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Free birth control

You're a man so you probably don't know that not all birth control pills are the same.

The pills you want all women to buy because they're cheap would have killed me and the millions of women like me who have or had reproductive conditions.

Millions of women are on the pill not for birth control but because they have a problem in their reproductive organs. Such as endometriosis or ovarian cysts and other problems women face that the pill is the easiest and least expensive way to deal with those problems.

The thing is, the pills at target that are 9 dollars won't work for real problems in reproductive organs.

On top of the fact that the pills at Target need a prescription. Which the only way to get that is to go see a doctor. Doctor's don't see people who don't have insurance so red states that didn't accept Obamacare still have very high rates of uninsured people. Those people can't go to a doctor's office so they rely on Planned Parenthood. When you take away a woman's only source of getting those pills you end up with unplanned pregnancies and abortions.

Pills at Target for 9 dollars mean nothing and are useless to women who can't get that prescription which is all of those who go to Planned Parenthood.

So what percentage of women can't use that kind of pill? I'd be willing to bet very few. And if they can't afford a doctors visit to get any kind of birth control, how do they afford abortions if PP only has a very small percentage of clients that use their abortion services?

I don't have prescription coverage. I pay for all my medical supplies with cash; a couple hundred bucks every month. So my question is, do you think that if we taxpayers are to provide the public with medical anything, don't you think that diabetes should be more important than providing for women that can't keep their legs closed? After all, if I can't afford my insulin, I simply die. To afford my medical supplies, I have to go to work everyday and make the money to afford those supplies. Unlike birth control, it's really not an option for me.
I can see mandating birth control for those on welfare. Have another kid after you sign up and lose your free ride.
That would go far, and since its left as a choice, there is nothing mandatory about it.

If it were up to me, anybody applying for assistance wouldn't get one red cent until they were fixed first.
trick question for the left.
if the box of condoms is cheaper, why dont more leeches use them?
answer, the fact that more kids means more money coming in.
why does it always fall on someone else paying for peoples mistakes. When will self responsibility ever be a thing?

When you leave the Democrat party.
You do realize you don't have to spend a dime on birth control when you simply don't have sex when you don't want a child, right?

If society just listened to the Lord when He warns us of being unchaste we would wipe out unwed pregnancies and STDs within a generation

And back in the real world, WE WANT SEX.... why shouldn't people have sex? Oh, yeah, let's make up some crap about God not wanting people to have sex, yet you claim God made us all, and therefore made us want to have sex. Does anyone get that contradiction?
Welcome back to the real world. "WE" also, love to have sex. No one is stopping anyone from having sex.

Let's make up some crap about your desire to engage in your profligacy at the expense of everyone else when you acquire an unwanted pregnancy, or an STD and expect those you vilify to accept your demands to support you till you secumb to the repercussions of the decisions that you make.

Fuck all you want.

At who's expense?
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You're a man so you probably don't know that not all birth control pills are the same.

The pills you want all women to buy because they're cheap would have killed me and the millions of women like me who have or had reproductive conditions.

Millions of women are on the pill not for birth control but because they have a problem in their reproductive organs. Such as endometriosis or ovarian cysts and other problems women face that the pill is the easiest and least expensive way to deal with those problems.

The thing is, the pills at target that are 9 dollars won't work for real problems in reproductive organs.

On top of the fact that the pills at Target need a prescription. Which the only way to get that is to go see a doctor. Doctor's don't see people who don't have insurance so red states that didn't accept Obamacare still have very high rates of uninsured people. Those people can't go to a doctor's office so they rely on Planned Parenthood. When you take away a woman's only source of getting those pills you end up with unplanned pregnancies and abortions.

Pills at Target for 9 dollars mean nothing and are useless to women who can't get that prescription which is all of those who go to Planned Parenthood.

So what percentage of women can't use that kind of pill? I'd be willing to bet very few. And if they can't afford a doctors visit to get any kind of birth control, how do they afford abortions if PP only has a very small percentage of clients that use their abortion services?

I don't have prescription coverage. I pay for all my medical supplies with cash; a couple hundred bucks every month. So my question is, do you think that if we taxpayers are to provide the public with medical anything, don't you think that diabetes should be more important than providing for women that can't keep their legs closed? After all, if I can't afford my insulin, I simply die. To afford my medical supplies, I have to go to work everyday and make the money to afford those supplies. Unlike birth control, it's really not an option for me.

There are a lot of people who need birth control and it's not an option.

I was one of them. I nearly died from a cyst on my ovary rupturing. I didn't have insurance so I didn't go see a doctor so my ovary and tube became infected and I nearly died.

Without those pills I would have put my life at risk and I had no choice.

My insurance paid for it because it was for a medical condition.

There are millions of women like me. Those 9 dollar pills will not work on women who have real medical conditions that can kill them.

As for women who can't pay for a doctor's visit but you say they pay for abortions, no they don't.

I donate to Planned Parenthoods abortion fund. I also donate to another organization whose only business is to pay for abortions for women who can't afford them themselves.

Then there are states like mine that use their state tax dollars to pay for abortions for any reason for those who are on medicaid.

Then there are the women who were raped, who are survivors of incest or the pregnancy will kill them whose abortions are paid with federal medicaid dollars.

Poor women in red conservative states don't have insurance because their republican politicians refused to join Obamacare. It's a very well known fact that no doctor will give an appointment to anyone who doesn't have a way to pay for their services so poor and low income women are locked out of doctor's offices. Which is the ONLY place to get those prescriptions that are REQUIRED to get that 9 dollar birth control.

It's useless to anyone who doesn't have insurance and those are the ones who go to Planned Parenthood. When you close those doors you're denying very much needed health care to people who don't have the money to pay for their health care.

You might have a job that pays you enough to pay for your medical supplies. But women who make minimum wage don't. They rely on Planned Parenthood and other organizations like that to get their much needed health care and birth control.

Just because you can pay for your medical supplies doesn't mean everyone can.

But you know that fact and you choose to ignore it.
trick question for the left.
if the box of condoms is cheaper, why dont more leeches use them?
answer, the fact that more kids means more money coming in.
why does it always fall on someone else paying for peoples mistakes. When will self responsibility ever be a thing?

When you leave the Democrat party.
Don't include me in the democrats. I pay my way through life.
trick question for the left.
if the box of condoms is cheaper, why dont more leeches use them?
answer, the fact that more kids means more money coming in.
why does it always fall on someone else paying for peoples mistakes. When will self responsibility ever be a thing?

When you leave the Democrat party.
Don't include me in the democrats. I pay my way through life.
WTF are you talking about, brainwashed functional moron?
Ay caramba.
I don't really see people on the left blaming anyone for the jobs going abroad. I see those on the right/

But yes, it's the people who decide, free market and all that, but those in favor of free market when it's good for the economy etc can be against the free market when it goes against them, which is rather strange.

Oh come on. People on the left constantly blame Republicans for the job loss. Lies like tax breaks for companies that move jobs overseas is the most common.

In our economic system, our people want cheap products, good paying jobs, and a strong stock market with rapid growth. You can't have all three. We had to pick one.

Well, we don't want to pay higher prices, so we don't support good paying jobs. We certainly don't want to support unions anymore either. The stock market is no longer for the wealthy. Many of us have personal investments in the market or at the very least, our retirement plans, so we don't want to give that up either. Social Security doesn't pay squat.

So we chose cheaper products. With cheaper products, we lose jobs overseas and we keep our stock market making money.

Maybe they do, I just don't see it, I don't really talk to people on the left.

I understand why all of this happens, and I feel it's rather ridiculous to demand extremely low wage manufacturing jobs stay in the US. But then people always feel the need to be partisan and pick up on stuff and hammer it for more than it's worth.
trick question for the left.
if the box of condoms is cheaper, why dont more leeches use them?
answer, the fact that more kids means more money coming in.
why does it always fall on someone else paying for peoples mistakes. When will self responsibility ever be a thing?

When you leave the Democrat party.
Don't include me in the democrats. I pay my way through life.
WTF are you talking about, brainwashed functional moron?
Ay caramba.
you should be a little nicer to the people that pay you to exist.
Perhaps kissing my ass would be a good start?

They did it in Colorado, seems it reduced abortions, reduced unwanted pregnancies, reduced healthcare spending etc.

"According to a study published in October 2014, unintended pregnancies dropped in the state by 40 percent from 2009-2013, and abortion fell by 42 percent over the same period."

"The program saved the state millions in public health coverage for unintended pregnancies, further proving the well-known fact that preventative care is cost-effective and sensible health policy."

Question, what did Republicans do to a program that saves money, reduces problems, and reduces abortion?

"Colorado Republicans succeeded in shooting it down, leaving the program in peril."

The question is, WHY???? Why would someone take something that WORKS on many levels and destroy it just so they can go around preaching their nonsense to others? They want to stop abortion, well this reduces abortion, but without abortion they've got nothing to get people hysterical about, so no one would vote for them if abortion isn't an issue.

How about mandating birth control to people below a certain income level? That will turn ACLU and liberals into pro lifers real fast.

How about not?

Though apparently the world is getting more stupid because the idiots are breeding more than the intelligent people.
You do realize you don't have to spend a dime on birth control when you simply don't have sex when you don't want a child, right?

If society just listened to the Lord when He warns us of being unchaste we would wipe out unwed pregnancies and STDs within a generation

And back in the real world, WE WANT SEX.... why shouldn't people have sex? Oh, yeah, let's make up some crap about God not wanting people to have sex, yet you claim God made us all, and therefore made us want to have sex. Does anyone get that contradiction?
Welcome back to the real world. "WE" also, love to have sex. No one is stopping anyone from having sex.

Let's make up some crap about your desire to engage in your profligacy at the expense of everyone else when you acquire an unwanted pregnancy, or an STD and expect those you vilify to accept your demands to support you till you secumb to the repercussions of the decisions that you make.

Fuck all you want.

At who's expense?

I didn't say anyone was stopping anyone having sex. I was referring to someone who was being all religious and go on about how people should not have sex.

At whose expense? That's all people care about isn't it? You'd rather fork out money for having people locked up rather than programs that make these people functioning members of society because you feel you're paying for something you shouldn't, but you'll pay for people to rot in prison cells because it makes you feel good.

You'll pay for the costs of unwanted children, like prison, more police, more judges, more social workers and so on, rather than pay for things that work that actually stop the problem before it's begun.

Now, I just don't get it. Why anyone would want to pay MORE for a WORSE society, just so they can say "I'm not paying for that".
You do realize you don't have to spend a dime on birth control when you simply don't have sex when you don't want a child, right?

If society just listened to the Lord when He warns us of being unchaste we would wipe out unwed pregnancies and STDs within a generation

And back in the real world, WE WANT SEX.... why shouldn't people have sex? Oh, yeah, let's make up some crap about God not wanting people to have sex, yet you claim God made us all, and therefore made us want to have sex. Does anyone get that contradiction?
Welcome back to the real world. "WE" also, love to have sex. No one is stopping anyone from having sex.

Let's make up some crap about your desire to engage in your profligacy at the expense of everyone else when you acquire an unwanted pregnancy, or an STD and expect those you vilify to accept your demands to support you till you secumb to the repercussions of the decisions that you make.

Fuck all you want.

At who's expense?

I didn't say anyone was stopping anyone having sex. I was referring to someone who was being all religious and go on about how people should not have sex.

At whose expense? That's all people care about isn't it? You'd rather fork out money for having people locked up rather than programs that make these people functioning members of society because you feel you're paying for something you shouldn't, but you'll pay for people to rot in prison cells because it makes you feel good.

You'll pay for the costs of unwanted children, like prison, more police, more judges, more social workers and so on, rather than pay for things that work that actually stop the problem before it's begun.

Now, I just don't get it. Why anyone would want to pay MORE for a WORSE society, just so they can say "I'm not paying for that".
The problem is that we continue to pay more and it has not gotten better. It has only gotten worse.

I don't want to have to pay more for unwanted children, prisons, police, judges or social workers, etc. But we do.

Those making these decisions are not taking the necessary precautions and demand society pay for their profligacy. Responsibility starts with the individual.

The whole point is the expectation that everything is "free." None of it is free.

Helping these people is not my complaint. It is the desire that since we are helping them for "free" then the expectations are that everything else should be free as well.

All I am asking is that the effort be made to be a productive member of society and help offset the expense by not being so profligate.

Birth control has been basically free since I can remember.

Birth control and a box of condoms don't work unless you use them.
so you agree that its all a waste and should not be paid for through taxpayer dollars?
Um no. Tax payer dollars from millions of people collectively pay for it.
what if the majority of those millions dont care to pay for someone to sit on their ass and be paid for being a nonproductive drain on society.
Unless wages can drastically increase, we have no choice but to accept the responsibility to take care of people who have NO CHOICE but to live in poverty. Also, how do we take care of the disabled exactly? The developmentally disabled for instance have no income of their own.

Their living in poverty doesn't have anything to do with their choice to have sex. That means if the person chooses to do so, it's THEIR responsibility to fund anything and everything associate with that choice.

Here's a way to increase wages drastically. Increase your skills drastically. People do it all the time.
Everything is a simple, perfect solution to you isn't it? Yeah they just learn new skills. Yeah sure. Never mind the fact that they are too poor to go to school to learn new skills. Of course even if they did, there is no guarantee they would get a skilled job that paid well because even most skilled jobs still pay shit. 18 million people make less than 10 per hour. How many more millions do you think make less than 15? Many of those skilled jobs are still below 15 per hour.

EVERY person had the chance to go to school through the 12th grade, rich and poor alike.

There is a local technical college where I live where people can go and receive all sorts of certifications/licenses/degrees that teach skills for jobs that pay very well. Most Associate degree programs require a total of somewhere between 60 - 70 hours. Looking at the tuition/fees matrix, because lottery money goes heavily to technical schools, earning such a degree has a total cost of approximately $7000 If the person lives in a neighboring county, the total costs goes up to $8000 because a portion of the property taxes in then county go to the school. That sounds like a worthwhile investment if some TRULY wants to better him/herself.

If someone makes less than $10/hour, the job they are doing doesn't require very many skills. Your answer seems to be to simply pay them more for little to no skills.
Trick question for the RW: Which costs less, a box of condoms or feeding and clothing and educating and providing Medicaid for a child for 18 years?

Think hard, now.

Irrelevant. It's cheaper on ME to let those making the choice to have sex fund anything and everything associated with it.

But that's not how it works, is it? And you'd rather piss into the wind than take the intelligent route like the people of Colorado.

You'll claim to be anti-abortion, but actually do something to lower the rate of abortion? Your answer is the same as it is to everything "Not my problem."

Except it is. And if every state followed Colorado's lead, what would you have to howl about?

It's how it works when pieces of shit like you take the honorable route. Since you're nothing more than a waste of oxygen, I don't expect you to take it.

Other people's choices aren't my problem. They made the choice, they pay the price.

I can promise my State won't take that route. I suspect you support socialized medicine. Someone unwilling to do for himself expects others to provide for him. You're not worth the investment. No return because you have no value to society.
O-Care has free BC now. Actually it's cheaper than free for all the medical and welfare etc savings...idiot hater dupe.

The cheapest way to go is to let those who have the kids pay for them and those who use the BC buy them. Why, to you lefties, is it always expecting someone else to provide you with what you should provide yourself.
You're a man so you probably don't know that not all birth control pills are the same.

The pills you want all women to buy because they're cheap would have killed me and the millions of women like me who have or had reproductive conditions.

Millions of women are on the pill not for birth control but because they have a problem in their reproductive organs. Such as endometriosis or ovarian cysts and other problems women face that the pill is the easiest and least expensive way to deal with those problems.

The thing is, the pills at target that are 9 dollars won't work for real problems in reproductive organs.

On top of the fact that the pills at Target need a prescription. Which the only way to get that is to go see a doctor. Doctor's don't see people who don't have insurance so red states that didn't accept Obamacare still have very high rates of uninsured people. Those people can't go to a doctor's office so they rely on Planned Parenthood. When you take away a woman's only source of getting those pills you end up with unplanned pregnancies and abortions.

Pills at Target for 9 dollars mean nothing and are useless to women who can't get that prescription which is all of those who go to Planned Parenthood.

So what percentage of women can't use that kind of pill? I'd be willing to bet very few. And if they can't afford a doctors visit to get any kind of birth control, how do they afford abortions if PP only has a very small percentage of clients that use their abortion services?

I don't have prescription coverage. I pay for all my medical supplies with cash; a couple hundred bucks every month. So my question is, do you think that if we taxpayers are to provide the public with medical anything, don't you think that diabetes should be more important than providing for women that can't keep their legs closed? After all, if I can't afford my insulin, I simply die. To afford my medical supplies, I have to go to work everyday and make the money to afford those supplies. Unlike birth control, it's really not an option for me.

There are a lot of people who need birth control and it's not an option.

I was one of them. I nearly died from a cyst on my ovary rupturing. I didn't have insurance so I didn't go see a doctor so my ovary and tube became infected and I nearly died.

Without those pills I would have put my life at risk and I had no choice.

My insurance paid for it because it was for a medical condition.

There are millions of women like me. Those 9 dollar pills will not work on women who have real medical conditions that can kill them.

As for women who can't pay for a doctor's visit but you say they pay for abortions, no they don't.

I donate to Planned Parenthoods abortion fund. I also donate to another organization whose only business is to pay for abortions for women who can't afford them themselves.

Then there are states like mine that use their state tax dollars to pay for abortions for any reason for those who are on medicaid.

Then there are the women who were raped, who are survivors of incest or the pregnancy will kill them whose abortions are paid with federal medicaid dollars.

Poor women in red conservative states don't have insurance because their republican politicians refused to join Obamacare. It's a very well known fact that no doctor will give an appointment to anyone who doesn't have a way to pay for their services so poor and low income women are locked out of doctor's offices. Which is the ONLY place to get those prescriptions that are REQUIRED to get that 9 dollar birth control.

It's useless to anyone who doesn't have insurance and those are the ones who go to Planned Parenthood. When you close those doors you're denying very much needed health care to people who don't have the money to pay for their health care.

You might have a job that pays you enough to pay for your medical supplies. But women who make minimum wage don't. They rely on Planned Parenthood and other organizations like that to get their much needed health care and birth control.

Just because you can pay for your medical supplies doesn't mean everyone can.

But you know that fact and you choose to ignore it.
You are handicapped?
Trick question for the RW: Which costs less, a box of condoms or feeding and clothing and educating and providing Medicaid for a child for 18 years?

Think hard, now.

Irrelevant. It's cheaper on ME to let those making the choice to have sex fund anything and everything associated with it.

But that's not how it works, is it? And you'd rather piss into the wind than take the intelligent route like the people of Colorado.

You'll claim to be anti-abortion, but actually do something to lower the rate of abortion? Your answer is the same as it is to everything "Not my problem."

Except it is. And if every state followed Colorado's lead, what would you have to howl about?

It's how it works when pieces of shit like you take the honorable route. Since you're nothing more than a waste of oxygen, I don't expect you to take it.

Other people's choices aren't my problem. They made the choice, they pay the price.

I can promise my State won't take that route. I suspect you support socialized medicine. Someone unwilling to do for himself expects others to provide for him. You're not worth the investment. No return because you have no value to society.
O-Care has free BC now. Actually it's cheaper than free for all the medical and welfare etc savings...idiot hater dupe.
with all the companies dropping out of that scam, it wont be long until sanity is restored in the health insurance industry.
But, lets just say it is covered for free. This tells me that there is no more need to fund those that keep having babies when they cant afford to pay for them.

I've already asked one of the entitlement Liberals that if BC was supplied for free and the woman still chose to have the baby, does that mean we don't have to pay to support her. The answer, as I expected, was that we still should provide support. In the end, Liberals want people to be able to make choices without having to be responsible for any of the results or costs of them.

They did it in Colorado, seems it reduced abortions, reduced unwanted pregnancies, reduced healthcare spending etc.

"According to a study published in October 2014, unintended pregnancies dropped in the state by 40 percent from 2009-2013, and abortion fell by 42 percent over the same period."

"The program saved the state millions in public health coverage for unintended pregnancies, further proving the well-known fact that preventative care is cost-effective and sensible health policy."

Question, what did Republicans do to a program that saves money, reduces problems, and reduces abortion?

"Colorado Republicans succeeded in shooting it down, leaving the program in peril."

The question is, WHY???? Why would someone take something that WORKS on many levels and destroy it just so they can go around preaching their nonsense to others? They want to stop abortion, well this reduces abortion, but without abortion they've got nothing to get people hysterical about, so no one would vote for them if abortion isn't an issue.

How about mandating birth control to people below a certain income level? That will turn ACLU and liberals into pro lifers real fast.
I can see mandating birth control for those on welfare. Have another kid after you sign up and lose your free ride.
That would go far, and since its left as a choice, there is nothing mandatory about it.

No one is mandating they take it they just have to agree to conditions if it's given to them.
Women want to be treated as irresponsible animals. Abortion and contraception are like spay and neuter dogs and cats. Naturally no one expects the dogs and cats to pay. They don't decide to have sex. It just happens as part of an uncontrollable urge. Women want to be considered the same.

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