Free Marketeers and Love of Family, Friends & Country

Procrustes Stretched

Dante's Manifesto
Dec 1, 2008
Free Marketeers and Love of Family, Friends & Country

Markets are not concerned with anything but profit even at the expense of family, friends, and country. So are Free Marketeers good people, committed and loving family members, loyal friends, good citizens and patriots?
Government has killed more people than any free person or people have ever dreamed of killing. Government cares only about profit through power, oppression and taxes.

I win, go the fuck away.
Markets are not concerned with anything but profit ?

Of course markets are made of people! if what you say is true people would not go into low profit work like teaching nursing religious work, social work, etc etc.

Moreover, as a liberal you lack the IQ to know what profit is. If business prefered losses rather than profits they would go bankrupt and we'd all slowly starve to death. THere is no life and no love without profit. You're far to slow as a liberal to grasp any of that.
Government has killed more people than any free person or people have ever dreamed of killing. Government cares only about profit through power, oppression and taxes.

I win, go the fuck away.
Me boy, you are a libertarian. Backing a social and economic system that has never ever worked. Only stupid people do that. Or those paid to back the concept. No on with a brain would listen to a libertarian. Because, by being one, you have proven to be a congenital idiot.
Markets are not concerned with anything but profit ?

Of course markets are made of people! if what you say is true people would not go into low profit work like teaching nursing religious work, social work, etc etc.

Moreover, as a liberal you lack the IQ to know what profit is. If business prefered losses rather than profits they would go bankrupt and we'd all slowly starve to death. THere is no life and no love without profit. You're far to slow as a liberal to grasp any of that.
Careful what you say about liberals. They are proven to be smarter than conservatives.

U of Arkansas study Study ?Proves? Conservatism Linked To Stupidity - The Ulsterman Report

British Cohort study Right-wingers are less intelligent than left wingers, says controversial study - and conservative politics can lead people to be racist | Mail Online

LiveScience study Social conservatives have a lower I.Q.? (probably) : Gene Expression

Watching Fox makes you stupid Study: Watching Fox News Actually Makes You Stupid | Jillian Rayfield | Politics News | Rolling Stone

Alterman Study: Conservatives Display Ignorance | Nel's New Day
Government has killed more people than any free person or people have ever dreamed of killing. Government cares only about profit through power, oppression and taxes.

I win, go the fuck away.
Me boy, you are a libertarian. Backing a social and economic system that has never ever worked. Only stupid people do that. Or those paid to back the concept. No on with a brain would listen to a libertarian. Because, by being one, you have proven to be a congenital idiot.

So our Founders, Jefferson, Robert Nosick, Hayek Milton Friedman were congenital idiots?????

You see dear such a statement might actually be proof that you are an idiot, not those who are widely recognized as geniuses.
Government cares only about profit through power, oppression and taxes.
even commie and socialist governments? wow!

The answer is yes... How do you not see that? Ahh never mind haha, you're lost in your hate kiddo.

For over ten years on message boards (ten that can be verified by people here) Dante has always mentioned viewing people as opponents and not enemies. It is part of his spiel on what separates Liberals from Progressive nitwits. There is a long documented history of

go fuck yourself you poor excuse for a troll :rofl:
Careful what you say about liberals. They are proven to be smarter than conservatives.

if this was true would it mean that their ideas were better?? Elites in the Nazi and Communist parties probably were smarted too, just not about political ideology.

See why we are positive a liberal will be slow??
Government has killed more people than any free person or people have ever dreamed of killing. Government cares only about profit through power, oppression and taxes.

I win, go the fuck away.
Me boy, you are a libertarian. Backing a social and economic system that has never ever worked. Only stupid people do that. Or those paid to back the concept. No on with a brain would listen to a libertarian. Because, by being one, you have proven to be a congenital idiot.

So our Founders, Jefferson, Robert Nosick, Hayek Milton Friedman were congenital idiots?????

You see dear such a statement might actually be proof that you are an idiot, not those who are widely recognized as geniuses.

Jefferson as a free marketeer?
Me boy, you are a libertarian. Backing a social and economic system that has never ever worked. Only stupid people do that. Or those paid to back the concept. No on with a brain would listen to a libertarian. Because, by being one, you have proven to be a congenital idiot.

So our Founders, Jefferson, Robert Nosick, Hayek Milton Friedman were congenital idiots?????

You see dear such a statement might actually be proof that you are an idiot, not those who are widely recognized as geniuses.

Jefferson as a free marketeer?

Of course as a liberal illiterate you don't know that Jefferson was an ardent student of Adam Smith and De Tracy, and planned to translate his book for use as the first economics text at university of Virginia!

"Agriculture, manufactures, commerce and navigation, the four
pillars of our prosperity, are the most thriving when left most
free to individual enterprise. Protection from casual
embarrassments, however, may sometimes be seasonably interposed."
Thomas Jefferson: 1st Annual Message, 1801.
The policy of the American government is to leave their citizens
free, neither restraining nor aiding them in their pursuits."
So our Founders, Jefferson, Robert Nosick, Hayek Milton Friedman were congenital idiots?????

You see dear such a statement might actually be proof that you are an idiot, not those who are widely recognized as geniuses.

Jefferson as a free marketeer?

Of course as a liberal illiterate you don't know that Jefferson was an ardent student of Adam Smith and De Tracy, and planned to translate his book for use as the first economics text at university of Virginia!

"Agriculture, manufactures, commerce and navigation, the four
pillars of our prosperity, are the most thriving when left most
free to individual enterprise. Protection from casual
embarrassments, however, may sometimes be seasonably interposed."
Thomas Jefferson: 1st Annual Message, 1801.
The policy of the American government is to leave their citizens
free, neither restraining nor aiding them in their pursuits."

Robert Nosick, Hayek, Milton Friedman and their brand of Free Market Quackery bear very little resemblance to that of Adam Smith. Adam believed in more regulation than they do and more...there is much more you could learn...but your ignorant arse is incapable
Stop making people from Boston look stupid.
Jefferson as a free marketeer?

Of course as a liberal illiterate you don't know that Jefferson was an ardent student of Adam Smith and De Tracy, and planned to translate his book for use as the first economics text at university of Virginia!

"Agriculture, manufactures, commerce and navigation, the four
pillars of our prosperity, are the most thriving when left most
free to individual enterprise. Protection from casual
embarrassments, however, may sometimes be seasonably interposed."
Thomas Jefferson: 1st Annual Message, 1801.
The policy of the American government is to leave their citizens
free, neither restraining nor aiding them in their pursuits."

Robert Nosick, Hayek, Milton Friedman and their brand of Free Market Quackery bear very little resemblance to that of Adam Smith. Adam believed in more regulation than they do and more...there is much more you could learn...but your ignorant arse is incapable

If you lacked the IQ to know what Jefferson stood for what makes you think you know what the others stood for????

Lets make it simple for you. Wen Jiaboa came here and said when they started following Adam Smith in China they started getting rich, and when they followed Karl Marx liberalism 60 million slowly starved to death. Which would you associate with love?????

See why we are 100% positive liberalism is based on pure ignorance??
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Moreover, as a liberal you lack the IQ to know what profit is.
I'm pretty sure Bill Gates, Larry Ellison, Warren Buffet, Larry Page, and Jeff Bezos would be considered liberals. They seem like pretty smart guys, so that doesn't support your correlation of IQ to political leaning.

What have you accomplished?
Wen Jiaboa came here and said when they started following Adam Smith in China they started getting rich, and when they followed Karl Marx liberalism 60 million slowly starved to death.
Really? When did he say that, I'd be interested to read about it.
Wen Jiaboa came here and said when they started following Adam Smith in China they started getting rich, and when they followed Karl Marx liberalism 60 million slowly starved to death.
Really? When did he say that, I'd be interested to read about it.

he Wen Jiaboa said it on the GPS with Fareed Zakaria on CNN I'm sure you could look it up.

Also, there was a 6 part special on PBS, The Towering Heights, as I recall where they interviewed many Russian economists prior to the demise of the USSR. They said they had all secretly been reading Milton Friedman and that was key to the events that followed. Its also now at Netflix.

Jefferson said his Republican America would be an empire of liberty. Well he was right, between China and Russia it just freed 1.5 billion people. Treasonous libturds spied for Stalin and so have been dragging down the cause of freedom all along.
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he Wen Jiaboa said it on the GPS with Fareed Zakaria on CNN I'm sure you could look it up.
Ah I'm familiar with that interview, the transcript is here: Transcript of interview with Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao -

Where did he mention following Karl Marx, liberalism, or 60 million people slowly starving to death? That is what struck me as odd about your claim, it would strike me as odd Chinese leadership talking about people starving in China during the cultural revolution, it is usually talked around not of.

So could you point out where in that transcript he mentions Marx or people starving? I must have missed it. If from another interview I'd love to hear it, can be in Chinese that is fine I speak Mandarin.

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