Free Currency

Nobody's opinion is irreverent. 7/11, most retailers and pretty much most citizens aren't interested in another currency.

Like I said, mega corporations do not want free currency. Most common men are blind to the merits, and have also been brainwashed by government education and issued societal conformity.

The worst thing that could happen is corporations start their own currency and pay their employees with it.


If they pay their employees with scrip, then I would drive them out of business by buying off their employees with an actual currency.

Corporations could issue scrip now. There is a very obvious reason why most of them do not.

Multiple currencies is not in anyone's best interest.


It is in the best interests of the common working class man, small businesses, and independent industry.

Yeah, the self delusional types who believe the government is poisoning our waters with fluoride, 9/11 was an inside job, faked moon landings, President isn't a U.S. citizen and the Kennedy's killed Marilyn Monroe.

You are conflating conspiracy theorists with anarchists.

I can ride on the state all day without appealing to some secret government agenda, although there is no reason to do that since only a fool believes the state has never committed covert evil acts or lied to its subjects.
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The grand opposition case is based on argumentum ad populum and status quo bias.
You are a complete economic ignoramus. The government will accept whatever the voters tell them to accept. If legal tender laws are repealed, government will have no other option.

Thanks for agreeing with me, the federal government will only accept money to pay your taxes with. Good luck getting voters to change that.

We aren't discussing whether the idea is political feasible, moron.

Multiple currencies are no more expensive than single currencies, just as having multiple credit cards is no more expensive than having a single credit card. Allowing the government to have a monopoly on bank notes is what gives the government the ability to loot everyone blind. That's precisely why statist bootlickers like you oppose private currencies.

Currency and credit cards isn't exactly an apples to apples comparison. However if you are saying there is no cost to using a credit card in a transaction than you aren't thinking it through. The merchant usually pays around 2% of every transaction. If the purchase is in a foreign currency than the card company will often times charge the card holder an additional fee to convert the transaction into US dollars. It costs money.

No one said there wasn't a cost involved. There's always a cost to everything we do. The question is do we gain anything by giving the government a monopoly on printing money. The answer is no, there is no cost advantage, and there's a huge downside when you consider the government's ability to debase or money.

The fact that most Americans don't see the advantage of having private currencies is the result of being dumbed down by brainwashing in government schools.

Not really, the need isn't there. Nobody is getting screwed by using the dollar unless you just happen to feel like not paying taxes.

We are all getting screwed by using the dollar. You're just too fucking stupid to know it. You're exactly the kind of economic illiterate I'm talking about.

Just consider what the dollar was worth in 1920 compared to what it's worth now. That's how badly we are getting screwed.

Maybe rewrite you post, you're contradicting yourself everywhere.

Ultimately, you're you and everyone else is going to pay their taxes in US dollars, therefore it's always going to be the easiest currency to use in this country. When you add additional transactions to convert bottle caps into cash there is a cost involved that doesn't exist if you just use the dollar to begin with. There is no upside to use another currency at the transaction level, it would just be a pain in the ass.

What an idiotic flawed response. It's obvious that this person prefers government money because it helps spread his authoritarian ideology.


Obviously taxes could be collected in other currencies, so that's not much of an argument you got there, even if not have you heard of an exchange market? Secondly, who are you to tell what is and what isn't beneficial to individuals? Classic authoritarian liberal telling other people how to live, while being helpless himself. I doubt you could even run a lemonade stand so shut up.

Name the currencies the US government will accept for taxes. And giving an opinion is not authoritarian, that's a joke, right?

And if it wasn't clear by now, there ARE many benefits in not transacting with government money. Why do you think people use bit coin? Apparently it's only a downside so that's why...

Most people don't use bitcoin, most merchants don't accept bitcoin, most people don't give 2 shits about bitcoin. The world wouldn't change much if bitcoin didn't exist tomorrow.

If you are a liberal you should be familiar with "not all" by now. Somehow it's so easy to see when talking about the muslim religion, but not very easy when talking about currencies. Oh and do you have an understanding of the word *COULD*, this is a hypothetical thread, I am sure you are aware.

I wouldn't be surprised if "I don't use it, ban it!" came next.

Giving an opinion that states "all people should do as I command" is fairly authoritarian. But you didn't merely give an opinion, you tried to claim something which is demonstrably FALSE. Non government currencies have tremendous value and plenty of people want to use them, even with the current legal tender, banking and tax laws (the tax laws not being very important given that people can exchange currencies easily enough, it's a liquid market).
I wouldn't be surprised if "I don't use it, ban it!" came next.

Giving an opinion that states "all people should do like I command" is fairly authoritarian. But you didn't merely give an opinion, you tried to claim something which is FALSE.

My analysis too. If no one wants multiple currencies, then why support the status quo of the state waging war against them?

We are living in a command economy. Anyone that believes this is a free market has been brainwashed.
What would be the point of backing a currency with another currency that isn't backed by anything.

You have it mixed up.

You back a currency based on another currency which is backed by a resource standard.

Gold is the only thing that makes sense. There's a reason gold has been used for money for thousands of years. The process of natural selection in the market made it the de facto currency of the world.

Also silver, copper, bronze, gemstones, spices, ect.

You have to find ways to diversify the currencies in the market, or else you risk stabilizing force (which is what we have now).

Why not jewel encrusted paper clips?

What if you want to buy a soda?

Don't, they're bad for you.

But if you insist, feel free to barter with 7/11 in bottle caps and see how it goes.

What does that have to do with private currencies backed by gold?
Businesses used to mint their own currencies in the US, as did states.
You mean banks used to print their own bank notes.

No your local stores used to mint their own coins. Due to coin hoarding especially during the civil war there was a shortage so stores minted their own coins.

The federal government has always come down on private mints. The same thing went on during the gold rush in San Francisco, but the feds eventually shut them down. It's illegal to mint coins for legal tender purposes.

No its still going on, airline miles.

Airline miles are not coins or legal tender.
Federal reserve notes are monopoly money. Before legal tender laws people paid their taxes with private bank notes. You claim is certifiably false.

No it's not false. Today federal and state governments are not going to accept a frickin' bank note, let alone 'free currency' to pay your taxes with.

It actually could be more expansive to have multiple currencies as somewhere down the line someone has to be paid to trade in your bottle caps for cash.

Most Americans (let's call them the normals) see no need for an additional currency so in fact it would turn into nothing more than another bitcoin racket where you're going to have a hard time finding someone to accept it.

You are a complete economic ignoramus. The government will accept whatever the voters tell them to accept. If legal tender laws are repealed, government will have no other option.

Thanks for agreeing with me, the federal government will only accept money to pay your taxes with. Good luck getting voters to change that.

We aren't discussing whether the idea is political feasible, moron.

Multiple currencies are no more expensive than single currencies, just as having multiple credit cards is no more expensive than having a single credit card. Allowing the government to have a monopoly on bank notes is what gives the government the ability to loot everyone blind. That's precisely why statist bootlickers like you oppose private currencies.

Currency and credit cards isn't exactly an apples to apples comparison. However if you are saying there is no cost to using a credit card in a transaction than you aren't thinking it through. The merchant usually pays around 2% of every transaction. If the purchase is in a foreign currency than the card company will often times charge the card holder an additional fee to convert the transaction into US dollars. It costs money.

No one said there wasn't a cost involved. There's always a cost to everything we do. The question is do we gain anything by giving the government a monopoly on printing money. The answer is no, there is no cost advantage, and there's a huge downside when you consider the government's ability to debase or money.

The fact that most Americans don't see the advantage of having private currencies is the result of being dumbed down by brainwashing in government schools.

Not really, the need isn't there. Nobody is getting screwed by using the dollar unless you just happen to feel like not paying taxes.

We are all getting screwed by using the dollar. You're just too fucking stupid to know it. You're exactly the kind of economic illiterate I'm talking about.

Just consider what the dollar was worth in 1920 compared to what it's worth now. That's how badly we are getting screwed.

Maybe rewrite you post, you're contradicting yourself everywhere.

Ultimately, you're you and everyone else is going to pay their taxes in US dollars, therefore it's always going to be the easiest currency to use in this country. When you add additional transactions to convert bottle caps into cash there is a cost involved that doesn't exist if you just use the dollar to begin with. There is no upside to use another currency at the transaction level, it would just be a pain in the ass.

That's true only if the government forces you to use federal reserve notes. This whole thread is about abolishing such a requirement. It's like us saying water is wet, and you're saying "but if it weren't wet." Your line of argument is idiotic.
As far as I know, 7/11 isn't interested or care to promote a multi-currency economy.

Their opinion is irrelevant. All that matters is economics.

Nobody's opinion is irreverent. 7/11, most retailers and pretty much most citizens aren't interested in another currency. The worst thing that could happen is corporations start their own currency and pay their employees with it. What a monumental pain in the ass that would be. You'd have to spend a portion of your paycheck just to exchange your paycheck for a real currency.

If that's the case, then why not legalize them? Why doesn't the government come down like a ton of bricks on anyone who tries to create one? Obviously, some people are interested in using them. They're tired of using the funny money the government uses to loot us all. And that's why bootlickers like you are so hostile to the idea.

Like I pointed out though, mega corporations would reject a free currency economy. Honest capitalism is not in their interests.

Multiple currencies is not in anyone's best interest.

Then no problem. No one will use them. So why not make them legal?

Literally nobody is promoting a 'free currency' except anti-government types

You mean those enlightened few with an actual brain?

Yeah, the self delusional types who believe the government is poisoning our waters with fluoride, 9/11 was an inside job, faked moon landings, President isn't a U.S. citizen and the Kennedy's killed Marilyn Monroe.

The government is debasing our currency. Of that there is no doubt. The dollar is currently worth about 5% of what it was worth in 1920.
Nobody's opinion is irreverent. 7/11, most retailers and pretty much most citizens aren't interested in another currency.

Like I said, mega corporations do not want free currency. Most common men are blind to the merits, and have also been brainwashed by government education and issued societal conformity.

The worst thing that could happen is corporations start their own currency and pay their employees with it.


If they pay their employees with scrip, then I would drive them out of business by buying off their employees with an actual currency.

Corporations could issue scrip now. There is a very obvious reason why most of them do not.

Multiple currencies is not in anyone's best interest.


It is in the best interests of the common working class man, small businesses, and independent industry.

Yeah, the self delusional types who believe the government is poisoning our waters with fluoride, 9/11 was an inside job, faked moon landings, President isn't a U.S. citizen and the Kennedy's killed Marilyn Monroe.

You are conflating conspiracy theorists with anarchists.

I can ride on the state all day without appealing to some secret government agenda, although there is no reason to do that since only a fool believes the state has never committed covert evil acts or lied to its subjects.

Liberalism operates on the assumption that people are too stupid to manage their own affairs.
Anybody wanting to go on the gold standard is free to exchange their U.S. legal tender.

How do you go on a "gold standard" when no one is allowed to issue notes backed by gold?

You obviously don't understand the meaning of the term "gold standard."

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