Free birth control

Condoms are cheap -- not quite free but almost.
Beats a medical bill too.
Condoms are inconvenient, but worth it if they did not reduce the natural in/out pleasure.
However, if not used because of the hassle or pleasure reduction, then condoms are a waste.
Yes actually. There has been no spending growth under Obama. He was spending at the same rate Bush was. Bush's tax cuts are what fucked up the debt in both administrations.

Our defense budget is more expensive than all of our allies combined. We have useless Warcraft being churned out because republicans are stupid. We have useless bases in Europe.

So your solution to the debt is to get rid of Medicaid and Medicare huh? We should just let the poor, disabled, and senior citizens just die from no healthcare huh? Brilliant.

The debt under Obama is his, boy.

And you point about military spending is? Like I said, you argument centers around you not liking the amount. That falls under tough shit.

Medicare and Medicaid aren't the same thing. People on Medicare actually put something into the pot from which they draws. People on Medicaid don't.

If poor, etc. aren't getting what you think they need, that's on you. You think one person deserves healthcare forcibly funded by someone else. Prove to me you care by finding all the poor people you can and providing them with whatever you think they deserve. The only thing si you have to do it with your money not mine.
We live in an economy where low wage jobs greatly outnumber higher paying jobs. That means our high poverty rate is inevitable. What else can we do but provide welfare healthcare?

I already explained what can be done. If you think someone that doesn't have healthcare should have it, write a check on their behalf using money from the Billy000 account. YOU keep saying something should happen but the only solution you have to pay for it is to force OTHERS to do it. If you cared, you'd do it for anyone you felt deserved it and stop bothering the rest of us to pay for what YOU want.
It really wouldn't matter if I wrote a check actually. I could write the biggest check I could and it still wouldn't fix the overall problem would it?

So, you're one of those that says something should be done yet you are unable to do it yourself? Typical of your bleeding heart kind expecting others to do what you aren't capable of doing. Until you can, stop expecting others to do it your way.
You're such a doofus. Even if I was a millionaire and wrote a fat 2 million dollar check to our nation's poorest, it wouldn't even make a dent in the problem. How hard is this to figure out?
The debt under Obama is his, boy.

And you point about military spending is? Like I said, you argument centers around you not liking the amount. That falls under tough shit.

Medicare and Medicaid aren't the same thing. People on Medicare actually put something into the pot from which they draws. People on Medicaid don't.

If poor, etc. aren't getting what you think they need, that's on you. You think one person deserves healthcare forcibly funded by someone else. Prove to me you care by finding all the poor people you can and providing them with whatever you think they deserve. The only thing si you have to do it with your money not mine.
We live in an economy where low wage jobs greatly outnumber higher paying jobs. That means our high poverty rate is inevitable. What else can we do but provide welfare healthcare?

I already explained what can be done. If you think someone that doesn't have healthcare should have it, write a check on their behalf using money from the Billy000 account. YOU keep saying something should happen but the only solution you have to pay for it is to force OTHERS to do it. If you cared, you'd do it for anyone you felt deserved it and stop bothering the rest of us to pay for what YOU want.
It really wouldn't matter if I wrote a check actually. I could write the biggest check I could and it still wouldn't fix the overall problem would it?

So, you're one of those that says something should be done yet you are unable to do it yourself? Typical of your bleeding heart kind expecting others to do what you aren't capable of doing. Until you can, stop expecting others to do it your way.
You're such a doofus. Even if I was a millionaire and wrote a fat 2 million dollar check to our nation's poorest, it wouldn't even make a dent in the problem. How hard is this to figure out?
so you agree that its all a waste and should not be paid for through taxpayer dollars?
We live in an economy where low wage jobs greatly outnumber higher paying jobs. That means our high poverty rate is inevitable. What else can we do but provide welfare healthcare?

I already explained what can be done. If you think someone that doesn't have healthcare should have it, write a check on their behalf using money from the Billy000 account. YOU keep saying something should happen but the only solution you have to pay for it is to force OTHERS to do it. If you cared, you'd do it for anyone you felt deserved it and stop bothering the rest of us to pay for what YOU want.
It really wouldn't matter if I wrote a check actually. I could write the biggest check I could and it still wouldn't fix the overall problem would it?

So, you're one of those that says something should be done yet you are unable to do it yourself? Typical of your bleeding heart kind expecting others to do what you aren't capable of doing. Until you can, stop expecting others to do it your way.
You're such a doofus. Even if I was a millionaire and wrote a fat 2 million dollar check to our nation's poorest, it wouldn't even make a dent in the problem. How hard is this to figure out?
so you agree that its all a waste and should not be paid for through taxpayer dollars?
Um no. Tax payer dollars from millions of people collectively pay for it.
I already explained what can be done. If you think someone that doesn't have healthcare should have it, write a check on their behalf using money from the Billy000 account. YOU keep saying something should happen but the only solution you have to pay for it is to force OTHERS to do it. If you cared, you'd do it for anyone you felt deserved it and stop bothering the rest of us to pay for what YOU want.
It really wouldn't matter if I wrote a check actually. I could write the biggest check I could and it still wouldn't fix the overall problem would it?

So, you're one of those that says something should be done yet you are unable to do it yourself? Typical of your bleeding heart kind expecting others to do what you aren't capable of doing. Until you can, stop expecting others to do it your way.
You're such a doofus. Even if I was a millionaire and wrote a fat 2 million dollar check to our nation's poorest, it wouldn't even make a dent in the problem. How hard is this to figure out?
so you agree that its all a waste and should not be paid for through taxpayer dollars?
Um no. Tax payer dollars from millions of people collectively pay for it.
what if the majority of those millions dont care to pay for someone to sit on their ass and be paid for being a nonproductive drain on society.
It really wouldn't matter if I wrote a check actually. I could write the biggest check I could and it still wouldn't fix the overall problem would it?

So, you're one of those that says something should be done yet you are unable to do it yourself? Typical of your bleeding heart kind expecting others to do what you aren't capable of doing. Until you can, stop expecting others to do it your way.
You're such a doofus. Even if I was a millionaire and wrote a fat 2 million dollar check to our nation's poorest, it wouldn't even make a dent in the problem. How hard is this to figure out?
so you agree that its all a waste and should not be paid for through taxpayer dollars?
Um no. Tax payer dollars from millions of people collectively pay for it.
what if the majority of those millions dont care to pay for someone to sit on their ass and be paid for being a nonproductive drain on society.
Unless wages can drastically increase, we have no choice but to accept the responsibility to take care of people who have NO CHOICE but to live in poverty. Also, how do we take care of the disabled exactly? The developmentally disabled for instance have no income of their own.
So, you're one of those that says something should be done yet you are unable to do it yourself? Typical of your bleeding heart kind expecting others to do what you aren't capable of doing. Until you can, stop expecting others to do it your way.
You're such a doofus. Even if I was a millionaire and wrote a fat 2 million dollar check to our nation's poorest, it wouldn't even make a dent in the problem. How hard is this to figure out?
so you agree that its all a waste and should not be paid for through taxpayer dollars?
Um no. Tax payer dollars from millions of people collectively pay for it.
what if the majority of those millions dont care to pay for someone to sit on their ass and be paid for being a nonproductive drain on society.
Unless wages can drastically increase, we have no choice but to accept the responsibility to take care of people who have NO CHOICE but to live in poverty. Also, how do we take care of the disabled exactly? The developmentally disabled for instance have no income of their own.
Why should I have no choice? I take care of my family, I dont expect others to do that for me.
as far as the disabled, put them somewhere to live, not in public housing, like an institution where they can learn some skills. And considering that, why dont their families pay for their needs.
the left in this country has no level of responsibility for their actions. its always up to someone else to pay for their fuck ups.
You're such a doofus. Even if I was a millionaire and wrote a fat 2 million dollar check to our nation's poorest, it wouldn't even make a dent in the problem. How hard is this to figure out?
so you agree that its all a waste and should not be paid for through taxpayer dollars?
Um no. Tax payer dollars from millions of people collectively pay for it.
what if the majority of those millions dont care to pay for someone to sit on their ass and be paid for being a nonproductive drain on society.
Unless wages can drastically increase, we have no choice but to accept the responsibility to take care of people who have NO CHOICE but to live in poverty. Also, how do we take care of the disabled exactly? The developmentally disabled for instance have no income of their own.
Why should I have no choice? I take care of my family, I dont expect others to do that for me.
as far as the disabled, put them somewhere to live, not in public housing, like an institution where they can learn some skills. And considering that, why dont their families pay for their needs.
the left in this country has no level of responsibility for their actions. its always up to someone else to pay for their fuck ups.
"Fucking up" has become a minor contributer to poverty in this country. The real problem is a lack of decent paying jobs. That's what you aren't getting. Also, what services you described should be for DD people is what they already get. The condition of state funding for those institutions is that those individuals learn independence and new skills. Of course given their disabililty and varying severity it, they will ALWAYS be dependent on some level. They will always need Medicare because they can never get a job that could support themselves. Beyond that, families of these people usually do not want the burden of taking care of them for their whole lives.
so you agree that its all a waste and should not be paid for through taxpayer dollars?
Um no. Tax payer dollars from millions of people collectively pay for it.
what if the majority of those millions dont care to pay for someone to sit on their ass and be paid for being a nonproductive drain on society.
Unless wages can drastically increase, we have no choice but to accept the responsibility to take care of people who have NO CHOICE but to live in poverty. Also, how do we take care of the disabled exactly? The developmentally disabled for instance have no income of their own.
Why should I have no choice? I take care of my family, I dont expect others to do that for me.
as far as the disabled, put them somewhere to live, not in public housing, like an institution where they can learn some skills. And considering that, why dont their families pay for their needs.
the left in this country has no level of responsibility for their actions. its always up to someone else to pay for their fuck ups.
"Fucking up" has become a minor contributer to poverty in this country. The real problem is a lack of decent paying jobs. That's what you aren't getting. Also, what services you described should be for DD people is what they already get. The condition of state funding for those institutions is that those individuals learn independence and new skills. Of course given their disabililty and varying severity it, they will ALWAYS be dependent on some level. They will always need Medicare because they can never get a job that could support themselves. Beyond that, families of these people usually do not want the burden of taking care of them for their whole lives.
maybe if the liberals would stop overtaxing business, the jobs would not be heading out of the country. You can never get ahead by raising labor costs, it only is passed on to the consumer, this leaves the standard of living the same for the lower income people.
As far as those families not wanting to take care of their own? FUCK THEM, take care of them or let them die, stop passing the bills to the taxpayer.

They did it in Colorado, seems it reduced abortions, reduced unwanted pregnancies, reduced healthcare spending etc.

"According to a study published in October 2014, unintended pregnancies dropped in the state by 40 percent from 2009-2013, and abortion fell by 42 percent over the same period."

"The program saved the state millions in public health coverage for unintended pregnancies, further proving the well-known fact that preventative care is cost-effective and sensible health policy."

Question, what did Republicans do to a program that saves money, reduces problems, and reduces abortion?

"Colorado Republicans succeeded in shooting it down, leaving the program in peril."

The question is, WHY???? Why would someone take something that WORKS on many levels and destroy it just so they can go around preaching their nonsense to others? They want to stop abortion, well this reduces abortion, but without abortion they've got nothing to get people hysterical about, so no one would vote for them if abortion isn't an issue.

This is just another example of what I've been saying for a very long time.

The republicans never cared about any fetus. All they care about is using abortion to get campaign contributions and votes.

It's never been about abortion. It's never been about Planned Parenthood.

It's been about two things, money and votes.

The real reason they want to close down Planned Parenthood is because they prevent abortions by making reliable birth control available to women.

Only 3% of Planned Parenthood's business is abortions. The other 97% is various other medical and health services.

Such as BIRTH CONTROL. The republicans want to make it impossible for women to get reliable birth control then they want to make it impossible to terminate a pregnancy thus forcing women to give birth to children they don't want nor can care for.

They know they can't legally deny women birth control so they use the abortion issue to close down medical facilities that provide low cost or free reliable birth control to women who don't have insurance and can't afford to see a doctor in an office to get the prescription and pay for birth control.

If the republicans were really serious about wanting to stop abortion they would be the first ones doing all they can to make sure that reliable birth control is free and available to all who want it.

The republicans do the exact opposite. Some have even gone to court to be able to deny insurance coverage of birth control.

It's all a lie and I for one am extremely sick of it.
Um no. Tax payer dollars from millions of people collectively pay for it.
what if the majority of those millions dont care to pay for someone to sit on their ass and be paid for being a nonproductive drain on society.
Unless wages can drastically increase, we have no choice but to accept the responsibility to take care of people who have NO CHOICE but to live in poverty. Also, how do we take care of the disabled exactly? The developmentally disabled for instance have no income of their own.
Why should I have no choice? I take care of my family, I dont expect others to do that for me.
as far as the disabled, put them somewhere to live, not in public housing, like an institution where they can learn some skills. And considering that, why dont their families pay for their needs.
the left in this country has no level of responsibility for their actions. its always up to someone else to pay for their fuck ups.
"Fucking up" has become a minor contributer to poverty in this country. The real problem is a lack of decent paying jobs. That's what you aren't getting. Also, what services you described should be for DD people is what they already get. The condition of state funding for those institutions is that those individuals learn independence and new skills. Of course given their disabililty and varying severity it, they will ALWAYS be dependent on some level. They will always need Medicare because they can never get a job that could support themselves. Beyond that, families of these people usually do not want the burden of taking care of them for their whole lives.
maybe if the liberals would stop overtaxing business, the jobs would not be heading out of the country. You can never get ahead by raising labor costs, it only is passed on to the consumer, this leaves the standard of living the same for the lower income people.
As far as those families not wanting to take care of their own? FUCK THEM, take care of them or let them die, stop passing the bills to the taxpayer.
Wow, you're a terrible person. Its kind of shocking. Thank god you'll never be in charge of anything. Typical teabagger I guess. Faux Christian worship and completely self righteous.

Also, revenue as a percentage of GDP is near the historic low.
Um no. Tax payer dollars from millions of people collectively pay for it.
what if the majority of those millions dont care to pay for someone to sit on their ass and be paid for being a nonproductive drain on society.
Unless wages can drastically increase, we have no choice but to accept the responsibility to take care of people who have NO CHOICE but to live in poverty. Also, how do we take care of the disabled exactly? The developmentally disabled for instance have no income of their own.
Why should I have no choice? I take care of my family, I dont expect others to do that for me.
as far as the disabled, put them somewhere to live, not in public housing, like an institution where they can learn some skills. And considering that, why dont their families pay for their needs.
the left in this country has no level of responsibility for their actions. its always up to someone else to pay for their fuck ups.
"Fucking up" has become a minor contributer to poverty in this country. The real problem is a lack of decent paying jobs. That's what you aren't getting. Also, what services you described should be for DD people is what they already get. The condition of state funding for those institutions is that those individuals learn independence and new skills. Of course given their disabililty and varying severity it, they will ALWAYS be dependent on some level. They will always need Medicare because they can never get a job that could support themselves. Beyond that, families of these people usually do not want the burden of taking care of them for their whole lives.
maybe if the liberals would stop overtaxing business, the jobs would not be heading out of the country. You can never get ahead by raising labor costs, it only is passed on to the consumer, this leaves the standard of living the same for the lower income people.
As far as those families not wanting to take care of their own? FUCK THEM, take care of them or let them die, stop passing the bills to the taxpayer.

Except the US has some of the lowest taxes. It's not taxes forcing jobs overseas, as much as people would like to think that, it's that some countries don't cost much to live in, they pay little, enough to cover the costs of sending it to rich countries and still make more money with lower prices than can ever be had in a country where people demand healthcare and a living wage and so on.

The reality is you should be looking at what jobs are viable for the US, and producing cheap t-shirts isn't one of them, and educate the workforce to do those jobs.

However looking at the people who just say "we need manufacturing jobs" while the Germans are making high quality products, and do service industry, and making loads of money, you see why the US is on the way down.
what if the majority of those millions dont care to pay for someone to sit on their ass and be paid for being a nonproductive drain on society.
Unless wages can drastically increase, we have no choice but to accept the responsibility to take care of people who have NO CHOICE but to live in poverty. Also, how do we take care of the disabled exactly? The developmentally disabled for instance have no income of their own.
Why should I have no choice? I take care of my family, I dont expect others to do that for me.
as far as the disabled, put them somewhere to live, not in public housing, like an institution where they can learn some skills. And considering that, why dont their families pay for their needs.
the left in this country has no level of responsibility for their actions. its always up to someone else to pay for their fuck ups.
"Fucking up" has become a minor contributer to poverty in this country. The real problem is a lack of decent paying jobs. That's what you aren't getting. Also, what services you described should be for DD people is what they already get. The condition of state funding for those institutions is that those individuals learn independence and new skills. Of course given their disabililty and varying severity it, they will ALWAYS be dependent on some level. They will always need Medicare because they can never get a job that could support themselves. Beyond that, families of these people usually do not want the burden of taking care of them for their whole lives.
maybe if the liberals would stop overtaxing business, the jobs would not be heading out of the country. You can never get ahead by raising labor costs, it only is passed on to the consumer, this leaves the standard of living the same for the lower income people.
As far as those families not wanting to take care of their own? FUCK THEM, take care of them or let them die, stop passing the bills to the taxpayer.
Wow, you're a terrible person. Its kind of shocking. Thank god you'll never be in charge of anything. Typical teabagger I guess.

Also, revenue as a percentage of GDP is near the historic low.
near historic low because the liberals have chased business out to the point that we have to import those things once manufactured here.
As far as the terrible person? I take care of my own without expecting others to chip in. If thats terrible then so be it.
I have no clue when responsibility became a terrible thing.
Unless wages can drastically increase, we have no choice but to accept the responsibility to take care of people who have NO CHOICE but to live in poverty. Also, how do we take care of the disabled exactly? The developmentally disabled for instance have no income of their own.
Why should I have no choice? I take care of my family, I dont expect others to do that for me.
as far as the disabled, put them somewhere to live, not in public housing, like an institution where they can learn some skills. And considering that, why dont their families pay for their needs.
the left in this country has no level of responsibility for their actions. its always up to someone else to pay for their fuck ups.
"Fucking up" has become a minor contributer to poverty in this country. The real problem is a lack of decent paying jobs. That's what you aren't getting. Also, what services you described should be for DD people is what they already get. The condition of state funding for those institutions is that those individuals learn independence and new skills. Of course given their disabililty and varying severity it, they will ALWAYS be dependent on some level. They will always need Medicare because they can never get a job that could support themselves. Beyond that, families of these people usually do not want the burden of taking care of them for their whole lives.
maybe if the liberals would stop overtaxing business, the jobs would not be heading out of the country. You can never get ahead by raising labor costs, it only is passed on to the consumer, this leaves the standard of living the same for the lower income people.
As far as those families not wanting to take care of their own? FUCK THEM, take care of them or let them die, stop passing the bills to the taxpayer.
Wow, you're a terrible person. Its kind of shocking. Thank god you'll never be in charge of anything. Typical teabagger I guess.

Also, revenue as a percentage of GDP is near the historic low.
near historic low because the liberals have chased business out to the point that we have to import those things once manufactured here.
As far as the terrible person? I take care of my own without expecting others to chip in. If thats terrible then so be it.
I have no clue when responsibility became a terrible thing.
Lol How can the rate be low if taxes are high?

Here's where your faux Christian, self righteous bullshit comes into play. You want to demonize the families refusing to take care of these people yet you have no compassion for the DD people themselves. You would rather them die and teach their families a lesson. So yeah, you're a terrible person.
Unless wages can drastically increase, we have no choice but to accept the responsibility to take care of people who have NO CHOICE but to live in poverty. Also, how do we take care of the disabled exactly? The developmentally disabled for instance have no income of their own.
Why should I have no choice? I take care of my family, I dont expect others to do that for me.
as far as the disabled, put them somewhere to live, not in public housing, like an institution where they can learn some skills. And considering that, why dont their families pay for their needs.
the left in this country has no level of responsibility for their actions. its always up to someone else to pay for their fuck ups.
"Fucking up" has become a minor contributer to poverty in this country. The real problem is a lack of decent paying jobs. That's what you aren't getting. Also, what services you described should be for DD people is what they already get. The condition of state funding for those institutions is that those individuals learn independence and new skills. Of course given their disabililty and varying severity it, they will ALWAYS be dependent on some level. They will always need Medicare because they can never get a job that could support themselves. Beyond that, families of these people usually do not want the burden of taking care of them for their whole lives.
maybe if the liberals would stop overtaxing business, the jobs would not be heading out of the country. You can never get ahead by raising labor costs, it only is passed on to the consumer, this leaves the standard of living the same for the lower income people.
As far as those families not wanting to take care of their own? FUCK THEM, take care of them or let them die, stop passing the bills to the taxpayer.
Wow, you're a terrible person. Its kind of shocking. Thank god you'll never be in charge of anything. Typical teabagger I guess.

Also, revenue as a percentage of GDP is near the historic low.
near historic low because the liberals have chased business out to the point that we have to import those things once manufactured here.
As far as the terrible person? I take care of my own without expecting others to chip in. If thats terrible then so be it.
I have no clue when responsibility became a terrible thing.

Demand a free market then blame liberals when it doesn't work.... hmmm....
Why should I have no choice? I take care of my family, I dont expect others to do that for me.
as far as the disabled, put them somewhere to live, not in public housing, like an institution where they can learn some skills. And considering that, why dont their families pay for their needs.
the left in this country has no level of responsibility for their actions. its always up to someone else to pay for their fuck ups.
"Fucking up" has become a minor contributer to poverty in this country. The real problem is a lack of decent paying jobs. That's what you aren't getting. Also, what services you described should be for DD people is what they already get. The condition of state funding for those institutions is that those individuals learn independence and new skills. Of course given their disabililty and varying severity it, they will ALWAYS be dependent on some level. They will always need Medicare because they can never get a job that could support themselves. Beyond that, families of these people usually do not want the burden of taking care of them for their whole lives.
maybe if the liberals would stop overtaxing business, the jobs would not be heading out of the country. You can never get ahead by raising labor costs, it only is passed on to the consumer, this leaves the standard of living the same for the lower income people.
As far as those families not wanting to take care of their own? FUCK THEM, take care of them or let them die, stop passing the bills to the taxpayer.
Wow, you're a terrible person. Its kind of shocking. Thank god you'll never be in charge of anything. Typical teabagger I guess.

Also, revenue as a percentage of GDP is near the historic low.
near historic low because the liberals have chased business out to the point that we have to import those things once manufactured here.
As far as the terrible person? I take care of my own without expecting others to chip in. If thats terrible then so be it.
I have no clue when responsibility became a terrible thing.
Lol How can the rate be low if taxes are high?

Here's where your faux Christian, self righteous bullshit comes into play. You want to demonize the families refusing to take care of these people yet you have no compassion for the DD people themselves. You would rather them die and teach their families a lesson. So yeah, you're a terrible person.
and yet the families woudnt be terrible people for not supporting their OWN family members if the pipeline to my pocket were to be severed?
You do know how foolish you sound right?
"Fucking up" has become a minor contributer to poverty in this country. The real problem is a lack of decent paying jobs. That's what you aren't getting. Also, what services you described should be for DD people is what they already get. The condition of state funding for those institutions is that those individuals learn independence and new skills. Of course given their disabililty and varying severity it, they will ALWAYS be dependent on some level. They will always need Medicare because they can never get a job that could support themselves. Beyond that, families of these people usually do not want the burden of taking care of them for their whole lives.
maybe if the liberals would stop overtaxing business, the jobs would not be heading out of the country. You can never get ahead by raising labor costs, it only is passed on to the consumer, this leaves the standard of living the same for the lower income people.
As far as those families not wanting to take care of their own? FUCK THEM, take care of them or let them die, stop passing the bills to the taxpayer.
Wow, you're a terrible person. Its kind of shocking. Thank god you'll never be in charge of anything. Typical teabagger I guess.

Also, revenue as a percentage of GDP is near the historic low.
near historic low because the liberals have chased business out to the point that we have to import those things once manufactured here.
As far as the terrible person? I take care of my own without expecting others to chip in. If thats terrible then so be it.
I have no clue when responsibility became a terrible thing.
Lol How can the rate be low if taxes are high?

Here's where your faux Christian, self righteous bullshit comes into play. You want to demonize the families refusing to take care of these people yet you have no compassion for the DD people themselves. You would rather them die and teach their families a lesson. So yeah, you're a terrible person.
and yet the families woudnt be terrible people for not supporting their OWN family members if the pipeline to my pocket were to be severed?
You do know how foolish you sound right?
Again, putting their families aside, you prefer to let the DD people DIE just to punish their families. My god you are thick.
maybe if the liberals would stop overtaxing business, the jobs would not be heading out of the country. You can never get ahead by raising labor costs, it only is passed on to the consumer, this leaves the standard of living the same for the lower income people.
As far as those families not wanting to take care of their own? FUCK THEM, take care of them or let them die, stop passing the bills to the taxpayer.
Wow, you're a terrible person. Its kind of shocking. Thank god you'll never be in charge of anything. Typical teabagger I guess.

Also, revenue as a percentage of GDP is near the historic low.
near historic low because the liberals have chased business out to the point that we have to import those things once manufactured here.
As far as the terrible person? I take care of my own without expecting others to chip in. If thats terrible then so be it.
I have no clue when responsibility became a terrible thing.
Lol How can the rate be low if taxes are high?

Here's where your faux Christian, self righteous bullshit comes into play. You want to demonize the families refusing to take care of these people yet you have no compassion for the DD people themselves. You would rather them die and teach their families a lesson. So yeah, you're a terrible person.
and yet the families woudnt be terrible people for not supporting their OWN family members if the pipeline to my pocket were to be severed?
You do know how foolish you sound right?
Again, putting their families aside, you prefer to let the DD people DIE just to punish their families. My god you are thick.
again, you would rather put a hardship on everyone else before demanding personal responsibility.
My GOD you are a leech
Wow, you're a terrible person. Its kind of shocking. Thank god you'll never be in charge of anything. Typical teabagger I guess.

Also, revenue as a percentage of GDP is near the historic low.
near historic low because the liberals have chased business out to the point that we have to import those things once manufactured here.
As far as the terrible person? I take care of my own without expecting others to chip in. If thats terrible then so be it.
I have no clue when responsibility became a terrible thing.
Lol How can the rate be low if taxes are high?

Here's where your faux Christian, self righteous bullshit comes into play. You want to demonize the families refusing to take care of these people yet you have no compassion for the DD people themselves. You would rather them die and teach their families a lesson. So yeah, you're a terrible person.
and yet the families woudnt be terrible people for not supporting their OWN family members if the pipeline to my pocket were to be severed?
You do know how foolish you sound right?
Again, putting their families aside, you prefer to let the DD people DIE just to punish their families. My god you are thick.
again, you would rather put a hardship on everyone else before demanding personal responsibility.
My GOD you are a leech
Right I'm a leech. I want to pay taxes and you don't. Not only that, but you want DD people to die as a result.
near historic low because the liberals have chased business out to the point that we have to import those things once manufactured here.
As far as the terrible person? I take care of my own without expecting others to chip in. If thats terrible then so be it.
I have no clue when responsibility became a terrible thing.
Lol How can the rate be low if taxes are high?

Here's where your faux Christian, self righteous bullshit comes into play. You want to demonize the families refusing to take care of these people yet you have no compassion for the DD people themselves. You would rather them die and teach their families a lesson. So yeah, you're a terrible person.
and yet the families woudnt be terrible people for not supporting their OWN family members if the pipeline to my pocket were to be severed?
You do know how foolish you sound right?
Again, putting their families aside, you prefer to let the DD people DIE just to punish their families. My god you are thick.
again, you would rather put a hardship on everyone else before demanding personal responsibility.
My GOD you are a leech
Right I'm a leech. I want to pay taxes and you don't. Not only that, but you want DD people to die as a result.
no, you want other people to spend their money supporting your worthless social causes.
I have no problem paying tax, I would be happy to pay the same amount I do right now if all of it went to things that were a benefit and not a drain.

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