Free Speech can sometimes backfire

Islamofascism is every bit as evil as fascism or communism.

Don't like satires of Mohammed, then don't make them.
Maurice Sinet (born 31 December 1928), known as Siné, is a Frenchcartoonist.

His article and cartoons in the magazine Charlie Hebdo relating to Jean Sarkozy's marriage to Jessica Sebaoun-Darty, the Jewish heiress, touched off a controversy, after journalist Claude Askolovitch described them as anti-Semitic.[3]
The magazine's editor, Philippe Val, ordered Siné to write a letter of apology or face termination. The cartoonist said he would rather "cut his own balls off", and was promptly fired.[4]

Both sides subsequently filed lawsuits, and in December 2010, Siné won a 40,000-euro court judgment against his former publisher for wrongful termination.[5]

Maurice Sinet also reported a death threat posted on a site run by the Jewish Defence League. The text said "20 centimeters of stainless steel in the gut, that should teach the bastard to stop and think".[6]

Sin - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

A Jewish woman got shot among the 12 who worked at Charlie Hebdo, haven't heard much about her, any one know her name?

Just shows how far the brainwashing has gone in your case, free speech is a human right and any group that wants to remove that right should be abolished in the west and every member deported.

There is free speech...and there are laws of the land.
Probably best not to try that free speech of yours in Britain, or Australia;

Melbourne man jailed over misogynist racist tirade against French tourist - ABC News Australian Broadcasting Corporation

Melbourne man jailed over 'misogynist, racist' tirade against French tourist

A man who racially abused a French tourist on a Melbourne bus has been jailed for 21 days.
The magistrate said David Graham, 36, terrorised and frightened the woman when he launched into his verbal attack in November 2012.
Fanny Desaintjores, 22, and her friends were singing in French on a bus from Caulfield to Highett in Melbourne's south-east when she was verbally abused.
Graham told her to "speak English or die" and he threatened to cut her breasts off with a box cutter during the tirade.
The magistrate said it was a vile and overwhelmingly misogynist, sexist, and at times, racist attack.
She said while they were just words, they terrorised, frightened, threatened and dominated Ms Desaintjores and affected all others passengers on the bus.
Hayden Stewart, 25, also took part in the abuse and was allegedly joined by his partner Allix Guest, 22.
Stewart smashed a window as he got off the bus.
However, the magistrate said Graham was the main aggressor.
The incident was filmed by another passenger and posted on YouTube.
It got more than four million hits and the incident made headlines around the world.
Ms Desaintjores commented on the video, saying she did not want to fuel hatred and did not judge all Australians.
She said it could have happened anywhere in the world.
"We found idiots everywhere, even in France," she said.
Maurice Sinet (born 31 December 1928), known as Siné, is a Frenchcartoonist.

His article and cartoons in the magazine Charlie Hebdo relating to Jean Sarkozy's marriage to Jessica Sebaoun-Darty, the Jewish heiress, touched off a controversy, after journalist Claude Askolovitch described them as anti-Semitic.[3]
The magazine's editor, Philippe Val, ordered Siné to write a letter of apology or face termination. The cartoonist said he would rather "cut his own balls off", and was promptly fired.[4]

Both sides subsequently filed lawsuits, and in December 2010, Siné won a 40,000-euro court judgment against his former publisher for wrongful termination.[5]

Maurice Sinet also reported a death threat posted on a site run by the Jewish Defence League. The text said "20 centimeters of stainless steel in the gut, that should teach the bastard to stop and think".[6]

Sin - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

A Jewish woman got shot among the 12 who worked at Charlie Hebdo, haven't heard much about her, any one know her name?

WTF do you even care?!
Holocaust denial is a criminal activity.

Why is that not free thought and free writing and free speech? Does it hurt someones feelings to deny the holocaust, why is it illegal?

the reason some countries have outlawed "holocaust denial"---is because holocaust denial is a prominent
activity of Nazis. Those countries (eg Germany) who
were profoundly harmed by the creed of the islamo Nazi
Adolf are the ones that have outlawed it ----- Doing so
was similar to outlawing public ceremonies of the sister
organization----the KU KLUX KLAN----in the USA. Holocaust denial is highly prized on some countries----
I learned that fact from educated people from such countries
as Pakistan and Iran-----in fact holocaust denial is part of
the public school curriculum in those countries

Ha Ha Rosie good one, Holocaust denial is criminal in most countries due to Zionist insistence.

It's not Zionist insistance, idiot. Try to say in Germany that Holocaust is a Hoax, you'll get beat up by every normal German. They're sensitive to that, and their black history, without any connection to Zionism.

As always, you say stupid things with no connection to reality.
Holocaust denial is a criminal activity.

Why is that not free thought and free writing and free speech? Does it hurt someones feelings to deny the holocaust, why is it illegal?

the reason some countries have outlawed "holocaust denial"---is because holocaust denial is a prominent
activity of Nazis. Those countries (eg Germany) who
were profoundly harmed by the creed of the islamo Nazi
Adolf are the ones that have outlawed it ----- Doing so
was similar to outlawing public ceremonies of the sister
organization----the KU KLUX KLAN----in the USA. Holocaust denial is highly prized on some countries----
I learned that fact from educated people from such countries
as Pakistan and Iran-----in fact holocaust denial is part of
the public school curriculum in those countries

Ha Ha Rosie good one, Holocaust denial is criminal in most countries due to Zionist insistence.

It's not Zionist insistance, idiot. Try to say in Germany that Holocaust is a Hoax, you'll get beat up by every normal German. They're sensitive to that, and their black history, without any connection to Zionism.

As always, you say stupid things with no connection to reality.

Lipush Penelope does not SAY anything ----she parrots the published islamo Nazi propaganda. She has no opinions of her own

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