Abortion or Birth Control

This needs restating. It is no ones business how people have sex or don't have sex. It is none of anyone's business.
It is a public health issue if they spread STDs to others. I practice safe sex.
There is no difference.
Its subjective. I understand the pro-life argument to it. And I think abortion is horrendous, I just dont think its anyone elses business. Especially the governments.
The birth control pill is hormones, which inhibit or stop the egg from coming down (ovulation). It also changes the lining of the uterus so the egg does not attach itself to the wall.

No fertilized embryo is expelled, because no embryo was fertilized.
if its an embryo it has already been fertilized,,

if it isnt fertilized it is still an egg,,
It is absolutely true. Look it up. I am sure Google will tell you the same thing.

Oh, and BTW, I taught biology for a few years. I have a degree in education.
ha ha..

and look who is our .... "vice president'

Education these days is kind of not...
It is a public health issue if they spread STDs to others. I practice safe sex.
Are you married?

If not, you are NOT practicing safe sex

Even being married is no guarantee but if not, you're REALLY asking for it..

and worst of all, you are asking for punishment from God..
Its subjective. I understand the pro-life argument to it. And I think abortion is horrendous, I just dont think its anyone elses business. Especially the governments.
Right, people should be free to murder their children w/o govt interference

Abortion has become a form of birth control but the lasting effects are downplayed by the media. Taking a pill is easy but looking down and seeing the human life inside you yanked out and discarded like trash is a different experience. Imagine a full term infant stabbed in the back of the head and it's brain sucked out until it looks like a cabbage patch doll right before your eyes? It sheds a new light on PTSD.
I dont really think how people conduct their sexual activities is anyone elses business.

So you're saying if one person murders another then it's no one else's business and no one should get involved?

Because that's what abortion is, it's murdering a child. If there is no child to abort then you can't have an abortion.

And you're right, someones sexual activities are no one else's business. Sex is just sex, but soon as a new life is involved it's no longer just between those two people.

But what should be our societies business is pushing for people to have morals, standards, values, personal responsibility and self control. If our society made that our business the concept of sex and abortion wouldn't be much of an issue.
So you're saying if one person murders another then it's no one else's business and no one should get involved?

Because that's what abortion is, it's murdering a child. If there is no child to abort then you can't have an abortion.

And you're right, someones sexual activities are no one else's business. Sex is just sex, but soon as a new life is involved it's no longer just between those two people.

But what should be our societies business is pushing for people to have morals, standards, values, personal responsibility and self control. If our society made that our business the concept of sex and abortion wouldn't be much of an issue.
Its not murder, as that is a legal term. And a fetus isnt a child.
Its not murder, as that is a legal term. And a fetus isnt a child.
says you?

Are you God?

Others say the opposite. The Bible says the opposite. You're outnumbered. Abortion doesn't stop being murder just bc someone says so
So you're saying if one person murders another then it's no one else's business and no one should get involved?

Because that's what abortion is, it's murdering a child. If there is no child to abort then you can't have an abortion.

And you're right, someones sexual activities are no one else's business. Sex is just sex, but soon as a new life is involved it's no longer just between those two people.

But what should be our societies business is pushing for people to have morals, standards, values, personal responsibility and self control. If our society made that our business the concept of sex and abortion wouldn't be much of an issue.
I don't get the last sentence. I htink you meant to say that if society didn't make it our business...?
God is not going to let you continue doing this.. or if he does, it is because he has given up on you... given you over to a reprobate mind/heart
I live a good life and give to charities. Consensual sex with a woman is not a bad thing.

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