Free At Last!


Gold Member
Feb 8, 2015
Yo, this says it all, the Socialist Progressive Democrats still standing in the way!!! Kim Davis is Free at last!

The judge ordered her released and to not interfere with the marriage licenses being issued. End of story.
Oh and since ONLY the legislature can take her name off the licenses ALL these licenses being issued are null and void. :) Even the dumbest libtard can understand that.
The gay advocates have and will win this fight. Rule of law is what it is. I truly enjoy seeing them get outraged haha....but...I always side with law and order. The same supreme court that ruled cops can use deadly force when threatened....has said gays can marry. Rule of law.

Government employees cannot violate or ignore the law. Especially when it affects others.

Forcing preachers and private business to cater...however...another story.
The gay advocates have and will win this fight. Rule of law is what it is. I truly enjoy seeing them get outraged haha....but...I always side with law and order. The same supreme court that ruled cops can use deadly force when threatened....has said gays can marry. Rule of law.

Government employees cannot violate or ignore the law. Especially when it affects others.

Forcing preachers and private business to cater...however...another story.
Thing is SC can't make laws all they can do decide if law is constitutional or not. She is disobeying NO LAW.
I think I heard the judge said that she can't stop her deputies from continuing to issue licenses.

What's he gonna do? Throw her back in jail? :D That didn't work the first time and won't work the next time!
They've been issuing licenses since she's been in the pokie. I assume this means the issuing will continue whether she likes it or not.
Wish her fellow Dimocrats that refuse to enforce immigration laws in sanctuary cities would also be thrown in jail.
I think I heard the judge said that she can't stop her deputies from continuing to issue licenses.

What's he gonna do? Throw her back in jail? :D That didn't work the first time and won't work the next time!
They've been issuing licenses since she's been in the pokie. I assume this means the issuing will continue whether she likes it or not.
And as anyone should know there is an elected person that has to approve these and she does not and ONLY the legislature can make it legally binding that her name come off and they be legally binding licenses. She is the elected official she is the final say so on marriage licenses in that county not her deputies. Who BTW she can fire :D

Kim Davis released, barred from interfering with licenses -

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