Free Marketeers and Love of Family, Friends & Country

he Wen Jiaboa said it on the GPS with Fareed Zakaria on CNN I'm sure you could look it up.
Ah I'm familiar with that interview, the transcript is here: Transcript of interview with Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao -

Where did he mention following Karl Marx, liberalism, or 60 million people slowly starving to death? That is what struck me as odd about your claim, it would strike me as odd Chinese leadership talking about people starving in China during the cultural revolution, it is usually talked around not of.

So could you point out where in that transcript he mentions Marx or people starving? I must have missed it. If from another interview I'd love to hear it, can be in Chinese that is fine I speak Mandarin.


dear I think the point is that Wen said they now follow the teaching of Adam Smith( obviously true) and so are getting very very rich rather than starving to death in the 10's of millions under liberal communism, not exactly what he said during each interview or how discreet he was about the 60 million slowly starved to death by liberal hands.
I'm pretty sure Bill Gates, Larry Ellison, Warren Buffet, Larry Page, and Jeff Bezos would be considered liberals. They seem like pretty smart guys, so that doesn't support your correlation of IQ to political leaning.

too stupid!! OMG!!!Obviously I'm talking about political IQ. Einstein was a liberal!!

The economic anarchy of capitalist society as it exists today is, in my opinion, the real source of the evil. We see before us a huge community of producers the members of which are unceasingly striving to deprive each other of the fruits of their collective labor - not by force, but on the whole in faithful compliance with legally established rules. I am convinced there is only one way to eliminate these grave evils, namely through the establishment of a socialist economy, accompanied by an educational system which would be oriented toward social goals.

- Albert Einstein, The World As I See It (1949)
Free Marketeers and Love of Family, Friends & Country

Markets are not concerned with anything but profit even at the expense of family, friends, and country. So are Free Marketeers good people, committed and loving family members, loyal friends, good citizens and patriots?

"Profit at expense of family, friends and Country"? People risk dying in the desert and endure subjugation of foreign marxist regimes to get to the greatest Country in the world so that they can be free to make as much money as they are able to. And then their are dumb asses who criticize them for it.
he Wen Jiaboa said it on the GPS with Fareed Zakaria on CNN I'm sure you could look it up.
Ah I'm familiar with that interview, the transcript is here: Transcript of interview with Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao -

Where did he mention following Karl Marx, liberalism, or 60 million people slowly starving to death? That is what struck me as odd about your claim, it would strike me as odd Chinese leadership talking about people starving in China during the cultural revolution, it is usually talked around not of.

So could you point out where in that transcript he mentions Marx or people starving? I must have missed it. If from another interview I'd love to hear it, can be in Chinese that is fine I speak Mandarin.

good luck with ed
Free Marketeers and Love of Family, Friends & Country

Markets are not concerned with anything but profit even at the expense of family, friends, and country. So are Free Marketeers good people, committed and loving family members, loyal friends, good citizens and patriots?

"Profit at expense of family, friends and Country"? People risk dying in the desert and endure subjugation of foreign marxist regimes to get to the greatest Country in the world so that they can be free to make as much money as they are able to. And then their are dumb asses who criticize them for it.

profit does equal a better life. some people only want freedom. You don't have to stop prostrating yourself at the altar of profit, but you do have to wake up to the fact most people do not think like you do.
Free Marketeers and Love of Family, Friends & Country

Markets are not concerned with anything but profit even at the expense of family, friends, and country. So are Free Marketeers good people, committed and loving family members, loyal friends, good citizens and patriots?

"Profit at expense of family, friends and Country"? People risk dying in the desert and endure subjugation of foreign marxist regimes to get to the greatest Country in the world so that they can be free to make as much money as they are able to. And then their are dumb asses who criticize them for it.

profit does equal a better life. some people only want freedom. You don't have to stop prostrating yourself at the altar of profit, but you do have to wake up to the fact most people do not think like you do.

so what few in the world valued freedom until Jefferson almost singlehandedly invented and popularized it 200 years ago!!!

Whether people think about it does not matter so much as whether it could have saved million and millions of lives had liberals not kept crushing it throughout human history.
dear I think the point is that Wen said they now follow the teaching of Adam Smith( obviously true) and so are getting very very rich rather than starving to death in the 10's of millions under liberal communism, not exactly what he said during each interview or how discreet he was about the 60 million slowly starved to death by liberal hands.
Ah, so basically you put words in his mouth that he didn't say. You claimed he mentioned following Marx, liberalism, and 60 million but he never said those things that is just your interpretation that you've decided is okay to attribute to him. I disagree, you basically misquoted someone.

Regarding Adam Smith, here are his exact words:
The complete formulation of our economic policy is to give full play to the basic role of market forces in allocating resources under the macroeconomic guidance and regulation of the government.

We have one important piece of experience of the past 30 years: that is to ensure that both the visible hand and the invisible hand are given full play in regulating the market forces.

If you are familiar with the classical works of Adam Smith, you will know that there are two famous works of his. One is "The Wealth of Nations"; the other is the book on the morality and ethics. And, "The Wealth of Nations" deals more with the invisible hand that are the market forces. And the other book deals with social equity and justice. And in the other book he wrote, he stressed the importance of playing the regulatory role of the government to further distribute the wealth among the people.

If in a country, most of the wealth is concentrated in the hands of the few, then this country can hardly witness harmony and stability.

The same approach also applies to the current U.S. economy. To address the current economic and financial problems in this country, we need to apply not only the visible hand but also the invisible hand.
It sounds like in talking about following Smith he stresses the government role in redistribution of wealth among the people more than getting rich.
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It sounds like in talking about following Smith he stresses the government role in redistribution of wealth among the people more than getting rich.

he is not for welfare and neither was Adam Smith, both were for capitalist distribution. As long as you agree that liberalism slowly starved 60 million to death and capitalism is instantly distributing 60 million cars in China I think you get the point. Does the libturd know how many cars Mao distributed with liberalism. Does the libturd know why our liberals spied for Stalin?

The real question is, now that you've learned about the capitalist distribution miracle do you have the character and IQ to change or will you die a libturd always trying to change the subject to trivia rather than confront your ignorance??
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As long as you agree that liberalism slowly starved 60 million to death and capitalism is instantly distributing 60 million cars in China I think you get the point. Does the libturd know how many cars Mao distributed with liberalism. Does the libturd know why our liberals spied for Stalin?
I think you are just blowing smoke here to hide in after getting caught lying again.

You have an amazing habit of just spouting as fact whatever pops into your head, and when called on it are suddenly attacking others. Fact is, you lied about what Wen Jia Bao said, and you know it.

The real question is, now that you've learned about the capitalist distribution miracle do you have the character and IQ to change or will you die a libturd always trying to change the subject to trivia rather than confront your ignorance??
Yup, the best defense is a good offense right? When compulsive liar gets busted (yet again) lets start name calling that'll show him.
I think you are just blowing smoke here to hide in after getting caught lying again.

As long as you agree that liberalism slowly starved 60 million to death, Adam Smith's capitalism is now supported by China, and is instantly distributing 60 million cars in China I think you get the point.

Does the libturd know how many cars Mao distributed with liberalism. None!! Does the libturd know why our liberals spied for Stalin.

I don't think I quoted Wen with quote marks indicating it was just a paraphrase or The Commanding Heights when the soviet economists in the USSR were converted by Friedman.

Notice how as a character free liberal, whether the quote was exact is more important to you than whether liberalism killed 60 million or whether Republican capitalism saved them!!
Yup, the best defense is a good offense right? When compulsive liar gets busted (yet again) lets start name calling that'll show him.

The real question is, now that you've learned about the capitalist distribution miracle in Chiina do you have the character and IQ to change or will you die a libturd always trying to change the subject to trivia rather than confront your ignorance??
Notice how as a character free liberal, whether the quote was exact is more important to you than whether liberalism killed 60 million or whether Republican capitalism saved them!!
Nothing to do with exact or not, you attributed content that he never said to try to make a point, got caught, and are now trying to dance around how exact something was when it didn't even exist until you made it up.

You are a compulsive liar, you've proven again and again that you are more comfortable fabricating information than actually honestly debating anything. I'm impressed you are able to hold a job or maintain relationships with others at this pathological level of dishonesty.
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Notice how as a character free liberal, whether the quote was exact is more important to you than whether liberalism killed 60 million or whether Republican capitalism saved them!!
Nothing to do with exact or not, you attributed content that he never said to try to make a point, got caught, and are now trying to dance around how exact something was when it didn't even exist until you made it up.

You are a compulsive liar, you've proven again and again that you are more comfortable fabricating information than actually honestly debating anything. I'm impressed you are able to hold a job or maintain relationships with others at this pathological level of dishonesty.

Notice how as a character free low IQ liberal, whether the description was exact in words is more important to you than the meaning of the words or whether liberalism killed 60 million or whether Republican capitalism saved 60 million from slow liberal starvation.

As a liberal without IQ for substance you have to try for whatever crumbs you can get - right??

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