go there.

Phelps was a scam artist who found a neat scam. unfortunately, some of his marks took it to seriously and excommunicated him.

Dear [MENTION=31057]JoeB131[/MENTION],

I have three gay friends, one from Ontario, Canada, one here in Athens, and another who lives in Germany. I'm no homophobe, since A) I game with one, B) I worked my last job with the other, and C) I learned a lot of my advanced writing skills from the other, as well as debate skills.

I don't approve of gay marriage, but I'm willing to see past my own intolerance to be kind and understanding to them, and actually befriend a few of them. You really don't know me at all. To tell the truth, I'm more tolerant of homosexuals than you are of Christians. In fact, your hatred is just about as bad as those folks at Westboro. Don't you dare lecture me about homophobia, Joe.

Too bad one of your gay friends couldn't teach you how to get a job.

"I'm not bigoted, I have ##### friends." where have I heard that one before? Usually before a stream of bigotry about 'those people'.

Guy, the problem isn't that you aren't being "understanding", the problem is your thinking that what they are doing is wrong because your Magic Sky Fairy says it is. So they don't like having the same kind of sex you do. Get over it.

NOw, for myself, I have good reasons for despising religion.

  • Crusades
  • Witch-BUrnings
  • HOmophobia
  • Suppression of Science
  • Collaboration with the Nazis
  • Sexual Abuse of Children
  • Holy Wars
  • Inquistions

Religion actually did bad stuff that I don't like them for.

Dear [MENTION=31057]JoeB131[/MENTION],

I have three gay friends, one from Ontario, Canada, one here in Athens, and another who lives in Germany. I'm no homophobe, since A) I game frequently with one, B) I worked my last job with the other, and C) I learned a lot of my advanced writing skills from the other, as well as debate skills.

I don't approve of gay marriage, but I'm willing to see past my own intolerance to be kind and understanding to them, and actually befriend a few of them. You really don't know me at all. To tell the truth, I'm more tolerant of homosexuals than you are of Christians. In fact, your hatred is just about as bad as those folks at Westboro. Don't you dare lecture me about homophobia, Joe. Now if you will excuse me, I'd much rather not continue this discussion.



(P.S. Phelps is an evil man, but even he can be redeemed, even if it takes until his dying breath to do so.)

Yeah, bullshit. If THAT were the case, you and I wouldn't have wound up on the outs because you were taking such an ugly, hateful stand towards gays.

Guys, TK is being very respectful and contributing as best as he can.

Maybe It's time to let whatever happened go, already?


The closest thing I believe similar to that is life here on earth on a bad day. All that other crap is just scare tactics to keep the sheep in order and the offering plate full.

Perhaps I could call it Karma. Whatever you do, comes back to you, either in this life, or the next.

I'm in for a world of hurt then. Not enough years left to balance the wrongs I've done.

Anyhow, fuck Fred

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Dear [MENTION=31057]JoeB131[/MENTION],

I have three gay friends, one from Ontario, Canada, one here in Athens, and another who lives in Germany. I'm no homophobe, since A) I game frequently with one, B) I worked my last job with the other, and C) I learned a lot of my advanced writing skills from the other, as well as debate skills.

I don't approve of gay marriage, but I'm willing to see past my own intolerance to be kind and understanding to them, and actually befriend a few of them. You really don't know me at all. To tell the truth, I'm more tolerant of homosexuals than you are of Christians. In fact, your hatred is just about as bad as those folks at Westboro. Don't you dare lecture me about homophobia, Joe. Now if you will excuse me, I'd much rather not continue this discussion.



(P.S. Phelps is an evil man, but even he can be redeemed, even if it takes until his dying breath to do so.)

Yeah, bullshit. If THAT were the case, you and I wouldn't have wound up on the outs because you were taking such an ugly, hateful stand towards gays.

Am I not entitled to my own views as you are yours? Apparently, BD, even my homosexual friends know I'm entitled to my views on their lifestyle. They are also entitled to live however they wish. They don't judge me, I don't judge them. It is a mutual respect we have for one another not to hinder the views and lifestyles of each another. But, it's the temperamental ones, such as yourself and a select few others here whom I have trouble with; who don't seem to mind judging me as a person for what views I hold, but raise hell should I say anything negative about homosexuality.

Frankly I think you (namely people such as you) are hypocritical when it comes to homosexuality. You don't like being hated, but have no trouble hating others who believe differently than you do. It is a colossal double standard which you refuse to address. Liberals and homosexuals use the bully pulpit to force people to tolerate what gays are against their will. Tolerance doesn't come by force, it comes by choice. Thusly, I made that choice 10 years ago.

One of my late uncles was gay. He was murdered 9 years ago. I wanted to meet him, but never got the chance to. So yeah, I was tolerant of homosexuals even in my teenage years, when my neoconservatism was at its peak, and when such homophobia would have reared it's ugly head. I have never mistreated a homosexual in my life, BD. Not once.

I have made it clear multiple times on this board that I advocate equality for gays, not because I support their way of life, but because the Constitution makes it clear as day that they are just as much an American citizen as I am. I advocate their equality in American society, so long as their equality doesn't come at the expense of someone else's. Perhaps you neglected to mention that part?

I will discuss this issue no further with you, since it appears I am way more tolerant, way more willing to see past my hatred to be kind to those I disapprove of than you are. Yeah, how dare I hold a different view from you? How dare I have an opinion!

Good evening, BD.
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Joe just can't wrap himself around the fact that there are Christians who are kind and tolerant to homosexuals. His attempts to smear me and my faith speaks more to his hatred of the pious than it does to my supposed hatred of homosexuals.
I have no love for Fred Phelps, but aren't many of the people in this thread acting EXACTLY the same way he did?

Intolerant to one man is far different than what he did.

I understand people hating the WBC and Fred Phelps.

It's against my religion to wish Ill on a those suffering - no matter the crime they have committed.
I have no love for Fred Phelps, but aren't many of the people in this thread acting EXACTLY the same way he did?

Intolerant to one man is far different than what he did.

I understand people hating the WBC and Fred Phelps.

It's against my religion to wish Ill on a those suffering - no matter the crime they have committed.

I have no religion. If there is a public funeral I will be there holding a sign that says god hates assholes and it will be colored in a mocking manner just like his signs were.
Intolerant to one man is far different than what he did.

I understand people hating the WBC and Fred Phelps.

It's against my religion to wish Ill on a those suffering - no matter the crime they have committed.

I have no religion. If there is a public funeral I will be there holding a sign that says god hates assholes and it will be colored in a mocking manner just like his signs were.

Hey - free speech!

Okay, turnabout, fair play, all that. TK is on ignore, MC won't have to defend his sorry ass anymore.

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